443 research outputs found

    Innovation Capacity in Courts: A Theoretical Framework and Research Agenda

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    Innovation in the public sector is a subject that has attracted increasing interest of public managers, policymakers, and scholars, encompassing a possible response to the complex and uncertain context experienced by governments worldwide. In the same way, the search for efficiency and effectiveness has driven the development and adoption of innovations in courts given the influence that these institutions have on the social and economic development of countries. In this sense, understanding what influences the innovation capacity in courts is an important topic for investigation. This paper contributes to this matter, using the Resource-Based View and Dynamic Capabilities approach, by analyzing the recent scientific literature on innovation capacity in the public sector, which allowed the identification of six main factors: Leadership, Team Behavior, Collaboration, Organizational Resources, Knowledge Management, and Information Technology. This leads to the proposal of a theoretical framework of the main factors associated with innovation capacity in courts. The theoretical and practical implications of the framework are discussed, and six propositions to drive a research agenda are presented

    An Agent-based Environment for Dynamic Positioning of the Fogg Behavior Model Threshold Line

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    In this paper, it is presented a mathematical modeling for the action line, or threshold line, of the Fogg Behavior Model (FBM) as well as an analysis of its positioning in relation to the dataset. According to the mathematical modeling formation process for both Motivation and Ability axes, the action line evaluation was performed by simulations via agents. This behavioral model is mainly used as an empirical evaluation method applied to processes based on persuasive technologies. The results showed that the threshold line should not be fixed, as originally proposed in the model, but dynamically allocated based on the Kolmogorov mean. This dynamic allocation ensures its use as a visual feature towards greater efficiency in triggers implementations. This work aims to contribute with an approach that transits between theoretical and practical when related to applications that requires the FBM, thus allowing the use of this behavioral model with higher degree of certainty and thus maximizing efficiency in the evaluation and implementation processes based on persuasive technologies

    Studies on the dimensionality of empathy: translation and adaptation of the Interpersonal Reactivity Index (IRI)

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    Over years several methods have been proposed to assess empathy, being the self-evaluate scales the most employed method. Among these scales, we highlight Interpersonal Reactivity Index (IRI), by Davis (1983) which assess cognitive and affective components of empathy. The main aims of this work were to translate and adapt IRI to using in Brazil, checking its psychometrics properties, and to assess the construct dimensionality of empathy using Exploratory and Confirmatory Factor Analysis. Results showed that: 1) the translated and adapted IRI version was valid to Brazilian context, 2) The Fantasy dimension is central to explain empathy and 3) A four-factor model explains better empathy than the one and two-factor models. This last finding lends support to the Davis’ and Hoffman’s thesis that a multidimensional view could explain better the construct of empathy

    Atletas paralímpicos que competem nos jogos olímpicos e as implicações potenciais para os jogos paralímpicos

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    The 2016 Olympic and Paralympic Games, held in Rio de Janeiro, reignited public interest and discussion around Paralympic athletes attempting to qualify for, and compete at, the Olympic Games. That Paralympians have sought to compete at the Olympic Games is, however, not new. This paper looks at the largely unrecognised and often underreported history of Paralympians competing at the Olympic Games and addresses why it is that Paralympians may wish to compete at the Olympic Games. To do this we use historical examples, but also look at the contemporary cases of 3 such athletes: Jason Smyth, Alan Fonteles Cardoso and Markus Rehm. The paper also explores whether or not with advances in medical and prosthetic technologies, as well as potentially increased income and funding, we can expect to see more Paralympians attempting to crossover and compete in the Olympic Games in the future. The methodology used is one of qualitative case studies. The research question was: "What can be learned from the media coverage of Smyth, Oliveira and Rehm’s attempts to qualify for the Olympic Games?†We identify the type of editorial (political, social, cultural, sportive, educational, economic or gossip column); whether or not pictures were used (type of approach - sportive, personal or disability) and the narrative interpretations. We argue that how newspapers choose to report on the aims of Paralympians wishing to compete in the Olympics and the level of coverage that they receive it important. This level of depth of coverage suggests both positive and negative implications for the Paralympic Games, should this trend of athletes wishing to crossover continue.Os Jogos Olímpicos e Paralímpicos de 2016 realizados no Rio de Janeiro, reencararam o interesse público e levaram a tona a discussão em torno dos atletas paralímpicos que buscam se qualificar e competir para os Jogos Olímpicos. O assunto não é novidade no que se trata do interesse de atletas paralímpicos em competir nos Jogos Olímpicos. Este artigo olha com profundidade na discussão e evidências históricas com base em reportagens jornalísticas dos atletas paralímpicos que queriam competir nos Jogos Olímpicos Rio 2016 e apresenta outros casos de paralímpicos ao longo da história que fizeram parte dos Jogos Olímpicos. Foram avaliados os casos dos atletas Paralímpicos: Jason Smyth, Alan Fonteles Cardoso e Markus Rehm. A metodologia utilizada neste artigo é uma análise qualitativa dos casos tratados pela mídia brasileira a respeito dos atletas. A questão da pesquisa foi: "o que pode ser aprendido com a cobertura da mídia nas tentativas de Smyth, Oliveira e Rehm para se qualificar para os Jogos Olímpicos?". Identificamos o tipo de coluna editorial (política, social, cultural, esportiva, educacional, econômica e fofoca). Foram observadas também as imagens usadas e o tipo de abordagem sobre a fotografia apresentada, qualificando-as como foco: esportivo, pessoal ou sobre a deficiência - e, realizou-se uma leitura das interpretações narrativas de acordo com a importância dada. Como conclusão, entedeu-se que esse nível de profundidade de cobertura, sugere implicações tanto positivas quanto negativas para os Jogos paraolímpicos, quando tende-se a colocar os Jogos Olímpicos em evidência mediante aos atletas

    História e filosofia da ciência no ensino de biologia: contribuições dos parâmetros curriculares nacionais para o ensino médio

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    Com o intuito de desvendar preceitos curriculares do conhecimento científico, e especificamente do biológico, nas séries finais da Educação Básica, o presente artigo objetiva conhecer orientações sobre a abordagem histórica e filosófica da ciência no Ensino Básico contempladas pelos Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais para o Ensino Médio (PCNEM). Para tanto, foram realizadas coletas, registros e transcrições de informações contidas nestes parâmetros, analisadas sob a luz da Lei de Diretrizes e Bases da Educação Nacional (Lei 9394/96) e de pesquisas já desenvolvidas. Por direcionarem esforços para promoção da formação científica, os PCNEM revelam-se como importantes referências para inserção da história e filosofia da ciência no Ensino Básico, além de atuarem como arcabouços para a estruturação e para a implementação desta abordagem no ensino de Biologia._________________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACT: In order to unravel curricular precepts of scientific knowledge, and specifically of the biological, the final grades of basic education, this article aims to meet guidelines on the historical and philosophical approach to science in formal education contemplated by the National Curriculum Guidelines for Secondary Education (PCNEM). For this purpose, collections, records and transcriptions of information contained in these parameters analyzed in the light of the Law of Guidelines and Bases of National Education (Law 9394/96) and research already undertaken were performed. For steering efforts to promote scientific training, PCNEM are revealed as important references for insertion of the history and philosophy of science in formal education, and act as scaffolds for the structuring and implementation of this approach in teaching Biology