662 research outputs found

    Vertical muscle transposition with silicone band belting in VI nerve palsy

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    A woman aged 60 years developed a Millard-Gubler syndrome after a diagnosis of a cavernous angioma in the median and paramedian areas of the pons. In this context, she presented a right VI nerve palsy, right conjugate gaze palsy, facial palsy and left hemiparesis. To improve the complete VI nerve palsy, we planned a modified transposition approach, in which procedure we made a partial transposition of vertical rectus with a silicone band that was fixated posteriorly. After the procedure, the patient gained the ability to slightly abduct the right eye. We found no compensatory torticollis in the primary position of gaze. There was also an improvement of elevation and depression movements of the right eye. We obtained satisfactory results with a theoretically reversible technique, which is adjustable intraoperatively with no need of muscle detachment, preventing anterior segment ischaemia and allowing simultaneous recession of the medial rectus muscles, if necessary.(undefined)info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Portrait of an act: Aesthetics and ethics in The 'Portrait of a Lady' (Henry James)

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    Five tetrahydrofuran lignans and two known flavones were isolated from the aerial parts of Peperomia blanda. The structures of the isolated lignans were elucidated by interpretation of their spectroscopic data, including by gHMQC and gHMBC. The relative and absolute configurations of the isolates were determined from NOESY interactions and optical properties, respectively. Four of the lignans were diastercomeric whilst one was of mixed biosynthetic origin. All but one of the lignans exhibited high in vitro trypanocidal activity when assayed against epimastigotes of Trypanosoma cruzi strain Y. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Caries in Portuguese children with Down syndrome

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    OBJECTIVES: Oral health in Down syndrome children has some peculiar aspects that must be considered in the follow-up of these patients. This study focuses on characterizing the environmental and host factors associated with dental caries in Portuguese children with and without Down syndrome. METHODS: A sibling-matched, population-based, cross-sectional survey was performed. RESULTS: Down syndrome children presented a significantly greater percentage of children without caries, 78% vs. 58% of non-Down syndrome siblings. This difference in the DMFT index (number of decayed, missing and filled teeth) essentially reflects data obtained from treated teeth, for which 91% of children with Down syndrome had never had a tooth treated vs. 67% of siblings. This result was statistically significant, whereas results for decayed and lost teeth did not differ between Down syndrome children and their unaffected siblings. Additionally, in Down syndrome children, a delayed eruption of the second molar occurs. Down syndrome children and their siblings have similar oral hygiene habits, but a higher percentage of Down syndrome children visit a dentist before the age of three years, in comparison to their siblings. Bruxism was also more common in Down syndrome children compared to their siblings. CONCLUSIONS: Our results show that Portuguese children with Down syndrome have lower caries rates than children without Down syndrome. This reduced prevalence may be associated with the parents' greater concern about oral health care in Down syndrome children, resulting in their taking them sooner to visit a dentist, as well as to a higher bruxism prevalence and delayed tooth eruption

    Clube de revistas: experiência de um grupo de pesquisa

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    Introduction: the Journal Club (IC) is a teaching and learning strategy developed by individuals who meet to discuss scientific articles in periodicals. Objective: to describe the experience of the JC strategy at the Group for Studies and Research in Health Services Administration and Nursing Management (Gepag). Method: case studies or scientific research demonstration mode of practical experience for the understanding and justification of facts. Results: Gepag JC emerged in 2008 and, in 2014, was computerized with the Google Drive (R), in order to increase its scope and optimize the Groups meetings. From April to May 2014, the instrument was tested and adjusted, resulting in advancements. Final considerations: the advantages involved optimizing the time of meetings, facilitation of access to publications of interest to the Group and creating the database to support future research.Introdução: o Clube de Revistas (CR) é uma estratégia de ensino e aprendizagem desenvolvida por indivíduos que se encontram para discutir artigos científicos selecionados em periódicos. Objetivo: descrever a experiência da estratégia do CR no Grupo de Estudos e Pesquisas em Administração de Serviços de Saúde e Gerenciamento de Enfermagem (Gepag). Método: relato de experiência ou modalidade de investigação científica de demonstração de experiência prática para compreensão e fundamentação de fatos. Resultados: o CR do Gepag surgiu em 2008 e, em de 2014, foi informatizado com o Google Drive®, a fim de aumentar sua abrangência e otimizar as reuniões do grupo. De abril a maio de 2014, a ferramenta foi testada e ajustada, resultando em ganhos. Considerações finais: as vantagens envolveram a otimização do tempo das reuniões, a facilitação do acesso às publicações de interesse do grupo e a criação de banco de dados para subsidiar futuras pesquisas.Univ Fed Sao Paulo, Postgrad Program Nursing, Sao Paulo, BrazilUniv Fed Sao Paulo, Postgrad Program Nursing, Sao Paulo, BrazilWeb of Scienc

    Natural Killer Cell Assessment In Peripheral Circulation And Bronchoalveolar Lavage Fluid Of Patients With Severe Sepsis: A Case Control Study

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    Sepsis is a complex systemic inflammatory syndrome, the most common cause of which is attributed to systemic underlying bacterial infection. The complete mechanisms of the dynamic pro- and anti-inflammatory processes underlying the pathophysiology of sepsis remain poorly understood. Natural killer (NK) cells play a crucial role in the pathophysiology of sepsis, leading to exaggerated inflammation due their rapid response and production of pro-inflammatory cytokines such as interferon gamma (IFN-gamma). Several studies have already shown that NK cells undergo lymphopenia in the peripheral blood of patients with sepsis. However, our understanding of the mechanisms behind its cellular trafficking and its role in disease development is restricted to studies in animal models. In this study, we aimed to compare the human NK cell subset (CD56(bright or dim)) levels in the peripheral blood and bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) fluid of sepsis patients. We conducted a case-control study with a sample size consisting of 10 control patients and 23 sepsis patients enrolled at the Hospital Cajuru (Curitiba/PR, Brazil) from 2013 to 2015. Although we were able to confirm previous observations of peripheral blood lymphopenia, no significant differences were detected in NK cell levels in the BAL fluid of these patients. Overall, these findings strengthened the evidence that peripheral blood lymphopenia is likely to be associated with cell death as a consequence of sepsis.183NHMRC Early Career FellowshipNational Breast Cancer Foundation (NBCF) FellowshipCancer Cure Australia Priority-Driven Young Investigator Project Gran

    Living Benthic Foraminifera from the Surface and Subsurface Sediment Layers Applied to the Environmental Characterization of the Brazilian Continental Slope (SW Atlantic)

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    Living benthic foraminifera (>63 µm) were studied to characterize the continental slope of the Potiguar Basin (SW Atlantic). Foraminifers from the surface (0–2 cm), subsurface (2–5 cm), and integrated (0–5 cm) sediment layers were analyzed to verify their contribution to environmental characterization. It was also estimated if and which changes occur when the subsurface is added. Sampling stations were distributed in five transects in four isobaths (150, 400, 1000, and 2000 m). Sediment samples were fixed with 4% buffered formaldehyde and stained with Bengal rose. Were recorded 396 species in the surface layer, 228 in the subsurface, and 449 in integrating both layers. This study did not include tubular agglutinated species. The assemblages from 150 m isobath indicated the upper slope, from 400 m indicated the middle slope and the ones from the 2000 m indicated the lower slope. The surface layer’s assemblage at 1000 m isobath was more similar to the middle slope; in contrast, its subsurface layer’s assemblage had more similarity with the lower slope. Rarefaction curves, Permanova, and NMDS routines indicated a high resemblance between surface and integrated layers. Therefore, the first two centimeters were sufficient to characterize this region based on living benthic foraminifera.Fil: de Carvalho Santa Rosa, Luciana Cristina. Universidade Federal do Paraná; BrasilFil: Trevisan Disaró, Sibelle. Universidade Federal do Paraná; BrasilFil: Totah, Violeta Ines. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Parque Centenario. Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales "Bernardino Rivadavia"; ArgentinaFil: Watanabe, Silvia. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Parque Centenario. Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales "Bernardino Rivadavia"; ArgentinaFil: Bittencourt Guimaraes, Ana Tereza. Universidade Estadual Do Oeste Do Pará; Brasi

    O Encontro Dialógico Entre a Justiça e as Populações Ribeirinhas

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    La investigación tiene como objetivo, desde la perspectiva del modelo de itinerancia río desarrollado por el Estado de Amapá Tribunal de Justicia, reflexionar sobre la relación dialógica entre el poder judicial de ribera y Amapá, comprobar las diferencias entre el lenguaje jurídico y la causa de ribera obstáculos para garantizar el acceso la justicia. Específicamente busca entender la importancia del diálogo entre los profesionales de la costa y de abogados para democratizar el poder judicial. Por último , identifica lo que es necesario para su adjudicación adecuada de itinerancias . El estudio tiene un enfoque cualitativo basado en búsqueda.A pesquisa visa, sob a perspectiva do modelo de itinerância fluvial desenvolvido pelo Tribunal de Justiça do Estado do Amapá, refletir sobre a relação dialógica entre os ribeirinhos e o Judiciário amapaense, averiguando se as diferenças entre a linguagem jurídica e a ribeirinha causa obstáculos para a garantia do acesso à justiça. Especificamente, busca compreender a importância da interlocução entre ribeirinhos e operadores do direito para a democratização dos serviços judiciários. Por fim, identificar o que é necessário para uma boa prestação jurisdicional em itinerâncias. O estudo tem uma abordagem qualitativa baseada em pesquisa bibliográfica e em pesquisa documental

    Genotipagem de isolados de Giardia duodenalis de primatas não humanos mantidos em zoológico do Brasil

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    Giardia infections in captive nonhuman primates (NHP) housed at a Brazilian zoo were investigated in order to address their zoonotic potential. Fresh fecal samples were collected from the floors of 22 enclosures where 47 primates of 18 different species were housed. The diagnosis of intestinal parasites after concentration by sedimentation and flotation methods revealed the following parasites and their frequencies: Giardia (18%); Entamoeba spp. (18%); Endolimax nana (4.5%); Iodamoeba spp. (4.5%); Oxyurid (4.5%) and Strongylid (4.5%). Genomic DNA extracted from all samples was processed by PCR methods in order to amplify fragments of gdh and tpi genes of Giardia. Amplicons were obtained from samples of Ateles belzebuth, Alouatta caraya, Alouatta fusca and Alouatta seniculus. Clear sequences were only obtained for the isolates from Ateles belzebuth (BA1), Alouatta fusca (BA2) and Alouatta caraya (BA3). According to the phenetic analyses of these sequences, all were classified as assemblage A. For the tpi gene, all three isolates were grouped into sub-assemblage AII (BA1, BA2 and BA3) whereas for the gdh gene, only BA3 was sub-assemblage AII, and the BA1 and BA2 were sub-assemblage AI. Considering the zoonotic potential of the assemblage A, and that the animals of the present study show no clinical signs of infection, the data obtained here stresses that regular coproparasitological surveys are necessary to implement preventive measures and safeguard the health of the captive animals, of their caretakers and of people visiting the zoological gardens.A pesquisa de infecções por Giardia e a caracterização genotípica deste protozoário foi realizada em primatas não humanos (PNH) mantidos em Zoológico a fim de avaliar o seu potencial zoonótico. As amostras dos animais consistiram de fezes colhidas do piso de 22 baias onde eram mantidos 47 primatas de 18 diferentes espécies. Exames coproparasitológicos foram realizados pelos métodos de concentração por sedimentação e centrífugo-flutuação e revelaram a presença dos seguintes parasitas e suas respectivas frequências: Giardia (18%); Entamoeba spp. (18%); Endolimax nana (4.5%); Iodamoeba spp. (4.5%); oxiurídeos (4.5%) e estrongilídeos (4.5%). O DNA extraído de todas as amostras fecais foi submetido à técnica de PCR para a amplificação dos genes gdh e tpi de Giardia, porém, só foram obtidos amplicons das quatro amostras positivas provenientes de Ateles belzebuth, Alouatta caraya, Alouatta fusca and Alouatta seniculus. O seqüenciamento dos fragmentos amplificados foi possível apenas para as amostras oriundas de Ateles belzebuth (BA1), Alouatta fusca (BA2) e Alouatta caraya (BA3), cuja análise fenética de ambos os genes revelou pertencerem ao genótipo A. As análises das sequências de tpi revelaram que todas as amostras pertencem ao subgenótipo AII. No que se refere ao gene gdh as análises revelaram uma amostra pertencente ao subgenótipo AII (BA3) e duas ao subgenótipo A1 (BA1 e BA2). Considerando o potencial zoonótico do genótipo A e o fato de que os animais não apresentavam sintomas de infecção, os dados do presente trabalho salientam a importância de se realizar, periodicamente, exames coproparasitológicos dos animais de zoológico, para implementação de medidas preventivas para resguardar a saúde dos animais em cativeiro, a de seus tratadores e dos visitantes de parques zoológicos
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