61 research outputs found

    Sex Differences in Immunology: More Severe Development of Experimental Pulmonary Hypertension in Male Rats Exposed to Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Receptor Blockade

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    Background. The epidemiology of pulmonary hypertension (PH) is characterized by a female preponderance, whereas males share higher severity of the disease. Objective. To compare the severity of experimental PH between male and female athymic rats. Methods. PH was induced in 11 male and 11 female athymic rats (resp., SU_M and SU_F groups) using an inhibitor of VEGF-receptors I and II, semaxanib (40 mg/kg). After 28 days, right ventricular (RV) remodeling, systolic function, and hemodynamics were measured using echocardiography and a pressure-volume admittance catheter. Morphometric analyses of lung vasculature and RV myocardium were performed. Results. Four weeks after semaxanib injection, RV end-systolic pressure was higher in SU_M than in SU_F. Males developed marked RV enlargement and systolic dysfunction compared to females. Impairment of RV-PA coupling efficiency was observed only in SU_M. The smooth muscle cells of the pulmonary arteries switched from a contractile state to a dedifferentiated state only in males. Conclusions. Female athymic rats were protected against the development of severe PH. RV-PA coupling was preserved in females through limitation of pulmonary artery muscularization. Control of smooth muscle cells plasticity may be a promising therapeutic approach to reverse established vascular remodeling in PH patients

    Decreased expression of miR-29 family associated with autoimmune myasthenia gravis.

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    BACKGROUND: Myasthenia gravis (MG) is a rare autoimmune disease mainly mediated by autoantibodies against the acetylcholine receptor (AChR) at the neuromuscular junction. The thymus is the effector organ, and its removal alleviates the symptoms of the disease. In the early-onset form of MG, the thymus displays functional and morphological abnormalities such as B cell infiltration leading to follicular hyperplasia, and the production of AChR antibodies. Type-I interferon (IFN-I), especially IFN-β, is the orchestrator of thymic changes observed in MG. As Dicer and miR-29 subtypes play a role in modulating the IFN-I signalization in mouse thymus, we investigated their expression in MG thymus. METHODS: The expression of DICER and miR-29 subtypes were thoroughly investigated by RT-PCR in human control and MG thymuses, and in thymic epithelial cells (TECs). Using miR-29a/b-1-deficient mice, with lower miR-29a/b-1 expression, we investigated their susceptibility to experimental autoimmune MG (EAMG) as compared to wild-type mice. RESULTS: DICER mRNA and all miR-29 subtypes were down-regulated in the thymus of MG patients and DICER expression was correlated with the lower expression of miR-29a-3p. A decreased expression of miR-29 subtypes was similarly observed in MG TECs; a decrease also induced in TECs upon IFN-β treatment. We demonstrated that miR-29a/b-1-deficient mice were more susceptible to EAMG without higher levels of anti-AChR IgG subtypes. In the thymus, if no B cell infiltration was observed, an increased expression of Ifn-β associated with Baff expression and the differentiation of Th17 cells associated with increased expression of Il-6, Il-17a and Il-21 and decreased Tgf-β1 mRNA were demonstrated in miR-29a/b-1-deficient EAMG mice. CONCLUSIONS: It is not clear if the decreased expression of miR-29 subtypes in human MG is a consequence or a causative factor of thymic inflammation. However, our results from the EAMG mouse model indicated that a reduction in miR-29a/b1 may contribute to the pathophysiological process involved in MG by favoring the increased expression of IFN-β and the emergence of pro-inflammatory Th17 cells


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    International audienceBACKGROUND - Pulmonary endothelial cells play a key role in the pathogenesis of ChronicThromboembolic Pulmonary Hypertension (CTEPH). Increased synthesis and/or release ofIntercellular Adhesion Molecule 1 (ICAM-1) by pulmonary endothelial cells of patients withCTEPH has been recently reported, suggesting a potential role for ICAM-1 in CTEPH.METHODS - We studied pulmonary endarterectomy specimens from 172 patients with CTEPHand pulmonary artery specimens from 97 controls undergoing lobectomy for low-stage cancerwithout metastasis.RESULTS - ICAM-1 was overexpressed in vitro in isolated and cultured endothelial cells fromendarterectomy specimens. Endothelial cell (EC) growth and apoptosis resistance weresignificantly higher in CTEPH specimens than in controls (P<0.001). Both abnormalities wereabolished by pharmacological inhibition of ICAM-1 synthesis or activity. Overexpression ofICAM-1 contributed to the acquisition and maintenance of abnormal EC growth and apoptosisresistance via phosphorylation of SRC, p38 and ERK1/2 and overproduction of Survivin.Regarding the ICAM-1 E469K polymorphism, the KE heterozygote genotype was significantlymore frequent in CTEPH than in controls, but was not associated with disease severity amongpatients with CTEPH.CONCLUSIONS - ICAM-1 contributes to maintaining the abnormal endothelial cell phenotypein CTEPH

    Causes and Consequences of miR-150-5p Dysregulation in Myasthenia Gravis

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    Autoimmune Myasthenia gravis (MG) is a chronic neuromuscular disease mainly due to antibodies against the acetylcholine receptor (AChR) at the neuromuscular junction that induce invalidating muscle weaknesses. In early-onset MG, the thymus is the effector organ and is often characterized by B-cell infiltrations leading to ectopic germinal center (GC) development. The microRNA miR-150-5p has been previously characterized as a biomarker in MG due to its increase in the serum of patients and its decrease after thymectomy, correlated with an improvement of symptoms. Here, we investigated the causes and consequences of the miR-150 increase in the serum of early-onset MG patients. We observed that miR-150 expression was upregulated in MG thymuses in correlation with the presence of thymic B cells and showed by in situ hybridization experiments, that miR-150 was mainly expressed by cells of the mantle zone of GCs. However, we did not observe any correlation between the degree of thymic hyperplasia and the serum levels in MG patients. In parallel, we also investigated the expression of miR-150 in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) from MG patients. We observed that miR-150 was down-regulated, especially in CD4+ T cells compared to controls. These results suggest that the increased serum levels of miR-150 could result from a release from activated peripheral CD4+ T cells. Next, we demonstrated that the in vitro treatment of PBMCs with miR-150 or antimiR-150 oligonucleotides, respectively, decreased or increased the expression of one of its major target gene: the proto-oncogene MYB, a well-known actor of hematopoiesis. These results revealed that increased serum levels of miR-150 in MG patients could have a functional effect on PBMCs. We also showed that antimiR-150 caused increased cellular death of CD4+ and CD8+ T cells, along with the overexpression of pro-apoptotic genes targeted by miR-150 suggesting that miR-150 controlled the survival of these cells. Altogether, these results showed that miR-150 could play a role in MG both at the thymic level and in periphery by modulating the expression of target genes and peripheral cell survival

    Remodelage du Ventricule Droit dans l’Hypertension Pulmonaire Chronique Expérimentale

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    Right ventricular function is a major determinant of functional capacity and prognosis in pulmonary hypertension. Right heart failure related to pulmonary hypertension is associated with a mortality rate up to 40% when inotrope support is necessary. Cellular and molecular determinants of right ventricular-pulmonary arterial coupling are misunderstood, while a wide functional range is remarkable among patients sharing the same degree of pulmonary vascular resistance.In a first experimental study, we showed from a porcine model of chronic pulmonary hypertension that usual non-invasive indices of right ventricular function are rather associated with ventricular-arterial coupling than with contractility. Right ventricular response to exercise or to pharmacological stress has been poorly reported in pulmonary hypertension. In our piglet model, we showed that impairment of right ventricular contractile reserve is strongly associated with ventricular-arterial uncoupling. Rightventricular reserve might be a sensitive marker of early ventricular dysfunction. In a third study, we highlighted that a strong relationship between ventricular-arterial coupling and functional and molecular plasticity of the pressure overloaded right ventricle. Gene expression of the beta-myosin heavy chain may be related to right heart efficiency. We also oberved experimentally in rats that structural and functional remodeling of the pressure overloaded right ventricle is associated withmacrophagic infiltration in the myocardium.Our pathophysiologic results could improve patient’s stratification in chronic pulmonary hypertension.These mechanisms may represent innovative targeted therapies to improve right ventricular function despite persistent elevated afterload.La fonction du ventricule droit est un déterminant majeur de la capacité fonctionnelle et du pronostic dans l’hypertension pulmonaire. La survenue dans ce contexte d’une insuffisance cardiaque droite requérant un support inotrope est associée à un taux de mortalité supérieur à 40%. Les déterminants cellulaires et moléculaires du découplage entre le coeur droit et la circulation artérielle pulmonaire sont méconnus, d’autant qu’il existe une grande hétérogénéité fonctionnelle parmi les patients soumis au même niveau de résistances vasculaires pulmonaires.Dans une première étude expérimentale, nous avons mis évidence à partir d’un modèle porcin d’hypertension pulmonaire chronique que les indices fonctionnels systoliques du ventricule droit mesurés en échocardiographie sont davantage corrélés au couplage ventriculo-artériel qu’à la performance contractile propre du ventricule droit. La réponse du ventricule droit à l’exercice ou à un stress pharmacologique a été peu documentée jusqu’à présent dans l’hypertension pulmonaire. Apartir de notre modèle porcin, nous avons montré que l’altération de la réserve contractile du ventricule droit est fortement associée au découplage ventriculo-artériel. La réserve contractile pourrait être un marqueur sensible et précoce de dysfonction ventriculaire droite. Dans une troisième étude, nous montrons la relation forte entre le couplage ventriculo-artériel et la plasticitéhémodynamique, fonctionnelle et moléculaire du ventricule droit dans un contexte de surcharge de pression chronique. Les variations d’expression de l’isoforme β de la chaîne légère de la myosine cardiaque pourraient déterminer l’efficacité du travail cardiaque droit. Nous avons par ailleurs constaté expérimentalement chez le rat que le remodelage géométrique et fonctionnel du ventricule droit en condition de surcharge barométrique chronique est associé à une infiltration macrophagique dumuscle cardiaque droit.Nos résultats physiopathologiques pourraient permettre une meilleure stratification des patients souffrant d’hypertension pulmonaire chronique. Ces mécanismes pourraient par ailleurs constituer autant de cibles thérapeutiques pour optimiser la fonction cardiaque droite lorsque la postcharge du ventricule droit n’est pas complètement corrigée, d’autant que les thérapies vaso-actives pulmonaires usuelles auraient des effets directs controversés sur le remodelage du ventricule droit

    Remodeling of the Right Ventricle in Chronic Experimental Pulmonary Hypertension

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    La fonction du ventricule droit est un déterminant majeur de la capacité fonctionnelle et du pronostic dans l’hypertension pulmonaire. La survenue dans ce contexte d’une insuffisance cardiaque droite requérant un support inotrope est associée à un taux de mortalité supérieur à 40%. Les déterminants cellulaires et moléculaires du découplage entre le coeur droit et la circulation artérielle pulmonaire sont méconnus, d’autant qu’il existe une grande hétérogénéité fonctionnelle parmi les patients soumis au même niveau de résistances vasculaires pulmonaires.Dans une première étude expérimentale, nous avons mis évidence à partir d’un modèle porcin d’hypertension pulmonaire chronique que les indices fonctionnels systoliques du ventricule droit mesurés en échocardiographie sont davantage corrélés au couplage ventriculo-artériel qu’à la performance contractile propre du ventricule droit. La réponse du ventricule droit à l’exercice ou à un stress pharmacologique a été peu documentée jusqu’à présent dans l’hypertension pulmonaire. Apartir de notre modèle porcin, nous avons montré que l’altération de la réserve contractile du ventricule droit est fortement associée au découplage ventriculo-artériel. La réserve contractile pourrait être un marqueur sensible et précoce de dysfonction ventriculaire droite. Dans une troisième étude, nous montrons la relation forte entre le couplage ventriculo-artériel et la plasticitéhémodynamique, fonctionnelle et moléculaire du ventricule droit dans un contexte de surcharge de pression chronique. Les variations d’expression de l’isoforme β de la chaîne légère de la myosine cardiaque pourraient déterminer l’efficacité du travail cardiaque droit. Nous avons par ailleurs constaté expérimentalement chez le rat que le remodelage géométrique et fonctionnel du ventricule droit en condition de surcharge barométrique chronique est associé à une infiltration macrophagique dumuscle cardiaque droit.Nos résultats physiopathologiques pourraient permettre une meilleure stratification des patients souffrant d’hypertension pulmonaire chronique. Ces mécanismes pourraient par ailleurs constituer autant de cibles thérapeutiques pour optimiser la fonction cardiaque droite lorsque la postcharge du ventricule droit n’est pas complètement corrigée, d’autant que les thérapies vaso-actives pulmonaires usuelles auraient des effets directs controversés sur le remodelage du ventricule droit.Right ventricular function is a major determinant of functional capacity and prognosis in pulmonary hypertension. Right heart failure related to pulmonary hypertension is associated with a mortality rate up to 40% when inotrope support is necessary. Cellular and molecular determinants of right ventricular-pulmonary arterial coupling are misunderstood, while a wide functional range is remarkable among patients sharing the same degree of pulmonary vascular resistance.In a first experimental study, we showed from a porcine model of chronic pulmonary hypertension that usual non-invasive indices of right ventricular function are rather associated with ventricular-arterial coupling than with contractility. Right ventricular response to exercise or to pharmacological stress has been poorly reported in pulmonary hypertension. In our piglet model, we showed that impairment of right ventricular contractile reserve is strongly associated with ventricular-arterial uncoupling. Rightventricular reserve might be a sensitive marker of early ventricular dysfunction. In a third study, we highlighted that a strong relationship between ventricular-arterial coupling and functional and molecular plasticity of the pressure overloaded right ventricle. Gene expression of the beta-myosin heavy chain may be related to right heart efficiency. We also oberved experimentally in rats that structural and functional remodeling of the pressure overloaded right ventricle is associated withmacrophagic infiltration in the myocardium.Our pathophysiologic results could improve patient’s stratification in chronic pulmonary hypertension.These mechanisms may represent innovative targeted therapies to improve right ventricular function despite persistent elevated afterload

    La Maladie Coronaire du Greffon en Transplantation Cardio-Pulmonaire

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    Introduction: la maladie coronaire du greffon (MCG) est une complication majeure après transplantation cardiaque (TC). Elle surviendrait plus tardivement chez les transplantés cardio-pulmonaires (TCP). Méthodes: les TCP et TC réalisées entre janvier 1996 et décembre 2006 dans 2 institutions ont été répertoriées. La sévérité de la MCG était quantifiée selon la nomenclature internationale. Résultats: la survie globale n'était pas différente (p=0.13). Le nombre de rejets cardiaques aigus traités la première année était un facteur de risque de survenue de la MCG dans les 2 groupes[1.065-2.33]). La survie sans MCG était meilleure à 10 ans chez les TCP comparée à celle de TC (53.9% contre 42.5%,p<0.01). Conclusion: les rejets cardiaques aigus répétés durant la première année favoriseraient la MCG. La survie sans MCG à long terme était plus élevée parmi les TCP comparée à celle des TC, évoquant une évolution plus lente de cette coronaropathie après TCP.Introduction: Cardiac allograft vasculopathy (CAV) is a major factor limiting survival after heart transplantation (HT). Long-term outcome after CAV occurrence remains unknown among HLT recipients. Methods: cases of HLT and HLT performed between January 1996 and December 2006 in two different institutions were reviewed. CAV grading was registered according to the international standardized nomenclature. Results: Overall survival was not different (42.7% at 10 years in HLT group compared to 54.5% in HT group, p = 0.13). Acute myocardial rejections during the first post-operative year were risk factor of delayed CAV in both groups (p=0.0229). Freedom from CAV-related death was greater at 10 years in HLT recipients compared to HT recipients (53.9% vs. 42.5%, p <0.01). Conclusion: Acute myocardial rejections during the first year may explain CAV development despite early optimal management. CAV-related long term mortality was lower in HLT recipients compared with HT recipients.RENNES1-BU Santé (352382103) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Parietal tumor recurrence of lung metastasis after radiofrequency ablation.

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    International audienceMetastasis is the most common form of malignant lung tumor. Radiofrequency ablation (RFA) is a new treatment for single pulmonary tumors. However, RFA can be complicated by iatrogenic and parietal recurrence. We report the case of a 67-year-old man with a single pulmonary metastasis from colorectal cancer diagnosed two years previously and locally controlled by left hemi-colectomy. The metastasis was treated by RFA. Four months after the procedure, a positron emission tomography scan revealed parietal chest contamination. Surgical resection enabled the diagnosis of parietal tumor expansion and confirmed successful treatment of the initial metastasis. This case highlights the risk of iatrogenic parietal contamination after RFA. To our knowledge no similar case has been published to date. The most appropriate steps to prevent this type of complication still have to be defined

    Frozen elephant trunk procedure for extensive pneumococcal thoracic aortitis

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    International audienceInfectious arteritis is an insidious condition commonly associated with a long diagnostic delay. We report the management of extensive pneumococcal thoracic aortitis in a 64-year-old woman. The frozen elephant trunk procedure was performed to repair the aortic arch. Prolonged aortic wall cultures were positive for Streptococcus pneumoniae. Late follow-up imaging at 36 months demonstrated no sign of recurrence around the hybrid vascular graft in the thoracic aorta