20 research outputs found


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    Apesar de ser considerada uma esp\ue9cie tanto de valor econ\uf4mico quanto ecol\uf3gico, v\ue1rias s\ue3o as lacunas a serem preenchidas a respeito de Aspidosperma parvifolium (guatambu). Deste modo o objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a germina\ue7\ue3o de sementes de guatambu, provenientes de frutos coletados no ch\ue3o e na \ue1rvore-matriz. Os resultados mostraram que as sementes provindas dos frutos abertos coletados do ch\ue3o, obtiveram maior percentual germinativo (76%), por\ue9m, n\ue3o houve diferen\ue7a significativa com as sementes provindas dos frutos abertos (63%) e tamb\ue9m dos frutos fechados com fissura (65%), ambos coletados na \ue1rvore. Observa-se tamb\ue9m que o menor valor de germina\ue7\ue3o (48%) foi para as sementes obtidas dos frutos fechados sem fissura, contudo, n\ue3o se diferenciou estatisticamente daqueles das sementes provindas dos frutos abertos coletados na \ue1rvore e tamb\ue9m dos frutos fechados com fissura. Desta forma pode-se concluir que sementes provenientes de frutos abertos coletados no ch\ue3o ou na \ue1rvore e provenientes de frutos com fissura, coletados diretamente da \ue1rvore-matriz, apresentam melhores percentuais germinativos.Although considered a species both economically and ecological valuable, there are several gaps to be filled about Aspidosperma parvifolium (guatambu). Thus, the aim of this study was to evaluate the germination of guatambu, derived from fruit collected from the ground and from the tree matrix. The results showed that the seeds of open stemmed fruit collected from the ground, had higher germination percentage (76%), but no significant difference with the seeds of open stemmed fruit harvested from trees (63%) and also the closed cleft fruits collected from the tree (65%). It is also observed that the lowest germination (48%) was obtained for the seeds of the fruits without cleft closed, however, was not statistically differentiated from those seeds stemmed from opened fruits harvested from trees and also fruits closed with cleft. Thus, it can be concluded that seeds from opened fruits collected from the ground or from the tree and fruits with cleft, collected directly from the tree matrix show better germination percentage

    Jabuticabeira grafting in different gaskets

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    The objective of this work was to evaluate different species of Myrtaceae as rootstock for jabuticabeira grafts, as well as the use of two grafting techniques, in order to search for alternatives for the vegetative propagation of this species. In order to carry out the experiment, the graft compatibility between jabuticabeira açú (a single adult plant) on jabuticabeira, guabijuzeiro, peach tree in the bush and guava tree was tested, being about one year old and 6 mm in diameter. The experimental design was completely randomized, in a 2 x 4 factorial scheme (grafting technique x rootstock species), with three replications, and eight grafts per experimental unit. How to cultivate canopy was used mature branches, with semilenous consistency, diameter around 6 mm and length of 10 cm, containing approximately 6 buds. The grafting process was performed in a full slit and in omega, in addition to the use of 'Buddy Tape' grafting tape to fix and seal the site. Afterwards, they were kept in a greenhouse with a relative humidity above 85% and a controlled temperature of 25°C. The evaluation was performed at 120 days after grafting, where the percentage of survival, number of shoots, length of shoots and number of leaves were evaluated. Grafting of jabuticabeira is not recommended using rootstocks of jabuticabeira, guabijuzeiro, peach bush, bush cherry tree and guava tree.O objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar diferentes espécies de Myrtaceae como porta-enxertos para enxertos de jabuticabeira, bem como a utilização de duas técnicas de garfagem, visando à busca de alternativas para a propagação vegetativa desta espécie. Para a realização do experimento foi testada a compatibilidade de enxertia entre a jabuticabeira açú (uma única planta adulta) sobre jabuticabeira, guabijuzeiro, pessegueiro do mato e goiabeira, com cerca de um ano de idade e 6 mm de diâmetro. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi inteiramente casualizado, em esquema fatorial 2 x 4 (técnica de enxertia de garfagem x espécie de porta-enxerto), com três repetições, e 8 enxertos por unidade experimental. Como cultivar copa foram utilizados ramos maduros, com consistência semilenhosa, diâmetro em torno de 6 mm e comprimento de 10 cm, contendo aproximadamente 6 gemas. O processo da enxertia foi realizado em fenda cheia e em ômega, além do uso de fita de enxertia ‘Buddy Tape’ para a fixação e vedação do local. Após, as mesmas foram mantidas em casa de vegetação climatizada, com umidade relativa superior a 85% e temperatura controlada de 25°C. A avaliação foi realizada aos 120 dias após a enxertia, onde foram avaliados o percentual de sobrevivência, número de brotações, comprimento das brotações e número de folhas. Não é recomendado a enxertia de jabuticabeira utilizando os porta-enxertos de jabuticabeira, guabijuzeiro, pessegueiro do mato, cerejeira da mata e goiabeira.El objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar diferentes especies de Myrtaceae como portainjertos para injertos de jabuticaba, así como el uso de dos técnicas de púa, con el objetivo de encontrar alternativas para la propagación vegetativa de esta especie. Para el experimento, se probó la compatibilidad del injerto entre la jabuticabeira açú (una sola planta adulta) en jabuticabeira, guabijuzeiro, melocotonero selvaje (Prunus myrtifolia) y guayaba, de aproximadamente un año de edad y 6 mm de diámetro. El diseño experimental fue completamente al azar, en un esquema factorial 2 x 4 (técnica de injerto-púa x especie de portainjerto), con tres repeticiones y 8 injertos por unidad experimental. Como dosel, se utilizaron ramas maduras con consistencia semi-leñosa, diámetro alrededor de 6 mm y longitud de 10 cm, que contenían aproximadamente 6 yemas. El proceso de injerto se realizó en hendidura y omega, además del uso de cinta adhesiva para la fijación y sellado del sitio. Posteriormente, se mantuvieron en un invernadero, con humedad relativa superior al 85% y temperatura controlada de 25 °C. La evaluación se realizó a los 120 días después del injerto, donde se evaluó el porcentaje de supervivencia, el número de brotes, la longitud de los brotes y el número de hojas. No se recomienda el injerto de jabuticaba usando los portainjertos de jabuticaba, guabijuzeiro, Prunus myrtifolia, cerezo y guayaba

    Slow-release fertilizer on the seedling growth of Aspidosperma parvifolium A. DC.

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    The objective of this study was to evaluate the use of different fertilizer doses of controlled release in the production of seedlings Aspidosperma parvifolium A. DC. The experiment was carried out in a nursery at the University of the State of Santa Catarina, in the city of Lages. The seedlings originated from seeds, sown in plastic bags of 500 cm3 and filled with commercial substrate Tecnomax®. The design was completely randomized with four treatments, consisting of four increasing doses (0, 2.5, 5 and 7.5 g L-1) Osmocote® fertilizer. For each treatment were used five replications with four plants each. At 150 days after emergence were evaluated the diameter of the neck, total seedling height, number of leaves per seedling and, leaf area. It was found that plants belonging to treatments with the use of slow release fertilizer, particularly those subjected to a dose of five g/L responded similarly, resulting in better quality seedlings. The slow-release fertilizer levels influenced the early growth seedlings, indicating the potential use of this fertilizer in the production of guatambu seedlings.The aim of this study was evaluate the use of different fertilizer doses of controlled release in the production of Aspidosperma parvifolium A. DC. The seedlings were originated from seeds, sown in plastic bags of 500 cm3 and filled with substrate Tecnomax®. The design was completely randomized with four treatments, consisting of four increasing doses (0.0; 2.5; 5.0 and 7.5 g L-1) of Osmocote® fertilizer. For each treatment were used five replications with four plants each. After 150 days of emergence were evaluated the diameter of the neck, total seedling height, number of leaves per seedling, and leaf area. It was found that plants belonging to treatments with the use of slow release fertilizer, particularly those subjected to 5.0 g L-1 responded similarly, resulting in better quality seedlings. The slow-release fertilizer levels influenced the early growth seedlings, indicating the potential use of this fertilizer in the production of Aspidosperma parvifolium seedlings

    Conservação de sementes nos frutos de pitangueira: estádio de maturação, embalagem alternativas e períodos de armazenamento

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    Eugenia uniflora L. conhecida popularmente como pitangueira, ocorre naturalmente no Brasil e produz frutos com grande potencial para indústria alimentícia, cosmética e farmacêutica. As sementes altamente recalcitrantes e de curta longevidade dificultam a propagação desta espécie, tornando-se necessário a realização de estudos que permitam conservá-las por maior período. Diante disso, o objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a viabilidade de sementes em diferentes condições de coleta e armazenamento. O delineamento experimental foi do tipo inteiramente casualizado, em esquema trifatorial 2 x 6 x 4 (estádio de maturação x atmosfera modificada x tempo de armazenamento), com quatro repetições, utilizando-se 50 sementes por unidade experimental. Para o fator atmosfera modificada fez-se a junção do local de armazenamento ao tipo de embalagem. Desta forma, as sementes ainda nos frutos foram mantidas em duas condições, ambiente natural ou refrigerado (±5 ºC), dentro de saco plástico transparente, garrafa PET ou banha suína solidificada. As sementes mantidas nos frutos foram armazenadas por 0, 30, 60, 90 e 120 dias. Fora avaliado a porcentagem de emergência, número de folhas por plântula, comprimento total de plântula, comprimento de raiz e parte aérea, e massa da matéria seca total das plântulas. Sementes de pitangueira podem ser armazenadas em refrigerador por até 60 dias, quando alocadas em saco plástico ou garrafa do tipo PET

    Floral, reproductive, and pollination biology of Eugenia myrcianthes Nied.

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    Studies on species of the family Myrtaceae are mostly related to floristic surveys, reproduction involving large plant communities, and family taxonomy. Thus, the objective of this study was to elucidate aspects of the floral and reproductive biology, as well as floral visitors of ubajai (Eugenia myrcianthes Nied.). Studies were conducted on floral morphology and morphometry, identification of nectaries and structures attractive to floral visitors, characterization of floral visitors, stigma receptivity, and androecium maturation, pollen storage, in vitro viability testing, and characterization of the reproductive system. Ubajai flowers open at approximately 6:00 a.m., and their anthers are the main attractive structure to floral visitors. The main floral visitors and effective pollinators of ubajai are honeybees (Apis mellifera). The addition of 40% sucrose to the culture medium, using fresh pre-anthesis pollen, allows for a 90% germination rate. Ubajai pollen is recalcitrant, thus, it loses viability before 30 days of storage, even when stored in a refrigerator, freezer, liquid nitrogen, or natural environment. Ubajai can be considered a self-compatible plant; however, fertilization of flowers through cross-pollination also occurs, and apomixis does not occur.Studies on species of the family Myrtaceae are mostly related to floristic surveys, reproduction involving large plant communities, and family taxonomy. Thus, the objective of this study was to elucidate aspects of the floral and reproductive biology, as well as floral visitors of ubajai (Eugenia myrcianthes Nied.). Studies were conducted on floral morphology and morphometry, identification of nectaries and structures attractive to floral visitors, characterization of floral visitors, stigma receptivity, and androecium maturation, pollen storage, in vitro viability testing, and characterization of the reproductive system. Ubajai flowers open at approximately 6:00 a.m., and their anthers are the main attractive structure to floral visitors. The main floral visitors and effective pollinators of ubajai are honeybees (Apis mellifera). The addition of 40% sucrose to the culture medium, using fresh pre-anthesis pollen, allows for a 90% germination rate. Ubajai pollen is recalcitrant, thus, it loses viability before 30 days of storage, even when stored in a refrigerator, freezer, liquid nitrogen, or natural environment. Ubajai can be considered a self-compatible plant; however, fertilization of flowers through cross-pollination also occurs, and apomixis does not occur

    Germinação de sementes de amaranto sob influência da luz, substrato e temperatura

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    Seed germination involves complex physiological and biochemical mechanisms. The cultivation of amaranth, of great food importance, lacks information about this process. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of temperature, light and different substrates on the germination of amaranth seeds. The experimental design was entirely randomized in a trifactorial scheme, with two temperatures, two conditions of light and four substrates, with four repetitions of 100 seeds each. The percentage of seed germination was evaluated until 24 days of implementation and the cumulative germination at 07, 14 and 24 days. The germination began on the fourth day for the substrate between sand and for the other substrates it began on the eleventh day, stabilizing in the fourteenth day. There was triple significant interaction among temperature, light condition and substrate factors used on the germination test. The best condition for amaranth seed germination is at a 25 ºC temperature, in the absence of light and on paper roll substrate, with 87% of germination. These conditions can be used in germination tests for seed lots, to test its quality.A germinação das sementes envolve complexos mecanismos fisiológicos e bioquímicos. A cultura do amaranto, de grande importância alimentar, carece de informações quanto à este processo. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito da temperatura, da luz e de diferentes substratos sobre a germinação de sementes de amaranto. O experimento foi realizado em esquema trifatorial, sendo duas temperaturas, duas condições de luz e quatro substratos. Adotou-se o delineamento experimental inteiramente casualizado, com quatro repetições de 100 sementes cada. Foi avaliado o percentual de germinação das sementes até 24 dias da implantação e a germinação acumulada aos 07, 14 e 24 dias. A germinação teve início no 4° dia para o substrato entre areia e para os demais substratos teve início no 11° dia, estabilizando-se no 14° dia. Houve interação tripla significativa entre os fatores temperatura, condição de luz e substrato utilizado no teste de germinação. A melhor condição para a germinação de sementes de amaranto é na temperatura de 25 ºC, na ausência de luz e em substrato rolo de papel, com 87% de germinação. Estas condições podem ser utilizadas em testes de germinação de lotes de sementes para atestar sua qualidade


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    A avaliação da condutividade elétrica é um dos testes mais rápidos na avaliação da qualidade de sementes, assim, o objetivo foi verificar a eficiência qualidade fisiológica de sementes de oito espécies florestais por meio do teste de condutividade elétrica individual e, se este é eficiente para tal. O delineamento foi inteiramente casualizado com 4 repetições de 25 sementes, avaliando-se os períodos de embebição (2, 4, 6, 8, 24 e 48 horas). Após cada período, realizou-se a leitura da condutividade, sendo que em seguida as sementes foram postas para germinar com intuito de correlacionar os valores de condutividade com a germinação. O teste de condutividade elétrica individual se mostrou eficiente para avaliação da qualidade das sementes

    Electrical conductivity test applied to seeds of forest species

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    The evaluation of electrical conductivity is one of the fastest tests to evaluate quality and vigour of the seed, however, studies with forest species are scarce. Thus, the aim was to verify the possibility to evaluate the physiological quality of forest seed species by the individual and massal electrical conductivity test in different imbibition periods. The experimental material consisted of seeds of the Gallesia integrifolia, Handroanthus chrysotrichus, Lonchocarpus campestris and Pterogyne nitens. For the individual method, 80 repetitions of one seed were used, which were placed in individual containers containing 50 ml of distilled water. The following imbibition periods were evaluated: 2, 4, 6, 8, 24 and 48 hours. The tests were placed in a germinator BOD chamber with a constant temperature of 25°C. Individual electrical conductivity test was efficient to evaluate the physiological quality of seeds. Periods of soaking best suited to evaluate the physiological quality of seeds, the electrical conductivity test were 48 hours to Gallesia integrifolia, 2 hours to Handroanthus chrysotrichus and 24 hours for Lonchocarpus campestrisThe evaluation of electrical conductivity is one of the fastest tests to evaluate quality and vigour of the seed, however, studies with forest species are scarce. Thus, the aim of this work was to verify the possibility to evaluate the physiological quality of forest seed species by the individual and massal electrical conductivity test in different soaking periods. The experimental material consisted of seeds of the Gallesia integrifolia, Handroanthus chrysotrichus, Lonchocarpus campestris and Pterogyne nitens. For the individual method, 80 repetitions of one seed were used, which were placed in individual containers containing 50 ml of distilled water. The evaluated soaking periods were 2, 4, 6, 8, 24 and 48 h. The tests were placed in a germinator BOD chamber with a constant temperature of 25 ºC. Individual electrical conductivity test was efficient to evaluate the physiological quality of seeds. Periods of soaking best suited to evaluate the physiological quality of seeds, the electrical conductivity test were 48 h to G. integrifolia, 2 h to H. chrysotrichus and 24 h for L. campestris


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    http://dx.doi.org/10.5902/223658349180Trata-se de um estudo qualitativo que buscou conhecer a vivência de gestantes institucionalizadas em uma penitenciária feminina de Porto Alegre e desvelar como percebem a assistência de saúde oferecida nesta instituição. Participaram voluntariamente sete gestantes que se encontravam no terceiro trimestre da gravidez. A coleta de dados ocorreu através de entrevista semi-estruturada durante o mês de novembro de 2012. A análise dos dados baseou-se no método temático de Minayo de onde emergiram as categorias: (a) vivendo a gestação atrás das grades e (b) avaliando o serviço de saúde penitenciário. Evidenciou-se que as gestantes reclusas possuem seus direitos constitucionais parcialmente atendidos quanto à assistência de saúde, referindo medo com relação ao tratamento pessoal que receberão durante o parto pelos profissionais. DESCRITORES: Gestação, Mulheres, Sistema Prisional. LIVING PREGNANCY WITHIN A PRISON SYSTEM   ABSTRACT This qualitative study aimed to know the experience of pregnant women institutionalized in a women's prison in Porto Alegre and reveal how they perceive the health care offered at this institution. Participated in this study voluntarily seven women who were in the third trimester of pregnancy.The data were collected through semi-structured interviews during the month of November of 2012. Data analyses were based on the thematic method of Minayo where the following categories became clear: (a) experiencing pregnancy behind bars and (b) assessing prison health care. It was shown that pregnant inmates have partially met their constitutional rights regarding health care, showing concern regarding the personal treatment they will receive during childbirth by the healthcare professionals. DESCRIPTORS: Pregnancy, Women, Prison System. 

    Floral phase and sucrose/boric acid concentrations on in vitro germination of Inga edulis (Mart.), pollen grain

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    The aim of this work was to determine the ideal stage of pollen collection and the best concentrations of sucrose and boric acid in the culture medium for the in vitro germination of inga fruit tree pollen. For this, the work was carried out in two stages, one using concentrations of sucrose in the culture medium (0, 5, 10, 20 and 30%) - experiment 1. Another one using the best sucrose concentration, with concentrations (0, 100, 200 and 300 mg L-1) - experiment 2. In the two experiments, two flowering phases were use: pre-anthesis and post-anthesis. For both experiments, the culture medium contained 1% agar to solidify the medium and all treatments remained in BOD for 24 h at a temperature controlled at 25°C. For the experiment 1 with sucrose, DIC was use in factorial 2 x 5, with 4 replicates, and for the experiment 2 with boric acid, DIC was use in factorial 2 x 4, with 4 replicates. Data were submit to analysis of variance and regression. For pollen grains obtained from pre-anthesis, the maximum technical efficiency point (PMET) was obtain with 11% sucrose added to the culture medium, thus achieving 33% germination. As for pollen grains obtained from flowers in post-anthesis, PMET was reach with 8% of sucrose in the culture medium, obtaining 32% of germination. Within the concentrations evaluated in the experiment, boric acid did not promote increase of in vitro germination of pollen from inga fruit tree