339 research outputs found

    Nothing New in the East:No New World Order

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    ReOrient Histography and Social Theory

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    Relações entre Subdesenvolvimiento e Desenvolvimiento

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    Agradecemos o esforço do prof. Juan Cristóbal Cárdenas Castro em recuperar o documento e cedê-lo para publicação na revista, sem tal trabalho inestimável não seria possível sua divulgação. A proposta de curso é caracterizada pela mistura de termos em castelhano e em português, com vários erros de digitação em máquina de escrever e alguns termos ilegíveis, procuramos manter a maior fidelidade possível ao documento original não realizando qualquer correção/falsificação do mesmo. Autor: André Gunder Fran

    Das 21. Jahrhundert wird ein Asiatisches sein

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    Das 21. Jahrhundert wird ein Asiatisches sein. Die jüngsten Forschungen, einschließlich meines Buches ReOrient: Global Economy in the Asian Age, überwinden die eurozentrische Geschichtsschreibung und zeigen, dass Asien zumindest bis 1800 in der Welt dominierte. Jedoch zeigt mein demnächst erscheinendes Buch ReOrient the 19th Century, dass mit Ausnahme des kolonialen Indiens, der größte Teil von West-, Zentral-, Südost- und Ostasien, genauso wie Lateinamerika und Afrika zumindest bis zur Mitte des 19. Jahrhunderts prosperierten. In China gab es keinen wirklichen „Niedergang“ bis zum Taiping Aufstand in den 1850er Jahren und dem zweiten Opiumkrieg von 1860. Die „große Divergenz“ zwischen Ost und West, wie sie von Kenneth Pommeranz, Professor der Geschichte an der University of California in Irvine bezeichnet wird, setzte erst nach 1870 ein. Die wichtigsten Faktoren für den Niedergang Asiens waren die Schwäche des Staates und der Kolonialismus. Japan, das man für die Tokugawa Periode (1603-1867) fälschlicherweise als „feudal“ bezeichnet, war nach der Meji Restauration von 1868 immer noch unabhängig. Es konnte diese Probleme vermeiden und war daher das erste Land, das sich in der zweiten Hälfte des 19. Jahrhunderts entwickeln konnte..

    Der Kalte Krieg und ich

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    A personal trajectory is described, which took Frank as a child from Nazi Germany to dependency theory and global historical studies. This trajectory led him at various times to Castro's Cuba, Allende's Chile, and Breshnew's Russia Cold. On every station it was deeply influenced by the Cold War - as well in the West as in the East

    Dez teses acerca dos movimentos sociais

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    Dualities of Latin America

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    Determining whether the current situation of Latin America is better described as "post-neoliberalism" or as "commodities consensus" requires an analysis of recent changes in the region. Capitalism has expanded in agriculture and mining, accentuating the preeminence of basic exports. Traditional industry is declining, and remittances and tourism have increased in importance. Local capitalists associated with foreign corporations have replaced the national bourgeoisie, while the exodus of peasants consolidates labor precariousness, poverty, and inequality. At the same time, the United States is deploying troops to reorganize its domination. The South American rebellions have limited neoliberal aggression and achieved unusual victories in other parts of the world. The concept of post-neoliberalism emphasizes the region's political turn toward autonomy but overlooks the persistence of the economic model generated during the previous phase. The opposing concept, commodities consensus, highlights the extractivism prevailing throughout the region but plays down the extreme divergences among right-wing, center-left, and radical governments in all other areas. Both concepts contain part of the truth, but neither fully explains the regional scenario.Para determinar si la situación actual de Latinoamérica es mejor descrita como “postneoliberalismo” o como un “consenso de los commodities” hay que hacer un análisis de los cambios recientes en la región. El capitalismo se ha expandido en la agricultura y la minería, acrecentando la preeminencia de las exportaciones básicas. La industria tradicional ha disminuido, y la importancia del turismo y las remesas ha aumentado. Los capitalistas locales asociados con empresas extranjeras han reemplazado a la burguesía nacional, mientras que el éxodo de los campesinos ha consolidado la precariedad laboral, la pobreza y la desigualdad. Al mismo tiempo, Estados Unidos despliega tropas para reorganizar su dominio. Las rebeliones en América del Sur han puesto barreras a la agresión neoliberal y logrado victorias inusuales en otras partes del mundo. El concepto del postneoliberalismo destaca el giro político de la región hacia la autonomía pero con una tendencia a la persistencia del modelo económico generado durante la fase anterior. El otro concepto, el consenso de las commodities, destaca el extractivismo que prevalece en toda la región pero minoriza las divergencias entre los gobiernos de derecha, centro-izquierda y radicales en todas las demás áreas. Ambos conceptos son parcialmente ciertos, pero no explican totalmente el escenario regional.Fil: Katz, Claudio Isaac. Universidad de Buenos Aires; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentin

    When the Wealthy Are Poor: Poverty Explanations and Local Perspectives in Southwestern Madagascar

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    To reduce poverty, one must understand what poverty means in local contexts. We used focus groups to elicit a “folk model” of poverty from Masikoro, Vezo, and Mikea people in rural southwestern Madagascar and then placed this model in dialogue with four social science models: economic growth, substantivism, mode of production, and livelihoods. The folk model emphasizes household continuity, production of people, and exploitative expropriation by the wealthy. Absent from the folk model is scarcity of natural and social resources, the core of economic growth and livelihoods explanations. Consistent with substantivism, poverty and wealth are states one may occupy simultaneously, not maximizable quantities. Compatible with mode of production, the root cause of poverty is the rules regarding control over property. Poverty interventions based on profit, competition, intensification, or devolution of control to traditional social institutions would likely be culturally foreign to rural Malagasy and could further the gap between rich and poor