139 research outputs found

    Towards highly adaptable user-centric terminal architecture

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    International audienceIn the next-generation communication systems, the mobile terminals will be considerably more diverse than nowadays, andthe users will have a greater choice of access technologies,offering different QoS, security, cost, and so on. However, the “best” decision to select an interface and an access network from many other possible combinations has to be taken. This decision will dependon information such as: the user preferences, the requirements from applications, the device capabilities, the performances and capabilities of the available networks, the network operators constraints, etc. Thispaper describes an add-on middleware which deals with interface automatic configuration and selection. Our goal is twofold: to provideusers with “seamless” roaming between heterogeneous access networks,and to allow them to always stay connected through the “best”acces snetwork

    Achieving "always best connected" through extensive profile managment

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    International audienceThe integration of various access networks into a ubiquitous,yet heterogeneous, wireless environment is on the way. This evolution of the mobile network will give the end-user a greater choice of access tech-nologies, and, therefore, the decision to select the “best” interface andaccess network from many possible combinations has to be taken. The decision will depend on information such as: performances and capabilities of the available networks, requirements from applications, user preferences, or network operators’ constraints. Our work focuses on an advanced middleware which deals with profile management to supportthe interface automatic configuration and selection. Furthermore, the proposed mechanism supports the dynamic (re)mapping of the application flows by taking into consideration multiple selection criteri

    A Holistic Monitoring Service for Fog/Edge Infrastructures: a Foresight Study

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    International audienceAlthough academic and industry experts are now advocating for going from large-centralized Cloud Computing infrastructures to smaller ones massively distributed at the edge of the network, management systems to operate and use such infrastructures are still missing. In this paper, we focus on the monitoring service which is a key element to any management system in charge of operating a distributed infrastructure. Several solutions have been proposed in the past for cluster, grid and cloud systems. However, none is well appropriate to the Fog/Edge context. Our goal in this study, is to pave the way towards a holistic monitoring service for a Fog/Edge infrastructure hosting next generation digital services. The contributions of our work are: (i) the problem statement, (ii) a classification and a qualitative analysis of major existing solutions, and (iii) a preliminary discussion on the impact of the deployment strategy of functions composing the monitoring service

    Efficient Resource Allocation for Multi-tenant Monitoring of Edge Infrastructures

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    International audienceBy relying on small sized and massively distributed infrastructures, the Edge computing paradigm aims at supporting the low latency and high bandwidth requirements of the next generation services that will leverage IoT devices (e.g., video cameras, sensors). To favor the advent of this paradigm, management services, similar to the ones that made the success of Cloud computing platforms, should be proposed. However, they should be designed in order to cope with the limited capabilities of the resources that are located at the edge. In that sense, they should mitigate as much as possible their footprint. Among the different management services that need to be revisited, we investigate in this paper the monitoring one. Monitoring functions tend to become compute-, storage-and network-intensive, in particular because they will be used by a large part of applications that rely on real-time data. To reduce as much as possible the footprint of the whole monitoring service, we propose to mutualize identical processing functions among different tenants while ensuring their quality-of-service (QoS) expectations. We formalize our approach as a constraint satisfaction problem and show through micro-benchmarks its relevance to mitigate compute and network footprints

    A Framework for Edge Infrastructures Monitoring

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    By relying on small sized and massively distributed infrastructures, the Edge computingparadigm aims at supporting the low latency and high bandwidth requirements of the next generationservices that will leverage IoT devices (e.g., video cameras, sensors). To favor the advent of this paradigm,management services, similar to the ones that made the success of Cloud computing platforms, should beproposed. However, they should be designed in order to cope with the limited capabilities of the resourcesthat are located at the edge. In that sense, they should mitigate as much as possible their footprint. Amongthe different management services that need to be revisited, we investigate in this paper the monitoring one.Monitoring functions tend to become compute-, storage- and network-intensive, in particular because theywill be used by a large part of applications that rely on real-time data. To reduce as much as possible thefootprint of the whole monitoring service, we propose to mutualize identical processing functions amongdifferent tenants while ensuring their quality-of-service (QoS) expectations.We formalize our approach asa constraint satisfaction problem and show through micro-benchmarks its relevance to mitigate computeand network footprints.En s’appuyant sur des infrastructures de petite taille et massivement distribuĂ©es, le EdgeComputing cherche Ă  rĂ©pondre aux besoins en faible latence et grande bande passante des applicationsde nouvelle gĂ©nĂ©ration qui favorisent l’utilisation de l’Internet des objets (par exemple, les camĂ©rasvidĂ©o, les capteurs). Pour mettre en Ɠuvre ce paradigme, des services de gestion, similaires Ă  ceuxqui ont permis le succĂšs des plates-formes du Cloud Computing, doivent ĂȘtre proposĂ©s. Cependant, ilsdoivent ĂȘtre conçus de maniĂšre Ă  faire face aux capacitĂ©s limitĂ©es des ressources situĂ©es Ă  la pĂ©riphĂ©riedu rĂ©seau. Autrement dit, ils doivent rĂ©duire autant que possible leur empreinte. Parmi les diffĂ©rentsservices de gestion qui doivent ĂȘtre revisitĂ©s, nous Ă©tudions dans cet article le service de supervision.Les fonctions de supervision ont tendance Ă  nĂ©cessiter de grandes capacitĂ©s de calcul, de stockage et derĂ©seau parce qu’elles sont utilisĂ©es par une grande partie d’applications qui nĂ©cessite une supervisionen temps rĂ©el. Afin de rĂ©duire au maximum l’empreinte du service de supervision, nous proposonsde mutualiser des fonctions de traitement identiques entre diffĂ©rents tenants tout en garantissant leursattentes en qualitĂ© de service (QoS). Nous formalisons notre approche en tant qu’un problĂšme desatisfaction de contraintes et montrons Ă  l’aide de micro-test sa pertinence pour attĂ©nuer l’empreintede calcul et rĂ©seau

    COMODO: an adaptive coclustering strategy to identify conserved coexpression modules between organisms

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    Increasingly large-scale expression compendia for different species are becoming available. By exploiting the modularity of the coexpression network, these compendia can be used to identify biological processes for which the expression behavior is conserved over different species. However, comparing module networks across species is not trivial. The definition of a biologically meaningful module is not a fixed one and changing the distance threshold that defines the degree of coexpression gives rise to different modules. As a result when comparing modules across species, many different partially overlapping conserved module pairs across species exist and deciding which pair is most relevant is hard. Therefore, we developed a method referred to as conserved modules across organisms (COMODO) that uses an objective selection criterium to identify conserved expression modules between two species. The method uses as input microarray data and a gene homology map and provides as output pairs of conserved modules and searches for the pair of modules for which the number of sharing homologs is statistically most significant relative to the size of the linked modules. To demonstrate its principle, we applied COMODO to study coexpression conservation between the two well-studied bacteria Escherichia coli and Bacillus subtilis. COMODO is available at: http://homes.esat.kuleuven.be/∌kmarchal/Supplementary_Information_Zarrineh_2010/comodo/index.html

    Évaluation de la consommation de cannabis et de son impact dans les pathologies rhumatismales : revue systĂ©matique, mĂ©ta-analyse et Ă©tude monocentrique transversale

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    Contexte. De nombreux patients atteints de rhumatisme inflammatoire chronique (RIC) rapportent des douleurs rĂ©siduelles, malgrĂ© un contrĂŽle optimal de l’activitĂ© de leur maladie. D’autres pathologies, comme la fibromyalgie ou l’arthrose, pĂątissent aussi d’un manque de thĂ©rapeutiques antalgiques efficaces. Il n'est donc pas rare que des patients admettent recourir Ă  des mĂ©thodes alternatives pour juguler leurs douleurs, parmi lesquelles notamment la consommation de cannabis.Objectifs. Chez les patients souffrant de RIC, estimer la prĂ©valence de la consommation de cannabis, Ă©valuer ses effets sur la douleur, comparer les caractĂ©ristiques des consommateurs de cannabis Ă  celles des non-consommateurs.MĂ©thodes. Nous avons rĂ©alisĂ© une revue systĂ©matique de la littĂ©rature jusqu’en juin 2020. Tous les essais contrĂŽlĂ©s ou Ă©tudes Ă©pidĂ©miologiques comprenant des patients atteints de RIC consommant du cannabis et fournissant des donnĂ©es sur la douleur, ont Ă©tĂ© inclus dans une mĂ©ta-analyse. Les rĂ©sultats ont ensuite Ă©tĂ© confrontĂ©s Ă  ceux d’une Ă©tude observationnelle transversale monocentrique menĂ©e dans le service de Rhumatologie du CHU de Clermont-Ferrand.RĂ©sultats 23 publications ont Ă©tĂ© inclues dans la mĂ©ta-analyse : 7 abstracts, 7 Ă©tudes observationnelles transversales et 9 longitudinales. Dans 15 Ă©tudes (n = 10873), 2900 patients dĂ©claraient avoir utilisĂ© du cannabis [40.4% ; 95% CI : 0.28, 0.54]. Dans 5 Ă©tudes (n = 4122 patients), 485 patients dĂ©claraient une consommation actuelle de cannabis [15.3% ;- 95% CI : 0.07, 0.27]. Les consommateurs de cannabis Ă©taient plus frĂ©quemment sans emploi [486/837 (58.1%) vs 1296/4193 (30.9%) ; OR 2.40 [95% CI : 1.31, 4.40] ; p 0.005], tabagiques [52.8% vs 36.3% ; OR 2.91 [95% CI : 1.84, 4.60] ; p<0.001], consommateurs d’alcool [OR 3.12 ; 95% CI : 2.41, 4.04]. Ils avaient des douleurs plus intenses que les non-consommateurs [5.0 (2.4) vs 4.1 (2.6) mm ; p <0.001]. Six Ă©tudes montraient une diminution significative de la douleur au cours du temps et deux Ă©tudes une amĂ©lioration significative de la qualitĂ© de vie, du sommeil et de l’humeur. Au 19/08/2020, 87 patients ont Ă©tĂ© inclus dans l’étude menĂ©e Ă  Clermont-Ferrand. 17 (19.5%) patients ont dĂ©clarĂ© avoir expĂ©rimentĂ© le cannabis au cours de leur vie, parmi lesquels 1 consomme actuellement du cannabis. Le profil du consommateur est le mĂȘme que celui observĂ© dans la mĂ©ta-analyse : homme jeune, fumeur, sans emploi et consommateur d’alcool.Conclusion La mĂ©ta-analyse retrouve une surconsommation de cannabis dans la population de patients ayant un RIC. L’étude transversale menĂ©e Ă  Clermont-Ferrand ne corrobore pas ces faits pour le moment (sous rĂ©serve d’un manque de puissance). L’utilisation thĂ©rapeutique des cannabinoĂŻdes Ă  visĂ©e antalgique en rhumatologie semble prometteuse mais leur efficacitĂ© nĂ©cessite d’ĂȘtre confirmĂ©e par d’autres Ă©tudes de plus grande envergure

    Microbial symbiosis in insects : toward a better understanding of the mechanisms involved in host-bacteria associations

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    Serratia symbiotica is a valuable model to understand the evolution of microbial symbiosis in insects. Indeed, it includes a wide variety of strains varying in their interdependence degree with aphid hosts, some of which have been cultivated in our laboratory. The main objective of this thesis was to investigate how symbionts form new symbioses and extend their influence on insect populations. We established artificial infections of cultivable S. symbiotica in aphid gut to decipher its infection processes, symbiotic status, transmission mode, as well as the way in which it infects aphids. Our results showed that cultivable S. symbiotica colonized and multiplied in aphid gut, inducing fitness costs. However, it can offer a protection against parasitoids that should in some conditions offset the costs. The bacteria seem also to be extracellularly transmitted in laboratory conditions. We showed that plants can mediate horizontal transfers of cultivable S. symbiotica between aphids, and bacteria can be absorbed by plant roots, inducing new infections in aphids, as well as positive effects on plant fitness. A field study further highlighted the great diversity of S. symbiotica, as well as its presence in plants and insects associated with aphid colonies, confirming the existence of new acquisition and transfer routes of S. symbiotica in nature. This thesis also examined another insect symbiosis, showing that Arsenophonus likely complements the role of the deficient obligate symbiont of psyllids. This thesis thus brought new insights into the nature of symbiosis in insects and the importance of considering symbiosis in complex systems.(SC - Sciences) -- UCL, 202

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