44 research outputs found

    Estimation of Surface Thermal Emissivity in a Vineyard for UAV Microbolometer Thermal Cameras Using NASA HyTES Hyperspectral Thermal, and Landsat and AggieAir Optical Data

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    Microbolometer thermal cameras in UAVs and manned aircraft allow for the acquisition of highresolution temperature data, which, along with optical reflectance, contributes to monitoring and modeling of agricultural and natural environments. Furthermore, these temperature measurements have facilitated the development of advanced models of crop water stress and evapotranspiration in precision agriculture and heat fluxes exchanges in small river streams and corridors. Microbolometer cameras capture thermal information at blackbody or radiometric settings (narrowband emissivity equates to unity). While it is customary that the modeler uses assumed emissivity values (e.g. 0.99– 0.96 for agricultural and environmental settings); some applications (e.g. Vegetation Health Index), and complex models such as energy balance-based models (e.g. evapotranspiration) could benefit from spatial estimates of surface emissivity for true or kinetic temperature mapping. In that regard, this work presents an analysis of the spectral characteristics of a microbolometer camera with regard to emissivity, along with a methodology to infer thermal emissivity spatially based on the spectral characteristics of the microbolometer camera. For this work, the MODIS UCBS Emissivity Library, NASA HyTES hyperspectral emissivity, Landsat, and Utah State University AggieAir UAV surface reflectance products are employed. The methodology is applied to a commercial vineyard agricultural setting located in Lodi, California, where HyTES, Landsat, and AggieAir UAV spatial data were collected in the 2014 growing season. Assessment of the microbolometer spectral response with regards to emissivity and emissivity modeling performance for the area of study are presented and discussed

    Land Surface Temperature Product Validation Best Practice Protocol Version 1.0 - October, 2017

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    The Global Climate Observing System (GCOS) has specified the need to systematically generate andvalidate Land Surface Temperature (LST) products. This document provides recommendations on goodpractices for the validation of LST products. Internationally accepted definitions of LST, emissivity andassociated quantities are provided to ensure the compatibility across products and reference data sets. Asurvey of current validation capabilities indicates that progress is being made in terms of up-scaling and insitu measurement methods, but there is insufficient standardization with respect to performing andreporting statistically robust comparisons.Four LST validation approaches are identified: (1) Ground-based validation, which involvescomparisons with LST obtained from ground-based radiance measurements; (2) Scene-based intercomparisonof current satellite LST products with a heritage LST products; (3) Radiance-based validation,which is based on radiative transfer calculations for known atmospheric profiles and land surface emissivity;(4) Time series comparisons, which are particularly useful for detecting problems that can occur during aninstrument's life, e.g. calibration drift or unrealistic outliers due to undetected clouds. Finally, the need foran open access facility for performing LST product validation as well as accessing reference LST datasets isidentified

    Uncertainty assessment of surface net radiation derived from Landsat images

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    The net radiation flux available at the Earth's surface drives evapotranspiration, photosynthesis and other physical and biological processes. The only cost-effective way to capture its spatial and temporal variability at regional and global scales is remote sensing. However, the accuracy of net radiation derived from remote sensing data has been evaluated up to now over a limited number of in situ measurements and ecosystems. This study aims at evaluating estimates and uncertainties on net radiation derived from Landsat-7 images depending on reliability of the input surface variables albedo, emissivity and surface temperature. The later includes the reliability of remote sensing information (spectral reflectances and top of canopy brightness temperature) and shortwave and longwave incoming radiations. Primary information describing the surface is derived from remote sensing observations. Surface albedo is estimated from spectral reflectances using a narrow-to-broadband conversion method. Land surface temperature is retrieved from top of canopy brightness temperature by accounting for land surface emissivity and reflection of atmospheric radiation; and emissivity is estimated using a relationship with a vegetation index and a spectral database of soil and plant canopy properties in the study area. The net radiation uncertainty is assessed using comparison with ground measurements over the Crau–Camargue and lower Rhone valley regions in France. We found Root Mean Square Errors between retrievals and field measurements of 0.25–0.33 (14–19%) for albedo, ~ 1.7 K for surface temperature and ~ 20 W·m− 2 (5%) for net radiation. Results show a substantial underestimation of Landsat-7 albedo (up to 0.024), particularly for estimates retrieved using the middle infrared, which could be due to different sources: the calibration of field sensors, the correction of radiometric signals from Landsat-7 or the differences in spectral bands with the sensors for which the models where originally derived, or the atmospheric corrections. We report a global uncertainty in net radiation of 40–100 W·m− 2 equally distributed over the shortwave and longwave radiation, which varies spatially and temporally depending on the land use and the time of year. In situ measurements of incoming shortwave and longwave radiation contribute the most to uncertainty in net radiation (10–40 W·m− 2 and 20–30 W·m− 2, respectively), followed by uncertainties in albedo (< 25 W·m− 2) and surface temperature (~ 8 W·m− 2). For the latter, the main factors were the uncertainties in top of canopy reflectances (< 10 W·m− 2) and brightness temperature (5–7 W·m− 2). The generalization of these results to other sensors and study regions could be considered, except for the emissivity if prior knowledge on its characterization is not available

    High spatial resolution imaging of methane and other trace gases with the airborne Hyperspectral Thermal Emission Spectrometer (HyTES)

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    Currently large uncertainties exist associated with the attribution and quantification of fugitive emissions of criteria pollutants and greenhouse gases such as methane across large regions and key economic sectors. In this study, data from the airborne Hyperspectral Thermal Emission Spectrometer (HyTES) have been used to develop robust and reliable techniques for the detection and wide-area mapping of emission plumes of methane and other atmospheric trace gas species over challenging and diverse environmental conditions with high spatial resolution that permits direct attribution to sources. HyTES is a pushbroom imaging spectrometer with high spectral resolution (256 bands from 7.5 to 12 µm), wide swath (1–2 km), and high spatial resolution (∼ 2 m at 1 km altitude) that incorporates new thermal infrared (TIR) remote sensing technologies. In this study we introduce a hybrid clutter matched filter (CMF) and plume dilation algorithm applied to HyTES observations to efficiently detect and characterize the spatial structures of individual plumes of CH_4, H_2S, NH_3, NO_2, and SO_2 emitters. The sensitivity and field of regard of HyTES allows rapid and frequent airborne surveys of large areas including facilities not readily accessible from the surface. The HyTES CMF algorithm produces plume intensity images of methane and other gases from strong emission sources. The combination of high spatial resolution and multi-species imaging capability provides source attribution in complex environments. The CMF-based detection of strong emission sources over large areas is a fast and powerful tool needed to focus on more computationally intensive retrieval algorithms to quantify emissions with error estimates, and is useful for expediting mitigation efforts and addressing critical science questions

    High spatial resolution imaging of methane and other trace gases with the airborne Hyperspectral Thermal Emission Spectrometer (HyTES)

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    Currently large uncertainties exist associated with the attribution and quantification of fugitive emissions of criteria pollutants and greenhouse gases such as methane across large regions and key economic sectors. In this study, data from the airborne Hyperspectral Thermal Emission Spectrometer (HyTES) have been used to develop robust and reliable techniques for the detection and wide-area mapping of emission plumes of methane and other atmospheric trace gas species over challenging and diverse environmental conditions with high spatial resolution that permits direct attribution to sources. HyTES is a pushbroom imaging spectrometer with high spectral resolution (256 bands from 7.5 to 12 µm), wide swath (1–2 km), and high spatial resolution (∼ 2 m at 1 km altitude) that incorporates new thermal infrared (TIR) remote sensing technologies. In this study we introduce a hybrid clutter matched filter (CMF) and plume dilation algorithm applied to HyTES observations to efficiently detect and characterize the spatial structures of individual plumes of CH_4, H_2S, NH_3, NO_2, and SO_2 emitters. The sensitivity and field of regard of HyTES allows rapid and frequent airborne surveys of large areas including facilities not readily accessible from the surface. The HyTES CMF algorithm produces plume intensity images of methane and other gases from strong emission sources. The combination of high spatial resolution and multi-species imaging capability provides source attribution in complex environments. The CMF-based detection of strong emission sources over large areas is a fast and powerful tool needed to focus on more computationally intensive retrieval algorithms to quantify emissions with error estimates, and is useful for expediting mitigation efforts and addressing critical science questions

    New insights of ground-based land surface temperature measurements protocols for improving validation of thermal infrared satellite data

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    International audienceRecent research on the Land Surface Temperature (LST) signal reveals that attention must be paid to reference in-situ measurements used for validating thermal infrared (TIR) data collected from space. Here we focus on the effects of directional anisotropy of LST and atmospheric turbulence-induced temporal fluctuations. Adaptations to ground measurement protocols and new experimental set-ups are suggested to improve the confidence in validation activities

    Net Surface Shortwave Radiation from GOES Imagery—Product Evaluation Using Ground-Based Measurements from SURFRAD

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    The Earth’s surface net radiation controls the energy and water exchanges between the Earth’s surface and the atmosphere, and can be derived from satellite observations. The ability to monitor the net surface radiation over large areas at high spatial and temporal resolution is essential for many applications, such as weather forecasting, short-term climate prediction or water resources management. The objective of this paper is to derive the net surface radiation in the shortwave domain at high temporal (half-hourly) and spatial resolution (~1 km) using visible imagery from Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite (GOES). The retrieval algorithm represents an adaptation to GOES data of a standard algorithm initially developed for the NASA-operated Clouds and Earth’s Radiant Energy System (CERES) scanner. The methodology relies on: (1) the estimation of top of atmosphere shortwave radiation from GOES spectral measurements; and (2) the calculation of net surface shortwave (SW) radiation accounting for atmospheric effects. Comparison of GOES-retrieved net surface shortwave radiation with ground-measurements at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA) Surface Radiation (SURFRAD) stations yields very good agreement with average bias lower than 5 W·m−2 and root mean square difference around 70 W·m−2. The algorithm performance is usually higher over areas characterized by low spatial variability in term of land cover type and surface biophysical properties. The technique does not involve retrieval and assessment of cloud properties and can be easily adapted to other meteorological satellites around the globe

    Quantitative Remote Sensing of Land Surface Variables: Progress and Perspective

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    The land is of particular importance to the human being, not only because it is our, as well as terrestrial biomes&rsquo;, habitat, but the land surface also plays a unique role in the Earth system [...

    Quantitative Remote Sensing of Land Surface Variables: Progress and Perspective

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    The land is of particular importance to the human being, not only because it is our, as well as terrestrial biomes’, habitat, but the land surface also plays a unique role in the Earth system. For example, it regulates the climate through exchange of matter, energy, and momentum with the atmosphere [1]. Data on the status and dynamics of the land surface variables are essential for understanding the land surface processes and entangling interactions between the land and other Earth system components. Since the emergence of remote sensing, the land surface is among its key study domains. The quantitative remote sensing system does not directly measure land surface parameters of interest. Instead, the signature remote sensors receive is electromagnetic radiation reflected, scattered, and emitted from both the surface and the atmosphere. The inversion algorithm is needed to obtain land surface parameters from remotely sensed data. It is not a trivia task to reliably retrieve land surface parameters since the remote sensing signature is a function of not only the variable of interest but also many other atmosphere and surface characteristics. Multifaceted aspects of the remote sensing data, such as the temporal, spectral, spatial, polarized information, as well as ancillary and prior knowledge, are typically used in a synthetic way to improve the quality of land parameter retrievals [2]. Numerous parameters regarding the land surface properties can now be estimated with the help of remote sensing, to name a few, surface cover type, snow cover and amount, surface altitude, surface radiative fluxes, biophysical parameters, biochemical variables, vegetation structure, and many other variables. With the maturity of the retrieval algorithms, many products of land surface variables have been generated from remotely sensed data by various agencies. For example, the NASA Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) land team produces 16 different products of land parameters [3]. The Global Land Surface Satellite (GLASS) Product suite includes 12 land variables [4]. The Satellite Application Facility on Climate Monitoring (CM SAF) develops dozens of real-time operational products and long-term climate data records of surface radiation, energy, and water fluxes [5]. The increased availability and improved quality of remote sensing land products have promoted their applications in various modeling and analytical studies and advanced our knowledge on global environmental changes as a unique source of observational evidence from the space-based perspective. With the availability of more advanced remote sensing data from various types of instruments with different spectral characteristics and temporal and spatial resolutions, the field of quantitative land remote sensing is advancing at an unprecedented rate. Considerable effort has been devoted to the study of land remote sensing theory and methodology; development of retrieval algorithms to estimate land surface variables from remote sensing data; assessment of land remote sensing data and products by comparing them with in situ measurements, modeling results or other remote sensing products; and application of remote sensing data and products in answering various scientific problems. This special issue collected 11 papers on several areas of quantitative land remote sensing, which will be briefly summarized in the following section.https://doi.org/10.3390/rs1118215