2,064 research outputs found

    Assessment of the Impact of Viticulture Extension Programs in Virginia

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    The study discussed in this article assessed the impact of Virginia Cooperative Extension (VCE) on the Virginia wine grape industry. An online survey was developed and administered to members of the Virginia Vineyards Association. The results indicate that the resources and recommendations VCE and Virginia Tech have provided have been beneficial to Virginia grape growers, although growers who operate larger farms, produce wine commercially, or have higher levels of viticulture training are less likely to benefit from the relevant programs. Growers operating near where the programs are often delivered and those with higher levels of experience have benefited the most


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    TCC (graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas, Curso de Ciências Sociais.Este trabalho reflete sobre o recurso à ficção como estratégia de ensino de sociologia, a partir de experiência de estágio de docência realizada em 2014. No exercício intitulado “conto sociológico”, alguns textos remetiam a concepções que contradiziam o retorno dado pelos alunos nos debates em sala, o que nos deu mostras de que a sociologia pode não lograr êxito em abalar estruturas de pensamento. Supondo uma relação entre esta esterilidade e a sua forma científica, o estudo se debruça sobre possibilidades de desenvolver o pensamento sociológico e agregar capital simbólico a partir da escrita, com a pretensão de empoderar estudantes e compensar desigualdades linguísticas, valendo-se da mimesis artística e da narrativa ficcional para criar um espaço de crítica das representações hegemônicas, de práticas discursivas que contribuam para atenuar a violência simbólica a que são submetidos os alunos do ensino médio ao se depararem com a aridez e a objetividade da linguagem científica

    Mapas de amenaza por caída de ceniza y proyectiles balísticos, volcán de Pacaya, Guatemala

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    La actividad volcánica alrededor del mundo es muy variada y compleja. En Guatemala existen alrededor de 43 estructuras que son consideradas como volcanes y que se alinean de oeste a este del país debido a la zona de subducción. A la actualidad la clasificación de volcanes publicada por INSIVUMEH en el ranking de Peligrosidad Volcánica define tres volcanes con actividad diaria significativa: Pacaya, Fuego y Santiaguito, las cuales generan productos volcánicos que afectan poblaciones, infraestructuras, medios de vida y vías aéreas en todo el país (Roca et al., 2021). Debido a su cercanía con la ciudad de Guatemala y los productos volcánicos que genera, el volcán de Pacaya es uno de los volcanes más peligrosos, catalogado como un volcán con un VEI 3, su actividad varía entre efusiva de tipo estromboliana y explosiva con probabilidades de desarrollar actividad subpliniana como lo menciona Kitamura y Matías (1995)

    Eruption frequency patterns through time for the current (1999–2018) activity cycle at Volcán de Fuego derived from remote sensing data:Evidence for an accelerating cycle of explosive paroxysms and potential implications of eruptive activity

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    Volcán de Fuego is a stratovolcano in Guatemala that has produced over 50 VEI ≥ 2 eruptions since 1524. After two decades of quiescence, in 1999 Fuego entered a new period of eruptive activity that continues until the present day, characterized by persistent Strombolian activity interspersed with occasional “paroxysmal” eruptions of greater magnitude, the most recent of which occurred in 2018. The land surrounding Fuego accommodates tens of thousands of people, so greater understanding of its eruptive behaviour has important implications for hazard assessment. Nevertheless, there is relatively little literature that studies recent (since 1999) activity of Fuego in detail. Using time-series analysis of remote sensing thermal data during the period 2000–2018 combined with recent bulletin reports, we present evidence for a new eruptive regime beginning in 2015. We find that this regime is defined by a greater frequency of paroxysmal eruptions than in previous years and is characterized by the following sequence of events: (i) effusion of lava flows and increase in summit explosive activity, followed by (ii) an intense eruptive phase lasting 24–48 h, producing a sustained eruptive column, continuous explosions, and occasional pyroclastic flows, followed by (iii) decrease in explosive activity. We discuss various models that explain this increase in paroxysmal frequency, and consider its implications for hazard assessment at Fuego. We advocate the pairing of remote sensing data with monitoring reports for understanding long-term changes in behaviour of poorly-instrumented volcanoes. The results that we present here provide a standard for informed assessment of future episodes of unrest and paroxysmal eruptions of Fuego

    Time-resolved monitoring of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons adsorbed on atmospheric particles

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    Real-time monitoring of individual particles from atmospheric aerosols was performed by means of a specifically developed single-particle fluorescence spectrometer (SPFS). The observed fluorescence was assigned to particles bearing polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH). This assignment was supported by an intercomparison with classical speciation on filters followed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) analysis. As compared with daily-averaged data, our time resolved approach provided information about the physicochemical dynamics of the particles. In particular, distinctions were made between background emissions related to heating, and traffic peaks during rush hours. Also, the evolution of the peak fluorescence wavelength provided an indication of the aging of the particles during the day.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figure

    Estudo da influência das matérias-primas nas propriedades finais de placas expandidas de compostos à base de copolímero de etileno e acetato de vinila (eva)

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    Neste trabalho buscou-se conhecer a influência das matérias-primas óxido de zinco, carbonatode cálcio, peróxido e esponjante nas propriedades finais de placas expandidas obtidas a partir decompostos à base de copolímero de etileno e acetato de vinila (EVA). Várias formulações foramelaboradas e testadas, sendo aplicada a técnica de planejamento e otimização de experimentos dotipo fatorial completo (24) e análise de variância para verificar a influência de cada matéria-prima naspropriedades do composto. Os modelos fatoriais utilizados para prever as propriedades foram consideradosválidos com confiabilidade ³ 98%, sendo que para algumas propriedades o melhor modelonão foi de primeiro grau. O esponjante foi à matéria-prima de maior influência nas propriedadesfinais, mas as demais também afetam as propriedades em maior ou menor extensão.The influence of the raw materials (zinc oxide, calcium carbonate, peroxide and blowing agent)in the final properties of expanded plates obtained from composites of ethylene vinyl acetate copolymer EVA) was investigated. In order to achieve this goal, several formulas were elaborated and formulacost and properties as expansion, density, hardness, abrasion, shrinkage, tear resistance and otherswere measured. Statistical tools based on the design of experiments, 24 full factorial design, andanalysis of variance (ANOVA) were applied during experiment planning and characterization analysis.Statistical models were good enough to project the final properties and the blowing agent was consideredthe main raw material. The other variables are also important and they influence the properties too

    What's in a copy?

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    ABSTRACTI will answer the question “What’s in a copy?” by considering three sets of related issues: the importance of copies in academia; in cultural life; and in the economic world. In academia the current capability of making copies is challenging pedagogical practices and the trust of its members, plagiarism being the most immediate problem. The notion of authorship is also undergoing changes provoked by a proliferation of authors and new possibilities opened up by cyberspace. In cultural life, imitation and mimesis have long been fundamental engines of socialization. Our enhanced capacity of copying problematizes, with new intensity, the relationships between homogeneity and heterogeneity, between the genuine and the spurious. In the economic world, the digital era is threatening some of the fundamental tenets of capitalism, especially of its variant called the “knowledge society”, regarding the control of intellectual property rights. The gap between normativity and social practices is widening. The many dilemmas and tensions identified in the text are understood as symptoms of two major characteristics of the current times: hyperfetishism and hyperanimism. ________________________________________________________________________________ RESUMOResponderei à pergunta “O que existe em uma cópia?” considerando três conjuntos de questões relacionadas: a importância das cópias na academia, na vida cultural, no mundo econômico. Na academia a presente capacidade de fazer cópias está desafiando práticas pedagógicas e a confiança dos seus membros, o plágio sendo o problema mais imediato. A noção de autoria também está sofrendo mudanças provocadas por uma proliferação de autores e novas possibilidades abertas pelo ciberespaço. Na vida cultural, a imitação e a mimese de há muito são importantes motores de socialização. A nossa capacidade ampliada de fazer cópias problematiza, com nova intensidade, as relações entre homogeneidade e heterogeneidade, entre o genuíno e o espúrio. No mundo econômico, a era digital ameaça algumas das premissas fundamentais do capitalismo, especialmente da sua variante “sociedade do conhecimento”, no tocante aos direitos de propriedade intelectual. Cresce a distância entre normatividade e práticas sociais. Os muitos dilemas e tensões identificados no texto são compreendidos como sintomas de duas grandes características do presente: o hiperfetichismo e o hiperanimismo