25 research outputs found

    FinspÄngsÄarnas vattenrÄd

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    Ett av vattendirektivets mĂ„l Ă€r att engagera allmĂ€nheten i vattenplaneringsprocesser. I Sverige försöker man pĂ„ mĂ„nga platser uppnĂ„ detta genom att bilda vattenrĂ„d för de lokala vattenförekomsterna. Det finns en osĂ€kerhet kring hur exakt dessa ska fungera och frĂ„gan Ă€r om de verkligen Ă€r lösningen pĂ„ medborgarengagemanget. Med hjĂ€lp av en enkĂ€t som skickats ut till ett vattenrĂ„d önskar den hĂ€r studien ge underlag för att diskutera och om möjligt ge svar pĂ„ om vattenrĂ„d Ă€r lösningen pĂ„ hur allmĂ€nheten ska engageras. Utöver den stora frĂ„gan diskuteras Ă€ven hur kommunikationen fungerar inom vattenrĂ„det och mellan vattenrĂ„det och nĂ„gra olika aktörer samt vilken roll vattenrĂ„dets samordnare har. Återkommande ord i analysen Ă€r deliberation, legitimitet och inflytande dĂ„ dessa Ă€r betydelsefulla inom deliberativ demokrati. UtifrĂ„n resultaten Ă€r det svĂ„rt att dra nĂ„gra tydliga slutsatser kring om vattenrĂ„det Ă€r ett lĂ€mpligt forum för medborgarengagemang, dels eftersom studien utgĂ„r frĂ„n endast ett vattenrĂ„d och dels eftersom svarsunderlaget var lĂ„gt (ca 45 %). Men det konstateras att Ă€ven om det inte Ă€r det bĂ€sta forumet sĂ„ Ă€r det i alla fall ett anvĂ€ndbart forum Ă€ven om en del brister diskuteras. Deltagarna Ă€r överlag nöjda med samtalsklimatet inom vattenrĂ„det och Ă€ven mellan vattenrĂ„det och vissa aktörer, till exempel lĂ€nsstyrelse. Det rĂ„der dock delade meningar kring om vattenrĂ„det Ă€r ett bra medel för medborgare, kommun och lĂ€nsstyrelsen att kommunisera kring vattenplaneringsprocesser. Ett problem Ă€r att det bĂ„de inom vattenrĂ„det och kring vattenrĂ„det som helhet finns en uppfattning om att alla inte har lika stort inflytande vilket pĂ„verkar legitimiteten. Även om vattenrĂ„det Ă€r tĂ€nkt att uttrycka en deliberativ demokrati finns indikationer pĂ„ att det inte fungerar sĂ„ bra som man skulle önska. En av de kommentarer som en deltagare skrev i enkĂ€ten kan i stora drag sammanfatta vattenrĂ„dets status i dagslĂ€get: ”Det kĂ€nns inte som vi har hittat former för arbetet i vattenrĂ„det Ă€nnu
”One of the objectives of the water framework directive is to engage the general public in processes related to water planning. One method used to achieve this in Sweden involves creating water councils. There is a degree of uncertainty regarding exactly how these councils are to work and if they really are the best solution to the issue of citizen participation. With the help of a survey sent to a water council, this study aims to provide the foundation for a discussion, and give answers where possible, about the question of whether or not water councils is the solution to how the general public is to be involved. The study also discusses the role of the coordinator of the water council and how the participants experience the communication both within the council and between the council and authorities, such as a county administrative board. The words deliberation, legitimacy and influence recur in the analysis since they are important when talking about deliberative democracy. It is difficult to draw any clear conclusions concerning the question of whether or not water councils are a good forum for citizen participation, partly since the study looks solely at one water council and partly because only 45 % of the people answered the survey. However, it is established that, in spite of its flaws, a water council is a useful forum for the general public. On the whole, the participants are satisfied with the communication within the council as well as the communication between the water council and the county administrative board. But, there is a difference of opinion about whether or not the water council is a good forum for citizens, the municipality and the county administrative board to discuss the processes of water planning. One problem concerning the water council is that some feel that not all participants have equal influence, which affects the legitimacy of the council. Even though the water council is meant to express deliberative democracy there are indications suggesting that this does not work as well as wanted. One comment that a participant wrote in the survey can summarize the current status of the water council: “It doesn’t feel like we have found the proper structure for the work in the council yet

    Konkurrenskraftiga kollektiva kommunikationer

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    With less than 15 000 inhabitants, Åstorp is a small municipality in the north west of SkĂ„ne. In the county there are two train stations and twenty-three bus stops. Despite the good opportunities for public transport, the municipality has high emissions of greenhouse gases from passenger transports if compared with other municipalities in SkĂ„ne. By means of a focus group, this paper employs a qualitative method to investigate people’s attitudes towards public transport and what actions they believe may motivate more people to use public transport. In addition, a small literature study on attitudes towards public transport and travel patterns is carried out. The literature study shows that more than 70 percent of the trips that residents of the municipality of Åstorp take are done by car. This is well above average for SkĂ„ne. The study shows that many of the arguments for travelling with both public transports and cars are egocentric, which means that they promote the individual's self-interest. Not all attitudes can be changed but by promoting the benefits of public transport the chance of getting people to utilize it is increased. To make public transport more competitive against the car, the journey must become more time-efficient. Public transport also has to improve in a more general sense. One way of making the public transport more attractive is by making the station area safer and more enjoyable. The municipality can also try to conduct information campaigns with the purpose of helping more people to discover the benefits of public transport. This study is important since it will hopefully be used as a basis for municipal actions and political decisions. The results of those actions may make public transport more attractive and competitive against the car, which will lead to a reduction of greenhouse gas emissions from passenger transport.Genom att framhĂ€va de personliga fördelarna med att Ă„ka tĂ„g och buss kan mĂ€nniskor som vanligtvis Ă„ker bil fĂ„ upp ögonen för dessa kollektiva transportmedel, vilket leder till minskade utslĂ€pp av vĂ€xthusgaser. Med mindre Ă€n 15 000 invĂ„nare Ă€r Åstorp en mindre kommun i nordvĂ€stra SkĂ„ne. I kommunen, som bestĂ„r av fyra tĂ€torter, finns det tvĂ„ tĂ„gstationer och tjugotre busshĂ„llplatser. Trots de relativt goda möjligheterna till pendling med kollektivtrafik, har kommunen höga utslĂ€pp av vĂ€xthusgaser frĂ„n persontransporter vid jĂ€mförelse med andra skĂ„nska kommuner. En litteraturstudie om resvanor och vilka faktorer som pĂ„verkar kollektivtrafikens konkurrenskraft visar att vid mer Ă€n 70 procent av de resor som invĂ„narna i Åstorps kommun gör, anvĂ€nds bil. Det Ă€r lĂ„ngt över genomsnittet för SkĂ„ne. Andelen resor som sker med kollektivtrafik ligger dock strax under det skĂ„nska genomsnittet. Med hjĂ€lp av fokusgrupper (gruppintervjuer dĂ€r olika teman behandlas, i detta fall kollektiv- och biltrafik) har Ă€ven undersökts vilka attityder pendlare har till kollektivtrafik och vilka Ă„tgĂ€rder de anser kan motivera fler mĂ€nniskor till att anvĂ€nda kollektivtrafiken. Som resultat av studierna kan nĂ€mnas att mĂ„nga av argumenten för att resa med bĂ„de kollektivtrafik och bil Ă€r egocentriska, vilket innebĂ€r att de gynnar den enskilda personens egenintresse. Detta medför att ett val som baseras pĂ„ egocentriska argument kommer vara fördelaktig för personen som gör valet, till exempel att personen sparar pengar genom att Ă„ka med kollektivtrafik. Det Ă€r inte möjligt att förĂ€ndra alla attityder men genom att lyfta fram fördelarna med kollektivtrafik ökar chansen att fler mĂ€nniskor börjar Ă„ka kollektivt. Exempel pĂ„ fördelar Ă€r möjligheten att arbeta pĂ„ tĂ„get, sova pĂ„ bussen eller röra sig under resan. För att göra kollektivtrafiken mer konkurrenskraftigt gentemot bilen mĂ„ste resan blir mer tidseffektiv och kollektivtrafiken som helhet förbĂ€ttras. Ett sĂ€tt att göra kollektivtrafiken mer attraktiv Ă€r att frĂ€scha upp stationsomrĂ„den sĂ„ att de upplevs som mer trygga och trevliga. Åstorps kommun bör ocksĂ„ genomföra informationskampanjer i syfte att fĂ„ fler mĂ€nniskor att upptĂ€cka fördelarna med kollektivtrafik. Studien Ă€r viktig eftersom den förhoppningsvis kommer att anvĂ€ndas som underlag för kommunala Ă„tgĂ€rder och politiska beslut i Åstorps kommun men Ă€ven andra liknande kommuner. Resultatet av dessa Ă„tgĂ€rder kan göra kollektivtrafiken mer attraktiv och konkurrenskraftig mot bilen, vilket leder till minskade utslĂ€pp av vĂ€xthusgaser frĂ„n persontransporter

    CENP-A and topoisomerase-II antagonistically affect chromosome length

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    The size of mitotic chromosomes is coordinated with cell size in a manner dependent on nuclear trafficking. In this study, we conducted an RNA interference screen of the Caenorhabditis elegans nucleome in a strain carrying an exceptionally long chromosome and identified the centromere-specific histone H3 variant CENP-A and the DNA decatenizing enzyme topoisomerase-II (topo-II) as candidate modulators of chromosome size. In the holocentric organism C. elegans , CENP-A is positioned periodically along the entire length of chromosomes, and in mitosis, these genomic regions come together linearly to form the base of kinetochores. We show that CENP-A protein levels decreased through development coinciding with chromosome-size scaling. Partial loss of CENP-A protein resulted in shorter mitotic chromosomes, consistent with a role in setting chromosome length. Conversely, topo-II levels were unchanged through early development, and partial topo-II depletion led to longer chromosomes. Topo-II localized to the perimeter of mitotic chromosomes, excluded from the centromere regions, and depletion of topo-II did not change CENP-A levels. We propose that self-assembly of centromeric chromatin into an extended linear array promotes elongation of the chromosome, whereas topo-II promotes chromosome-length shortening

    Analysis of motoneuron responses to composite synaptic volleys (computer simulation study)

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    This paper deals with the analysis of changes in motoneuron (MN) firing evoked by repetitively applied stimuli aimed toward extracting information about the underlying synaptic volleys. Spike trains were obtained from computer simulations based on a threshold-crossing model of tonically firing MN, subjected to stimulation producing postsynaptic potentials (PSPs) of various parameters. These trains were analyzed as experimental results, using the output measures that were previously shown to be most effective for this purpose: peristimulus time histogram, raster plot and peristimulus time intervalgram. The analysis started from the effects of single excitatory and inhibitory PSPs (EPSPs and IPSPs). The conclusions drawn from this analysis allowed the explanation of the results of more complex synaptic volleys, i.e., combinations of EPSPs and IPSPs, and the formulation of directions for decoding the results of human neurophysiological experiments in which the responses of tonically firing MNs to nerve stimulation are analyzed

    An autologous dendritic cell vaccine polarizes a Th-1 response which is tumoricidal to patient-derived breast cancer cells.

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    Breast cancer remains one of the leading causes of cancer-associated death worldwide. Conventional treatment is associated with substantial toxicity and suboptimal efficacy. We, therefore, developed and evaluated the in vitro efficacy of an autologous dendritic cell (DC) vaccine to treat breast cancer. We recruited 12 female patients with stage 1, 2, or 3 breast cancer and matured their DCs with autologous tumour-specific lysate, a toll-like receptor (TLR)-3 and 7/8 agonist, and an interferon-containing cocktail. The efficacy of the vaccine was evaluated by its ability to elicit a cytotoxic T-lymphocyte response to autologous breast cancer cells in vitro. Matured DCs (≄ 60% upregulation of CD80, CD86, CD83, and CCR7) produced high levels of the Th1 effector cytokine, IL12-p70 (1.2 ng/ml; p < 0.0001), compared to DCs pulsed with tumour lysate, or matured with an interferon-containing cocktail alone. We further showed that matured DCs enhance antigen-specific CD8 + T-cell responses to HER-2 (4.5%; p < 0.005) and MUC-1 (19%; p < 0.05) tetramers. The mature DCs could elicit a robust and dose-dependent antigen-specific cytotoxic T-lymphocyte response (65%) which was tumoricidal to autologous breast cancer cells in vitro compared to T-lymphocytes that were primed with autologous lysate loaded-DCs (p < 0.005). Lastly, we showed that the mature DCs post-cryopreservation maintained high viability, maintained their mature phenotype, and remained free of endotoxins or mycoplasma. We have developed a DC vaccine that is cytotoxic to autologous breast cancer cells in vitro. The tools and technology generated here will now be applied to a phase I/IIa clinical trial

    Projected loss of brown macroalgae and seagrasses with global environmental change

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    Abstract Although many studies predict extensive future biodiversity loss and redistribution in the terrestrial realm, future changes in marine biodiversity remain relatively unexplored. In this work, we model global shifts in one of the most important marine functional groups—ecosystem-structuring macrophytes—and predict substantial end-of-century change. By modelling the future distribution of 207 brown macroalgae and seagrass species at high temporal and spatial resolution under different climate-change projections, we estimate that by 2100, local macrophyte diversity will decline by 3–4% on average, with 17 to 22% of localities losing at least 10% of their macrophyte species. The current range of macrophytes will be eroded by 5–6%, and highly suitable macrophyte habitat will be substantially reduced globally (78–96%). Global macrophyte habitat will shift among marine regions, with a high potential for expansion in polar regions

    Spectral Imaging and Applications

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    Extracellular vesicles (EVs) have emerged as important mediators of intercellular communication in a diverse range of biological processes. For future therapeutic applications and for EV biology research in general, understanding the in vivo fate of EVs is of utmost importance. Here we studied biodistribution of EVs in mice after systemic delivery. EVs were isolated from 3 different mouse cell sources, including dendritic cells (DCs) derived from bone marrow, and labelled with a near-infrared lipophilic dye. Xenotransplantation of EVs was further carried out for cross-species comparison. The reliability of the labelling technique was confirmed by sucrose gradient fractionation, organ perfusion and further supported by immunohistochemical staining using CD63-EGFP probed vesicles. While vesicles accumulated mainly in liver, spleen, gastrointestinal tract and lungs, differences related to EV cell origin were detected. EVs accumulated in the tumour tissue of tumour-bearing mice and, after introduction of the rabies virus glycoprotein-targeting moiety, they were found more readily in acetylcholine-receptor-rich organs. In addition, the route of administration and the dose of injected EVs influenced the biodistribution pattern. This is the first extensive biodistribution investigation of EVs comparing the impact of several different variables, the results of which have implications for the design and feasibility of therapeutic studies using EVs

    Extracellular vesicle in vivo biodistribution is determined by cell source, route of administration and targeting

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    Extracellular vesicles (EVs) have emerged as important mediators of intercellular communication in a diverse range of biological processes. For future therapeutic applications and for EV biology research in general, understanding the in vivo fate of EVs is of utmost importance. Here we studied biodistribution of EVs in mice after systemic delivery. EVs were isolated from 3 different mouse cell sources, including dendritic cells (DCs) derived from bone marrow, and labelled with a near-infrared lipophilic dye. Xenotransplantation of EVs was further carried out for cross-species comparison. The reliability of the labelling technique was confirmed by sucrose gradient fractionation, organ perfusion and further supported by immunohistochemical staining using CD63-EGFP probed vesicles. While vesicles accumulated mainly in liver, spleen, gastrointestinal tract and lungs, differences related to EV cell origin were detected. EVs accumulated in the tumour tissue of tumour-bearing mice and, after introduction of the rabies virus glycoprotein-targeting moiety, they were found more readily in acetylcholine-receptor-rich organs. In addition, the route of administration and the dose of injected EVs influenced the biodistribution pattern. This is the first extensive biodistribution investigation of EVs comparing the impact of several different variables, the results of which have implications for the design and feasibility of therapeutic studies using EVs