15 research outputs found

    Representaciones del pasado, cultura personal e identidad nacional

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    Memoria, Historia, Individuo, Nacion,Identidad, — asi, escritos con mayusculas — sonpalabras que se hacen presentes en el discur-so publico de cada dia. Se trata de conceptosque, en ocasiones, se convierten en armasarrojadizas en los conflictos sociales, y se agitancomo conceptos explicativos en los discursospublicos que dan cuenta de la violencia simbo-lica, y a veces de la fisica, que sufren losciudadanos de a pie; quienes, ademas de serpeones en los juegos en marcha, no dejan detener alguna responsabilidad en los resultadosque en estos se den.El proposito de este capitulo es ofrecerun conjunto de conceptos y una estructurarelacional entre ellos que facilite la conexionentre cada una de las aportaciones de queconsta el volumen en su conjunto, al mismotiempo que oferta una reflexion sobre una seriede cuestiones que, sin ser tratadas explici-tamente en cada uno de los otros capitulos,muchas veces estan presentes en forma depresuposiciones no siempre faciles de tener encuenta. Dicho en forma mas breve, lo que aquitrataremos de ofrecer es un marco general detrabajo que, al mismo tiempo, contextualice loscapitulos que siguen sobre el fondo de lapreocupacion contemporanea desde ambitosdisciplinares muy diversos sobre los temas ci-tados al principio.Las cuestiones que aqui nos van a ocu-par, como es el caso de la memoria y la iden-tidad, para ser abordadas con cierto rigor,requieren adoptar un planteamiento capaz d

    Understanding Factors Associated With Psychomotor Subtypes of Delirium in Older Inpatients With Dementia

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    Validazione di uno Strumento per la Misura delle Caratteristiche delle Narrazioni Personali

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    ItParlare delle proprie esperienze di vita rappresenta un fenomeno ampiamente diffuso. La gente narra e rinarra continuamente la storia della propria vita (McAdams, 1985). Attraverso la narrazione ogni evento acquisisce significato sociale e viene ripetuto, esplicato e condiviso nelle conversazioni quotidiane (Rimé, 1995). Lo scopo del presente studio è quello di mettere a punto una lista di item rappresentativi delle caratteristiche dei testi narrativi relativi ad eventi della vita personale sia emozionali sia neutri. I risultati ottenuti confermano l’ipotesi che una narrazione personale di tipo emozionale ed una neutra presentino entrambe una struttura logica (Levorato, 1988; Bucci, 1995) ed una struttura espressiva (Bucci, 2000; Kring et al., 1994), le quali sono tra loro indipendenti.EnTalking about our life experiences is a widespread phenomenon. People continuously tell and retell their own life story (McAdams,1985). By repeating, explaining and sharing in daily conversations each event gains social importance (Rimé, 1995). The aim of this study is to elaborate a list of item representative of the features of narrative texts concerning both emotional and neutral personal life events. The results confirmed that both emotional and neutral personal narrative have logical and expressive structure (Levorato, 1988; Bucci, 1995; Bucci, 2000; Kring et al., 1994) which are independent to each other.FrParler des experiences personnelles est un phénomène très répandu. Les gens content et recontent continuellement l’histoire de leur vie (Mc Adams, 1985). À travers la narration chaque événement acquiert une signification sociale et vient repeté, expliqué et partagé dans les conversations quotidiennes (Rimé, 1995) Le but de cette étude est de mettre à point une liste de item représentatifs des charactéristiques des texts narratifs, qui regardent les événements de la vie personnelle, soit motionnels soit neutres. Les résultats obtenus confirment l’hypothèse selon la quelle les narrations personnelles, soit de type emotionnel, soit neutre ont une structure logique (Levorato, 1988; Bucci, 1995) et une structure expressive (Bucci, 2000; Kring et al., 1994) reciproquement indépendentes

    Thinking back about a positive event: The impact of processing style on positive affect

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    The manner in which individuals recall an autobiographical positive life event has affective consequences. Two studies addressed the processing styles during positive memory recall in a non-clinical sample. Participants retrieved a positive memory, which was self-generated (Study 1, n = 70) or experimenter-chosen (i.e., academic achievement, Study 2, n = 159), followed by the induction of one of three processing styles (between-subjects): in Study 1, a "concrete/imagery" vs. "abstract/verbal" processing style was compared. In Study 2, a "concrete/imagery," "abstract/verbal," and "comparative/verbal" processing style were compared. The processing of a personal memory in a concrete/imagery-based way led to a larger increase in positive affect compared to abstract/verbal processing in Study 1, as well as compared to comparative/verbal thinking in Study 2. Results of Study 2 further suggest that it is making unfavorable verbal comparisons that may hinder affective benefits to positive memories (rather than general abstract/verbal processing per se). The comparative/verbal thinking style failed to lead to improvements in positive affect, and with increasing levels of depressive symptoms it had a more negative impact on change in positive affect. We found no evidence that participant's tendency to have dampening thoughts in response to positive affect in daily life contributed to the affective impact of positive memory recall. The results support the potential for current trainings in boosting positive memories and mental imagery, and underline the search for parameters that determine at times deleterious outcomes of abstract/verbal memory processing in the face of positive information.status: publishe

    Cross-cultural data collection with the GRID instrument

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    The chapter provides a detailed description of the extensive cross-cultural data collection carried out with the GRID instrument, including the steps necessary to use the instrument in different languages and countries around the world. It provides details on the 34 samples collected and the reliability analyses conducted for the cross-cultural database