Prolegomena do "Wyszywanych orłami" Jerzego Niemojewskiego


Jerzy Niemojowski’s poetic drama Wyszywane orłami has been recognised by the present author as a multiplane work in the construction of which the dramatist made us of a widely conceived literary tradition. The relations between the play Wyszywane orlami and classical drama, mystery plays and romantic drama are indicated and functionalised. Particular emphasis is placed on Niemojawski’s attitude to the Polish romantic tradition, at the same time he treated this tradition as a system of signs, as a myth of national community. The second World War and the experiences associated with it became the source of demythologisation by Niemojowski of the romantic consecration of Polish history, battles, suffering and sacrifices. Thanks to the wide range of problem matter brought forward and the original construction, this play by Niemojowski may be seen as a synthesis of: 1) human experiences, 2) the unchangingly tragic annals of Polish history, 3) the experiences of the generation of Columbuses

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