814 research outputs found

    AMPK Is the Crucial Target for the CDK4/6 Inhibitors Mediated Therapeutic Responses in PANC-1 and MIA PaCa-2 Pancreatic Cancer Cell Lines

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    The survival rate of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) patients is short, and PDAC is a cancer type that ranks fourth in the statistics regarding death due to cancer. Mutation in the KRAS gene, which plays a role in pancreatic cancer development, activates the PI3K/AKT/mTOR signaling pathway. The activity of the AMPK as a cellular energy sensor is one of the fundamental mechanisms that can induce effective therapeutic responses against CDK4/6 inhibitors via adjusting the cellular and tumor microenvironment stress management. The phosphorylation of AMPKα at the different phosphorylation residues such as Thr172 and Ser 377 causes metabolic differentiation in the cells following CDK4/6 inhibitor treatment in accordance with an increased cell cycle arrest and senescence under the control of different cellular players. In this study, we examined the competencies of the CDK4/6 inhibitors LY2835219 and PD-0332991 on the mechanism of cell survival and death based on AMPK signaling. Both CDK4/6 inhibitors LY2835219 and PD-0332991 modulated different molecular players on the PI3K/AKT/mTOR and AMPK signaling axis in different ways to reduce cell survival in a cell type dependent manner. These drugs are potential inducers of apoptosis and senescence that can alter the therapeutic efficacy cells

    A temporal approach for morphological indices of the common sole (Solea solea Linnaeus 1758) from the coast of the Aegean Sea, Turkey

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    810-818Temporal changes of the morphological indices (Relative Gut Length (RGL), Fullness Index (FI), Hepatosomatic Index (HSI), Visceral Index (VSI), Gonadosomatic Index (GSI) and Fulton condition)) in 122 (♀: 94, ♂: 19, immature: 9) common sole were evaluated. Total length-weight relationships were calculated as W = 0.085TL3.01 and W = 0.0547TL2.40 in females and males, respectively, whereby isometric growth was observed in females and negative allometric growth was observed in males. While there was no statistically significant difference was observed between the FI, HSI, Viscerosomatic Index (VSI), RGL and GSI values of both sexes, however, there was a statistically significant difference in terms of Fulton K values (P < 0.05). In addition, there are statistical differences between the sexes total lengths and the values of RGL, FI, HSI, VSI, and Fulton-K (P < 0.05), as it is discernible in their HSI and VSI index values according to the month the specimens were obtained (P < 0.05). According to the results of the analysis, it has been determined that the female common sole along the Aegean coast adjust their energy temporally and store the energy they obtain from vegetative and carnivorous feeding. Contrary to the situation seen in females, the male individuals invest in energy through omnivorous feeding, according to the diet in the active process. Based on the results, it can be stated that the VSI and HSI are both important indicators of fish condition status. The results found here may be useful in both fishery research and fishery management

    The Vela Pulsar and its Synchrotron Nebula

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    (Abridged) We present high-resolution Chandra X-ray observations of PSR B0833-45, the 89 ms pulsar associated with the Vela supernova remnant. We have acquired two observations separated by one month to search for changes in the pulsar and its environment following an extreme glitch in its rotation frequency. We find a well-resolved nebula with a toroidal morphology remarkably similar to that observed in the Crab Nebula, along with an axial Crab-like jet. Between the two observations the flux from the pulsar is found to be steady to within 0.75%; the 3 sigma limit on the fractional increase in the pulsar's X-ray flux is < ~10^-5 of the inferred glitch energy. We use this limit to constrain parameters of glitch models and neutron star structure. We do find a significant increase in the flux of the nebula's outer arc; if associated with the glitch, the inferred propagation velocity is > 0.7c, similar to that seen in the brightening of the Crab Nebula wisps. We propose an explanation for the X-ray structure of the Vela synchrotron nebula based on a model originally developed for the Crab Nebula. In a departure from the Crab model, the magnetization parameter "sigma" of the Vela pulsar wind is allowed to be of order unity; this is consistent with the simplest MHD transport of magnetic field from the pulsar to the nebula, where B < 4 X 10^-4 G. We review effects that may enhance the probability of alignment between the spin axis and space velocity of a pulsar, and speculate that short-period, slowly moving pulsars are just the ones best-suited to producing synchrotron nebulae with such aligned structures.Comment: 16 pages with 8 figures, uses LaTex, emulateapj.sty. Refereed version. To appear in The Astrophysical Journa

    Towards access for all: 1st Working Group Report for the Global Gene Therapy Initiative (GGTI)

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    The gene and cell therapy field saw its first approved treatments in Europe in 2012 and the United States in 2017 and is projected to be at least a $10B USD industry by 2025. Despite this success, a massive gap exists between the companies, clinics, and researchers developing these therapeutic approaches, and their availability to the patients who need them. The unacceptable reality is a geographic exclusion of low-and middle-income countries (LMIC) in gene therapy development and ultimately the provision of gene therapies to patients in LMIC. This is particularly relevant for gene therapies to treat human immunodeficiency virus infection and hemoglobinopathies, global health crises impacting tens of millions of people primarily located in LMIC. Bridging this divide will require research, clinical and regulatory infrastructural development, capacity-building, training, an approval pathway and community adoption for success and sustainable affordability. In 2020, the Global Gene Therapy Initiative was formed to tackle the barriers to LMIC inclusion in gene therapy development. This working group includes diverse stakeholders from all sectors and has set a goal of introducing two gene therapy Phase I clinical trials in two LMIC, Uganda and India, by 2024. Here we report on progress to date for this initiative

    Proposed Diagnostic Criteria and Classification of Canine Mast Cell Neoplasms: A Consensus Proposal

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    Mast cell neoplasms are one of the most frequently diagnosed malignancies in dogs. The clinical picture, course, and prognosis vary substantially among patients, depending on the anatomic site, grade and stage of the disease. The most frequently involved organ is the skin, followed by hematopoietic organs (lymph nodes, spleen, liver, and bone marrow) and mucosal sites of the oral cavity and the gastrointestinal tract. In cutaneous mast cell tumors, several grading and staging systems have been introduced. However, no comprehensive classification and no widely accepted diagnostic criteria have been proposed to date. To address these open issues and points we organized a Working Conference on canine mast cell neoplasms in Vienna in 2019. The outcomes of this meeting are summarized in this article. The proposed classification includes cutaneous mast cell tumors and their sub-variants defined by grading- and staging results, mucosal mast cell tumors, extracutaneous/extramucosal mast cell tumors without skin involvement, and mast cell leukemia (MCL). For each of these entities, diagnostic criteria are proposed. Moreover, we have refined grading and staging criteria for mast cell neoplasms in dogs based on consensus discussion. The criteria and classification proposed in this article should greatly facilitate diagnostic evaluation and prognostication in dogs with mast cell neoplasms and should thereby support management of these patients in daily practice and the conduct of clinical trials

    Neurovascular Coupling Remains Intact During Incremental Ascent to High Altitude (4240 m) in Acclimatized Healthy Volunteers

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    Neurovascular coupling (NVC) is the temporal link between neuronal metabolic activity and regional cerebral blood flow (CBF), supporting adequate delivery of nutrients. Exposure to high altitude (HA) imposes several stressors, including hypoxia and hypocapnia, which modulate cerebrovascular tone in an antagonistic fashion. Whether these contrasting stressors and subsequent adaptations affect NVC during incremental ascent to HA is unclear. The aim of this study was to assess whether incremental ascent to HA influences the NVC response. Given that CBF is sensitive to changes in arterial blood gasses, in particular PaCO2, we hypothesized that the vasoconstrictive effect of hypocapnia during ascent would decrease the NVC response. 10 healthy study participants (21.7 ± 1.3 years, 23.57 ± 2.00 kg/m2, mean ± SD) were recruited as part of a research expedition to HA in the Nepal Himalaya. Resting posterior cerebral artery velocity (PCAv), arterial blood gasses (PaO2, SaO2, PaCO2, [HCO3-], base excess and arterial blood pH) and NVC response of the PCA were measured at four pre-determined locations: Calgary/Kathmandu (1045/1400 m, control), Namche (3440 m), Deboche (3820 m) and Pheriche (4240 m). PCAv was measured using transcranial Doppler ultrasound. Arterial blood draws were taken from the radial artery and analyzed using a portable blood gas/electrolyte analyzer. NVC was determined in response to visual stimulation (VS; Strobe light; 6 Hz; 30 s on/off × 3 trials). The NVC response was averaged across three VS trials at each location. PaO2, SaO2, and PaCO2 were each significantly decreased at 3440, 3820, and 4240 m. No significant differences were found for pH at HA (P &gt; 0.05) due to significant reductions in [HCO3-] (P &lt; 0.043). As expected, incremental ascent to HA induced a state of hypoxic hypocapnia, whereas normal arterial pH was maintained due to renal compensation. NVC was quantified as the delta (Δ) PCAv from baseline for mean PCAv, peak PCAv and total area under the curve (ΔPCAv tAUC) during VS. No significant differences were found for Δmean, Δpeak or ΔPCAv tAUC between locations (P &gt; 0.05). NVC remains remarkably intact during incremental ascent to HA in healthy acclimatized individuals. Despite the array of superimposed stressors associated with ascent to HA, CBF and NVC regulation may be preserved coincident with arterial pH maintenance during acclimatization

    ASKAP commissioning observations of the GAMA 23 field

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    © Astronomical Society of Australia 2019. We have observed the G23 field of the Galaxy AndMass Assembly (GAMA) survey using the Australian Square Kilometre Array Pathfinder (ASKAP) in its commissioning phase to validate the performance of the telescope and to characterise the detected galaxy populations. This observation covers ∼48 deg2 with synthesised beam of 32.7 arcsec by 17.8 arcsec at 936MHz, and ∼39 deg2 with synthesised beam of 15.8 arcsec by 12.0 arcsec at 1320MHz. At both frequencies, the root-mean-square (r.m.s.) noise is ∼0.1 mJy/beam. We combine these radio observations with the GAMA galaxy data, which includes spectroscopy of galaxies that are i-band selected with a magnitude limit of 19.2. Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE) infrared (IR) photometry is used to determine which galaxies host an active galactic nucleus (AGN). In properties including source counts, mass distributions, and IR versus radio luminosity relation, the ASKAP-detected radio sources behave as expected. Radio galaxies have higher stellar mass and luminosity in IR, optical, and UV than other galaxies. We apply optical and IR AGN diagnostics and find that they disagree for ∼30% of the galaxies in our sample. We suggest possible causes for the disagreement. Some cases can be explained by optical extinction of the AGN, but for more than half of the cases we do not find a clear explanation. Radio sources aremore likely (∼6%) to have an AGN than radio quiet galaxies (∼1%), but the majority of AGN are not detected in radio at this sensitivity

    Production of medium-chain volatile flavour esters in Pichia pastoris whole-cell biocatalysts with extracellular expression of Saccharomyces cerevisiae acyl-CoA:ethanol O-acyltransferase Eht1 or Eeb1

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    Medium-chain volatile flavour esters are important molecules since they have extensive applications in food, fragrance, cosmetic, paint and coating industries, which determine different characteristics of aroma or taste in commercial products. Biosynthesis of these compounds by alcoholysis is catalyzed by acyl-CoA:ethanol O-acyltransferases Eht1 or Eeb1 in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. In this study, these two yeast enzymes were selected to explore their preparations as the form of whole cell biocatalysts for the production of volatile flavour esters. Here, the novel whole cell biocatalysts Pichia pastoris yeasts with functional extracellular expression of Eht1 or Eeb1 were constructed. Flavour production was established through an integrated process with coupled enzyme formation and ester biosynthesis in the recombinant yeasts in one pot, leading to the formation of volatile C6–C14 methyl and ethyl esters from wort medium. Interestingly, there is no significant difference between P. pastoris-EHT1 and P. pastoris-EEB1 in substrate preference during flavour biosynthesis, indicating a similar role of Eht1 and Eeb1 in P. pastoris cells, in contradiction with previous findings in S. cerevisiae to some extent. Consequently the study not only provides a greater understanding of these two enzymes in a heterogeneous host, but also demonstrated the positive effect of the recombinant Eht1 and Eeb1 in ester formation by P. pastoris live cells, potentially paving the way towards achieving efficient production of volatile flavour by an integrated biocatalytic system composed of recombinant enzyme production and flavour biosynthesis

    The Ubiquitous Dermokine Delta Activates Rab5 Function in the Early Endocytic Pathway

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    The expression of the recently identified dermokine (Dmkn) gene leads to four families of proteins with as yet unknown functions. The secreted α, β and γ isoforms share an epidermis-restricted expression pattern, whereas the δ isoform is intracellular and ubiquitous. To get an insight into Dmknδ function, we performed yeast two-hybrid screening and identified the small GTPases Rab5 as partners for Dmknδ. The Rab5 proteins are known to regulate membrane docking and fusion in the early endocytic pathway. GST pull-down assays confirmed the direct interaction between Rab5 and Dmknδ. Transient expression of Dmknδ in HeLa cells led to the formation of punctate structures colocalized with endogenous Rab5 and clathrin, indicating Dmknδ involvement in the early steps of endocytosis. Dmknδ indeed colocalized with transferrin at early stages of endocytosis, but did not modulate its endocytosis or recycling kinetics. We also showed that Dmknδ was able to bind both inactive (GDP-bound) and active (GTP-bound) forms of Rab5 in vitro but preferentially targeted GDP-bound form in HeLa cells. Interestingly, Dmknδ expression rescued the Rab5S34N-mediated inhibition of endosome fusion. Moreover, Dmknδ caused the enlargement of vesicles positive for Rab5 by promoting GTP loading onto the small GTPase. Together our data reveal that Dmknδ activates Rab5 function and thus is involved in the early endosomal trafficking

    Tumor Blood Flow Differs between Mouse Strains: Consequences for Vasoresponse to Photodynamic Therapy

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    Fluctuations in tumor blood flow are common and attributed to factors such as vasomotion or local vascular structure, yet, because vessel structure and physiology are host-derived, animal strain of tumor propagation may further determine blood flow characteristics. In the present report, baseline and stress-altered tumor hemodynamics as a function of murine strain were studied using radiation-induced fibrosacomas (RIF) grown in C3H or nude mice. Fluctuations in tumor blood flow during one hour of baseline monitoring or during vascular stress induced by photodynamic therapy (PDT) were measured by diffuse correlation spectroscopy. Baseline monitoring revealed fluctuating tumor blood flow highly correlated with heart rate and with similar median periods (i.e., ∼9 and 14 min in C3H and nudes, respectively). However, tumor blood flow in C3H animals was more sensitive to physiologic or stress-induced perturbations. Specifically, PDT-induced vascular insults produced greater decreases in blood flow in the tumors of C3H versus nude mice; similarly, during baseline monitoring, fluctuations in blood flow were more regular and more prevalent within the tumors of C3H mice versus nude mice; finally, the vasoconstrictor L-NNA reduced tumor blood flow in C3H mice but did not affect tumor blood flow in nudes. Underlying differences in vascular structure, such as smaller tumor blood vessels in C3H versus nude animals, may contribute to strain-dependent variation in vascular function. These data thus identify clear effects of mouse strain on tumor hemodynamics with consequences to PDT and potentially other vascular-mediated therapies