1,463 research outputs found

    Meios consensuais de resolução de conflitos: uma análise de sua eficácia sob a ótica do novo Código de Processo Civil

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    O trabalho monográfico em epígrafe visa demonstrar que os processos de mediação e conciliação obrigatórios com o advento do Novo Código de Processo Civil, lei 13.105 de 16 de Março de 2015, têm por objetivo tornar a justiça mais célere e qualificar as decisões judiciais. Todavia, tais modelos autocompositivos de resolução de litígios criaram mais uma fase processual, não atingindo o objetivo primordial do Código. Apresentado qual será a postura dos agentes envolvidas em tais processos e como se dará a mudança de cultura por parte da sociedade, serão verificadas as quantidades de processos judiciais em trânsito nos diversos tribunais e, posteriormente, acordos homologados pelos centos de conciliação e mediação dos respectivos fóruns. Realizou-se comparação entre o Código de 1973 e o de 2015, verificando possível mudança na postura do legislador perante os conflitos propostos. O trabalho analisou o proposto pelo legislador, verificando se realmente está coerente com o que acontece na justiça brasileira e atendendo as diversas pessoas que adentram com demandas judiciais. Será abordada a evolução histórica da resolução dos conflitos as ondas de acesso à justiça. É pautado também como se dá a resolução por intermédio do código de 2015, abordando diversos princípios. Ao final do trabalho, pretende-se ter deixado claro todos os aspectos referentes aos institutos estudados, bem como as evoluções processuais ocorridas no código vigente. E, principalmente, abordar se está sendo válida toda a mudança proposta pelo conciliador.http://repositorio.uniceub.br/retrieve/33435/21207030.pd

    As pastagens melhoradas alteram a actividade enzimática e a dinâmica do C e do N nos solos do sistema montado ?

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    Vast montado areas are threatened by degradation, as the result of a long history of land use changes. Since improved pastures have been installed aiming soil quality improvement and system sustainability, it is crucial to evaluate the effects of these management changes on soil organic matter status and soil biological activity, as soil quality indicators. Therefore, a 35-yr old improved pasture and a natural pasture were studied, considering areas beneath tree canopy and in the open. Total organic C, total N, hot water soluble (HWS) and particulate (POM) C, microbial biomass C (MBC) and N (MBN), C mineralization rate (CMR) and net N mineralization rate (NMR) were determined. In addition, for a 1-yr period, soil β-glucosidase, urease, proteases and acid phosphomonoesterase were periodically determined. Improved pasture promoted the increase of soil C and N through POM-C increment, particularly beneath the trees canopies. The two study pastures did not show differences regarding soil microbial biomass, but variations in CMR, HWS-C and N availability (proteases and urease activities) suggest divergent soil microbial communities. Tree regulator role on C, N and P transformation processes in soil was confirme

    A discricionariedade do juiz na aplicação e execução da medida socioeducativa de internação em estabelecimento educacional

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    A presente pesquisa procura abordar a atuação do juiz na aplicação e execução da medida socioeducativa de internação em estabelecimento educacional. Esse trabalho objetiva realizar uma crítica referente os parâmetros adotados pela autoridade judiciária no processo de aplicação e execução da medida socioeducativa privativa de liberdade. O Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente considerou ser o adolescente um indivíduo em peculiar condição de desenvolvimento, e por isto adotou um critério diferenciado para aplicação e execução da medida socioeducativa, ampliando a discricionariedade do juiz da Infância e Juventude. O critério de individualização da medida socioeducativa adotado pelo Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente incide em um lacônico Sistema Penal Juvenil, o que possibilita a adoção de parâmetros subjetivos pelo juiz durante a aplicação e execução da medida. Diante da ausência de uma lei de diretrizes que discipline a execução da medida socioeducativa de internação em estabelecimento educacional, a autoridade judiciária baseia-se em critérios estritamente subjetivos sobre a manutenção ou não da medida privativa de liberdade. Tal fato resulta no cerceamento de inúmeras garantias ao adolescente e no desrespeito aos princípios basilares e norteadores do Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente. This research seeks to address the role of the judge in the application and implementation of socio-educative measure of commitment to educational establishment. This work aims to make a complaint concerning the parameters adopted by the judicial authority in the process of implementation and by social deprivatio of liberty .The Statute of the Child and Adolescent considered to be the teenager in an individual peculiar condition of development, and therefore adopted a different criterion for implementation and by social, expanding the discretion of the judge's Children and Youth. The criterion adopted by social individualization of the Statute of Children and Adolescents focuses on a laconic Juvenile Penal System, which enables the adoption of subjective parameters by the judge during the implementation and enforcement of the measure. The absence of a law of guidelines governing the implementation of socio-educative measure of commitment to educational establishment, the judicial authority is based on purely subjective criteria on the maintenance or non-custodial measure. This fact results in the curtailment of numerous assurances to adolescents and disrespect for basic and guiding principles of the Children and Adolescents

    The new paradigms in the time of care to patients with head and neck cancer during the Covid-19 pandemic: a literature review

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    Introdução: O novo coronavirus SARS-CoV2 é uma ameaça de saúde mundial que tem como um de seus principais grupo de risco os pacientes com câncer de cabeça e pescoço. Na atual conjuntura e em caso de uma segunda onda de infecção, há necessidade de um novo protocolo de quando tratar esses pacientes. Objetivo: Relatar os protocolos de manejo e atendimento dos pacientes com câncer de cabeça e pescoço, facilitando a decisão do clínico no cenário de pandemia. Materiais e Métodos: Uma busca bibliográfica foi realizada no PubMed. Uma estratégia de busca com descritores foi aplicada, onde os artigos alcançados tiveram seus títulos e resumos lidos em busca da adequação ao objetivo proposto. Foram selecionados artigos científicos publicados entre 1 de dezembro de 2019 e 10 de julho de 2020, sem restrição de país ou idioma. Revisão da literatura: Novos protocolos foram criados baseados no tipo e estágio de câncer, classificando-os para saber o momento ideal de intervir com segurança. O protocolo se dá em níveis de inicial ao avançado onde o inicial compreende as neoplasias benignas, ou seja, cânceres de pele menores de 2 mm e casos em estágios iniciais assintomáticos, e o nível avançado compreende neoplasias malignas, agressivas, com sintomatologia dolorosa e/ou que estejam comprometendo os outros sistemas e órgãos. Conclusão: Há necessidade de seguir o protocolo de atendimento detalhado que norteie o andamento dos serviços oncológicos de cabeça e pescoço, atendendo os pacientes imediatamente ou adiando o tratamento dependendo do caso e severidade.Introduction: SARS-CoV2 is a worldwide health threat, which has as its main risk group patients with head and neck cancer. In the time being and in the chance of an emerging second wave of infection, a new protocol based on when to treat patients with head and neck cancer must be implemented. Aim: Reporting the handling protocols for patients with head and neck cancer, facilitating the clinician's decision in the pandemic scenario. Materials and Methods: A bibliographic search was performed in PubMed. A search strategy with descriptors was applied to the database, aiming at reaching scientific articles. The articles reached in such database had their titles and abstracts read in search for the adequacy to the objective proposed. Only scientific articles published between December 1st 2019, and July 10th 2020, were chosen. There was no restriction either on country or language. Literature review: New protocols were created based on the type and stage of cancer, classifying them in order to identify the ideal time to operate safely. Thus, the protocol has levels from initial to advanced, where the initial level comprises benign neoplasms, skin cancers smaller than 2 mm and cases in asymptomatic early stages, and the advanced level comprises malignant, aggressive neoplasms, with painful symptoms and/or that are compromising the other systems and organs. Conclusion: It is necessary to follow the detailed care protocol to guide the progress of head and neck cancer services, by operating patients immediately or postponing surgery, depending on the case and seriousness

    Molecular biology of the dimorphic fungi Paracoccidioides SPP

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    Paracoccidioides spp, herein commonly referred as Paracoccidioides brasiliensis, is the etiological agent of racoccidioidomycosis (PCM), the most prevalent systemic mycosis endemic in Latin America. Many aspects of the biology of P. brasiliensis remain unknown, in particular its ecology and the apparent lack of a sexual reproduction stage in its life cycle. This review will highlight the current knowledge on the genetics and genomics of P. brasiliensis, its most important putative virulence factors and the challenges for developing genetic tools in this organism. P. brasiliensis is a dimorphic ascomycete fungus belonging to the order Onygenales, family Ajellomycetaceae. The P. brasiliensis pathogenic yeast form is haracterized by a multiple-budding and multinucleate nature, with a highly polymorphic cellular shape. Successful infection and dissemination by P. brasiliensis requires initial interaction of the fungus with host cells. The fungus has to adhere to host cells after which internalization of the fungus takes place. Gp43 is a 43-kDa glycoprotein that participates in the interaction with the host at different levels. There are very few putative virulence factors described in P. brasiliensis,amongthem an extracellular phospholipase B, a 32-kDa haloacid dehalogenase PbHad32 that was shown to bind laminin, fibrinogen, and fibronectin, and to be important for initial adhesion to pulmonary epithelial cells, the pigment melanin, and the Rho-like GTPase PbCdc42. The morphological transition of P. brasiliensis from mycelium to the yeast form is a key process for the infectivity of the fungus. There are several transcriptional profiling studies addressing which genes have increased or decreased mRNA accumulation during mycelium-to-yeast transitions. Functional genomics studies in P. brasiliensis have been hampered by the absence of efficient molecular techniques that enable targeted gene inactivation in this fungus. However, an optimized Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated transformation method has been developed and was used to knock-down expression of the genes encoding the Rho-like GTPase PbCdc42 and the HAD-type hydrolase PbHad32. A challenge for the future is the development of mutagenesis methods that allow for the creation of targeted insertional gene mutants in Paracoccidioides spp. The complete genome sequencing of three isolates of Paracoccidioides species provides the opportunity to perform more complete evaluations of the transcriptomic and proteomic data, and to understand the biology and virulence of these important pathogenic fungi.Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT) - Bolsa nº PTDC/BIA-MIC/108309/2008Fundação de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento. Científico e Tecnológic

    Primate and ungulate responses to teak agroforestry in a southern Amazonian landscape

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    Agroforestry systems are widely extolled as a biodiversity-friendly alternative to food and wood production. However, few studies on large-vertebrates in the tropics consistently support this assumption. In the Amazonian ‘arch of deforestation’, commodity cropland and pastures for beef production have relentlessly replaced native forests. Agroforestry should therefore be both economically profitable and a more wildlife-friendly land-use alternative. Here we assess the local abundance and habitat use by forest primates and ungulates in a landscape mosaic containing large areas of primary forest and teak (Tectona grandis) agroforestry. We focused on animals of these groups because they have similar day ranges and home ranges, and are at the same trophic level. We surveyed 12 transects in both of these environments, totalling 485 km walked. We recorded four ungulate (Tayassu pecari, Pecari tajacu, Mazama americana, and Tapirus terrestris) and seven primate species (Ateles chamek, Lagothrix cana, Sapajus apella, Saimiri ustus, Chiropotes albinasus, Plecturocebus cf. moloch and Mico cf. emiliae). We indicate the importance of a species-level approach to evaluate the contribution of agroforests to population persistence. Large-bodied atelids, which are ripe-fruit-pulp specialists, were never recorded in teak agroforest. Sakis were more common in primary forest, while the smallest faunivore-frugivores had similar sighting rates in both environments. Ungulates exhibited subtler differences in their use of space than primates, but their sighting rates and track counts indicated temporal niche partition. White-lipped peccaries and red brocket deer were the only ungulates more frequently recorded in primary forest areas. Teak agroforestry still harbours some large and midsized frugivores, which may contribute with some biotic ecosystem services if their patches are connected to primary tropical forests. However, teak agroforestry should not be used to justify population subsidies for all Amazonian forest vertebrate species, since at least some threatened species clearly avoid forest stands dominated by this fast-growing exotic tree

    Order of emergency orders in a company of distribution of electrical energy

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    The emergence of emergency orders, in the course of services already underway, in an electricity distribution concessionaire is inevitable, characterizing a dynamic scenario. Minimizing the delays resulting from these emergencies is a challenge for companies that provide this type of service. In this way, such companies need strategies to meet the needs of customers while meeting regulatory requirements. Aiming at this routing problem, the following work aims to identify evaluation criteria in the dispatch of these emergency orders and the impacts that these criteria will result in the execution times of these work orders in an electricity distribution company. As findings of this research, we verify that the demand exceeds the capacity of the teams and that the orders end up being passed on to the next day. Through the criteria, it was possible to prioritize commercial and emergency orders and analyze the impact generated