387 research outputs found

    EU agricultural policy in relation to climate change : a qualitative text analysis of the common agricultural policy, CAP

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    Till mitten av seklet förvĂ€ntas vĂ€rldens befolkning uppnĂ„ 9 miljarder. EfterfrĂ„gan pĂ„ livsmedel kommer dĂ€rför att öka, och konsumtionstrycket kommer spĂ€das pĂ„ ytterligare i och med en förbĂ€ttrad levnadsstandard globalt. Jordbrukssektorn upplever idag en enorm konkurrens om markresurser frĂ„n andra sektorer, vilket pĂ„verkar livsmedelsproduktionen. Till skillnad frĂ„n mĂ„nga andra ekonomiska sektorer Ă€r jordbruket beroende utav vĂ€derförhĂ„llandena, och fluktuationerna samt den ovisshet klimatförĂ€ndringarna medför i nederbördsmĂ€ngden utgör dĂ€rför ett hot mot den framtida livsmedelssĂ€kerheten. FrĂ„gan kvarstĂ„r ifall planeten kan klarar av att producera mer mat till följd av den ökande efterfrĂ„gan pĂ„ livsmedel, som den stigande befolkningsmĂ€ngden och levnadsstandarden medför, samt inom ramen för klimatförĂ€ndringarna. I den hĂ€r studien försöker jag att söka svar pĂ„ hur klimatförĂ€ndringarna presenteras och hanteras av europeiska kommissionen i sitt meddelande för den gemensamma jordbrukspolitiken (GJP) 2021 – 2027. Som vĂ€rldens största livsmedelsproducent utgör EU ett viktigt nav i den globala livsmedelssĂ€kerheten, och dĂ€rför ingĂ„r det i uppdraget att utforma politiken sĂ„ att jordbrukssektorn inom Europa strĂ€var Ă„t en hĂ„llbar inriktning. Genom att analysera hur europeiska kommissionen i sitt meddelande utav GJP för nĂ€stkommande programperiod hanterar klimatförĂ€ndringarna i relation till den framtida jordbrukspolitiken, kan jag fĂ„ en uppfattning om hur arbetet för att sĂ€kerstĂ€lla och trygga livsmedelsförsörjningen inför framtiden gĂ„r till. Jag har anvĂ€nt mig av en kvalitativ textanalys som bĂ„de teori och metod för undersökningen. Genom en noggrann lĂ€sning av meddelandets olika delar i förhĂ„llande till varandra och i sin kontext kan jag tolka och utlĂ€sa hur problematiken hanteras av EU. Mina tolkningar och dĂ€rmed resultat, baseras pĂ„ att jag utgĂ„tt ifrĂ„n olika begrepp inom teorin för att tyda politiken och meddelandet. Studiens resultat visar att EU i sin nĂ€stkommande programperiod för GJP kommer att utvecklas mot ett större eget ansvar hos medlemslĂ€nderna sjĂ€lva, vilket europeiska kommissionen benĂ€mner som en ökad subsidiaritet. Det Ă€r frĂ€mst inom omrĂ„dena miljö, klimatförĂ€ndringar och hĂ„llbar utveckling som EU delegerar mer ansvar till sina medlemslĂ€nde

    LÄtskapande och genus - Hur beskriver kvinnliga respektive mannliga singer-songwriters sitt lÄtskrivande? Hur kan likheter respektive skillnader förklaras?

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    English title: Song writing and gender. The purpose of this study has been to find out if there are any differences between women's and men's song writing processes, primarily in the singer/songwriter genre. I have interviewed three female songwriters and three men about their way of writing songs. The result shows mainly that there are not any gender related differences in the way songs are written, with the exception of a few deviations. Equity feminism theory has provided a way for me to understand my results. Upbringing is one of the causes behind them. Syftet med detta arbete har varit att ta reda pÄ om det finns nÄgra skillnader i kvinnligt och manligtlÄtskapande inom frÀmst singer-songwriter genren. Jag har intervjuat tre kvinnliga lÄtskrivare och tre mÀn om deras sÀtt att skriva lÄtar. Resultatet visar frÀmst pÄ att det inte finns nÄgra könsrelaterade skillnader i skapandet med undantag för ett par avvikelser. UtifrÄn likhetsfeministisk teori har jag fÄtt möjlighet att förstÄ mina resultat. De kan relateras till uppfostran

    KÀnsligheten hos blÄklint mot en ALS-inhibitor

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    VĂ€xtföljder fick mindre betydelse för den sanerande effekten pĂ„ ogrĂ€s nĂ€r de kemiska bekĂ€mpningsmedlen introducerades pĂ„ 1940-50-talen. Fram till sommaren 2010 hade herbicidresistens upptĂ€ckts i 194 arter i över 340 000 olika fĂ€lt vĂ€rlden över och det Ă€r ett problem som kommer att öka i vĂ€rlden. Herbicider kan verka pĂ„ olika sĂ€tt i vĂ€xten. De flesta fall av herbicidresistens beror pĂ„ en förĂ€ndring pĂ„ verkningsplatsen för herbiciden, men kan ocksĂ„ bero pĂ„ en ökad metabolism i plantan, dvs. herbiciden bryts ner innan den hinner göra verkan. I Sverige har resistens hos blĂ„klint hittats pĂ„ tvĂ„ platser. Under 2012-13 konstaterades sĂ€mre bekĂ€mpningseffekter mot blĂ„klint pĂ„ nĂ„gra fĂ€lt i Östergötland, Blekinge och SkĂ„ne. För att studera om kĂ€nsligheten mot herbicider hade minskat hos blĂ„klintspopulationerna samlades fröer in för att testas i ett vĂ€xthusexperiment. Syftet med experimentet var att undersöka kĂ€nsligheten hos fem populationer av blĂ„klint mot en ALS-inhibitor. För att undersöka kĂ€nsligheten mot herbiciden utfördes ett vĂ€xthusexperiment dĂ€r blĂ„klintsplantor frĂ„n fem populationer behandlades med en ALS-inhiberande herbicid (Express 50 SX). Alla populationer visade sig vara kĂ€nsliga mot herbiciden. Efter behandling avstannade tillvĂ€xten hos plantorna, toppskottet dog, och efter en tid började flera plantor istĂ€llet skjuta sidoskott. Slutsatsen var att det inte fanns nĂ„gra tecken pĂ„ resistens hos de testade populationerna.Crop rotations became of less importance to the sanitizing effect on weeds when chemical pesticides were introduced in the 1940s and -50s. Until the summer of 2010, herbicide resistance was detected in 194 species in over 340 000 different fields over the world, which is a problem that will increase all over the world. Her-bicides may act in different ways in the plant. Most cases of herbicide resistance are due to a change in the site of action on the herbicide, but it may also be due to an increased metabolism in the plant. In Sweden resistance in cornflower has been found in two places. In 2012-13, lower effects against herbicides were found in cornflower in a few fields in Östergötland, Blekinge, and SkĂ„ne. To study if the sensitivity to herbicides had decreased in these populations of cornflower, seeds were collected and tested in a greenhouse experiment. The purpose of the experiment was to examine the sensitivity of five populations of cornflower against an ALS-inhibiting herbicide. To study the sensitivity against the herbicide a greenhouse experiment was performed where cornflower from five populations were treated with an ALS-inhibiting herbicide. All populations turned out to be sensitive to the herbicide. After the chemical control the growth of the plants stopped, the top shoot died, and after a while several plants began to develop side shoots. The conclusion was that no herbicide resistance was detected in either of the populations

    Integrerat vÀxtskydd (IPM)

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    År 2009 kom EU-direktivet ”HĂ„llbar anvĂ€ndning av bekĂ€mpningsmedel” som bland annat innehĂ„ller begreppet integrerat vĂ€xtskydd (IPM). Direktivet sĂ€ger bland annat att Ă„r 2014 ska alla jordbruksproducenter inom EU anvĂ€nda sig av integrerat vĂ€xtskydd. Integrerat vĂ€xtskydd betyder att man tar hjĂ€lp av flera kontrollĂ„tgĂ€rder tillsammans med kemisk bekĂ€mpning nĂ€r man reglerar ogrĂ€s och vĂ€xtskadegörare i jordbruket. MĂ„lsĂ€ttningen Ă€r att nĂ€r förebyggande och mekaniska Ă„tgĂ€rder anvĂ€nds för att kontrollera ogrĂ€s och vĂ€xtskadegörare kan man minska mĂ€ngden kemisk bekĂ€mpning. Syftet med denna litteraturstudie Ă€r att göra en sammanstĂ€llning över vilka kontrollĂ„tgĂ€rder som finns tillgĂ€ngliga för framförallt ogrĂ€s vid tillĂ€mpning av integrerat vĂ€xtskydd. Den största andelen vĂ€xtskyddsmedel som sĂ€ljs pĂ„ marknaden idag Ă€r ogrĂ€smedel (herbicider). AnvĂ€ndningen av bekĂ€mpningsmedel varierar mycket mellan olika landsdelar och grödor. Störst Ă€r förbrukningen i omrĂ„den dĂ€r spannmĂ„lsgĂ„rdar utan djur dominerar medan mycket lite kemiska bekĂ€mpningsmedel anvĂ€nds i valldominerade omrĂ„den. Ökad anvĂ€ndning av kemiska bekĂ€mpningsmedel leder bland annat till ökad risk för resistensbildning hos bĂ„de ogrĂ€sarter och vĂ€xtskadegörare. Genom att introducera fler kontrollĂ„tgĂ€rder kan man förhoppningsvis minska utvecklingen av resistensbildningen. Direkta kontrollĂ„tgĂ€rder som idag anvĂ€nds för att bekĂ€mpa ogrĂ€s Ă€r kemisk bekĂ€mpning och mekaniska Ă„tgĂ€rder. Beroende pĂ„ gröda och hur bestĂ„ndet ser ut, vad gĂ€ller konkurrenskraft, sĂ„ ska man anpassa den eventuella kemiska bekĂ€mpningen. Mekaniska Ă„tgĂ€rder som anvĂ€nds Ă€r frĂ€mst plöjning, stubbearbetning, harvning, ogrĂ€sharvning, radhackning och avslagning. Genom dessa Ă„tgĂ€rder störs ogrĂ€sens utveckling och tillvĂ€xt vilket ger den odlade grödan ett försprĂ„ng sĂ„ att den kan konkurrera bra med ogrĂ€sen. Indirekta kontrollĂ„tgĂ€rder som Ă€r tillgĂ€ngliga Ă€r framförallt utformning av vĂ€xtföljd dĂ€r man med hjĂ€lp av grödval och sortval kan pĂ„verka utvecklingen av ogrĂ€sfloran i en vĂ€l genomtĂ€nkt vĂ€xtföljd. FlerĂ„riga grödor ger en sanerande effekt mot ettĂ„riga ogrĂ€s som Ă€r vanligt förekommande i spannmĂ„lsdominerade vĂ€xtföljder. Genom att vĂ€xla mellan vĂ„rsĂ„dda och höstsĂ„dda grödor kan man missgynna utvecklingen av vissa ogrĂ€s

    Existing evidence related to soil retention of phosphorus from on-site wastewater treatment systems in boreal and temperate climate zones: a systematic map

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    BackgroundIn Sweden there are nearly one million soil-based on-site wastewater treatment systems (OWTSs). OWTSs may contribute to eutrophication of surface waters, due to the discharge of phosphorus (P). Hence, in certain cases, a high P removal rate (up to 90%) of OWTSs is required by Swedish authorities. Since these requirements may have costly consequences to property owners, it is debated whether they are too strict. In this debate, it is often claimed that the soil retention of P occurring in the natural environments may be underestimated by authorities. Soil retention is the inhibition of the transport of P through the ground, due to different chemical, physical and biological processes occurring there. These processes make the P transport slower, which may reduce the unwanted impact on receiving water bodies. However, the efficiency of soil retention of P remains unclear. The objective of this systematic map was to collect, code, organise and elucidate the relevant evidence related to the topic, to be able to guide stakeholders through the evidence base, and to support future research synthesising, commissioning, and funding. The systematic map was carried out in response to needs declared by the Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management but the conclusions should be valid for a wider range of countries across boreo-temperate regions.MethodsSearches were made for peer-reviewed and grey literature using bibliographic databases, search engines, specialist websites, and stakeholder contacts. The references were screened for relevance according to a predefined set of eligibility criteria. A detailed database of the relevant studies was compiled. Data and metadata that enable evaluation and discussion of the character and quality of the evidence base were extracted and coded. Special focus was placed on assessing if existing evidence could contribute to policy and practice decision making. Descriptive information about the evidence base was presented in tables and figures. An interactive evidence atlas and a choropleth were created, displaying the locations of all studies.Review findings234 articles out of 10,797 screened records fulfilled the eligibility criteria. These articles contain 256 studies, performed in the field or in the laboratory. Six different study types were identified, based on where the measurements were conducted. Most studies, including laboratory studies, lack replicates. Most field studies are observational case studies.ConclusionsIt is not possible to derive valid generic measures of the efficiency of soil retention of P occurring in the natural soil environment from available research. Neither does the evidence base allow for answering the question of the magnitude of the potential impact of OWTSs on the P concentration in recipients on a general basis, or under what conditions OWTSs generally have such an impact. A compilation of groundwater studies may provide examples of how far the P may reach in x years, but the number of groundwater studies is insufficient to draw any general conclusions, given the complexity and variability of the systems. Future research should strive for replicated study designs, more elaborate reporting, and the establishment of a reporting standard

    Prevalence and diagnostic outcomes of children with duodenal lesions and negative celiac serology

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    Background: Celiac disease diagnostics begin by measuring autoantibodies, which may fail to identify seronegative patients. Duodenal lesion in the absence of antibodies is scarcely studied, especially in children. Aims: To investigate the prevalence and diagnostic outcomes of children with seronegative duodenal lesion in two countries with different disease profiles. Methods: Medical data, including the results of histology and transglutaminase (tTGab) and endomysium (EmA) antibody measurements were collected from 1172 Finnish and 264 Romanian children with systematic duodenal sampling. Database of 509 Finnish children with celiac disease was examined to identify earlier seronegative patients. Results: Celiac disease was diagnosed in 307 Finnish and 83 Romanian children in the endoscopy cohorts. No seronegative patients were found among 899 celiac disease patients, although some were only tTGab or EmA positive. Non-celiac duodenal lesion was detected in eight Finnish and 32 Romanian children, their most common diagnoses being inflammatory bowel disease and infections, respectively. Six children with morphological lesion received no diagnosis. None of them developed celiac disease during a follow-up of 3-11 years. Conclusion: Pediatric seronegative celiac disease is exceptional in the era of modern autoantibodies. Other reasons for duodenal lesion should therefore be sought, bearing in mind possible differences across countries. (C) 2019 Editrice Gastroenterologica Italiana S.r.l. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.Peer reviewe

    Socioeconomic and ethnical disparity in coronary heart disease outcomes in Denmark and the effect of cardiac rehabilitation-A nationwide registry study

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    AIMS: Cardiovascular patients with low socioeconomic status and non-western ethnic background have worse prognostic outcomes. The aim of this nationwide study was first to address whether short-term effects of hospital-based outpatient cardiac rehabilitation (CR) are similar across educational level and ethnic background, and secondly to study whether known disparity in long-term prognosis in patients with cardiovascular disese is diminished by CR participation. METHODS: All patients with myocardial infarction and/or coronary revascularization from August 2015 until March 2018 in the Danish national patient registry or the Danish cardiac rehabilitation database (DHRD) were included. We used descriptive statistics to address disparity in achievement of quality indicators in CR, and Cox proportional hazard regression to examine the association between the disparity measures and MACE (cardiovascular hospitalization and all-cause mortality) with adjustment for age, gender, index-diagnose and co-morbidity. RESULTS: We identified 34,511 patients of whom 19,383 had participated in CR and 9,882 provided information on CR outcomes from the DHRD. We demonstrated a socioeconomic gradient in improvements in VO(2peak), and non-western patients were less often screened for depression or receive dietary consulting. We found a strong socioeconomic gradient in MACE irrespective of CR participation, medication, and risk factor control (adjusted HR 0.65 (95% CI 0.56–0.77) for high versus low education). Non-western origin was associated with higher risk of MACE (adjusted HR 1.2 (1.1–1.4)). CONCLUSION: We found only minor socioeconomic and ethnic differences in achievement of CR quality indicators but strong differences in CHD prognosis indication that conventional risk factor control and medical treatment following CR do not diminish the socioeconomic and ethnical disparity in CHD prognosis

    A Physically-Motivated Photometric Calibration of M Dwarf Metallicity

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    The location of M dwarfs in the V-K_s--M_Ks color-magnitude diagram (CMD) has been shown to correlate with metallicity. We demonstrate that previous empirical photometric calibrations of M dwarf metallicity exploiting this correlation systematically underestimate or overestimate metallicity at the extremes of their range. We improve upon previous calibrations in three ways. We use both a volume-limited and kinematically-matched sample of F and G dwarfs from the Geneva-Copehnagen Survey (GCS) to infer the mean metallicity of M dwarfs in the Solar Neighborhood, we use theoretical models of M dwarf interiors and atmospheres to determine the effect of metallicity on M dwarfs in the V-K_s--M_Ks CMD, and we base our final calibration purely on high-resolution spectroscopy of FGK primaries with M dwarf companions. As a result, we explain an order of magnitude more of the variance in the calibration sample than previous photometric calibrations. We non-parametrically quantify the significance of the observation that M dwarfs that host exoplanets are preferentially in a region of the V-K_s--M_Ks plane populated by metal-rich M dwarfs. We find that the probability p that planet-hosting M dwarfs are distributed across the V-K_s--M_Ks CMD in the same way as field M dwarfs is p = 0.06 +/- 0.008. Interestingly, the subsample of M dwarfs that host Neptune and sub-Neptune mass planets may also be preferentially located in the region of the V-K_s--M_Ks plane populated by high-metallicity M dwarfs. The probability of this occurrence by chance is p = 0.40 +/- 0.02, and this observation hints that low-mass planets may be more likely to be found around metal-rich M dwarfs. An increased rate of low-mass planet occurrence around metal-rich M dwarfs would be a natural consequence of the core-accretion model of planet formation. (abridged)Comment: 10 pages, 4 figures, and 1 table in A&A format; accepted for publication in A&

    Differentiating and quantifying carbonaceous (tire, bitumen, and road marking wear) and non-carbonaceous (metals, minerals, and glass beads) non-exhaust particles in road dust samples from a traffic environment

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    Tires, bitumen, and road markings are important sources of traffic-derived carbonaceous wear particles and microplastic (MP) pollution. In this study, we further developed a machine-learning algorithm coupled to an automated scanning electron microscopy/energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (SEM/EDX) analytical approach to classify and quantify the relative number of the following subclasses contained in environmental road dust: tire wear particles (TWP), bitumen wear particles (BiWP), road markings, reflecting glass beads, metallics, minerals, and biogenic/organics. The method is non-destructive, rapid, repeatable, and enables information about the size, shape, and elemental composition of particles 2–125 ÎŒm. The results showed that the method enabled differentiation\ua0between TWP and BiWP for particles > 20 ÎŒm with satisfying results. Furthermore, the relative number concentration of the subclasses was similar in both analyzed size fractions (2–20 ÎŒm and 20–125 ÎŒm), with minerals as the most dominant subclass (2–20 ÎŒm x̄ = 78%, 20–125 ÎŒm x̄ = 74%) followed by tire and bitumen wear particles, TBiWP, (2–20 ÎŒm x̄ = 19%, 20–125 ÎŒm x̄ = 22%). Road marking wear, glass beads, and metal wear contributed to x̄ = 1%, x̄ = 0.1%, and x̄ = 1% in the 2–20-ÎŒm fraction and to x̄ = 0.5%,x̄ = 0.2%, and x̄ = 0.4% in the 20–125-ÎŒm fraction. The present results show that road dust appreciably consists of TWP and BiWP within both the coarse and the fine size fraction. The study delivers quantitative evidence of the importance of tires, bitumen, road marking, and glass beads besides minerals and metals to wear particlesand MP pollution in traffic environments based on environmental (real-world) sample
