75 research outputs found
Gestió d’expedients de navegació. Nom de l’aplicació: NAVEGA
[CA] Desenvolupar una aplicació per a gestionar els expedientes de navegació, tant mateix
com la creació i modificació d’aquests.
L’aplicació disposarà d’un buscador d’expedients que es podrà gastar introduint
qualsevol paraula relacionada amb el propi expedient o amb les dades de la sol·licitud de
navegació associada.
Els resultats de la recerca es mostrarà en una taula on podrem seleccionar un registre
per a veure la seua informació.
També tindrà una altra opció que obrirà un nou formulari per a crear un nou expedient
i crear la nova sol·licitud que es vol introduir en el sistema.[ES] Desarrollar una aplicación para gestionar los expedientes de navegación, de igual manera
que la creación y modificación de estos.
La aplicación dispondrá de un buscador de expedientes que se podrá gastar
introduciendo cualquier palabra relacionada con el propio expediente o con los datos de
la solicitud de navegación asociada.
Los resultados de la búsqueda se mostrarán en una tabla donde podremos seleccionar
un registro para ver su información.
También tendrá otra opción que abrirá un nuevo formulario para crear un nuevo
expediente y una nueva solicitud que se quiere introducir en el sistema.[EN] Develop an application to manage navigation files, as well as the creation and
modification of them.
The application will have a searcher of files that can be use by entering any word related
to the file itself or with the data of the associated navigation request.
The results of the search will be shown in a table where we can select a record to see the
information of these.
You will also have another option that will open a new form to create a new file and a new
application that you want to enter in the system.Pastor Guitart, A. (2018). Gestió d’expedients de navegació. Nom de l’aplicació: NAVEGA. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/101191TFG
Systemic profiles of micrornas, redox balance, and inflammation in lung cancer patients : influence of copd
Altres ajuts: This study has been supported by Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, Sociedad Española de Neumología y Cirugía Torácica (SEPAR) 2018 & 2020.Lung cancer (LC) risk increases in patients with chronic respiratory diseases (COPD). MicroRNAs and redox imbalance are involved in lung tumorigenesis in COPD patients. Whether systemic alterations of those events may also take place in LC patients remains unknown. Our objectives were to assess the plasma levels of microRNAs, redox balance, and cytokines in LC patients with/without COPD. MicroRNAs (RT-PCR) involved in LC, oxidized DNA, MDA-protein adducts, GSH, TEAC, VEGF, and TGF-beta (ELISA) were quantified in plasma samples from non-LC controls (n = 45), LC-only patients (n = 32), and LC-COPD patients (n = 91). In LC-COPD patients compared to controls and LC-only, MDA-protein adduct levels increased, while those of GSH decreased, and two patterns of plasma microRNA were detected. In both LC patient groups, miR-451 expression was downregulated, while those of microRNA-let7c were upregulated, and levels of TEAC and TGF-beta increased compared to the controls. Correlations were found between clinical and biological variables. A differential expression profile of microRNAs was detected in patients with LC. Moreover, in LC patients with COPD, plasma oxidative stress levels increased, whereas those of GSH declined. Systemic oxidative and antioxidant markers are differentially expressed in LC patients with respiratory diseases, thus implying its contribution to the pathogenesis of tumorigenesis in these patients
A singular initial value problem to construct density-equalizing maps
The diffusion-based algorithm to produce density-equalizing maps interprets diffusion
as an advection process. This algorithm uses the dynamics of a flow that is defined by an initial
value problem that turns out to be very singular at the initial time. The singularities appear when
the initial density has line or angle discontinuities, which is always the case, for example, in area
cartogram maps. This singular initial value problem is analyzed mathematically in this paper and
the conclusion is that despite these singularities, it has a unique solution. This justifies the extensive
numerical use of this algorithm in the recent years. The techniques presented in this paper use both
partial and ordinary differential equations estimates.Preprin
CMBD: codificació dels diagnòstics i procediments relacionats amb la diabetis mellitus
Diabetis mellitus; Conjunt Mínim Bàsic de Dades; Monitoratge continu de glucosaDiabetes mellitus; Conjunto Mínimo Básico de Datos; Monitorización continua de glucosaDiabetes mellitus; Minimum Basic Data Set; Continuous glucose monitoringL’objectiu d’aquest document és informar dels codis de diagnòstics i procediments que s’han d’utilitzar per enregistrar correctament, en el registre de CMBD que correspongui (CMBD-AP/CMBD-AEA), l’activitat assistencial i prestacions relacionades amb la diabetis mellitus (DM)
Presence of neutrophil myeloperoxidase in lamellar tissue of horses with laminitis induced using a hyperinsulinemic model
peer reviewedLaminitis is a pathology of the equine digit resulting in failure of the dermo-epidermal interface. Inflammation is likely a central player in its pathophysiology. Neutrophil activation and the presence of myeloperoxidase have been observed in the black walnut heartwood extract model, used to investigate sepsis-related laminitis. However, less is known about the role of neutrophil activation in the prolonged euglycemic hyperinsulinemic clamp (pEHC) model. This model is used to investigate the pathophysiology of laminitis related to endocrine disturbances like hyperinsulinemia encountered in pituitary pars intermedia dysfunction and equine metabolic syndrome.
Five horses were included in this study and randomly assigned to a control group (n = 2) and a pEHC group (n = 3). Histological sections of lamellar tissue from all horses were obtained and immunohistochemically stained for myeloperoxidase and counterstained with hematoxylin-eosin. The sections were examined for histopathological evidence of laminitis and myeloperoxidase.
Histopathological changes that characterize insulin-induced laminitis and increased presence of myeloperoxidase, especially in the dermal lamellae, were observed in histologic sections of pEHC-treated horses compared to control horses.
Neutrophil activation with myeloperoxidase release may play a role in the pathophysiology of endocrinopathic laminitis. The implications of this finding warrant further investigation
The Use of Percutaneous Thermal Sensing Microchips to Measure Body Temperature in Horses during and after Exercise Using Three Different Cool-Down Methods
The frequent monitoring of a horse’s body temperature post strenuous exercise is critical to prevent or alleviate exertional heat illness (EHI) from occurring. Percutaneous thermal sensing microchip (PTSM) technology has the potential to be used as a means of monitoring a horse’s body temperature during and post-exercise. However, the accuracy of the temperature readings obtained, and their relationship to core body temperature are dependent on where they are implanted. This study aimed to document the relationship between core body temperature, and temperature readings obtained using PTSM implanted in different muscles, during exercise and post application of different cool-down methods. PTSMs were implanted into the right pectoral, right gluteal, right splenius muscles, and nuchal ligament. The temperatures were monitored during treadmill exercise, and post application of three different cool-down methods: no water application (Wno), water application only (Wonly), and water application following scraping (Wscraping). Central venous temperature (TCV) and PTSM temperatures from each region were obtained to investigate the optimal body site for microchip implantation. In this study, PTSM technology provided a practical, safe, and quick means of measuring body temperature in horses. However, its temperature readings varied depending on the implantation site. All muscle temperature readings exhibited strong relationships with TCV (r = 0.85~0.92, p < 0.05) after treadmill exercise without human intervention (water application), while the nuchal ligament temperature showed poor relationship with TCV. The relationships between TCV and PTSM temperatures became weaker with water application. Overall, however the pectoral muscle temperature measured by PTSM technology had the most constant relationships with TCV and showed the best potential to act as an alternate means of monitoring body temperature in horses for 50 min post-exercise, when there was no human intervention with cold water application
Directrius per al disseny de centres d'atenció primària i comunitària de futur
Infraestructures; Atenció Primària; Disseny; TecnologiaInfraestructuras; Atención Primaria; Diseño; TecnologíaInfrastructures; Primary Care; Design; TechnologyEn els darrers anys i després de la pandèmia causada per la COVID-19, s’han accentuat noves i nombroses necessitats sanitàries de la població, i en concret a l’atenció primària i comunitària (APiC), la qual cal dotar adequadament de recursos humans i econòmics per a la provisió de l’atenció. Una d’aquestes necessitats és la urgència de remodelar el disseny de les infraestructures i espais dels centres d’atenció primària (CAP), els quals actualment presenten diferents graus d’obsolescència. Davant d’aquesta situació, s’ha treballat en l’actualització de les directrius per al disseny dels CAP del futur, amb l’objectiu de respondre a totes les necessitats actuals i futures de la població. Per fer-ho, s’ha dut a terme una investigació seguint un mètode qualitatiu basat en la revisió bibliogràfica de documents de referència i la realització de sessions de cocreació amb diferents professionals i usuaris dels CAP.En los últimos años y después de la pandemia causada por la COVID-19, se han acentuado nuevas y numerosas necesidades sanitarias de la población, y en concreto en la atención primaria y comunitaria (APiC), la cual es necesario dotar adecuadamente de recursos humanos y económicos para la provisión de la atención. Una de estas necesidades es la urgencia de remodelar el diseño de las infraestructuras y espacios de los centros de atención primaria (CAP), que actualmente presentan diferentes grados de obsolescencia. Ante esta situación, se ha trabajado en la actualización de las directrices para el diseño de los CAP del futuro, con el objetivo de responder a todas las necesidades actuales y futuras de la población. Para ello, se ha llevado a cabo una investigación siguiendo un método cualitativo basado en la revisión bibliográfica de documentos de referencia y la realización de sesiones de cocreación con diferentes profesionales y usuarios de los CAP.In recent years and after the pandemic caused by COVID-19, new and numerous health needs of the population have been accentuated, and specifically in primary and community care (APiC), which must be adequately resourced human and economic for the provision of care. One of these needs is the urgency to remodel the design of the infrastructures and spaces of the primary care centers (CAP), which currently show varying degrees of obsolescence. Faced with this situation, work has been done on updating the guidelines for the design of the CAPs of the future, with the aim of responding to all the current and future needs of the population. To do this, research has been carried out following a qualitative method based on the bibliographic review of reference documents and the realization of co-creation sessions with different professionals and users of the CAP
Derivation and characterisation of endothelial cells from patients with chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension
Pulmonary endarterectomy (PEA) resected material offers a unique opportunity to develop an in vitro endothelial cell model of chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension (CTEPH). We aimed to comprehensively analyze the endothelial function, molecular signature, and mitochondrial profile of CTEPH-derived endothelial cells to better understand the pathophysiological mechanisms of endothelial dysfunction behind CTEPH, and to identify potential novel targets for the prevention and treatment of the disease. Isolated cells from specimens obtained at PEA (CTEPH-EC), were characterized based on morphology, phenotype, and functional analyses (in vitro and in vivo tubule formation, proliferation, apoptosis, and migration). Mitochondrial content, morphology, and dynamics, as well as high-resolution respirometry and oxidative stress, were also studied. CTEPH-EC displayed a hyperproliferative phenotype with an increase expression of adhesion molecules and a decreased apoptosis, eNOS activity, migration capacity and reduced angiogenic capacity in vitro and in vivo compared to healthy endothelial cells. CTEPH-EC presented altered mitochondrial dynamics, increased mitochondrial respiration and an unbalanced production of reactive oxygen species and antioxidants. Our study is the foremost comprehensive investigation of CTEPH-EC. Modulation of redox, mitochondrial homeostasis and adhesion molecule overexpression arise as novel targets and biomarkers in CTEPH
Inspecció dels allotjaments infantils i juvenils
Colònies; Allotjaments; Albergs; Guia d’inspeccióCampamentos; Alojamientos; Albergues; Guía de inspecciónSummer camps; Hostel; Inspection guideLa CoP “Inspecció dels allotjament infantils i juvenils” té com a objectiu la creació d'una eina de treball que faciliti l’aplicació del programa integrat de control sanitari als allotjaments infantils i juvenils: un protocol d’inspecció i la seva guia d’interpretació destinats als tècnics de l'ASPCAT encarregats del control oficial. Aquest protocol consisteix en una sèrie de documents que agrupen i simplifiquen els diferents apartats que formen el programa de control oficial: condicions de salubritat de les instal·lacions, condicions del sistema de subministrament de l’aigua de consum humà, prevenció de la legionel·losi en l’aigua sanitària, supervisió de plans de control de plagues i vigilància i control alimentari. Durant temporada anterior vam revisar tota la normativa aplicable a aquests tipus d’establiments. Aquesta temporada 2018-2019 s’ha destinat a organitzar el treball en petits grups segons els apartats del programa integrat. El resultat obtingut ha estat un protocol d’inspecció amb la seva corresponent guia d’interpretació dels 3 primers apartats (condicions de salubritat de les instal·lacions, condicions del sistema de subministrament de l’aigua de consum humà i prevenció de la legionel·losi en l’aigua sanitària). La temporada 2019-2010 es destinarà a la resta d’apartats. El protocol s’ha estructurat en forma de check list. La guia d’interpretació és un document d’acompanyament per a la interpretació d’aquest, que alhora actua com a eina de suport per implementar els requisits normatiusLa CoP “Inspección de los alojamientos infantiles y juveniles” tiene como objetivo la creación de una herramienta de trabajo que facilite la aplicación del programa integrado de control sanitario a los alojamientos infantiles y juveniles: un protocolo de inspección y su guía de interpretación destinados los técnicos de la ASPCAT encargados del control oficial. Este protocolo consiste en una serie de documentos que agrupan y simplifican los diferentes apartados que forman el programa de control oficial: condiciones de salubridad de las instalaciones, condiciones del sistema de suministro del agua de consumo humano, prevención de la legionelosis en el agua sanitaria, supervisión de planes de control de plagas y vigilancia y control alimentario. Durante la temporada anterior se revisó toda la normativa aplicable a este tipo de establecimientos. Esta temporada 2018-2019 se ha destinado a organizar el trabajo en pequeños grupos según los apartados del programa integrado. El resultado obtenido ha sido un protocolo de inspección, con su correspondiente guía de interpretación, de los 3 primeros apartados (condiciones de salubridad de las instalaciones, condiciones del sistema de suministro del agua de consumo humano y prevención de la legionelosis en el agua sanitaria). La temporada 2019-2010 se destinará al resto de apartados. El protocolo se ha estructurado en forma de check list. La guía de interpretación es un documento de acompañamiento para la interpretación de éste, que a la vez actúa como herramienta de apoyo para implementar los requisitos normativosThe CoP “Inspection of children's and youth hostels” aims to create a work tool that facilitates the application of the integrated program of health control in children's and youth housing: an inspection protocol and its intended interpretation guide to the technicians of the ASPCAT in charge of the official control. This protocol consists of a series of documents that group and simplify the different sections that make up the official control program: health conditions of the facilities, conditions of the system for the supply of water for human consumption, prevention of legionella in the sanitary water, supervision of plans of control of plagues, monitoring and food control. During the previous season we reviewed all the regulations applicable to these types of establishments. This 2018-2019 season has been designed to organize work in small groups according to the sections of the integrated program. The result obtained was an inspection protocol with its corresponding interpretation guide for the first 3 sections (health conditions of the facilities, conditions of the water supply system for human consumption and the prevention of legionella in sanitary water). The 2019-2010 season will be allocated to the rest of the sections. The protocol has been structured in the form of a check list. The interpretation guide is an accompanying document for its interpretation, which at the same time acts as a support tool to implement regulatory requirement
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