243 research outputs found

    Al voltant del concepte rousseaunià de societat civil

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    In this article the author wants to anlyze different meanings of the concept civil society in the work of Jean-Jacques Rousseau, basicaly in the Social Contract. Concretely, two diferent meanings are discussed: the first has a specially negative sense, that Rousseau identifies with an unjust and unbstructured society; the other, more positive is aimed towards the good society.En este artículo se hace un análisis de los diferentes sentidos que el término sociedad civil toma en la obra rousseauniana, básicamente en el Contrato Social. De estos sentidos, se estudian especialmente dos: uno de connotaciones claramente negativas, y que Rosseau identifica como la dsociedad injusta y desestructurada, y otro, más positivo y pragmático, que apunta hacia la buena sociedad

    Age, gender, and cohort in residential segregation : The case of African immigrants in Spain, 2000-2020

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    Altres ajuts: acords transformatius de la UABThe composition of the immigrant population by gender and age, and characteristics at the moment of arrival plays an influential role in the levels of residential segregation reached, and in their evolution over time. In Spain, the African immigrant population is notable for a marked gender imbalance, where men outnumber women, and for continuous growth in the number of immigrants over the past two decades. It is also one of the groups presenting the highest levels of segregation. Using data from the Continuous Population Register, this study analyses the residential segregation of this group from the triple perspective of age, period, and cohort for the six main Spanish cities. The results reveal a significant differentiation in segregation levels by sex and age, with lower rates in the more recent cohorts. This perspective offers a dynamic view of segregation indicators and enables better understanding of its future evolution

    Human Intestinal Organoids: Promise and Challenge

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    The study of human intestinal biology in healthy and diseased conditions has always been challenging. Primary obstacles have included limited tissue accessibility, inadequate in vitro maintenance and ethical constrains. The development of three-dimensional organoid cultures has transformed this entirely. Intestinal organoids are self-organized three-dimensional structures that partially recapitulate the identity, cell heterogeneity and cell behaviour of the original tissue in vitro. This includes the capacity of stem cells to self-renew, as well as to differentiate towards major intestinal lineages. Therefore, over the past decade, the use of human organoid cultures has been instrumental to model human intestinal development, homeostasis, disease, and regeneration. Intestinal organoids can be derived from pluripotent stem cells (PSC) or from adult somatic intestinal stem cells (ISC). Both types of organoid sources harbour their respective strengths and weaknesses. In this mini review, we describe the applications of human intestinal organoids, discussing the differences, advantages, and disadvantages of PSC-derived and ISC-derived organoids

    Gut microbiota controlling radiation-induced enteritis and intestinal regeneration

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    Cancer remains the second leading cause of mortality, with nearly 10 million deaths worldwide in 2020. In many cases, radiotherapy is used for its anticancer effects. However, radiation causes healthy tissue toxicity as a side effect. In intra-abdominal and pelvic malignancies, the healthy bowel is inevitably included in the radiation field, causing radiation-induced enteritis and dramatically affecting the gut microbiome. This condition is associated with significant morbidity and mortality that impairs cancer patients' and survivors' quality of life. This Review provides a critical overview of the main drivers in modulating the gut microenvironment in homeostasis, disease, and injury, focusing on gut microbial metabolites and microorganisms that influence epithelial regeneration upon radiation injury

    Disseny d'aplicació multiplataforma per al sector hoteler

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    Aquest treball pretén desenvolupar una aplicació multiplataforma per al sector hoteler, connectada a NECADA, que indiqui als clients dels hotels com poden estalviar energia de l'habitació on s'allotgen veient-se recompensats i empesos a contribuir al sistema.This project intends to develop a multiplatform application for the hotel sector, connected to NECADA, which indicates to hotel customers how to save energy from the room where they are housed rewarding and encouraging them to contribute to the system

    (Of)teacher education

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    El autor nos ofrece una visión ácida pero realista de algunos de los problemas que atraviesan la situación actual de la formación inicial y permanente de los docentes
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