54 research outputs found

    Proizvodnja arahidonske kiseline iz Mortierella alpina I49 i N18

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    Arachidonic acid (AA), an essential fatty acid in human body, fermented by Mortierella alpina I49-N18 was investigated in a shake-flask, and a 50-ton fermentor. In order to optimize the culture conditions, the effects of temperature, initial pH, culture time, carbon and nitrogen sources were studied. Furthermore, the way of adding sugar during fermentation was evaluated in a 50-ton fermentor. Under the optimum culture conditions, arachidonic acid produced in shake-flask and 50-ton fermentor was 4.55 and 5.11 g/L media, respectively. It was shown that the highest percentage of AA in lipids in shake-flask and 50-ton fermentor reached 70.20 and 53.01 %, respectively. Gas chromatography/mass spectrometry tests showed that the oil contained 80 % of polyunsaturated fatty acids such as arachidonic acid, γ-linolenic acid, and linoleic acid.Istraživana je fermentacija Mortierella alpina I49 i N18 u tikvicama na tresilici i u 50-tonskom fermentoru za dobivanje arahidonske kiseline, esencijalne masne kiseline u čovjeka. Da bi se postigli najpovoljniji uvjeti uzgoja, ispitan je utjecaj temperature, početnog pH, trajanje uzgoja, izvori ugljika i dušika. Nadalje, ispitan je način dodavanja šećera tijekom uzgoja u 50-tonskom fermentoru. Pod optimalnim uvjetima uzgoja na tresilici i u 50-tonskom fermentoru dobiveno je 4,55 odnosno 5,11 g arahidonske kiseline/L podloge. Najveći je postotak arahidonske kiseline u lipidima na tresilici i u 50-tonskom fermentoru iznosio 70,20 odnosno 53,01 %. Plinskom kromatografijom/masenom spektrometrijom utvrđeno je da ulje sadrži 80 % polinezasićenih kiselina kao što su arahidonska, γ-linolenska i linoleinska kiselina

    An Experimental Study on the Establishment of Pulmonary Hypertension Model in Rats induced by Monocrotaline

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    Pulmonary hypertension is called PH for short. It is caused by the pulmonary artery vascular disease leading to pulmonary vascular resistance, and the increase right lung compartment load, which resulting in weakening or even collapse of the right ventricular function. The establishment of rat PH model under the action of monocrotaline is a repeatable, simple and accessible operation technique, which has been widely used in the treatment of pulmonary hypertension. This paper discusses the principle and properties of the PH model on rats under the monocrotaline action

    Review of thermal management of catalytic converters to decrease engine emissions during cold start and warm up

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    Catalytic converters mitigate carbon monoxide, hydrocarbon, nitrogen oxides and particulate matter emissions from internal combustion engines, and allow meeting the increasingly stringent emission regulations. However, catalytic converters experience light-off issues during cold start and warm up. This paper reviews the literature on the thermal management of catalysts, which aims to significantly reduce the light-off time and emission concentrations through appropriate heating methods. In particular, methods based on the control of engine parameters are easily implementable, as they do not require extra heating devices. They present good performance in terms of catalyst light-off time reduction, but bring high fuel penalties, caused by the heat loss and unburnt fuel. Other thermal management methods, such as those based on burners, reformers and electrically heated catalysts, involve the installation of additional devices, but allow flexibility in the location and intensity of the heat injection, which can effectively reduce the heat loss in the tailpipe. Heat storage materials decrease catalyst light-off time, emission concentrations and fuel consumption, but they are not effective if the engine remains switched off for long periods of time. The main recommendation of this survey is that integrated and more advanced thermal management control strategies should be developed to reduce light-off time without significant energy penalty

    Enrichment Evaluation of Heavy Metals from Stormwater Runoff to Soil and Shrubs in Bioretention Facilities

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    Bioretention facilities with different inflow concentrations, growing media and plants were examined to determine whether the soil in these facilities was polluted with heavy metals and whether runoff had obvious toxic effects on plants. Using Beijing soil background value as the standard, the soils were evaluated by bioaccumulation index and single factor index. The results show that stormwater runoff containing Cu caused slight pollution in soils, and stormwater runoff containing Zn and Pb was not polluted. Nemerow comprehensive index evaluation revealed that the heavy metals content in the facilities containing vermiculite (a yellow or brown mineral found as an alteration product of mica and other minerals, used for insulation or as a moisture-retentive medium for growing plants) and perlite (a form of obsidian characterized by spherulites formed by cracking of the volcanic glass during cooling, used as insulation or in plant growth media) were higher than the standard. High influent concentration caused significantly higher heavy metals content in plants. While Pb accumulation in the two studied plants was the highest, Cu and Zn accumulation, which are essential for plant growth, was relatively low. The contents of the three heavy metals in the studied plants also exceeded their corresponding critical values

    Enrichment Evaluation of Heavy Metals from Stormwater Runoff to Soil and Shrubs in Bioretention Facilities

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    Bioretention facilities with different inflow concentrations, growing media and plants were examined to determine whether the soil in these facilities was polluted with heavy metals and whether runoff had obvious toxic effects on plants. Using Beijing soil background value as the standard, the soils were evaluated by bioaccumulation index and single factor index. The results show that stormwater runoff containing Cu caused slight pollution in soils, and stormwater runoff containing Zn and Pb was not polluted. Nemerow comprehensive index evaluation revealed that the heavy metals content in the facilities containing vermiculite (a yellow or brown mineral found as an alteration product of mica and other minerals, used for insulation or as a moisture-retentive medium for growing plants) and perlite (a form of obsidian characterized by spherulites formed by cracking of the volcanic glass during cooling, used as insulation or in plant growth media) were higher than the standard. High influent concentration caused significantly higher heavy metals content in plants. While Pb accumulation in the two studied plants was the highest, Cu and Zn accumulation, which are essential for plant growth, was relatively low. The contents of the three heavy metals in the studied plants also exceeded their corresponding critical values

    Spatiotemporal Evolution of Postseismic Deformation Following the 2001 Mw7.8 Kokoxili, China, Earthquake from 7 Years of Insar Observations

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    The 2001 Mw7.8 Kokoxili earthquake, which occurred in the north Tibetan Plateau, ruptured ~400 km of the westernmost portion of the Kunlun fault and produced significant time-dependent postseismic deformation over a large area around the rupture zone and nearby regions. To analyze the postseismic deformation features along different sections of the coseismic surface rupture, we describe the total cumulative postseismic deformation near the center of the rupture and produce velocity maps for the whole observation period and six sub-periods, using InSAR observations (ENVISAT/ASAR, 2003⁻2010) on five descending tracks. The results indicate that the postseismic deformation is asymmetrically distributed across the fault over a very broad area of ~300 km × 500 km. The south side of the fault exhibits larger displacements and a wider area of deformation that is steadily decaying from near-field to far-field, while the north side displays a narrow, rapidly diminishing deformation field. The maximum cumulative displacement in 2003⁻2010 reaches up to ~45⁻60 mm and the LOS peak-to-trough average velocity offset in 2003⁻2010 reaches ~13⁻16 mm/yr at ~92.5°E. The short-term postseismic velocity estimates in the six sub-periods reflect significant spatial variation and temporal differences on different sections. Motions to the south of the two ends of the rupture zone show more rapid velocity decay compared to near the main central rupture zone. The time- and distance-dependent timeseries of postseismic surface displacement reveal exponential decay in the near-field and a nearly linear trend in the far-field of the fault

    X-ray powder diffraction characterization of pyrope

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