13 research outputs found

    Plants or bacteria? 130 years of mixed imprints in Lake Baldegg sediments (Switzerland), as revealed by compound-specific isotope analysis (CSIA) and biomarker analysis

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    Soil erosion and associated sediment transfer are among the major causes of aquatic ecosystem and surface water quality impairment. Through land use and agricultural practices, human activities modify the soil erosive risk and the catchment connectivity, becoming a key factor of sediment dynamics. Hence, restoration and management plans of water bodies can only be efficient if the sediment sources and the proportion attributable to different land uses are identified. According to this aim, we applied two approaches, namely compound-specific isotope analysis (CSIA) of long-chain fatty acids (FAs) and triterpenoid biomarker analysis, to a eutrophic lake, Lake Baldegg, and its agriculturally used catchment (Switzerland). Soils reflecting the five main land uses of the catchment (arable lands, temporary and permanent grasslands, mixed forests, orchards) were subjected to CSIA. The compound-specific stable isotope δ13C signatures clearly discriminate between potential grasslands (permanent and temporary) and forest sources. Signatures of agricultural land and orchards fall in between. The soil signal was compared to the isotopic signature of a lake sediment sequence covering ca. 130 years (before 1885 to 2009). The recent lake samples (1940 to 2009, with the exception of 1964 to 1972) fall into the soil isotopic signature polygon and indicate an important contribution of the forests, which might be explained by (1) the location of the forests on steep slopes, resulting in a higher connectivity of the forests to the lake, and/or (2) potential direct inputs of trees and shrubs growing along the rivers feeding the lake and around the lake. However, the lake sediment samples older than 1940 lie outside the source soils' polygon, as a result of FA contribution from a not yet identified source, most likely produced by an in situ aquatic source, either algae, bacteria or other microorganisms or an ex-site historic source from wetland soils and plants (e.g. Sphagnum species). Despite the overprint of the yet unknown source on the historic isotopic signal of the lake sediments, land use and catchment history are clearly reflected in the CSIA results, with isotopic shifts being synchronous with changes in the catchment, land use and eutrophication history. The investigated highly specific biomarkers were not detected in the lake sediment, even though they were present in the soils. However, two trimethyltetrahydrochrysenes (TTHCs), natural diagenetic products of pentacyclic triterpenoids, were found in the lake sediments. Their origin is attributed to the in situ microbial degradation of some of the triterpenoids. While the need to apportion sediment sources is especially crucial in eutrophic systems, our study stresses the importance of exercising caution with CSIA and triterpenoid biomarkers in such environments, where the active metabolism of bacteria might mask the original terrestrial isotopic signals.ISSN:1726-4170ISSN:1726-417

    Warming and elevated CO2 promote rapid incorporation and degradation of plant-derived organic matter in an ombrotrophic peatland

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    Rising temperatures have the potential to directly affect carbon cycling in peatlands by enhancing organic matter (OM) decomposition, contributing to the release of CO2 and CH4 to the atmosphere. In turn, increasing atmospheric CO2 concentration may stimulate photosynthesis, potentially increasing plant litter inputs belowground and transferring carbon from the atmosphere into terrestrial ecosystems. Key questions remain about the magnitude and rate of these interacting and opposing environmental change drivers. Here, we assess the incorporation and degradation of plant- and microbe-derived OM in an ombrotrophic peatland after 4 years of whole-ecosystem warming (+0, +2.25, +4.5, +6.75 and +9 degrees C) and two years of elevated CO2 manipulation (500 ppm above ambient). We show that OM molecular composition was substantially altered in the aerobic acrotelm, highlighting the sensitivity of acrotelm carbon to rising temperatures and atmospheric CO2 concentration. While warming accelerated OM decomposition under ambient CO2, new carbon incorporation into peat increased in warming x elevated CO2 treatments for both plant- and microbe-derived OM. Using the isotopic signature of the applied CO2 enrichment as a label for recently photosynthesized OM, our data demonstrate that new plant inputs have been rapidly incorporated into peat carbon. Our results suggest that under current hydrological conditions, rising temperatures and atmospheric CO2 levels will likely offset each other in boreal peatlands.ISSN:1354-1013ISSN:1365-248

    Short-chain n-alkanes (C16–20) in ancient soil are useful molecular markers for prehistoric biomass burning

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    The incorporation of plant biomass into soil usually leads to long-chain n-alkanes with a relative predominance of odd carbon numbered homologues. Contrastingly, an increase in short-chain even carbon numbered n-alkanes was found in charred biomass with progressing temperatures. We applied lipid analysis to buried ancient topsoils that contained charred organic matter and to corresponding control soils, which were characterized by a lighter color and lower contents of charred materials. Commonly, the proportion of lipid extracts was found to be lower in the ancient soil than in the control samples, which indicated an enhanced degradation of organic matter, e.g., by thermal degradation. All samples displayed a particular pattern of short-chain and even carbon numbered n-alkanes (maximum at n-C16 or n-C18). The ratios CPI (carbon preference index) and ACL (average chain length) for the investigated soil samples matched the ratios found for maize and rye straw charred at 400 °C or 500 °C, respectively. These molecular ratios indicate the presence of charred biomass. The predominance of short-chain and even carbon numbered n-alkanes was a result of thermal degradation of biomass. The degradation products were preserved in ancient soils and could be applied as molecular markers in archaeological or palaeoenvironmental research

    Warming and elevated CO2 promote incorporation of plant-derived lipids into soil organic matter in a spruce-dominated ombrotrophic bog

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    More than one third of global soil organic matter (SOM) is stored in peatlands, despite them occupying less than 3% of the land surface. Increasing global temperatures have the potential to stimulate the decomposition of carbon stored in peatlands, contributing to the release of disproportionate amounts of greenhouse gases to the atmosphere but increasing atmospheric CO2 concentrations may stimulate photosynthesis and return C into ecosystems. Key questions remain about the magnitude and rate of these interacting and opposite processes to environmental change drivers. We assessed the impact of a 0–9°C temperature gradient of deep peat warming (4 years of warming; 0-200 cm depth) in ambient or elevated CO2 (2 years of +500 ppm CO2 addition) on the quantity and quality of SOM at the climate change manipulation experiment SPRUCE (Spruce and Peatland Responses Under Changing Environments) in Minnesota USA. We assessed how warming and elevated CO2 affect the degradation of plant and microbial residues as well as the incorporation of these compounds into SOM. Specifically, we combined the analyses of free extractable n-alkanes and fatty acids together with measurements of compound-specific stable carbon isotopes (δ13C). We observed a 6‰ offset in δ13C between bulk SOM and n-alkanes, which were uniformly depleted in δ13C when compared to bulk organic matter. Such an offset between SOM and n-alkanes is common due to biosynthetic isotope fractionation processes and confirms previous findings. After 4 years of deep peat warming, and 2 years of elevated CO2 addition a strong depth-specific response became visible with changes in SOM quantity and quality. In the upper 0-30 cm depth, individual n-alkanes and fatty acid concentrations declined with increasing temperatures with warming treatments, but not below 50 cm depth. In turn, the δ13C values of bulk organic matter and of individual n-alkanes and fatty acids increased in the upper 0-30 cm with increasing temperatures, but not below 50 cm depth. Thus n-alkanes, which typically turnover slower than bulk SOM, underwent a rapid transformation after a relatively short period of simulated warming in the acrotelm. Our results suggest that warming accelerated microbial decomposition of plant-derived lipids, leaving behind more degraded organic matter. The non-uniform, and depth dependent warming response implies that warming will have cascading effects on SOM decomposition in the acrotelm in peatlands. It remains to be seen how fast the catotelm will respond to rising temperatures and atmospheric CO2 concentrations

    Warming promotes loss of subsoil carbon through accelerated degradation of plant-derived organic matter

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    Increasing global temperatures have the potential to stimulate decomposition and alter the composition of soil organic matter (SOM). However, questions remain about the extent to which SOM quality and quantity along the soil profile may change under future warming. In this study we assessed how +4 °C whole-soil warming affected the quantity and quality of SOM down to 90 cm depth in a mixed-coniferous temperate forest using biomarker analyses. Our findings indicate that 4.5 years of soil warming led to divergent responses in subsoils (>20 cm) as compared to surface soils. Warming enhanced the accumulation of plant-derived n-alkanes over the whole soil profile. In the subsoil, this was at the expense of plant- and microorganism-derived fatty acids, and the relative abundance of SOM molecular components shifted from less microbially transformed to more transformed organic matter. Fine root mass declined by 24.0 ± 7.5% with warming over the whole soil profile, accompanied by reduced plant-derived inputs and accelerated decomposition of aromatic compounds and plant-derived fatty acids in the subsoils. Our study suggests that warming accelerated microbial decomposition of plant-derived inputs, leaving behind more degraded organic matter. The non-uniform, and depth dependent SOM composition and warming response implies that subsoil carbon cycling is as sensitive and complex as in surface soils.ISSN:0038-0717ISSN:1879-342

    Pedogenesis and carbon sequestration in transformed agricultural soils of Sicily

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    The increasing atmospheric CO2 concentration is a consequence of human activities leading to severe environmental deteriorations. Techniques are thus needed to sequester and reduce atmospheric carbon. One of the proposed techniques is the transformation or construction of new soils into which more organic carbon can be sequestered and CO2 be consumed by increased weathering. By using a chronosequence of new and transformed soils on crushed limestone (0–48 years) in a Mediterranean area (Sicily), we tried to quantify the amount of organic carbon that could be additionally sequestered and to derive the corresponding rates. A further aim was to trace chemical weathering and related CO2 consumption and the evolution of macropores that are relevant for water infiltration and plant nutrition. Owing to the irrigation of the table grape cultivation, the transformed soils developed fast. After about 48 years, the organic C stocks were near 12 kg m-2. The average org. C sequestration rates varied between 68 and 288 g m-2 yr-1. The C accumulation rates in the transformed soils are very high at the beginning and tend to decrease over (modelled) longer time scales. Over these 48 years, a substantial amount of carbonate was leached and reprecipitated as secondary carbonates. The proportion of secondary carbonates on the total inorganic carbon was up to 50%. Main mineralogical changes included the formation of interstratified clay minerals, the decrease of mica and increase of chloritic components as well as goethite. The atmospheric CO2 consumption due to silicate weathering was in the range of about 44–72 g C m-2 yr-1. Due to the high variability, the contribution of chemical weathering to CO2 consumption represents only an estimate. When summing up organic C sequestration and CO2 consumption by silicate weathering, rates in the order of 110–360 g C m-2 yr-1 are obtained. These are very high values. We estimated that high sequestration and CO2 consumption rates are maintained for about 50–100 years after soil transformation. The macropore volume decreased over the observed time span to half (from roughly 10 to 5 %). The transformation of soils may even amend their characteristics and increase agricultural production. Due to the relatively sandy character, enough macropores were present and no substantial compaction of the soils occurred. However, great caution has to be taken as such measures can trigger deterioration of both soil ecosystem services and soil quality.ISSN:0016-7061ISSN:1872-625

    Whole-soil warming alters microbial community, but not concentrations of plant-derived soil organic carbon in subsoil

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    Soils will warm in near synchrony with the air over the whole profiles following global climate change. It is largely unknown how subsoil (below 30 cm) microbial communities will respond to this warming and how plant-derived soil organic carbon (SOC) will be affected. Predictions how climate change will affect the large subsoil carbon pool (>50 % of SOC is below 30 cm soil depth) remain uncertain. At Blodgett forest (California, USA) a field warming experiment was set up in 2013 warming whole soil profiles to 100 cm soil depth by +4°C compared to control plots. We took samples in 2018, after 4.5 years of continuous warming and investigated how warming has affected the abundance and community structure of microoganisms (using phospholipid fatty acids, PLFAs), and plant litter (using cutin and suberin). The warmed subsoil (below 30 cm) contained significantly less microbial biomass (28%) compared to control plots, whereas the topsoil remained unchanged. Additionally below 50 cm, the microbial community was different in warmed as compared to control plots. Actinobacteria were relatively more abundant and Gram+ bacteria adapted their cell-membrane structure to warming. The decrease in microbial abundance might be related to lower SOC concentrations in warmed compared to control subsoils. In contrast to smaller SOC concentrations and less fine root mass in the warmed plots, the concentrations of the plant polymers suberin and cutin did not change. Overall our results demonstrate that already four seasons of simulated whole-soil warming caused distinct depth-specific responses of soil biogeochemistry: warming altered the subsoil microbial community, but not concentrations of plant-derived soil organic carbon