1,139 research outputs found

    Characterizations of inner product structures involving the radius of the inscribed or circumscribed circumference

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    summary:We define the radius of the inscribed and circumscribed circumferences in a triangle located in a real normed space and we obtain new characterizations of inner product spaces

    Spatial and temporal distribution of marine debris in seafloor habitats of the Balearic Islands

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    The weight and distribution of marine macrodebris in benthic habitats (continental shelves and upper slopes) from bottom trawl scientific surveys at the Balearic Islands was investigated. A time series of 15 years (2001 -2015) was studied at mesoscale level. Most abundant debris were glass, plastic and fishing material. The plastic fraction, which is highly persistent and resistant to biodegradation, showed a high variability in space and time with no clear trend

    Clavo gamma 3 largo en el tratamiento de las fracturas de cadera: protrusión o perforación de la cortical anterior del fémur a nivel distal.

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    El objetivo de este trabajo es evaluar y establecer los factores relacionados con la protrusión o perforación distal del clavo gamma 3 largo en el tratamiento de las fracturas pertro cantéreas de fémur. Material y métodos: Estudio retrospectivo descriptivo, observacional de 112 pacientes tratados con clavo gamma 3. Los criterios de inclusión fueron; pacientes con fracturas de cadera tratados con un clavo gamma 3 largo con un mínimo de un año de seguimiento. Las variables analizadas fueron edad, sexo, lado y tipo de fractura, longitud del clavo, la utilización o no de cerrojos distales, punto de entrada del clavo, estado de la cortical externa y complicaciones postoperatorias. Se evaluó la distancia del clavo a la cortical anterior en perfil (mm) y la distancia del extremo distal hasta la tróclea femoral en antero-posterior (mm). Resultados: de los 112 casos, 84 (75%) fueron mujeres y 28 (25%) hombres. La edad media fue de 82,6 años (57-98), 78 años en los hombres y 84 años en las mujeres. En 14 casos (12,5%) hubo protrusión del clavo (8 casos) o perforación de la cortical (6 casos). Todos ellos se produjeron en mujeres. No se observaron diferencias entre el punto de entrada del clavo, edad, longitud del clavo con la presencia o no de protrusión o perforación de la cortical anterior, en cambio fueron más frecuentes cuando se utilizaron los cerrojos distales (p=0,05)The aim of this paper is to evaluate and establish the factors associated with perforation or protrusion of distal femur with the long gamma nail in the treatment of trochanteric fractures of the femur. Materials and methods: Retrospective descriptive, observational study of 112 patients treated with the 3 gamma nail. Inclusion criteria were: patients with hip fractures treated with a 3 long gamma nail with a minimum of one year follow up. The variables analysed were age, sex, side and type of fracture, nail length, the use of locks or distal nail entry point, state of the external cortical and postoperative complications. Distance was evaluated between the nail and the anterior cortex (mm) and the distance from the distal end to the femoral trochlea (mm). Results: Of the 112 cases, 84 (75%) were women and 28 (25%) men. The average age was 82.6 years (57-98), 78 years in men and 84 years for women. In 14 cases (12.5%), protrusion was found (8 cases) and perforation of the cortical (6 cases). All of them were in women. No differences were observed between the entry point of the nail, age, length of the nail with the presence or absence of protrusion or perforation anterior cortical, instead were more frequent when we used distal locks (p = 0.05

    Sequencing of folding events in Go-like proteins

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    We have studied folding mechanisms of three small globular proteins: crambin (CRN), chymotrypsin inhibitor 2 (CI2) and the fyn Src Homology 3 domain (SH3) which are modelled by a Go-like Hamiltonian with the Lennard-Jones interactions. It is shown that folding is dominated by a well-defined sequencing of events as determined by establishment of particular contacts. The order of events depends primarily on the geometry of the native state. Variations in temperature, coupling strengths and viscosity affect the sequencing scenarios to a rather small extent. The sequencing is strongly correlated with the distance of the contacting aminoacids along the sequence. Thus α\alpha-helices get established first. Crambin is found to behave like a single-route folder, whereas in CI2 and SH3 the folding trajectories are more diversified. The folding scenarios for CI2 and SH3 are consistent with experimental studies of their transition states.Comment: REVTeX, 12 pages, 11 EPS figures, J. Chem. Phys (in press

    A case of severe flood over Albania: a rainfall analysis from a satellite perspective

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    International audienceThis paper presents results of daily rainfall estimates for the flood event in Albania occurred during the end of September 2002 (from the 21 until the 23). Estimated precipitations based on Meteosat-7 data and computed using various techniques, are compared with surface based observations. The two techniques, developed for convective clouds, were employed to screen the Albanian Flood. On one hand a single Infrared band technique known as Auto-estimator and on the other hand a three-channel Convective Rainfall Rate technique known as CRR. Secondly, for both methods, a number of corrections, such as, moisture, cloud growth rate, cloud top temperature gradient, parallax and orographic corrections were, also, performed and tested during the flood case. Preliminary results show that auto-estimator over-measure significantly daily rainfall with respect to the observed while CRR gives much closer rain quantities. The Auto-estimator power law curve was adjusted to the specific conditions using all the available rain rate gauge measurements. Satellite daily rainfall estimated by the two methods, corrected and calibrated were finally evaluated using the Albanian rain gauge network as ground true

    Few-body bound states of two-dimensional bosons

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    We study clusters of the type AN_NBM_M with NM3N\leq M\leq 3 in a two-dimensional mixture of A and B bosons, with attractive AB and equally repulsive AA and BB interactions. In order to check universal aspects of the problem, we choose two very different models: dipolar bosons in a bilayer geometry and particles interacting via separable Gaussian potentials. We find that all the considered clusters are bound and that their energies are universal functions of the scattering lengths aABa_{AB} and aAA=aBBa_{AA}=a_{BB}, for sufficiently large attraction-to-repulsion ratios aAB/aBBa_{AB}/a_{BB}. When aAB/aBBa_{AB}/a_{BB} decreases below 10\approx 10, the dimer-dimer interaction changes from attractive to repulsive and the population-balanced AABB and AAABBB clusters break into AB dimers. Calculating the AAABBB hexamer energy just below this threshold, we find an effective three-dimer repulsion which may have important implications for the many-body problem, particularly for observing liquid and supersolid states of dipolar dimers in the bilayer geometry. The population-imbalanced ABB trimer, ABBB tetramer, and AABBB pentamer remain bound beyond the dimer-dimer threshold. In the dipolar model, they break up at aAB2aBBa_{AB}\approx 2 a_{BB} where the atom-dimer interaction switches to repulsion.Comment: 3 figure

    Revalorization of Posidonia oceanica Waste for the Thermochemical Production of Biochar

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    Every year, many tonnes of Posidonia oceanica are removed from Mediterranean beaches to maintain the quality and pleasure of use of the beaches. Most of this waste ends up in landfills, entailing removal costs. In this work, the Posidonia oceanica material was characterised, and a washing system was developed to obtain biochar. An adequate washing of the starting biomass was shown to play a key role as it led to an over 90% salt content reduction and, therefore, a decrease in conductivity values. The use of biochar as a soil remediator improves soil properties, carbon sequestration, and plant growth. However, not all types of biochars are suitable for this type of application. Therefore, the properties of biochar made from Posidonia oceanica at different temperatures (300, 400, and 500 °C) were studied. All the biochars obtained showed to exceed 10% organic carbon, which is the lower limit to be applied to soils, the maximum percentage having been obtained at 300 °C. In addition, all presented pH values (8.02, 10.32, and 10.38 for the temperatures of 300, 400, and 500 °C, respectively) that were similar to those of other effective biochars for the remediation of acid soils.The present study was funded by the Ministry of Science and Innovation (Spain) [grant number PID2019-108632RB-I00] and by Prometheus Programme (Spain) [grant number CIPROM/2021/027]

    The Fine Line Between Normal and Starburst Galaxies

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    Recent literature suggests that there are two modes through which galaxies grow their stellar mass - a normal mode characterized by quasi-steady star formation, and a highly efficient starburst mode possibly triggered by stochastic events such as galaxy mergers. While these differences are established for extreme cases, the population of galaxies in-between these two regimes is poorly studied and it is not clear where the transition between these two modes of star formation occurs. We utilize ALMA observations of the CO J=3-2 line luminosity in a sample of 20 infrared luminous galaxies that lie in the intermediate range between normal and starburst galaxies at z ~ 0.25-0.6 in the COSMOS field to examine the gas content and star formation efficiency of these galaxies. We compare these quantities to the galaxies' deviation from the well-studied "main sequence" correlation between star formation rate and stellar mass (MS) and find that at log(SFR/SFRMSSFR/SFR_{MS}) < 0.6, a galaxy's distance to the main sequence is mostly driven by increased gas content, and not a more efficient star formation process.Comment: 21 pages, 10 figure

    Exéresis de la cabeza radial vs prótesis de sustitución en las fracturas complejas de la cabeza del radio

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    El objetivo de este trabajo es describir nuestros resultados y comparar la exéresis con la sustitución protésica como tratamiento de las fracturas tipo III. Se realizó un estudio retrospectivo de fracturas de cabeza de radio tratadas en nuestro Servicio, incluyéndose un total de 26 pacientes con fracturas de cabeza de radio tipo III de Mason. Un total de 14 pacientes (56%) fueron tratados mediante exéresis de cabeza de radio (Grupo A) y 12 pacientes (44%) se trataron mediante prótesis (Grupo B). El tiempo de seguimiento fue de 28 meses. Los resultados funcionales según la escala de Broberg-Morrey de la serie fueron 4 pacientes excelente, 15 pacientes muy bueno, 6 pacientes regular y 1 paciente malo. Al comparar el grupo A con el grupo B no se observaron diferencias en cuanto a la edad, sexo, tiem- po de seguimiento y resultados funcionales postoperatorios, sin embargo, los pacientes del grupo A presentaban mejo- res resultados funcionales cuando se agrupaban los resultados excelente y bueno (75%)The aim of this study was to describe our results in the treatment of Mason III radial head fractures and compare the outcomes of the radial head excision and prosthetic replacement. We performed a restropective study of radial head fractures treated in our departmet. Were included for the study 26 patients with Mason III radial head fractures. The follow-up time was 28 months. A total 14 patients (56%) were treated by excision of the radial head (Group A) and 12 patients (44%) were treated by the prothesis (Group B), The functional results according to the Bro- berg-Morrey scale were 4 patients excellent, very good 15 patients, 6 patients regular and 1 patient bad. When com- paring group A with group B there were no differences in age, sex, and postoperative functional outcomes, however, patients in group A had better functional outcomes when grouped excellent and good results (75%)