895 research outputs found

    Carcinomatous Meningitis from Unknown Primary Carcinoma

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    Carcinomatous meningitis (CM) occurs in 3 to 8% of cancer patients. Patients present with a focal symptom, and multifocal signs are often found following neurological examination. The gold standard for diagnosis remains the demonstration of carcinomatous cells in the cerebrospinal fluid on cytopathological examination. Despite the poor prognosis, palliative treatment could improve quality of life and, in some cases, overall survival. We report on a patient who presented with vertigo, tinnitus and left-sided hearing loss followed by progressive diffuse facial nerve paralysis. Lumbar cerebrospinal fluid confirmed the diagnosis of CM. However, no primary tumor was discovered, even after multiple invasive investigations. This is the first reported case in the English-language medical literature of CM resulting from a carcinoma of unknown primary origin

    Quantification of the visceral and subcutaneous fat by computed tomography: Interobserver correlation of a single slice technique

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    AbstractPurposeTo assess the interobserver reproducibility of the quantification of the visceral and subcutaneous fat by computed tomography from an umbilical slice and study the effect of the level of the slice (slice going through the navel versus a slice going through disc L3–L4).Materials and methodsForty-four breast cancer patients who had a CT-scan were included in this study. This is a double blind (junior versus senior) retrospective study to determine the interobserver reproducibility. A junior observer studied the variation between two levels of slice by selecting an image going through L3–L4 and the navel.ResultsThe measurement of the fat obtained from an umbilical slice seemed to be well correlated and consistent with that obtained from a slice with a disc reference (L3–L4). The interobserver reproducibility is good for the quantification of the umbilical fat (Spearman and Lin at 0.9921 and 0.985 [P<0.001] for the visceral fat).ConclusionThe interobserver reproducibility of the single slice CT-scan measurement going through the navel (easily detected) is excellent and may therefore be used in oncology as a predictive tool to measure a characteristic of the host and not the tumor

    Evaluation of emotional education in the middle cycle of Primary School

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    El principal propósito de la educación consiste en favorecer el desarrollo integral de la persona, lo cual implica atender el aspecto cognitivo y afectivo. Tradicionalmente, se han priorizado sólo los contenidos cognitivos por este motivo queremos incidir sobre los afectos. El objetivo general de este trabajo de investigación que presentamos consiste en aplicar y evaluar un Programa de Educación Emocional (PEEP), integrado dentro del currículum de Primaria de ciclo medio que ayude a prevenir los efectos nocivos de las emociones negativas y facilite la relación consigo mismo y con los demás. Objetivo general que se constatara a partir de cuatro criterios: conseguir un mejor conocimiento de las propias emociones y de las emociones de los demás, desarrollar estrategias de regulación emocional, mejorar la autoestima, aprender habilidades de vida y socioemocionales. Pues, la finalidad es intervenir en la mejora de la educación emocional de los alumnos entre los 8 y los 10 años, en total 510 alumnos de los cuales 104 formaron la muestra de investigación. Fueron divididos en dos grupos el grupo experimental y el grupo control, ambos constituían una muestra homogénea y estadísticamente comparable por lo que podíamos plantearnos una intervención y valorar su incidencia. Los resultados indican que mejora el nivel de Educación Emocional (EE) de estos alumnos con un nivel de significación de p= 0,001. A partir de este momento, podemos concretar que los resultados conseguidos por los alumnos que han seguido la aplicación del programa mejoran significativamente. Este resultado, nos permite afirmar que el uso intencional del programa de educación emocional para mejorar el ámbito afectivo ha incidido positivamente en el proceso de aprendizaje de los alumnos. Sin embargo consideramos esencial llevar a cabo una formación y posterior evaluación del profesorado en EE, como paso previo necesario para una aplicación óptima del programa.The main purpose of education is to favour overall personal development, which involves taking care of the cognitive aspect and the affective aspect of the self. Traditionally, the cognitive contents alone have taken priority, and it is for this reason that the authors have decided to underscore the affective facet. The main objective of the research project presented in this paper was to apply and evaluate an emotional education programme set up as an integrated part of the middle cycle (age 8 to 10) primary school curriculum to help prevent the injurious effects of negative emotions and facilitate students’ relationship with themselves and with others. Four criteria were established for finding this general objective: to obtain a better knowledge of one’s own emotions and others’ emotions, to develop emotional regulation strategies, to improve self-esteem and to learn life skills and socioemotional skills. The purpose was to take part in the improvement of the emotional education of students between 8 and 10 years of age. Out of a total of 510 students, 104 formed the sample. They were divided into two groups, the experimental group and the control group. Each constituted a homogenous, statistically comparable sample, thus enabling researchers to plan an intervention and weigh its effect. The results showed that the students’ emotional education level improved, with a significance level of p=0.001. The results obtained by the students who followed the programme improved significantly. This finding enables the authors to affirm that the intentional use of the emotional education programme to improve affective scope had a positive effect on the students’ learning process. However, the authors consider it essential to provide teachers with training in emotional education, followed by evaluation, as a prerequisite to optimal application of the programme

    Formación del profesorado : asesoramiento sobre educación emocional en centros escolares de infantil y primaria

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    En este artículo presentamos el desarrollo de un asesoramiento sobre educación emocional que se está llevando a cabo en los centros de educación infantil y primaria «Doctor Serés», de Alpicat, y «Pinyana», de Alfarràs (Lleida). Desde el marco teórico de la educación emocional y desde el modelo de consulta colaborativa, el asesoramiento tiene la finalidad de formar al profesorado para la implementación de un programa de educación emocional en todos los ciclos de infantil y primaria.En aquest article presentem el desenvolupament d'un assessorament sobre educació emocional que es du a terme en el centres d'educació infantil i primària «Doctor Serés», de Alpicat, i «Pinyana», de Alfarràs (Lleida). Des del marc teòric de l'educació emocional i des del model de consulta col·laborativa, l'assessorament té la finalitat de formar al professorat per a l'aplicació d'un programa d'educació emocional a tots els cicles d'infantil i primària.In this article we introduce the development of an advice-study about Emotional education which is put into practice in the children's Education Centres and Primary Schools «Doctor Serés», in Alpicat, and «Pinyana», in Alfarràs (Lleida). From the Emotional Education framework and from collaborative consulting model, the aim of this advice-study is to train the teaching staff to implement an emotional education program in all courses of children's and Primary Schools

    Cluster Beam Study of (MgSiO3)+-Based Monomeric Silicate Species and Their Interaction with Oxygen: Implications for Interstellar Astrochemistry

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    Silicates are ubiquitously found as small dust grains throughout the universe. These particles are frequently subject to high-energy processes and subsequent condensation in the interstellar medium (ISM), where they are broken up into many ultrasmall silicate fragments. These abundant molecular-sized silicates likely play an important role in astrochemistry. By approximately mimicking silicate dust grain processing occurring in the diffuse ISM by ablation/cooling of a Mg/Si source material in the presence of O2, we observed the creation of stable clusters based on discrete pyroxene monomers (MgSiO3+), which traditionally have only been considered possible as constituents of bulk silicate materials. Our study suggests that such pyroxene monomer-based clusters could be highly abundant in the ISM from the processing of larger silicate dust grains. A detailed analysis, by infrared multiple-photon dissociation (IR-MPD) spectroscopy and density functional theory (DFT) calculations, reveals the structures and properties of these monomeric silicate species. We find that the clusters interact strongly with oxygen, with some stable cluster isomers having a silicate monomeric core bound to an ozone-like moiety. The general high tendency of these monomeric silicate species to strongly adsorb O2 molecules also suggests that they could be relevant to the observed and unexplained depletion of oxygen in the ISM. We further find clusters where a Mg atom is bound to the MgSiO3 monomer core. These species can be considered as the simplest initial step in monomer-initiated nucleation, indicating that small ionized pyroxenic clusters could also assist in the reformation of larger silicate dust grains in the ISM

    SEOM Clinical Guidelines For Endometrial Cancer (2017)

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    Endometrial cancer (EC) is the most common gynecological cancer in developed countries. Most patients are diagnosed at an early stage with a low risk of relapse. However, there is a group of patients with a high risk of relapse and poor prognosis. Despite the recent publication of randomized trials, the adjuvant treatment of high-risk EC is still to be defined and there are many open questions about the best approach and the right timing. Unfortunately, the survival of metastatic or recurrent EC is short, due to the poor results of chemotherapy and the lack of a second line of treatment. Advances in the knowledge of the molecular abnormalities in EC have permitted the development of promising targeted therapies