1,611 research outputs found

    El periodismo romántico y los principios deontológicos en el periodismo clásico español

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    The Spanish journalism knew and applied since the 19th century the basic deontological principles. No relevant contributions were added neither by the several codes of conduct, nor by the films based on journalism. The main achievement of the former is the systematisation, and the main success of the latter, the public disclosure.La tradición periodística española conocía y aplicaba los principios deontológico básicos desde hace casi dos siglos, sin que la contribución de los códigos deontológicos, ni las aparentemente novedosas aportaciones de la filmografía sobre tema periodístico hayan añadido ninguna idea relevante. La aportación de unos y otras reside más en la sistematización y en la divulgación respectivamente

    Disability and Comedy: Challenging Stereotypes Onscreen

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    Characters with disabilities or any type of impairment have been present in film productions since the early stages of cinema. However, they seldom become main characters in mainstream media and in particular in comedy films, as their body doesn’t belong to the acceptable norm. Comedy has been known as a tool to challenge the system and yet it seems scarcely used to represent disabilities, drama being the preferred choice for narratives revolving around disabled protagonists. This article focuses on two films in which comedy and drama are combined to tell stories centred, indeed, on people with a disability (Come as You Are and The Peanut Butter Falcon, both released in 2019). Using different humour strategies such as incongruity and superiority, their main characters successfully challenge society, its conventions and its stereotypes—with incongruity mechanisms the films deal with what is considered “normal” and with superiority mechanisms they challenge power relations. The analysis will show how comedy is a genre capable to give its disabled characters the possibility to express themselves for an audience that is also being represented on screen—whether it is disabled viewers who can identify with the protagonists or abled ones who see their behaviours challenged onscreen

    ‘A princess strives for perfection’. Modelization of women in Disney movies from The Little Mermaid to Brave

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    The modelization of women in what is known as Disney “Princesses” movies has changed notably since the creation of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs in 1937 until nowadays. While at the beginning the role of female characters was linked to housework and marriage, this stereotype changed gradually ending up with the production of Disney “Princesses” movies in which the heroines are depicted as active women who take control of their lives without the need of a man for a happy ending. The aim of this dissertation is to investigate the changes in the modelization of women in Disney “Princess” movies through the analysis of gender archetypes and, specifically, through the analysis of the The Little Mermaid (1989) and Brave (2012). These two movies represent a change in the portrayal of women since they break with the tradition depicted in previous movies and introduce a renewed image far from the typical “Princess” gender archetypes.La modelización de la mujer en las películas de “Princesas” Disney ha cambiado notablemente desde la creación de Blancanieves y los Siete Enanitos en 1937 hasta nuestros días. Mientras que al principio el rol de la mujer estaba unido al trabajo doméstico y al matrimonio, este ha ido cambiando gradualmente hasta la producción de películas de Disney “Princesas” en las que las heroínas se presentan de manera activa, tomando el control sobre sus vidas y sin la necesidad de un hombre para sus finales felices. El objetivo de esta disertación es investigar los cambios en los arquetipos de género en las películas de “Princesas” Disney y, específicamente, en el análisis de La Sirenita (1989) y Brave: Indomable (2012). Ambas simbolizan un cambio en la representación de la mujer ya que rompen con la tradición de las películas anteriores presentando una imagen renovada lejos de los tradicionales arquetipos de género de las “Princesas.”Departamento de Filología InglesaGrado en Estudios Inglese

    Human capital in Spain and its distribution by provinces (1964-2013)

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    Since 1994, the Bancaja Foundation and the Ivie have been conducting an extensive research program on human capital measurements in Spain. The regularly updated Ivie database"Human Capital in Spain and its distribution by provinces" is the basis of this program, providing information on the accumulation of human capital in Spain over the last five decades

    La aplicación del coaching en los procesos del aprendizaje

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    [Resumen] El presente trabajo analiza la aplicación de las metodologías de coaching al proceso de aprendizaje, resaltando el enorme impacto que tiene en la motivación del alumnado y en los resultados conseguidos. Para ello se analiza su aplicación en el proceso de aprendizaje de alumnos del Grado en Ingeniería en Diseño y Desarrollo de Producto, especialmente en los trabajos académicos que realizan durante la carrera, relatando algunos ejemplos de la metodología y un caso práctico.[Abstract] This paper analyses the implementation of coaching techniques to the learning process, highlighting the tremendous impact that may have in the attitude and motivation of the students as well as in the results obtained. We present the application of the methodology to the students of the Diploma in Design and Product Development Engineering, and especially to the academic essays, they develop during their careers, providing some examples of these techniques and one case stud

    How to Treat Implicatures in Translation: Comparative Analysis of English-Spanish Translations of The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn.

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    Translation does not consist only on what words mean but also on what words imply. Implicatures show the intention a sender is transmitting behind the words used and that forms part of the message as well. The main purpose of this paper is the analysis of different examples of fragments from Huckleberry Finn. The focus of the analysis is on the translation of implicatures in idioms, slang, humour and other examples. The analysis suggests that older translations were too strict in terms of formality, explicitness is a difficult aspect in the translation of slang and literal translation is a useful strategy in the translation of Mark Twain’s irony.Traducir no se trata solo de traducir el significado de las palabras, pero también de lo que éstas sugieren. Las implicaturas muestran la intención detrás de las palabras del emisor y forman parte igualmente del mensaje. El objetivo de este Trabajo de Fin de Grado es el análisis de distintos ejemplos en fragmentos de Las Aventuras de Huckleberry Finn. El análisis se centra en la traducción de implicaturas en expresiones idiomáticas, la jerga, el humor y otros ejemplos. El análisis sugiere que las traducciones antiguas son más estrictas en cuanto a la formalidad de la traducción, que la explicitud es un aspecto difícil en la traducción de la jerga y que la traducción literal es una estrategia útil en la traducción de la ironía de Mark Twain.<br /

    Campaña de mercadeo social "Desconcentración sin intención" a favor de la personas con trastorno por déficit de atención con hiperactividad

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    Considering Attention Deficit Disorder with Hyperactivity (ADHD) is a topic of great boom in our time, it is necessary that society properly report its meaning and proper treatment, because by not doing so, many people misunderstood his concept and mistake as a disease or pathology and on the other hand, you get to stigmatize the lives of many children and adults. This work will focus on properly recognize the true meaning of attention deficit disorder with hyperactivity, diagnosis and treatment through appropriate information-oriented expert on the subject shares. In turn, understand that behind every child or adult with ADHD there is a hidden talent that may be potentiated by the people living around them.Considerando que el Trastorno por Déficit de Atención con Hiperactividad (TDAH) es un tema de gran auge en nuestra época, es necesario que la sociedad se informe correctamente de su significado y adecuado tratamiento, ya que al no ser así, muchas personas tergiversan su concepto y lo confunden como una enfermedad o patología y por otro lado, se llega a estigmatizar la vida de muchos niños, niñas y adultos. Este trabajo se enfocará en reconocer adecuadamente el verdadero significado del trastorno por déficit de atención con hiperactividad, su diagnóstico y tratamientos a través de acciones orientadas a la información apropiada de expertos en el tema. A su vez, entender que detrás de cada niño o adulto con TDAH existe un talento escondido que puede ser potencializado por las personas que viven alrededor de ellos

    Index for asset value measure obtained from condition monitoring digitalized data interpretation. A railway asset management application

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    Hosted by the Johannes Kepler University, Linz, Austria. May 23-24, 2019The objective of any asset is to provide value to the organization, being the corner stone to get a highest possible economic benefit in a sustainable way. An effective asset value management demands method that allow measuring and comparing the expected value with the real value realized at any time during its life cycle for value informed decision-making. Digitalization is providing new data about events and states related to asset condition and risk, information that can be reinterpreted to generate value measure strategies. This paper presents a proposal of TVO (Total Value of Ownership) model where it is possible to quantify and measure the value, including its monitoring throughout the life cycle of the asset and/or system. Proposed TVO model is focused on Safety, one of the most relevant value factors for Industry and Infrastructure sectors. Asset events and states are intrinsically linked to the defined failure modes. Consequently, it is necessary to structure the system information around the failure modes that have been defined, in order to obtain a value measurement index. A railway use case is presented

    La planificación del proceso de sucesión en la empresa familiar gallega. Breve comparación con la empresa familiar portuguesa.

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    [Abstract] This paper pretends to approach to the Galician business sector and, more specifically, Galician business family on the upper turnover tranche to the 1500 million pesetas, which means more 70% total Galician business sector. We must only focus on some aspects related to planning succession process, which has of fundamental importance in these kinds of organizations. We’ll deal especially about the following aspects: birthright criterion like traditional choice successor criterion; the importance given to the birthright training and professional experience of a successor and finally we will talk about some clearly defined succession plans as a previous way to the family protocols development