1,174 research outputs found

    Six Sigma: From a goal-theoretic perspective to shared-vision development

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    Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to extend understanding of the success of Six Sigma quality management initiative by investigating the effects of Six Sigma teamwork and statistical process control (SPC) on organizational shared vision.Design/methodology/approach: The information used comes from a larger study, the data for which were collected from a random sample of 237 European firms. Of these 237 organizations, 58 are Six Sigma organizations. Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) was used to test the hypotheses.Findings: The main findings show that Six Sigma teamwork and SPC positively affect the development of organizational shared vision. A positive but not significant influence is also observed between shared vision and organizational performance.Research limitations/implications: Positive effects found in this study should be investigated further employing a larger sample of Six Sigma firms and including other variables such as organizational learning. Further, the effects of these variables on performance should be measured with real results from firms to test possible direct and indirect influence on performance.Practical implications: The findings of this study offer a justification of Six Sigma implementation in firms. This study provides us with an in-depth understanding of some structural elements that characterize the Six Sigma methodology, enabling us to provide an explanation for its success.Originality/value: There is little empirical research on the positive effects of Six Sigma implementation and even less that explains the success of Six Sigma initiatives. Our paper contributes to filling this gap. It also contributes to emerging literature on how the development of shared vision affects organizational performance

    The dust environment of comet 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko: results from Monte Carlo dust tail modelling applied to a large ground-based observation data set

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    We present an extensive data set of ground-based observations and models of the dust environment of comet 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko covering a large portion of the orbital arc from about 4.5 au pre-perihelion through 3.0 au post-perihelion, acquired during the current orbit. In addition, we have also applied the model to a dust trail image acquired during this orbit, as well as to dust trail observations obtained during previous orbits, in both the visible and the infrared. The results of the Monte Carlo modelling of the dust tail and trail data are generally consistent with the in situ results reported so far by the Rosetta instruments Optical, Spectroscopic, and Infrared Remote Imaging System (OSIRIS) and Grain Impact Analyser and Dust Accumulator (GIADA). We found the comet nucleus already active at 4.5 au pre-perihelion, with a dust production rate increasing up to ∼3000 kg s−1 some 20 d after perihelion passage. The dust size distribution at sizes smaller than r = 1 mm is linked to the nucleus seasons, being described by a power law of index −3.0 during the comet nucleus southern hemisphere winter but becoming considerably steeper, with values between −3.6 and −4.3, during the nucleus southern hemisphere summer, which includes perihelion passage (from about 1.7 au inbound to 2.4 au outbound). This agrees with the increase of the steepness of the dust size distribution found from GIADA measurements at perihelion showing a power index of −3.7. The size distribution at sizes larger than 1 mm for the current orbit is set to a power law of index −3.6, which is near the average value of in situ measurements by OSIRIS on large particles. However, in order to fit the trail data acquired during past orbits previous to the 2009 perihelion passage, a steeper power-law index of −4.1 has been set at those dates, in agreement with previous trail modelling. The particle sizes are set at a minimum of r = 10 μm, and a maximum size, which increases with decreasing heliocentric distance, in the 1–40 cm radius domain. The particle terminal velocities are found to be consistent with the in situ measurements as derived from the instrument GIADA on board Rosetta

    University, Biodiversity, and Education

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    Context: Biodiversity is a condition of human existence. By transforming nature, man has also transformed its context, with ensuing progressive degradation of biological diversity. This study stems from the need to improve the treatment of biodiversity from an educational perspective that includes professional education. Objective: The aim of this paper is to establish proper professional training interaction with biodiversity within their scope of action. It would be effective through more activities intended to achieve integration between professional education and the global issue of biodiversity. Methods: Empirical methods were used to reveal insufficiencies and potentialities. Theoretical methods were used to lay the foundations of this study, including its background; modeling was also used. Results: The contribution of this study consists in a pedagogical model to facilitate interaction of biodiversity with environmental education, and other factors that promote students’ culture in biological diversity. Conclusions: Assessment of transversal treatment of biodiversity throughout environmental education of undergraduates revealed positive effects on the participants. The pertinence of these actions was corroborated. Besides, emphasis was placed on the importance, topicality, and need of further research aimed to achieve proper professional training interaction with biodiversity within their scope of action. This would be effective through more activities intended to achieve integration between professional education and the global issue of biodiversity

    Rate-distortion function upper bounds for Gaussian vectors and their applications in coding AR sources

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    source coding; rate-distortion function (RDF); Gaussian vector; autoregressive (AR) source; discrete Fourier transform (DFT

    Supercritical fluid extraction as a clean-up method for the extraction of pesticides from wool wax. A preliminary approach

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    Este trabajo es un estudio preliminar para el desarrollo de un metodo de extraccion de pesticidas directamente de las muestras de cera mediante extraccion con fluido supercritico. La novedad del estudio consiste en la extraccion directa de los pesticidas de la cera de lana cruda sin ninguna limpieza previa, cuando muchos autores han considerado casi imposible la extraccion directa.The work presented is a preliminary study for the development of a method for the extraction of pesticides from wax samples by means of superficial fluid extraction. The novelty of the study is the direct extraction of the pesticides from raw wool wax without any cleanup, as direct extraction has been considered almost impossible by many authors

    Relación del peso máximo con la fuerza aplicada y la potencia producida en un test creciente, en el ejercicio de press de banca plano con barra libre, en levantadores

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    Se evaluaron 9 levantadores que realizaron 2 test, en el ejercicio de press de banca plano con barra libre. Un test progresivo con pesos ligeros a máximos (TPR), y el test de una máxima repetición (1 MRD). Se midió la fuerza (f), velocidad (v) y potencia (p) con cada peso movilizado, se determinó el máximo peso desplazado en una única repetición (1 MR). Se observaron correlaciones significativas entre el valor de la 1 MR obtenida en el test de 1 MRPr y el de 1 MRD, entre la potencia máxima (absoluta y relativa al peso corporal) y la 1 MR absoluta y relativa al peso corporal. No se observaron diferencias significativas (p < 0,05) entre el valor de la 1 MR obtenida en el test progresivo (1 MRPr) y el alcanzado en el test de 1 MRD. Se acepta la aplicación del test progresivo (TPR) para determinar los niveles de f, v, p, el valor de la 1 MR en kg, así como localizar los porcentajes de peso, respecto al nivel de la 1 MR, en donde se alcanzan los valores más altos de potencia mecánica, y estimar las adaptaciones funcionales inducidas por los entrenamientos de fuerza

    Relació del pes màxim amb la força aplicada i la potència produïda en un test creixent, en l’exercici de press de banca pla amb barra lliure, en aixecadors

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    Es van avaluar 9 aixecadors que van realitzar 2 tests, en l’exercici de press de banca pla amb barra lliure. Un test progressiu amb pesos lleugers a màxims (TPR), i el test d’una màxima repetició (1 MRD). Es va mesurar la força (f), la velocitat (v) i la potència (p) amb cada pes mobilitzat, es va determinar el pes màxim desplaçat en una única repetició (1 MR). Es van observar correlacions significatives entre el valor de la   1 MR obtinguda en el test d’1 MRPr i el d’1 MRD, entre la potència màxima (absoluta i relativa al pes corporal) i la  1 MR absoluta i relativa al pes corporal. No es van observar diferències significatives (p < 0,05) entre el valor de la 1 MR obtinguda en el test progressiu (1 MRPr) i l’assolit al test d’1 MRD. S’accepta l’aplicació del test progressiu (TPR) per determinar els nivells d’f, v, p, el valor de la 1 MR en kg, igual com per localitzar els percentatges de pes, respecte al nivell de la 1 MR, on s’aconsegueixen els valors més alts de potència mecànica, i estimar les adaptacions funcionals induïdes pels entrenaments de força
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