122 research outputs found

    COVID-19 and the Gendered Impacts on Paid and Domestic Work: Evidence from an Exploratory Loglinear Analysis of Young Lives Data.

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    The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic in early 2020 resulted in a global economic crisis, with severe consequences for the lives and livelihoods of people worldwide. While hundreds of millions of people were unable to work as usual due to lockdowns and restrictions, simultaneously, the burden of care work increased drastically as a result of school closures, work-from-home orders, and overwhelmed healthcare systems. The purpose of this study was to explore the gendered impacts of the crisis, by examining how young men and women’s time spent on paid and domestic work in four global south countries was affected during the lockdown of the first wave of the pandemic. Drawing on data from the Young Lives project, this study used chi-square tests and loglinear analysis to explore the associations between sex, economic sector, paid work during lockdown, and domestic work during lockdown. The results revealed that all the bivariate association tests reached statistical significance, and further revealed two significant three-way associations. Women had slightly higher odds of reducing work hours than men, which can, at least partly, be attributed to their overrepresentation in certain economic sectors. Moreover, women had higher odds than men of increasing the time spent on domestic work during lockdown, and the association between domestic work and paid work was found to be stronger for women than for men. These results imply that the time spent on paid work by women was more sensitive to increases in domestic work, than it was for men. In addition, the results indicate that women had a higher vulnerability to shouldering a double work burden during lockdown. The results presented in this study carry important implications for COVID-19 recovery policies and future research on the gendered impacts of economic crises.Master's ThesisGLODE33

    Hantering av ramkonflikter i vÄrdplaneringssamtal pÄ ett Àldreboende

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    I den hÀr artikeln undersöks hur ramkonflikter, dvs. spÀnningar som kan föreligga mellan olika behov och syften, hanteras i multiprofessionella samtal pÄ vÄrdplaneringsmöten, dÀr klienten sjÀlv deltar. Analysen visar att de professionella parterna orienterar sig pÄ olika sÀtt mot de olika uppgifter och syften som mötet rymmer.  Resultaten kan utveckla förstÄelsen av multiprofessionella samtal i vÄrden, med betoning pÄ behovsbedömningssamtal.Omsorg som sprÄkarbete. Hinder och möjligheter med svenska som andrasprÄk i den nya arbetsordninge

    Effects of forage phosphorous content on faecal phosphorous excretion and possible markers of low phosphorous intake in foals fed forage-only diets

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    Knowledge of endogenous nutrient losses is important when estimating the nutrient requirements of animals. It has been suggested that faecal endogenous phosphorus (P) losses differ between growing and adult horses, but studies on foals are scarce. In addition, studies on foals on forage-only diets with different P contents are lacking. Thus this study: (1) assessed faecal endogenous P losses in foals fed a grass haylage-only diet close to or below estimated P requirements; (2) evaluated use of serum cross-linked carboxyterminal telopeptides of type-I collagen (CTx) as a marker of bone resorption secondary to low-P intake; and (3) examined whether analysis of faecal P concentration on a dry matter (DM) basis could be used as an indicator of P intake. Six foals were fed three grass haylages (fertilised to contain different amounts of P: 1.9, 2.1, 3.0 g/kg DM) for 17-day periods in a Latin square design. Total collection of feaces was performed by the end of each period. Faecal endogenous P losses were estimated using linear regression analysis. There was no difference in the concentration of CTx in plasma between diets in samples collected on the last day of each period. A correlation was found (y = 0.64x - 1.51; r(2) = 0.75, p < 0.0001) between P intake and faecal P content, but regression analysis indicated that underestimation as well as overestimation of intake is likely if faecal P content is used to assess intake. It was concluded that faecal endogenous P losses in foals are low, probably no higher than in adult horses. It was also concluded that plasma CTx cannot be used to assess short-term low-P intake in foals and that faecal P content cannot be used to assess differences in P intake, at least not when P intake is close to or below estimated P requirements

    Migrants' Inclusion in Civil Societies: The Case of Language Cafés in Sweden

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    This article investigates the role of language cafĂ©s as venues where newly arrived migrants to Sweden can socialize and practice the target language. More specifically, we aim to explore how cafĂ© organizers and volunteers orient to social inclusion as they are interviewed about the goals of the local cafĂ© and engage in talk‐in‐interaction with the visitors during video‐recorded cafĂ© sessions. At the methodological level, we rely on ethnomethodologically informed ethnography and conversation analysis, through which we adopt an emic approach to data analysis by taking into account the members' interpretation of their social world and the actions they accomplish in it. Our analysis uncovers the organizers' and volunteers' conceptualization of social inclusion, which they articulate in terms of fostering a sense of belonging and empowerment; they also perceive the mutual benefits derived from the encounters with the migrants at the local cafĂ©. Overall, the migrants' views dovetail with the concept of "everyday citizenship," which highlights the dimensions of belonging, rights, and access to resources for social participation as constitutive of social inclusion. These findings highlight the perceived role of language cafĂ©s as a way to act on the existing social reality to transform the local community into an inclusive, equal, and integrated society

    The social organization of assistance in multilingual interaction in Swedish residential care

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    In this article, we explore the organization of assistance in multilingual interaction in Swedish residential care. The data that form the basis for the study cover care encounters involving three residents with a language background other than Swedish, totalling 13 hours and 14 minutes of video documentation. The empirical data consists of a collection of 134 instances where residents seek assistance with the realization of a practical action. For this article, three examples that involve the manipulation of an object have been selected for analysis. We use the concept of ‘recruitment’ to encompass the various methods by which assistance is sought in the care encounter. In the first example, the need for assistance concerns the transfer of an object that is recognizable and physically available for both participants. This, in combination with the resident’s gestural work that pinpoints the description of the action, facilitates its realization. In the second and third examples, the realization of the action becomes more difficult because the object involved is not recognizable for the caregiver. The article highlights the collaborative ways in which residents manage to support their talk through bodily practices, and the strong and empathetic engagement with which caregivers become involved in interpreting the meaning of these practices. Finally, we discuss the implications of our findings for care provision in multilingual circumstances.Peer reviewe

    Group rehabilitation of patients with acquired hearing impairment and their close relatives: Evaluation of short- and long-term effects

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of a two-weeks full-time group-rehabilitation program designed for hearing-impaired patients and their close relatives. Seventy-six consecutive patients in employment age (mean = 51 years; SD = 9 years, R = 22–64 years) with subjective need for audiological rehabilitation were included in the program. Pure tone averages were 46 dB HL and 58 dB HL at the low and high frequencies in the best ear, respectively. The patients responded to visual analogue scales (VAS) and questionnaires, intended to measure “perceived handicap”, “social support”, “perceived negative attitudes”, “acceptance of hearing loss” and “communication strategies”, before and after the last group session. The forms were also sent to the study group by post four and six months after the program was terminated. No significant short-term effects were found after the last group session, except that self-rated handicap in family life (VAS) was increased (p = 0.028), probably due to the participants’ increased awareness of hearing-related problems. Four months later, perceived negative attitudes from others were significantly reduced (p = 0.025), but self-rated handicap in family life was still increased (p = 0.023). Six months later (long-term effects), maladaptive strategies (e.g. guessing, pretending to hear and avoiding interactions) were significantly less often used (p = 0.036) and verbal strategies more frequently adopted (p = 0.018). This change of communication strategies might facilitate social participation and should therefore be seen as positive outcomes of a rehabilitation program

    Prognostic Value of Stromal Type IV Collagen Expression in Small Invasive Breast Cancers

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    Breast cancer is the most common cause of cancer death among women worldwide. Localized breast cancer can be cured by surgery and adjuvant therapy, but mortality remains high for tumors that metastasize early. Type IV collagen is a basement membrane protein, and breach of this extracellular matrix structure is the first step of cancer invasion. Type IV collagen is found in the stroma of many cancers, but its role in tumor biology is unclear. Here, expression of type IV collagen in the stroma of small breast cancers was analyzed, correlated to clinically used prognostic biomarkers and patient survival. The findings were further validated in an independent gene expression data cohort. Tissue samples from 1,379 women with in situ and small invasive breast cancers (Peer reviewe

    Erythroid differentiation enhances RNA mis-splicing in SF3B1-mutant myelodysplastic syndromes with ring sideroblasts

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    Myelodysplastic syndromes with ring sideroblasts (MDS-RS) commonly develop from hematopoietic stem cells (HSC) bearing mutations in the splicing factor SF3B1 (SF3B1mt). Direct studies into MDS-RS pathobiology have been limited by a lack of model systems that fully recapitulate erythroid biology and RS development and the inability to isolate viable human RS. Here, we combined successful direct RS isolation from patient samples, high-throughput multiomics analysis of cells encompassing the SF3B1mt stem-erythroid continuum, and functional assays to investigate the impact of SF3B1mt on erythropoiesis and RS accumulation. The isolated RS differentiated, egressed into the blood, escaped traditional nonsense-mediated decay (NMD) mechanisms, and leveraged stress-survival pathways that hinder wild-type hematopoiesis through pathogenic GDF15 overexpression. Importantly, RS constituted a contaminant of magnetically enriched CD34+ cells, skewing bulk transcriptomic data. Mis-splicing in SF3B1mt cells was intensified by erythroid differentiation through accelerated RNA splicing and decreased NMD activity, and SF3B1mt led to truncations in several MDS-implicated genes. Finally, RNA mis-splicing induced an uncoupling of RNA and protein expression, leading to critical abnormalities in proapoptotic p53 pathway genes. Overall, this characterization of erythropoiesis in SF3B1mt RS provides a resource for studying MDS-RS and uncovers insights into the unexpectedly active biology of the “dead-end” RS. Significance: Ring sideroblast isolation combined with state-of-the-art multiomics identifies survival mechanisms underlying SF3B1-mutant erythropoiesis and establishes an active role for erythroid differentiation and ring sideroblasts themselves in SF3B1-mutant myelodysplastic syndrome pathogenesis
