33 research outputs found

    Creative destruction in science

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    Drawing on the concept of a gale of creative destruction in a capitalistic economy, we argue that initiatives to assess the robustness of findings in the organizational literature should aim to simultaneously test competing ideas operating in the same theoretical space. In other words, replication efforts should seek not just to support or question the original findings, but also to replace them with revised, stronger theories with greater explanatory power. Achieving this will typically require adding new measures, conditions, and subject populations to research designs, in order to carry out conceptual tests of multiple theories in addition to directly replicating the original findings. To illustrate the value of the creative destruction approach for theory pruning in organizational scholarship, we describe recent replication initiatives re-examining culture and work morality, working parents\u2019 reasoning about day care options, and gender discrimination in hiring decisions. Significance statement It is becoming increasingly clear that many, if not most, published research findings across scientific fields are not readily replicable when the same method is repeated. Although extremely valuable, failed replications risk leaving a theoretical void\u2014 reducing confidence the original theoretical prediction is true, but not replacing it with positive evidence in favor of an alternative theory. We introduce the creative destruction approach to replication, which combines theory pruning methods from the field of management with emerging best practices from the open science movement, with the aim of making replications as generative as possible. In effect, we advocate for a Replication 2.0 movement in which the goal shifts from checking on the reliability of past findings to actively engaging in competitive theory testing and theory building. Scientific transparency statement The materials, code, and data for this article are posted publicly on the Open Science Framework, with links provided in the article

    Examining the generalizability of research findings from archival data

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    This initiative examined systematically the extent to which a large set of archival research findings generalizes across contexts. We repeated the key analyses for 29 original strategic management effects in the same context (direct reproduction) as well as in 52 novel time periods and geographies; 45% of the reproductions returned results matching the original reports together with 55% of tests in different spans of years and 40% of tests in novel geographies. Some original findings were associated with multiple new tests. Reproducibility was the best predictor of generalizability—for the findings that proved directly reproducible, 84% emerged in other available time periods and 57% emerged in other geographies. Overall, only limited empirical evidence emerged for context sensitivity. In a forecasting survey, independent scientists were able to anticipate which effects would find support in tests in new samples

    Crowdsourcing hypothesis tests: Making transparent how design choices shape research results

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    To what extent are research results influenced by subjective decisions that scientists make as they design studies? Fifteen research teams independently designed studies to answer fiveoriginal research questions related to moral judgments, negotiations, and implicit cognition. Participants from two separate large samples (total N > 15,000) were then randomly assigned to complete one version of each study. Effect sizes varied dramatically across different sets of materials designed to test the same hypothesis: materials from different teams renderedstatistically significant effects in opposite directions for four out of five hypotheses, with the narrowest range in estimates being d = -0.37 to +0.26. Meta-analysis and a Bayesian perspective on the results revealed overall support for two hypotheses, and a lack of support for three hypotheses. Overall, practically none of the variability in effect sizes was attributable to the skill of the research team in designing materials, while considerable variability was attributable to the hypothesis being tested. In a forecasting survey, predictions of other scientists were significantly correlated with study results, both across and within hypotheses. Crowdsourced testing of research hypotheses helps reveal the true consistency of empirical support for a scientific claim.</div

    Formeln für den Inhalt der Kegelfläche

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    von G. Pfeiffe

    Venture Capital - Investeringsprocessen i ett startup : En undersökning av investeringsprocessen och de viktigaste urvalskriterierna när ett venture capital bolag investerar i ett startup

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    Bakgrund: Nya bolag är en viktig del i ett lands ekonomiska kretslopp. Det är där nya arbetsplatser, innovation och tillväxt skapas. Nya och unga företag kallas ofta för startup-bolag och startas av en eller flera grundare. En viktig källa för finansiering av dessa företag är s.k. venture capital. Investeringsprocessen och de urvalskriterierna, samt det stödet som en venture capitalist kan komma att erbjuda är av fundamental betydelse för hur industrin fungerar och utvecklas. Syfte: Studiens syfte är att undersöka och analysera vilka steg som kännetecknar VC-bolagens investeringsprocess och de kriterier som portföljbolagen måste uppfylla för att ha en chans att attrahera riskkapital. Vidare ämnar studien att analysera hur VC-bolagen jobbar för att utveckla sina portföljbolag genom utökat engagemang och involvering i post-investmentfasen, samt deras exit ur ett investeringsobjekt. Genomförande: Studien har baserats på tidigare forskning inom ämnesområdet som sedan analyserats via en deduktiv ansats. Information har inhämtats från kvalitativa undersökningar i form av semi-strukturerade intervjuer med kända aktörer inom venture capital-industrin. Slutsats: Studien fastställer att alla VC:s genomför en sekventiell investeringsprocess för att upptäcka intressanta objekt. Av störst betydelse i investeringsbeslutet är faktorer kopplade till humankapitalet, dock finns det även ytterligare kriterier som produkt, marknad och genomförbarhet som påverkar beslut om investering. VC:s tenderar att aktivt arbeta med sina portföljbolag och avslutar sitt engagemang med en exit. Studien finner inte att investerare arbetar med en fördefinierad exitstrategi.Background: New enterprises are an important cog in the machinery of the economy. Newly founded companies are often referred to as startups and compile of one or more entrepreneurs. An important source of financing for these enterprises is venture capital. The investment process, the criteria’s used by investors and the support that they can come to provide are essential for the venture capital industries operation. Objective: The aim of this study is to investigate and analyze the process that VC-companies use when searching for potential investments. Furthermore, the study intends to give an overview of the criteria’s used by VC:s in their final decision making and what measures are taken to develop the portfolio company in the post-investment phase. The study also touches upon the exit-strategies implemented by the investors. Implementation: The essay uses a qualitive and deductive approach, where earlier concluded research is analyzed and compared to the interviews conducted during the study. Conclusion: The study finds that VC:s implement a process that is comprised of sequential steps to identify interesting companies. During the evaluation investors put emphasis on the quality of the entrepreneur and managerial team. However, they also consider other factors related to product, market and viability of the project. Investors try to add value to their portfolio companies in the post-investment phase. The investment is completed through an exit, or cashing-out from the portfolio company. The study does not conclude that investors follow a predefined exit strategy

    Venture Capital - Investeringsprocessen i ett startup : En undersökning av investeringsprocessen och de viktigaste urvalskriterierna när ett venture capital bolag investerar i ett startup

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    Bakgrund: Nya bolag är en viktig del i ett lands ekonomiska kretslopp. Det är där nya arbetsplatser, innovation och tillväxt skapas. Nya och unga företag kallas ofta för startup-bolag och startas av en eller flera grundare. En viktig källa för finansiering av dessa företag är s.k. venture capital. Investeringsprocessen och de urvalskriterierna, samt det stödet som en venture capitalist kan komma att erbjuda är av fundamental betydelse för hur industrin fungerar och utvecklas. Syfte: Studiens syfte är att undersöka och analysera vilka steg som kännetecknar VC-bolagens investeringsprocess och de kriterier som portföljbolagen måste uppfylla för att ha en chans att attrahera riskkapital. Vidare ämnar studien att analysera hur VC-bolagen jobbar för att utveckla sina portföljbolag genom utökat engagemang och involvering i post-investmentfasen, samt deras exit ur ett investeringsobjekt. Genomförande: Studien har baserats på tidigare forskning inom ämnesområdet som sedan analyserats via en deduktiv ansats. Information har inhämtats från kvalitativa undersökningar i form av semi-strukturerade intervjuer med kända aktörer inom venture capital-industrin. Slutsats: Studien fastställer att alla VC:s genomför en sekventiell investeringsprocess för att upptäcka intressanta objekt. Av störst betydelse i investeringsbeslutet är faktorer kopplade till humankapitalet, dock finns det även ytterligare kriterier som produkt, marknad och genomförbarhet som påverkar beslut om investering. VC:s tenderar att aktivt arbeta med sina portföljbolag och avslutar sitt engagemang med en exit. Studien finner inte att investerare arbetar med en fördefinierad exitstrategi.Background: New enterprises are an important cog in the machinery of the economy. Newly founded companies are often referred to as startups and compile of one or more entrepreneurs. An important source of financing for these enterprises is venture capital. The investment process, the criteria’s used by investors and the support that they can come to provide are essential for the venture capital industries operation. Objective: The aim of this study is to investigate and analyze the process that VC-companies use when searching for potential investments. Furthermore, the study intends to give an overview of the criteria’s used by VC:s in their final decision making and what measures are taken to develop the portfolio company in the post-investment phase. The study also touches upon the exit-strategies implemented by the investors. Implementation: The essay uses a qualitive and deductive approach, where earlier concluded research is analyzed and compared to the interviews conducted during the study. Conclusion: The study finds that VC:s implement a process that is comprised of sequential steps to identify interesting companies. During the evaluation investors put emphasis on the quality of the entrepreneur and managerial team. However, they also consider other factors related to product, market and viability of the project. Investors try to add value to their portfolio companies in the post-investment phase. The investment is completed through an exit, or cashing-out from the portfolio company. The study does not conclude that investors follow a predefined exit strategy

    Venture Capital - Investeringsprocessen i ett startup : En undersökning av investeringsprocessen och de viktigaste urvalskriterierna när ett venture capital bolag investerar i ett startup

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    Bakgrund: Nya bolag är en viktig del i ett lands ekonomiska kretslopp. Det är där nya arbetsplatser, innovation och tillväxt skapas. Nya och unga företag kallas ofta för startup-bolag och startas av en eller flera grundare. En viktig källa för finansiering av dessa företag är s.k. venture capital. Investeringsprocessen och de urvalskriterierna, samt det stödet som en venture capitalist kan komma att erbjuda är av fundamental betydelse för hur industrin fungerar och utvecklas. Syfte: Studiens syfte är att undersöka och analysera vilka steg som kännetecknar VC-bolagens investeringsprocess och de kriterier som portföljbolagen måste uppfylla för att ha en chans att attrahera riskkapital. Vidare ämnar studien att analysera hur VC-bolagen jobbar för att utveckla sina portföljbolag genom utökat engagemang och involvering i post-investmentfasen, samt deras exit ur ett investeringsobjekt. Genomförande: Studien har baserats på tidigare forskning inom ämnesområdet som sedan analyserats via en deduktiv ansats. Information har inhämtats från kvalitativa undersökningar i form av semi-strukturerade intervjuer med kända aktörer inom venture capital-industrin. Slutsats: Studien fastställer att alla VC:s genomför en sekventiell investeringsprocess för att upptäcka intressanta objekt. Av störst betydelse i investeringsbeslutet är faktorer kopplade till humankapitalet, dock finns det även ytterligare kriterier som produkt, marknad och genomförbarhet som påverkar beslut om investering. VC:s tenderar att aktivt arbeta med sina portföljbolag och avslutar sitt engagemang med en exit. Studien finner inte att investerare arbetar med en fördefinierad exitstrategi.Background: New enterprises are an important cog in the machinery of the economy. Newly founded companies are often referred to as startups and compile of one or more entrepreneurs. An important source of financing for these enterprises is venture capital. The investment process, the criteria’s used by investors and the support that they can come to provide are essential for the venture capital industries operation. Objective: The aim of this study is to investigate and analyze the process that VC-companies use when searching for potential investments. Furthermore, the study intends to give an overview of the criteria’s used by VC:s in their final decision making and what measures are taken to develop the portfolio company in the post-investment phase. The study also touches upon the exit-strategies implemented by the investors. Implementation: The essay uses a qualitive and deductive approach, where earlier concluded research is analyzed and compared to the interviews conducted during the study. Conclusion: The study finds that VC:s implement a process that is comprised of sequential steps to identify interesting companies. During the evaluation investors put emphasis on the quality of the entrepreneur and managerial team. However, they also consider other factors related to product, market and viability of the project. Investors try to add value to their portfolio companies in the post-investment phase. The investment is completed through an exit, or cashing-out from the portfolio company. The study does not conclude that investors follow a predefined exit strategy