751 research outputs found

    O tekstach prasowych osób dwujęzycznych. Słownictwo i frazematyka

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    W artykule zostały omówione zjawiska leksykalne i frazematyczne, pojawiające się w artykułach zaolziańskiego „Głosu Ludu”. Polacy żyjący na Zaolziu są dwujęzyczni. Polszczyzna standardowa jest dla nich językiem wyuczonym. W analizowanych tekstach pojawiają się negatywne transfery z języka czeskiego, a także błędy językowe, występujące w polszczyźnie używanej w polskich mediach w Polsce.The article discusses lexical and phraseological phenomena which may be found in “Głos Ludu” – a Zaolzie newspaper. Poles living in Zaolzie are bilingual. The standard Polish language is their learned language. In the analyzed texts, there are examples of negative transfer from the Czech language and language errors existing in the Polish language used by Polish media in Poland

    Oxytocin as an Inducer of Cardiomyogenesis

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    Jerzego Niemojowskiego heroika narodowa

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    The creative works of Jerzy Niemojowski are very largely determined by the World War II and the experiences that it forced on not only the artists and writers but also the Polish nation and the world. Of significance in this poetry is also the fact of consistent appeals to our literary traditions, the consequence of his conviction of the eternal identity of Polish problems and Polish historical fortunes. The romantic contexts indicated by the author place the poetry of Niemojow’ski in the circle of national literature, in the domain of national myths and stereotypes. These works represent not only the documents of crime and an apologia of Polish heroism, but due to its constructional and problem content complications gives us also a picture of the contemporary world, deprived of harmony. In this way the national heroic poetry of Jerzy Niemojowski is transformed into the heroic poetry of mankind

    Prolegomena do "Wyszywanych orłami" Jerzego Niemojewskiego

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    Jerzy Niemojowski’s poetic drama Wyszywane orłami has been recognised by the present author as a multiplane work in the construction of which the dramatist made us of a widely conceived literary tradition. The relations between the play Wyszywane orlami and classical drama, mystery plays and romantic drama are indicated and functionalised. Particular emphasis is placed on Niemojawski’s attitude to the Polish romantic tradition, at the same time he treated this tradition as a system of signs, as a myth of national community. The second World War and the experiences associated with it became the source of demythologisation by Niemojowski of the romantic consecration of Polish history, battles, suffering and sacrifices. Thanks to the wide range of problem matter brought forward and the original construction, this play by Niemojowski may be seen as a synthesis of: 1) human experiences, 2) the unchangingly tragic annals of Polish history, 3) the experiences of the generation of Columbuses

    Między kosmosem a chaosem : o "Dwóch Maciejach" Bolesława Leśmiana

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    The paper offers an interpretation of the ballad poem Dwaj Macieje (The Two Matthews), included in the 1936 volume Napój cienisty (Shadowy Drink) by Bolesław Leśmian. According to the proposed reading, the story of protagonists, who exceed the cosmic order and are taken to the border of life and death, is a linguistic sign of domesticating the chaos of non-existence by inscribing it into the cultural order

    Intymność w "Polce" Manueli Gretkowskiej

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    Manuela Gretkowska od chwili debiutu — czyli powieści My zdies’ emigranty (1992) — uznawana jest za najbardziej kontrowersyjną pisarkę pokolenia „bruLionu” i ma już swoje trwałe miejsce nie tylko na Parnasie bis, ale i na „parnasie prim”, zarezerwowanym dla tych, którzy odnieśli czytelniczy i kasowy sukces. Kolejne książki — Tarot paryski (1993), Kabaret metafizyczny (1994), Podręcznik do ludzi (1996), Światowidz (1998), Namiętnik (1998), Silikon (2000), Polka (2001), współpraca z filmem i telewizją, felietonowa i reportażowa obecność w wysokonakładowych czasopismach — potwierdziły umiejętność wpisania się tej autorki w mechanizmy rynku wydawniczego sprawnie prowadzoną autoreklamą, przekorną strategią funkcjonowania w środowisku literackim i show-biznesu oraz przekraczaniem w powieściach i wypowiedziach felietonowych obyczajowego i językowego tabu. Pracowita autorka od lat potrafi doskonale wykorzystać sprzyjającą koniunkturę, trafić w czas, w oczekiwania i zainteresowania czytelników. Początkowo rówieśnicza krytyka z powagą głosiła, iż Gretkowska stworzyła nową jakość w literaturze polskiej, sytuując się pomiędzy tradycyjną powieścią a eksperymentem. (fragment tekstu

    Polski Faust w latach przełomu : o "Dzienniku 1955-1960" Mieczysława Jastruna

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    Ute diary of the years 1955—1960 is an intimate diary, it is a description of the experienced dilemmas, a collection of confessions concerning his friends and relations, a story of his grappling with reality, with the literary circles, which were strongly tied to the political system, and with himself, with his own choices. What, however, appears in it above all is, particularly since 1957, „the shame of literature and of the writers’ consciences”, which point to an evolution of the diary’s pragmatic design. As a result, we have to do here, side by side with the plane of the author’s self-presentation, also with a public plane thanks to which the diary becomes also a historical document. That is why it is a peculiar diary, for it is not a reflection of the process of the poet’s ideological transformation (which tends to be important in intimate texts), and its dramatic axis is the question of how one should function, as an artist and as a human being, in the whirlpool of political and social transformations. The Diary seems at first only to be an autotherapeutic mental oasis in a world of corrupted values, an expression of the poet’s fear and helplessness in front of the political mechanisms in which literature and writers were involved. With time, in becomes, however, an expression of the poet’s rebellion against the political system that reifies man, the artist, and literature, and a herald of the poet’s future creative fulfilment

    Cranioplasty as neurosurgical procedure with potential risk of legal claims

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    We present the current state of affairs regarding the legal claims of patients after cranioplasty operations who are dissatisfied with the treatment effect and have claims that the perioperative course is unfavorable. In the period of 11 years (2010-2020), 2 legal claims were submitted in our neurosurgical center after cranioplasty. Both are civil claims. One of them about purulent infection of the bone prosthesis was found by the judgment to be unfounded. The second one concerning the alleged general condition deterioration as a consequence of cranioplasty has been declared obsolete. A cranioplasty is a surgical procedure used to correct a defect in a bone of the skull. It is not urgent sugery and is performed in patients who had been previously in serious condition. The same medical staff who previously saved the live of patients by performing brain decompression may be subject of legal claims in the case of cranioplasty. Thus, according to authors, claims of patients regarding the alleged negative effects of cranioplasty is an interesting psychological phenomenon.  Authors epmhasized that cranioplasty should be considered as a procedure of increased risk of potential legal claims for medical staff

    Intymność parodoksalna : o "Niby-dzienniku" Zygmunta Mycielskiego

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    Publikacja w 1998 roku Niby-dziennika (11 lat po śmierci autora) zapoczątkowała powrót Mycielskiego do publicznej świadomości. Dokonując w Niby-dzienniku wyboru notatek, Mycielski stworzył swój autoportret - w ramach 1969 i 1981 roku. Z tej perspektywy Niby-dziennik jawi się jako intymny, osobisty głos skierowany do potomnych, próba nawiązania kontaktu z przyszłością, w której miał być przypomnieniem o intelektualnych i moralnych obowiązkach ciążących na artyście i sztuce