649 research outputs found

    Motivasi Pengunjung Dalam Mengunjungi Capital Restaurant and Lounge Surabaya

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    Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui motivasi apa yang ada dalam diri pengunjung dalam mengunjungi Capital Restaurant and Lounge Surabaya. Pendekatan penelitian ini memakai teori expectancy value model yang kemudian diturunkan menjadi teori motivasi. Motivasi dapat diakibatkan bukan hanya dari adanya dorongan atas dasar kebutuhan yang diharapkan, tetapi motivasi dapat diakibatkan dari adanya suatu brand. Capital Restaurant and Lounge Surabaya memiliki brand yaitu era 1920 America\u27s yang hanya digambarkan secara global melalui design interior. Dimensi dari motivasi adalah motif fungsional, motif estetika – emosional, motif sosial, motif situasional dan motif keingintahuan. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian kuantitatif ini adalah penelitian deskriptif dengan teknik analisis choice model prediction dan metode survei untuk untuk mendeskripsikan motivasi mana yang lebih unggul secara keseluruhan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa motivasi pengunjung dalam mengunjungi Capital Restaurant and Lounge adalah motivasi fungsional yaitu penampilan produk yang meliputi penampilan makanan dan minuman, administrasi, pelayanan dan fasilitas

    Pengaruh Media Animasi Submikroskopik Dalam Meningkatkan Kemampuan Representasi Siswa

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    : This study aims to determine the effect of Submicroscopic Animation Media (MAS) to improve the representation of students in each sub subject matter of buffer solution . This study used a nonequivalent pretest - posttest control group design. The results showed that an increase (N-gain) representation capabilities experimental class students was higher (p = 0.002) than the control class. In addition, the average N-gain representation of students' ability for experimental class higher than control class on each sub subject matter. The concept of buffer components experienced the highest increase in the experimental class (the average N-gain = 81.21%). The concept of pH buffer solution experienced the highest increase in the control class (the average N-gain = 76.42%). MAS includes the concept of a buffer solution at submicroscopic level so clearly that it can help students understand the concepts of the macroscopic and symbolic levels. Based on the results of this study concluded that the MAS can increase representation of students' abilities in each sub subject matter

    Decision Support System Tool Untuk Penyelesaian Permasalahan Linear Berbasis Simplex Dan Revised Simplex

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    Pada permasalahan optimasi sumber daya, baik itu minimalisasi biaya ataupun maksimalisasi keuntungan,yang bersifat linear, dapat dibuat sebuah tool yang berguna untuk membantu menyelesaikan permasalahantersebut sehingga didapat hasil kombinasi sumber daya yang optimal. Sistem ini dirancang untuk dapatmenangani berbagai bidang permasalahan linier karena sifatnya yang terbuka. DSS tool ini akan menggunakanmetode penyelesaian simplex atau revised simplex dalam membantu penyelesaian permasalahannya. Namunsebelum menerapkan permasalahan linear yang dihadapi pada tool yang telah dibuat, terlebih dahulu perluuntuk melakukan pembentukan model matematika dari permasalahan tersebut. Dengan memanfaatkan DSS toolini, maka semua permasalahan linear akan dapat diselesaikan dengan tepat dan cepat


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    The aim of this study was to evaluate genetic analysis including heritability and further phenotypic and genetic trends of reproductive traits in Bali cattle. Reproductive traits studied were age at first calving (AFC), calving interval (CI) and pregnancy rate (PR). Data of reproductive traits were collected from Breeding Centre of Bali Cattle, Denpasar-Bali at the year period of 2000-2007. To evaluate the genetic analysis, heritability were estimated using the Mixed Model Least Squares and Maximum Likelihood procedure. The phenotypic and genetic trends were calculated using regression equation. Estimation of heritability for AFC, CI and PR were 0.22, 0.41 and 0.40, respectively. The phenotypic trend of AFC, CI and PR decreased at an average rate of 1.70 month, 10.4 days and 0.75% per year, respectively. The same pattern was showed for genetic trends for AFC, CI and PR decreased at 0.38 month, 4.25 days and 0.30% per year respectively in the same period. The heritability of reproduction traits in Bali cattle were considered as moderate to high (0.22-0.41) which means that the selection program will be more effective and efficient in improving the genetic merits in Bali cattle

    Wireless Sensor Network for Forest Fire Detection

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     Forest fires are one of problems that threaten sustainability of the forest. Early prevention system for indications of forest fires is absolutely necessary. The extent of the forest to be one of the problems encountered in the forest condition monitoring. To overcome the problems of forest extent, designed a system of forest fire detection system by adopting the Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) using multiple sensor nodes. Each sensor node has a microcontroller, transmitter/receiver and three sensors. Measurement method is performed by measuring the temperature, flame, the levels of methane, hydrocarbons, and CO2 in some forest area and the combustion of peat in a simulator. From results of measurements of temperature, levels of methane, a hydrocarbon gas and CO2 in an open area indicates there are no signs of fires due to the value of the temperature, methane, hydrocarbon gas, and CO2 is below the measurement in the space simulator

    Analysis of the String Structure Near Break-up of A Slender Jet of An Upper Convected Maxwell Liquid

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    In this paper, we analytically study the string structure near the break-up of a slender jet of a viscoelastic liquid surrounded by air. The governing equations are derived from the conservation laws of mass and momentum, and the rheological equation of the jet. The rheological equation of the jet is assumed to satisfy an Upper Convected Maxwell (UCM) model. Introducing a stretch variable and then applying a transformation, we obtain a coupled system of nonlinear differential equations. Via these equations, we then show that the UCM jet does not break up in finite time, which physically means that it has sufficient time to exhibit the string structure before it breaks up due to the dominant surface force

    A Simple Dynamical Model for the Growth of Smoker Population

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    In this article, a simple dynamical model derived from the SIR Model that has been known in epidemiology is applied to study qualitatively the growth of smoker population in a closed population system. The population in the system is divided into three groups: potential smokers, active smokers, and quitted smokers. We derive the model by assuming that the quitted smokers can relapse into active smokers. The model consists of three nonlinear and autonomous differential equations, and is then investigated by applying the linear stability theory. We find that the increase of a number of smokers mainly depends on three parameters: how big the interaction between an active smoker and a potential smoker, an average time for being a smoker, and an average time for being a quitted smoker before relapsing into an active smoker. These three parameters are represented by a number R0, so called a threshold condition. For R0 > 1, we find that the population of active smokers always exists. Results also show that low interaction is enough to increase a number of active smokers.DOI : http://dx.doi.org/10.22342/jims.

    Linking Zoopharmacognocy with Ethnomedication, an Evidence Base From Sebangau National Park, Central Kalimantan Indonesia

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    The ability of animal to perform self-medication has been studied decades, as well as their relationship with medication practices by communities. Long-term observation of Orangutans\u27 behaviour (Pongo pygmaeus wurmbii), by communities surround Sebangau National Park, has suggested as their modes to today ethno-medication practice. The study was aimed to study the relationship of Orangutans self-medicate behavior with ethno-medication practice, in Sebangau area. The research was conducted in Punggualas, SNP, from 29 April to 03 October 2017. A number of 13 traditional healers (TH) from Karuing (n = 4), Baun Bango (n = 4), and Jahanjang (n = 5) have been interviewed. All plants are listed and photograph. Plants parts, and their mechanism of utilization were also kept for record. Meanwhile, the behavior followed the Orangutan protocol, with focus on their feeding behavior. All data were analyzed descriptively, while the relationship was analyzed using chi-square and F test. We have recorded a total 131 plants at various life forms, in Baun Bango (n = 59), Jahanjang (n = 41), and Karuing (n = 21). Plants that were found similar among three villages, removed, were only 95 left. We observed one female, showing the ability to perform self-mediaction. It is characterized by selectively choosing young leaves of Mezzetia sp., pulp of the Dyera lowii and Ilex cymosa, and lastly chew the entire leaves of Belang Handipek. It suggests a form of prevention against fatigue conditions, and the combination of these three plants species assume to be relating to fitness. This study shows that there is a relationship between the plant part used by the traditional healer and the orang- utan (x2 = 43,887; n = 115, df = 11, p-value = 0.0000), the relationship between the use of plant parts utilized by the traditional healer and orangutans (x2 = 15, 647; n = 50, df = 8, p-value = 0.0000). Furthermore, there is a relationship between the practice of traditional healer treatment using plant parts and Orang-utan (F1, 113 = 230.158; p-value = 0,000). The study urges to isolate secondary metabolites for further investigation, especially in terms of phyto-pharmacy

    A Traveling Pulse Behavior of the Spread of the Avian Flu Viruses Among Flock and Human

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    We propose two disease transmission models: the SI model with di®u-sive terms as a model for transmission of avian in°uenza viruses among °ock withconstant population density, and the host-vector SI model with di®usive terms fortransmission among °ock and human. There is a threshold number that determinewhether the diseases become epidemic or not. It depends on three parameters: theaverage length of the infective period, the contact parameter, and the density ofsusceptible population at the initial time. With di®usive terms in the model, thespatial spread of the infection is obvious. Threshold number greater than one isalso the necessary condition for the spreading of infection in the form of a travelingpulse. Its minimum velocity can be determined. We implement the MacCormackmethod, and simulate the generation of a traveling pulse starting from one infectedbird. Numerically, we obtain the percentage of survival in °ock and human afterthe epidemic. We also simulate the minimal portion of immunization in order toprevent further spread.DOI : http://dx.doi.org/10.22342/jims.