23 research outputs found

    Effective Visualization Approaches For Ultra-High Dimensional Datasets

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    Multivariate informational data, which are abstract as well as complex, are becoming increasingly common in many areas such as scientific, medical, social, business, and so on. Displaying and analyzing large amounts of multivariate data with more than three variables of different types is quite challenging. Visualization of such multivariate data suffers from a high degree of clutter when the numbers of dimensions/variables and data observations become too large. We propose multiple approaches to effectively visualize large datasets of ultrahigh number of dimensions by generalizing two standard multivariate visualization methods, namely star plot and parallel coordinates plot. We refine three variants of the star plot, which include overlapped star plot, shifted origin plot, and multilevel star plot by embedding distribution plots, displaying dataset in groups, and supporting adjustable positioning of the star axes. We introduce a bifocal parallel coordinates plot (BPCP) based on the focus + context approach. BPCP splits vertically the overall rendering area into the focus and context regions. The focus area maps a few selected dimensions of interest at sufficiently wide spacing. The remaining dimensions are represented in the context area in a compact way to retain useful information and provide the data continuity. The focus display can be further enriched with various options, such as axes overlays, scatterplot, and nested PCPs. In order to accommodate an arbitrarily large number of dimensions, the context display supports the multi-level stacked view. Finally, we present two innovative ways of enhancing parallel coordinates axes to better understand all variables and their interrelationships in high-dimensional datasets. Histogram and circle/ellipse plots based on uniform and non-uniform frequency/density mappings are adopted to visualize distributions of numerical and categorical data values. Color-mapped axis stripes are designed in the parallel coordinates layout so that correlations can be fully realized in the same display plot irrespective of axes locations. These colors are also propagated to histograms as stacked bars and categorical values as pie charts to further facilitate data exploration. By using the datasets consisting of 25 to 130 variables of different data types we have demonstrated effectiveness of the proposed multivariate visualization enhancements

    Tracking the Harmonium from Christian Missionary Hymns to Sikh Kirtan

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    The harmonium is prominent in Sikh practices of devotional music known as kirtan and yet its significance has barely been addressed in Euro-American scholarship. Following on the heels of a recent ban against using the instrument at the holiest temple of the Sikhs, Harmandir Sahib (popularly known as the Golden Temple), this article explores how the ban seeks to discard this colonial instrument and return to playing traditional string instruments (tanti saz) associated with the courts (darbar) of the Sikh Gurus. This study is the first to examine primary missionary sources from the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries with the aim of tracing the journeys of the harmonium in Punjab. We see how missionaries introduced the instrument to potential converts; how natives first began playing the instrument and brought it into local spaces of music making; and how the harmonium entered Harmandir Sahib as an accompanying instrument that reigned supreme for over a century, going so far as to displace string instruments and oral repertoires. I also analyze audio recordings to demonstrate the unique ways Sikh practitioners use the harmonium in devotional worship. In closing, this article considers the broad implications of the ban in relation to pedagogical reform and the contentious issue of why women remain unauthorized to offer kirtan at Harmandir Sahib despite their musical mastery

    A medicinal chemistry approach to drug repositioning in the treatment of tuberculosis and malaria

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    Tuberculosis (TB) and malaria continue to be major public health concerns, globally claiming 2-3 million deaths every year. A number of efficacious drugs are available for the treatment of TB and malaria, which, through various combination therapies, are fully effective in treating these diseases. However, the wide spread resistance in M. tuberculosis (Mtb) and P. falciparum, the causative agents of TB and malaria, respectively, has made the existing therapies less effective. Thus novel agents able to circumvent drug resistance and other challenges associated with existing TB and malaria treatments are urgently needed. The development of a new drug is a lengthy and costly process; therefore, approaches that can save both time and money need to be emphasised. Drug repositioning is one such approach that has been applied in this project. Drug repositioning basically involves a situation where a drug active in one disease is derivatised or used as a template for the synthesis of derivatives active in another disease. This approach has the potential to significantly shorten the drug discovery process. This study focused on the repositioning of two drugs, the antibacterial agent fusidic acid and the antipsychotic agent metergoline, in TB and/or malaria via medicinal chemistry approaches. New semisynthetic derivatives of fusidic acid and metergoline were synthesized and evaluated for antimycobacterial activity against the H37Rv strain of Mtb and antiplasmodial activity against the NF54 strain of P. falciparum

    Noise levels in a dental teaching institute: a matter of concern!

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    Objective: To measure and assess the noise levels produced by various dental equipments in different areas of a dental institution and to recommend improvements if noise levels are not within permissible limits. Materials and methods: Sound levels were measured at three different areas of a dental institution where learning and teaching activities are organized. The sound level was measured using a sound level meter known as 'decibulolmeter'. In each area the noise level was assessed at two positions-one, at 6 inches from the operators ear and second, at the chairside instrument trolley. Noise levels were also assessed from a central location of the clinic area when multiple equipments were in operation simultaneously. Results: Dental laboratory machine, dental hand-piece, ultrasonic scalers, amalgamators, high speed evacuation, and other items produce noise at different sound levels which is appreciable. The noise levels generated varied between 72.6 dB in pre-clinics and 87.2 dB in prosthesis laboratory. The results are comparable to the results of other studies which are conducted elsewhere. Although the risk to the dentists is lesser, but damage to the hearing is possible over prolonged periods. Conclusion: Higher noise levels are potentially hazardous to the persons working in such environments especially in the laboratory areas where noise levels are exceeding the permissible limits

    Dental Lasers: A Review of Safety Essentials

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    The laser technology offers a wide range of uses in dentistry with certain advantages to the general dental practitioner like bloodless surgery, minimal post-operative pain, reduction of operative time and high patient acceptance. Patient acceptance has also been demonstrated in various studies. Apart of these major advantages, safety regarding the use of lasers cannot be neglected and has become an important concern in this modern era of dentistry, as application of this technology is growing day by day. Potential hazards can be encountered while using lasers like ocular hazards, tissue injury, inhaling the vapor emitted by the laser procedure, fire and explosion hazards etc. The safe use of lasers includes all the individuals who might be exposed either deliberately or accidently while using lasers and effective measures that can be undertaken by clinicians and health professionals to minimize the injuries caused due to laser accidents. The present article serves to explore the risks involved in the use of lasers in dentistry and suggest some of the laser safety protocols/measures that can be established in the dental office for prevention of laser injuries

    «Man må regne med å dø når man er over 60 år». En KLoK-oppgave om utfylling av dødsattest og unaturlige dødsfall

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    Gruppen har valgt utfylling av Legeerklæring om dødsfall/Melding om unaturlig dødsfall (dødsattest) som tema i denne prosjektoppgaven, nærmere bestemt delen som omhandler registrering og melding av unaturlige dødsfall. Problemstillingen lyder som følger: Hvordan endre dødsattesten for å forbedre registrering ,og melding til politiet, av unaturlige dødsfall? Kunnskapsgrunnlaget for oppgaven baseres i stor grad på det norske lovverket, i tillegg også publiserte forskningsresultater fra Akershus Universitetssykehus (Ahus). Kvalitetsforbedringsprosjektet finner sted på Ahus og skal gjennomføres ved å gjøre endringer i dødsattestskjemaet i DIPS. Gruppen planlegger å benytte seg av en resultatindikator der man sammenligner andel unaturlige dødsfall som blir registrert og meldt til politiet før og etter prosjektperioden. Vi vurderer vårt tiltak til å være gjennomførbart. Hvis tiltaket fungerer på Ahus, bør det også innføres på nasjonalt plan

    Synthesis and biological characterisation of ester and amide derivatives of fusidic acid as antiplasmodial agents

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    A series of novel fusidic acid (FA) derivatives was synthesized by replacing the carboxylic acid group with various ester and amide groups and evaluated in vitro for their antiplasmodial activity against the chloroquine-sensitive NF54 and multidrug-resistant K1 strains of the malarial parasite Plasmodium falciparum. Most of these derivatives showed a 4-49 and 5-17-fold increase in activity against NF54 and KI strains, respectively, as compared to FA and had a good selectivity index. These derivatives are stable over the incubation period and do not appear to be prodrugs of fusidic acid

    Making space for agency? : a study of the Norwegian delegation to the 60th session of the United Nations Commission on the status of women

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    This thesis is a case study of the Norwegian delegation before and during the 60th session of the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women. The study has been conducted through data collection in meeting points of the state and civil society before CSW in Oslo, and during CSW in New York. The significance of this qualitative case study is that it provides insight into a unique case. The study is unique since it gives an insight into the practices of the delegation in their meeting points during one event that will not take the exact same shape again. The aim of the thesis is to provide the reader with thick description of the practices within meeting points. This contributes to in- depth knowledge on how the Norwegian state and civil society cooperates in one UN conference process and what the nature and objectives of the cooperation is. Anthony Giddens´ structuration theory and understanding of structure and agency is the main theoretical framework. In addition, this study has drawn upon constructivism and social movement theory to theorize access given by the structure and used by the agent. The findings of this study, supports the established perception of the Norwegian state´s institutionalized cooperation with civil society. This is evident through the many meaningful access points provided to a broad range of civil society in the process of CSW. The findings also show that the state incorporates civil society´s input in the state instruction, which describes the mandate of the delegation. The state receives civil society´s input in a facilitative and cooperative way during the whole process. Information about the state´s activities on the negotiations is not shared until Thursday the first week and perceived as constraining. The same type of information was shared in the open morning meetings for all civil society organizations and only for NGO members. The NGO members are part of the delegation because of the knowledge, experience and the constituency they represent. FOKUS views their purpose as being in the delegation to contribute to pushing the negotiations forward together with the state. FOKUS perceive the late information as constraining as they are not being involved actively in cooperation with the state to develop strategies in the morning meetings. As FOKUS and the state are two different institutions, they also have different understanding of which rules, procedures and strategies should prevail and at what time. Both parts are interested in collaboration to reach the goal of gender equality. The means to reach the goal are debated.M-I

    Extracellular Autoimmune Encephalitis - A literature review with clinical approach

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    Autoimmune encephalitis associated with antibodies to neuronal cell surface or synaptic proteins was first described in 2001. They include anti-NMDAR, anti-VGKC-complex associated proteins (primarily LGI1 and CASPAR2), anti-AMPAR, anti-GABABR, anti-GlyR, anti-DPPX, anti-mGluR5, anti-D2R and anti-GABAAR encephalitis. Their presentations are rather similar and usually consist of a combination of neuropsychiatric symptoms, seizures and movement disorders. However, some clinical distinctions can often be made for some of the subtypes, like autonomic dysfunction and hypoventilation in anti-NMDAR encephalitis and severe hyponatremia and fasciobrachial dystonic seizures in anti-LGI1 encephalitis. This spectrum of autoimmune neurological diseases can be paraneoplastic, and/or mimic infectious encephalitis or other CNS diseases. The diagnostics should include comprehensive patient history, testing for autoantibodies in CFS and serum and cerebral imaging (MRI) and EEG. First line treatment consists of tumour removal (if present), intravenous corticosteroids, immunoglobulins (IVIg) and/or plasmapheresis. Eventually combined with second line treatment with biological cytostatic medication (rituximab and/or cyclophosphamide) and long-term treatment with oral corticosteroids, immunosuppression (mycophenolate mofetil) and/or cytostatic treatment (azathioprine). Despite the dramatic clinical picture for the subset, prompt recognition and treatment with immunotherapy results in full recovery or mild sequelae in 3 out of 4 patients. This review will focus on the clinical recognition, treatment and follow-up on some of the main types of extracellular autoimmune encephalitis

    Breaking the Frame: Arabesque and Metric Complexity in the Sunrise Scene from Ravel’s Daphnis et Chloé (1912)

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    The arabesque is a type of ornament that achieved considerable popularity during the Art Nouveau movement of the fin/debut-de-siècle. This paper examines how in the Sunrise Scene from Ravel’s ballet, Daphnis et Chloé (1912), he conceived of this ornament as an ostinato motif whose short rhythmic values trace the “S-curve” of contemporaneous visual arabesque through a periodic descending and ascending melodic contour. This undulating figure’s initial characterization as an inconsequential decoration betrays its growing significance as a metric, formal, and narrative catalyst. I show how its constant presence, yet fluctuating prominence, brings into central view shifting metric irregularities and conflicts, which I explore using theoretical models developed by Harald Krebs and Richard Cohn. By incessantly coming in and out of auditory focus, one never knows whether this motif is a background accompaniment or something more substantial until a significant narrative juncture: Daphnis’s awakening after a long, anxious slumber. At this moment, the motif bursts into the foreground to suggest the symbolic fusion of nature, divinity, and human emotion. The structural role of the arabesque figure on metric and narrative levels unsettles prevailing viewpoints of ornament as meaningless and non-essential. In so doing, this gesture indicates Ravel’s vibrant conception of the metric hierarchy and its inter-relationships, while promoting a vital convergence of meter, musical form, and drama