23 research outputs found

    Complement component C4 structural variation and quantitative traits contribute to sex-biased vulnerability in systemic sclerosis

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    Altres ajuts: Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER), "A way of making Europe".Copy number (CN) polymorphisms of complement C4 play distinct roles in many conditions, including immune-mediated diseases. We investigated the association of C4 CN with systemic sclerosis (SSc) risk. Imputed total C4, C4A, C4B, and HERV-K CN were analyzed in 26,633 individuals and validated in an independent cohort. Our results showed that higher C4 CN confers protection to SSc, and deviations from CN parity of C4A and C4B augmented risk. The protection contributed per copy of C4A and C4B differed by sex. Stronger protection was afforded by C4A in men and by C4B in women. C4 CN correlated well with its gene expression and serum protein levels, and less C4 was detected for both in SSc patients. Conditioned analysis suggests that C4 genetics strongly contributes to the SSc association within the major histocompatibility complex locus and highlights classical alleles and amino acid variants of HLA-DRB1 and HLA-DPB1 as C4-independent signals

    Evaluación ecocardiográfica de prótesis valvulares en población pediátrica

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    En niños con insuficiencia o estenosis valvular significativa, la intervención de la válvula, ya sea valvuloplastia o reemplazo valvular, suele ser inevitable. El seguimiento de estos pacientes puede ser complejo; los síntomas iniciales de disfunción valvular protésica son inespecíficos y en ocasiones es difícil diferenciar entre los efectos de la disfunción valvular, las patologías no cardíacas, la disfunción ventricular y la hipertensión pulmonar. Aunque el examen físico puede alertar al clínico acerca de alteraciones, se requieren otros métodos diagnósticos para evaluar la función de la prótesis. La ecocardiografía Doppler es el método de elección no invasivo para estudiar la función valvular y pese a que muchas de las mediciones y parámetros de normalidad y anormalidad son extrapolados de estudios en adultos, se han tratado de definir estándares en pacientes pediátricos. Este documento ofrece una revisión acerca de las técnicas usadas en el estudio de las válvulas protésicas con base en literatura científica, consensos internacionales y opiniones de expertos

    Critical-sized mandibular defect reconstruction using human dental pulp stem cells in a xenograft model-clinical, radiological, and histological evaluation

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    Purpose: This research evaluated clinical, histological, and radiological osseous regeneration in a critical-sized bilateral cortico-medullary osseous defect in model rabbits from New Zealand after receiving a hydroxyapatite matrix and polylactic polyglycolic acid (HA/PLGA) implanted with human dental pulp stem cells (DPSCs). Methods: Eight New Zealand rabbits with bilateral mandibular critical-sized defects were performed where one side was treated with an HA/PLGA/DPSC matrix and the other side only with an HA/PLGA matrix for 4 weeks. Results: An osseointegration was clinically observed as well as a reduction of 70% of the surgical lumen on one side and a 35% on the other. Histologically, there was neo-bone formation in HA/PLGA/DPSC scaffold and angiogenesis. A bone radiodensity (RD) of 80% was radiologically observed achieving density levels similar to mandibular bone, while the treatment with HA/PLGA matrix achieves RD levels of 40% on its highest peaks. Conclusions: HA/PLGA/DPSC scaffold was an effective in vivo method for mandibular bone regeneration in critical-sized defects induced on rabbit models


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    The effect of marigold (Tagetes erecta) as natural carotenoid source for the pigmentation of goldfish (Carassius auratus L.). ABSTRACT This study was conducted to evaluate the effects of diets containing 0, 100, 200 and 300 mg of carotenoid/kg diet from marigold meal on skin pigmentation, growth, feed utilization and survival of goldfish (Carassius auratus), with average initial weight of 1.8 g for a rearing period of 63 days. The pigmentation degree in skin of goldfish increased significantly with increasing inclusion of marigold meal at 200 mg of carotenoid/kg diet. However, the marigold inclusion over that level did not lead to more total carotenoid accumulation in the skin of fishes. No significant difference was observed in the survival, growth or feed utilization of the fishes. The present results demonstrate that marigold meal can be successfully used as an alternative natural carotenoid source in goldfish diets. Our data indicates that 200 mg of carotenoid/kg diet from marigold meal is a suitable dietary level to ensure good pigmentation, acceptable growth and feed utilization in goldfish

    Effects of the Addition of Flaxseed and Amaranth on the Physicochemical and Functional Properties of Instant-Extruded Products

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    The addition of flaxseed and amaranth on the physicochemical, functional, and microstructural changes of instant-extruded products was evaluated. Six mixtures with different proportions of amaranth (18.7−33.1%), flaxseed (6.6−9.3%), maize grits (55.6−67.3%) and minor ingredients (4.7%) were extruded in a twin-screw extruder. Insoluble and soluble fiber contents in extrudates increased as the proportions of amaranth and flaxseed increased. However, the highest flaxseed proportion had the highest soluble fiber content (1.9%). Extruded products with the highest proportion of flaxseed and amaranth resulted in the highest dietary fiber content and hardness values (5.2 N), which was correlated with the microstructural analysis where the crystallinity increased, resulting in larger, and more compact laminar structure. The extruded products with the highest maize grits proportion had the highest viscosity, expansion, and water absorption indexes, and the lowest water solubility index values. The mixtures with amaranth (18.7−22.9%), flaxseed (8.6−9.3%), and maize grits (63.8−67.3%) resulted in extruded products with acceptable physicochemical and functional properties

    Un análisis de la transferencia y apropiación del conocimiento en la investigación de universidades colombianas

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    ResumenEste artículo es parte de los resultados de una investigaciónpara conocer el proceso de gestión de la integración social de lainvestigación de nueve instituciones de educación superior colombianas. En la investigación se analizaron 21 proyectos deinvestigación de diferentes áreas de conocimiento y tipo de investigaciones (básica, aplicada e I+D+I).Las técnicas e instrumentos utilizados fueron la entrevista semiestructurada o enfocada, el grupo focal y análisis documental. Los resultados muestran que la integración es un proceso complejo que implica transferencia y apropiación y que para que exista unagestión de la integración del conocimiento se necesita no solamenteuna capacidad de gestión sobre los diferentes temas involucradosen la integración (intencionalidad, actores, estructuras organizacionales), sino que adicionalmente existan requerimientos y exigencias muy concretas en las políticas de Estado para el fomento a lainvestigación.AbstractThis article is a part of the results of a research aiming at knowingthe management process of social integration of research in nine Colombianuniversities. In the study, 21 research projects in different areas of knowledge and type of research (basic, applied and I+D+I) were analyzedSemi-structure interviews, focal groups and documentary analysis wereused s techniques and instruments to collect data. Results show that the integration is a complex process which implies transference and appropriation, and in order to exist a management of the integration of the knowledge, it is necessary not only to have the ability to manage the different involved topics in the integration (intentionality, actors, organizational structures), but also the existence of very concrete requirements in the State policies for fostering research

    Un análisis de la transferencia y apropiación del conocimiento en la investigación de Universidades Colombianas

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    Este artículo es parte de los resultados de una investigación para conocer el proceso de gestión de la integración social de la investigación de nueve instituciones de educación superior co lombianas. En la investigación se analizaron 21 proyectos de investigación de diferentes áreas de conocimiento y tipo de investigaciones (básica, aplicada e I+D+I). Las técnicas e instrumentos utilizados fueron la entrevista semiestrucrurada o enfocada, el grupo focal y análisis documental. Los resultados muestran que la integración es un proceso complejo que implica transferencia y apropiación y que para que exista una gestión de la integración del conocimiento se necesita no solamente una capacidad de gestión sobre los diferentes temas involucrados en la integración (intencionalidad, actores, estructuras organizacionales), sino que adicionalmente existan requerimientos y exigencias muy concretas en las políticas de Estado para el fomento a la investigación

    Physicochemical Changes and Resistant-Starch Content of Extruded Cornstarch with and without Storage at Refrigerator Temperatures

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    Effects of extrusion cooking and low-temperature storage on the physicochemical changes and resistant starch (RS) content in cornstarch were evaluated. The cornstarch was conditioned at 20%–40% moisture contents and extruded in the range 90–130 °C and at screw speeds in the range 200–360 rpm. The extrudates were stored at 4 °C for 120 h and then at room temperature. The water absorption, solubility index, RS content, viscoelastic, thermal, and microstructural properties of the extrudates were evaluated before and after storage. The extrusion temperature and moisture content significantly affected the physicochemical properties of the extrudates before and after storage. The RS content increased with increasing moisture content and extrusion temperature, and the viscoelastic and thermal properties showed related behaviors. Microscopic analysis showed that extrusion cooking damaged the native starch structure, producing gelatinization and retrogradation and forming RS. The starch containing 35% moisture and extruded at 120 °C and 320 rpm produced the most RS (1.13 g/100 g) after to storage at low temperature. Although the RS formation was low, the results suggest that extrusion cooking could be advantageous for RS production and application in the food industry since it is a pollution less, continuous process requiring only a short residence time

    Operations research applications in health systems in Colombia

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    Sin duda, ver los sistemas de salud desde la perspectiva de la investigación de operaciones impone nuevos retos que no son insalvables. Hay en los sistemas de salud desafíos y dilemas a los que quizás antes no nos veíamos enfrentados al trabajar en otras industrias o servicios. Desde dilemas éticos, causados por la naturaleza del servicio de salud como un derecho fundamental, bien sea porque en las decisiones que se modelan muchas veces están involucradas las vidas y el bienestar de los pacientes, o porque los objetivos de los sistemas de salud van más allá de la rentabilidad o la disminución de costos a los que estamos comúnmente acostumbrados (v. g., mejorar la cobertura o lograr equidad). Por otro lado, entender los sistemas de salud y las decisiones que en ellos se toman (para el tratamiento de los pacientes, para la planeación de las operaciones de los servicios o para la definición de políticas públicas) exige apropiarse de conocimientos que son ajenos a la formación tradicional en investigación de operaciones. Por fortuna, esto último exige la conformación de equipos multidisciplinarios, con personal asistencial (médicos, enfermeras, instrumentadores, terapeutas, etc.), con epidemiólogos, con funcionarios del Estado, con expertos en sistemas de información, calidad y acreditación en salud, entre otros. En estos equipos es también importante la investigación de operaciones, pues los complementa aportando una visión cuantitativa, analítica e ingenieril que algunas veces no tienen.Certainly, viewing health systems from the perspective of operations research poses new challenges that are not insurmountable. There are challenges and dilemmas in health systems that we may not have faced before when working in other industries or services. From ethical dilemmas, caused by the nature of the health service as a fundamental right, either because the decisions that are modeled often involve the lives and well-being of patients, or because the objectives of the health systems are more beyond the profitability or cost reduction that we are commonly used to (eg, improving coverage or achieving equity). On the other hand, understanding the health systems and the decisions made in them (for the treatment of patients, for the planning of the operations of the services or for the definition of public policies) requires the appropriation of knowledge that is foreign to traditional training in operations research. Fortunately, the latter requires the formation of multidisciplinary teams, with healthcare personnel (doctors, nurses, instructors, therapists, etc.), with epidemiologists, with State officials, with experts in information systems, quality and health accreditation, among others. Operations research is also important in these teams, as it complements them by providing a quantitative, analytical and engineering vision that sometimes they do not have.Bogot