563 research outputs found

    2 kWatt Harmonic Analyzer Prototype Using Discrete Fourier Transform Method

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    We knew that there are so many power harmonic analyzer in the market. Much of them are from well known company and commercialize that bring the engineer found it easily. In this paper we just want to proclaim that Indonesian engineer has capability to develop such that system. That is why we want to introduce a 2kWatt harmonic analyzer prototype using Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT). The prototype is built up using ATMega 32 Microcontroller. Fourier transform mechanism is made and then plant in the microcontroller that is functioned as a processor. This controller is chosen, because it has some advantages, one of it is an internal ADC that give the user easily to convert from analog unit into digital one. After prototype was completely finished, it was tested with 13 different types of load and compared with the well know product of Fluke 41B Power Harmonics Analyzer. From that test, we can deliver some conclusion are the error average of voltage THD is 1.8% and error average of current THD is 1.96%


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    ABSTRAK Skripsi dengan judul “Simbol dan Makna gerak Topeng Menak Jingga di Sanggar Setialuyu Bandung”. Narasumber utama dalam penelitian ini yaitu Moh. Aim Salim selaku guru tari di Sanggar Setialuyu. Tari Topeng Menak Jingga ini termasuk rumpun tari topeng yang berlandaskan tari klasik etnis Sunda. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh data simbol dan makna gerak topeng Menak Jingga kemudian mendeskripsikannya melalui kajian mendalam. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif analisis dengan pendekatan kualitatif yang dikaji melalui etnokoreologi didukung dengan teori Ikonografi yang ditunjang dengan teori simbol dan makna, serta beberapa teori pendukung lainnya. Analisis selain itu juga menggunakan teknik triangulasi data dari hasil observasi, wawancara, dan studi pustaka. Adapun data dikumpulkan melalui data reduksi, data display, dan kesimpulan. Berdasarkan pendekatan etnokoreologi maka bisa disimpulkan bahwa Tari Topeng Menak Jingga di Sanggar Setialuyu Bandung, merupakan setumpuk konteks dan teks yang dapat dibaca sehingga dipahami serta dapat peneliti multitafsir simbol dan makna gerak topeng menak jingga. Hasil penelitian ini bahwa Tari Topeng Menak Jingga secara konteks dan teks merupakan simbol keberanian, keangkuhan seorang Raja yang memiliki hawa nafsu yang berdampak buruk untuk dirinya sendiri maupun orang lain. Kata Kunci : Menak Jingga, Simbol, Makna ,gerak ABSTRACT Thesis with the title "symbol and meaning motion Mask Menak Jingga in Sanggar Setialuyu Bandung". The main interviewees in this study i.e. Moh. The aim of Salim as a teacher of dance in the Studio Setialuyu. Mask dance Menak Jingga includes groves of mask dance based on the Sunda ethnic dances. This research aims to obtain data symbols and meanings of the mask motion Menak Jingga and then describe it through in-depth study. The methods used in this research is descriptive method of analysis with qualitative approaches are examined through etnokoreologi is supported with the Iconography of the theory supported by the theory of symbol and meaning, as well as several other supporting theory. The analysis also uses the technique of triangulation of data from observations, interviews, and the study of the literature. As for the data collected through data reduction, data display, and conclusion. Based on the etnokoreologi approach, then it can be inferred that the mask dance Workshops in Setialuyu Menak Jingga Bandung, is a stack of context and text that can be read so as to be understood and researchers multitafsir symbols and meanings of the mask motion menak jingga. The results of this research that Menak Jingga mask dance in context and text is the symbol of courage, the pride of a King who has passions be bad for himself as well as others. Keywords: Menak Jingga, symbols, meanings, motio

    Optimalisasi Program “Taman Bacaan dan Mengaji” Guna Meningkatkan Budaya Literasi Masyarakat Pedesaan

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    Most rural communities live following prevailing cultural developments, including by utilizing the facilities and infrastructure they have to establish a harmonious relationship. However, using it is constrained by low levels of community literacy, lack of exciting activities, and limited infrastructure. The people of Pasar Keong village need facilities to improve their literacy culture to reactivate it as a reading and reciting garden for students and the community. Empowerment is carried out through coordination and socialization of the activation of reading and reciting gardens, preparing routine activities and human resource schedules, and providing a literacy culture about child development to parents. Coordination and socialization of the reading and recitation garden program involve community leaders, religion, and the surrounding community utilizing public or social facilities. Literacy cultural activities about child development focus on stunting and anti-bullying education to prevent incidents at home and school. The implication is that the more optimal the activation of the reading and recitation garden program, the more it will improve the literacy culture of the community

    Parahyangan Catholic University Relationship Management Pilot Project At FISIP-UNPAR

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    Considering that relations with the students is really important as one of the approachesto get its competitive advantages, a university must knows exactly eachof the students so the university’s staffs can interact, communicate and fulfill thestudents needs personally. In order to maximize the effort, the university must use itsstudents’ database supported with information technology to create customer knowledgecompetence. To make the adequate CRM function with risk management fromthe beginning to reduce the risks which can be came up, the university must havecustomer mapping, employee commitment and re-organization.Keywords: Customer Relationship Management, Knowledge Management, RiskManagemen

    Parahyangan Catholic University Relationship Management Pilot Project at FISIP-UNPAR

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    Considering that relations with the students is really important as one of the approachesto get its competitive advantages, a university must knows exactly eachof the students so the university\u27s staffs can interact, communicate and fulfill thestudents needs personally. In order to maximize the effort, the university must use itsstudents\u27 database supported with information technology to create customer knowledgecompetence. To make the adequate CRM function with risk management fromthe beginning to reduce the risks which can be came up, the university must havecustomer mapping, employee commitment and re-organization

    Study pengaruh penambahan photovoltaic untuk aplikasi sepeda motor listrik

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    Di makalah ini dibahas permasalahan praktis pemanfaatan energi surya, sebagai sumber energi hybrid pada sepeda motor listrik. Baterai disuplai dari dua sumber yaitu PLN dan energi surya secara bergantian. Energi surya yang fluktuatif distabilkan melalui DC-DC konverter, digunakan untuk charging baterai 24 Vdc. Variasi tegangan output dari photovoltaic yang disurvei antara jam 07.00 – 17.00 adalah 0,936 - 21,75 Vdc, sehingga digunakan boost converter untuk menaikkan tegangan ke level 27 Vdc. Hasil dari penilitian ini adalah jika sepeda motor listrik dijalankan hanya dengan baterai adalah selama 100 menit. Jika sepeda motor listrik dijalankan dengan baterai dan photovoltaic adalah 125 menit. Kata kunci: energi hybrid, sepeda motor listrik, DC-DC converter, boost converter, photovoltaic

    Application of ANNs and Dynamic Modeling for SMEs

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    Indonesian SMEs Garment Manufacturers (ISGMs) has become the main contributorto Indonesia's Gross Domestic Product for the last ten years. At the same time, theState Minister for Cooperatives and SMEs received many reports on the discontinuedof the ISGMs. Currently, the ISGM managers have lack of management capabilities.This study focus on the use of artificial neural networks (ANNs) that is capableof interpreting the results of financial statements analysis (FSA). ANNs rules areencoded implicitly using an algorithm for automatic learning. Furthermore, the studyalso will investigate how to support the ISGMs by using pattern recognition in dy-namic modelling (DM). The combination of ANNs and DM may support the ISGMsin (1) analysing the firm's performance, (2) interpreting the results of FSA, and (3)providing a simulation on what will happen if something occurred in the business

    Sistem Penjaminan Mutu Internal (SPMI) SMAN 10 Kota Mataram

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    Penjaminan mutu yang selama ini sudah berjalan masih terbatas penjaminan mutu eksternal, sedangkan penjaminan mutu internal satuan Pendidikan belum banyak dilaksanakan oleh setiap satuan Pendidikan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana perencanaan sistem penjaminan mutu pendidikan di SMAN 10 Kota Mataram. Metode yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kualitatif. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui wawancara, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Analisis data menunjukkan bahwa perencanaan system penjaminan mutu di SMAN 10 Kota Mataram dilaksanakan oleh semua komponen sekolah melalui musyawarah dan menentukan program kegiatan untuk memperbaiki Negeri 10 Mataram tahun 2019 terdapat 4 indikator permasalahan yang muncul dari 29 indikator pemenuhan Standar Nasional Pendidikan (SNP) yang harus dilakuakn perbaikan

    Meningkatkan Efisiensi Energi pada Jaringan Sensor Nirkabel melalui Pemilihan Node dan Optimalisasi Routing

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    Jaringan sensor nirkabel (WSN) telah di pakai dalam berbagai macam aplikasi seperti pemantauan lingkungan, pengumpulan data, dan sistem keamanan. Namun, penggunaan energi yang efisien dalam WSN tetap menjadi tantangan utama karena keterbatasan daya baterai pada sensor. Untuk mengatasi masalah ini, penelitian ini fokus pada pemilihan node dan optimalisasi routing untuk meningkatkan efisiensi energi dalam WSN. Dalam penelitian ini, dilakukan analisis terhadap berbagai algoritma pemilihan node yang tersedia. Pemilihan node yang tepat memainkan peran penting dalam mengoptimalkan penggunaan energi di WSN. Berbagai faktor, seperti tingkat daya, jarak, dan keandalan, dipertimbangkan dalam proses pemilihan node. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dengan memilih node yang optimal dan menerapkan routing yang efisien, efisiensi energi dalam WSN dapat meningkat secara signifikan
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