7 research outputs found

    Detección de QTLs de importancia económica y análisis de genes candidatos en poblaciones porcinas comerciales españolas

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    El presente estudio se desarrolló bajo el marco del proyecto europeo PigQTech cuyo objetivo es investigar si QTLs de importancia económica en la industria productora porcina, previamente descritos en cruces de razas divergentes, se encuentran segregando en poblaciones comerciales. En el presente estudio se analizaron dos poblaciones porcinas de tipo comercial Pietrain y Large White, donde fue analizada la presencia de QTLs, búsqueda y análisis de genes candidatos. La búsqueda de QTLs se efectuó mediante el análisis de la segregación alelica de microsatélites y su relación con los caracteres productivos medidos. Se analizaron 10 regiones de los cromosomas 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 13, tres de las cuales fueron utilizadas como regiones control (1, 6, 9) por no haber QTLs descritos previamente en ellas. Los resultados muestran segregación de QTLs para los cromosomas 2, 3, 4, 7 y para las regiones control 1 y 9 en la población Large White, mientras en la población Pietrain se detectaron QTL en los cromosomas 7 y 8. En resumen, se observó que los QTLs descritos en cruces de razas divergentes están presentes en poblaciones comerciales, sin embargo no segregan por igual entre las distintas poblaciones. Adicionalmente se realizó un estudio de asociación de los genes candidatos H-FABP, receptor de leptina (LEPR) y la piruvato carboxilasa (PC). El gen H-FABP reveló la existencia de asociación entre los distintos genotipos para los caracteres de grasa dorsal, longitud de canal y pH, sin embargo estas asociaciones no se presentan por igual en las distintas poblaciones. El análisis de asociación del gen receptor de leptina reveló la existencia de asociación entre sus distintos genotipos con un menor pH a las 24 horas postmortem, sin embargo esta asociación se presentó solo en la población Large White. La secuenciación del cDNA del gen de la piruvato carboxilasa reveló una alta similitud nucleotídica con la de otras especies de mamíferos, y que además es polimórfica. Así mismo el mapeo mediante el panel de células somáticas híbridas irradiadas reveló que el gen de la PC está localizado en el cromosoma 2 en el brazo p entre los microsatélites SW2623 (9.8 cM) y el SW256 (19 cM).The present study was developped under the framework of the European PigQTech project, whose objective was to investigate the segregation of economically important QTLs previously described in divergent pig crosses in commercial populations. In the present study, we analysed the segregation of QTL and candidate genes in Pietrain and Large White. The search of QTLs was made by the analysis of the microsatellite allelic segregation and its influence on the recorded commercial traits. Ten regions on chromosomes 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 13 were analysed. As not QTL had been previously described in the regions located in chromosomes 1, 6 and 9, we used these segments as control regions. In Large White, results showed segregation of QTLs in chromosomes 2, 3, 4 and 7 as well as in the Ssc1 and Ssc9 control regions. The analysis in Pietrain indicated the presence of QTL in chromosomes 7 and 8. In summary, we observed that QTLs described in experimental pig crosses are also present in commercial breeds. However these QTLs do not show the same segregation pattern among different populations. Additionally, we carried out an association analysis of the heart fatty acid binding protein (H-FABP), leptin receptor (LEPR) and pyruvate carboxylase (PC) candidate genes. The association analysis between H-FABP and the recorded traits, revealed the influence of this gene on back fat thickness, carcass length and pH in some of our populations. Influence of LEPR on the pH at 24 hours postmortem was detected in Large White. The analysis of the nucleotidic sequence of the PC cDNA, revealed both a high similarity between other mammal species, and the existence of sequence polymorphism in our populations. Furthermore, we allocated PC in the short arm of chromosome 2 (2p), between the markers SW2623 (9.8 cM) and SW256 (19 cM) in an RH panel

    Reference values for amino acids and acylcarnitines in peripheral blood in Quarter horses and American Miniature horses

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    Abstract Background Free amino acids and acylcarnitines circulating in the blood can be used for diagnosis for metabolic illness and imbalances. To date, the normal reference ranges of amino acids and acylcarnitines in horse peripheral blood have not been established. In this study, the concentrations of 12 amino acids and 26 acylcarnitines were determined by tandem mass spectrometry in complete blood from 100 healthy horses (50 Quarter horses (QH) [23 males and 27 females] and 50 American Miniature horses (AMH) [15 males and 35 females]) with no signs of metabolic disease. The means and standard deviations were determined and data statistically analyzed. Findings Concentrations of short, medium, and long chain acylcarnitines were significantly higher in male AMH than in male QH. The concentrations of the amino acids alanine, arginine, glycine, proline (glycogenic), and leucine (ketogenic) were higher in the QH than in the AMH. Female AMH had higher concentrations of propionylcarnitine, leucine, proline, arginine, and ornithine than female QH. Conclusions Normal reference ranges of amino acids and acylcarnitines were established for AMH and QH. Significant differences were found in concentration of these compounds between breeds and gender