236 research outputs found

    Corporate social responsibility practices in the hotel sector. Case studies in Santa Marta city, Colombia

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    [ES] El presente trabajo tiene como fin identificar, diagnosticar y evaluar las prácticas de Responsabilidad Social Empresarial (RSE) de ocho hoteles de diferentes tamaños ubicados en la ciudad de Santa Marta, Colombia. A partir de la teoría del desarrollo sostenible fundamentada en la ética, fue aplicado el método del estudio de caso, para concluir que las empresas hoteleras se ubican dentro de un rango de aplicación mínimo, bajo y medio. De igual manera, se encuentran clasificadas en los grupos de reactivas-filantrópicas, reactivas-legales y activas, dando una mayor importancia y valoración al desarrollo de actividades económicas relacionadas con clientes, producto, trabajadores y proveedores locales. En relación a las implicaciones, el estudio brinda información útil en materia de RSE, para mejorar la toma decisiones, tanto de los propietarios de los hoteles, como de sus stakeholders más influyentes. En concreto, para el empresario, en gestión y operación; para el dirigente político, en política pública del sector; para el cliente, en decisiones de compra; para la academia, en decisiones sobre investigaciones en marcha o nuevas investigaciones; y para la comunidad local, en control y seguimiento que permita legitimar o no la actividad empresarial. Futuras investigaciones deberían incluir más stakeholders y empresas de otros sectores económicos de la zona del estudio.[EN] This paper aims to identify, diagnose and evaluate the practices of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) of eight hotels of different sizes located in Santa Marta, Colombia. From the theory of sustainable development based on ethic, the case study method was applied. It was found that hotel companies are located within a range of minimum, low and medium application, classified in philanthropic-reactive, legal-reactive and active groups, giving greater importance and value to the development of economic activities related to customers, product, workers and local suppliers. The study provides useful information on CSR, to improve decision making, both hotel owners, and their most influential stakeholders. Specifically, for employers, management and operation; for political leaders, public policy in the sector; for customers, in purchasing decisions; for academy, in decisions about ongoing investigations or further research; for local community, enabling control and monitoring legitimize or business. Future research should include more stakeholders and companies from other economic sectors in the study area.Este artículo es resultado de la Pasantía de Investigación en el marco del Programa de Doctorado Interuniversitario en Turismo de la Universidad de Málaga del primer autor en el Grupo de Investigación en Sistemas Costeros (COL 087006) de la compañía Playas Corporación Ltd. (Santa Marta, Colombia)

    Diseño de una red de sensores inalámbricos para el despliegue óptimo de los nodos sensores en un cultivo de Cacao

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    In this study, factorial experiments were conducted in two different scenarios to design a Wireless Sensor Network for monitoring a cocoa crop in a rural area in Colombia. Node sensors measured temperature, relative humidity, soil moisture, Ultra-Violet light, and visible light intensity. The factors considered in the experiments were distance between node sensors, height from the ground, and type of antenna; in turn, Received Signal Strength Indicator and data transfer time were the outputs. The wireless sensor network was deployed in the crop, covering approximately 3 % of the area and using 7 different nodes in a cluster tree topology. First, an open field scenario with line of sight was used to determine the appropriate height of the node sensors. Second, a scenario in the actual cocoa crop was utilized to find the appropriate distance between modules and type of antenna. We found, based on our calculations and experimental data, that a height of 1.25 m was required to avoid the Fresnel zone and improve the RSSI of the network. Furthermore, we determined that a distance below 35 m was needed to guarantee signal reception and avoid long data transfer times. The wire antenna exhibited a better performance. Finally, the proposed methodology and monitoring system can be used for agronomic applications in rural areas in Colombia to increase crop yield.En este trabajo se realizaron experimentos factoriales en dos escenarios diferentes, para diseñar una red de sensores inalámbricos, que permita monitorear un cultivo de cacao en una zona rural de Colombia. Los nodos sensores miden la temperatura, la humedad relativa, la humedad del suelo, la luz ultravioleta y la intensidad de la luz visible. Los factores considerados en los experimentos fueron la distancia entre los nodos sensores, la altura con respecto al suelo y el tipo de antena; el indicador de intensidad de señal recibida y el tiempo de transferencia de datos fueron las salidas. La red de sensores inalámbricos se implementó en el cultivo, cubriendo aproximadamente el 3 % del área, utilizando 7 nodos diferentes en una topología de cluster-tree. En primer lugar, se utilizó un escenario de campo abierto con línea de vista para determinar la altura adecuada de los sensores de nodo. Luego, se utilizó un escenario en el cultivo de cacao real para encontrar la distancia adecuada entre los módulos y el tipo de antena. Se obtuvo, por cálculos y datos experimentales, que se requería una altura de 1.25 m para evitar la zona de Fresnel y mejorar el RSSI de la red. Además, se determinó que se necesitaba una distancia inferior a 35 m para garantizar la recepción de la señal y evitar largos tiempos de transferencia de datos. Adicionalmente, la antena tipo Wire exhibió un mayor rendimiento y la metodología propuesta y el sistema de monitoreo se pueden usar para aplicaciones agronómicas en áreas rurales de Colombia, con el fin de aumentar el rendimiento de los cultivos

    Protocol of sterile personal protective equipment for surgical personnel against SARS-CoV-2 during the COVID-19 pandemic

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    Background: COVID-19 represents the major pandemic seen the last years generating morbidity and mortality around the world. It is well known the propagation of the virus occurs by air mostly, so it is needed a barrier when the medic personal is treating suspect or confirm patients. Personal protective equipment represents a barrier between the health personnel and the patient during the COVID-19 pandemic. The surgical team during a COVID-19 confirmed o suspicious case procedure requires using PPE to be protected and keep the sterility for the patient safety.Methods: A team of surgeons from a 100% COVID-19 hospital of the Mexican institute of social security developed an inner protocol of safe use PPE maintaining sterility for the surgery.Conclusions: The protocol described provides safety to surgical team and the patient minimizing risk of surgical infections

    Evidence to decision frameworks enabled structured and explicit development of healthcare recommendations

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    Altres ajuts: Universidad Santo Tomás, Bogotá, Colombia (FODEIN project code: 2115005).Objective: The aim of this study is to identify and describe the processes suggested for the formulation of healthcare recommendations in healthcare guidelines available in guidance documents. Methods: We searched international databases in May 2020 to retrieve guidance documents published by organizations dedicated to guideline development. Pairs of researchers independently selected and extracted data about the characteristics of the guidance document, including explicit or implicit recommendation-related criteria and processes considered, as well as the use of evidence to decision (EtD) frameworks. Results: We included 68 guidance documents. Most organizations reported a system for grading the strength of recommendations (88%), half of them being the GRADE (Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development, and Evaluation) approach. Two out of three guidance documents (66%) proposed the use of a framework to guide the EtD process. The GRADE-EtD framework was the most often reported framework (19 organizations, 42%), whereas 20 organizations (44%) proposed their own multicriteria frameworks. Using any EtD framework was related with a more comprehensive set of recommendation-related criteria compared to no framework, especially for criteria like values, equity, and acceptability. Conclusion: Although limited, the use of EtD frameworks was associated with the inclusion of relevant recommendation criteria. Among the EtD structured frameworks, the GRADE-EtD framework offers the most comprehensive perspective for evidence-informed decision-making processes

    Aspergillus Niger QH27 in the Removal of Toxic Dyes: Biosorption of Eriochrome Black T Under Various Experimental Conditions

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    Water pollution by toxic dyes such as Eriochrome Black T (EBT) is an increasing environmental issue, and the use of biosorbents represents a sustainable alternative for their treatment. In this study, the ability of Aspergillus niger QH27 fungal biomass in removing EBT under various experimental conditions was investigated. The main objective was to evaluate biosorption efficiency and determine the optimal conditions for dye removal. The methodology consisted of performing experiments by varying pH (5, 7 and 9) and agitation speed (100, 150 and 200 rpm), and analysing dye removal efficiency and adsorption capacity. Results showed that EBT removal was most effective at low pH values and higher agitation speeds. At a pH of 5 and agitation of 200 rpm, the maximum removal efficiency (99.17 %) and adsorption capacity (1.24 mg/g) were achieved. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) analyses were carried out to examine the changes in functional groups of fungal biomass before and after EBT biosorption. FTIR results suggested the active involvement of these groups in the dye removal process. In conclusion, Aspergillus niger QH27 biomass proved to be an efficient biosorbent for the removal of EBT dye in aqueous solutions. This study provides valuable information for the development of sustainable and low-cost strategies in treating wastewater contaminated with dyes and expands the knowledge of dye biosorption using fungal biomass

    Imported cysticercosis in Spain: A retrospective case series from the +REDIVI Collaborative Network

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    Neurocysticercosis (NCC) is the most common parasitic neurological disease worldwide and a major cause of epilepsy. Spain is the country reporting the highest number of NCC imported cases in Europe. Retrospective case series of NCC patients registered in the +REDIVI Network from October 1, 2009 to July 2018. A specific questionnaire, including clinical and diagnostic characteristics, was created and sent to the collaborator centers. 46 cases were included in the analysis. 55% were male, mean age of 40 years. 95.6% were migrants. The median duration since migration from an endemic area was 10 years. Predominant nationalities were Ecuadorians (50%) and Bolivians (30.4%). Frequent locations were parenchymal (87%), subarachnoid (26.1%) and intraventricular cysts (10.9%). Serological analysis was performed in 91.3%, being 54.8% positive. Most prevalent clinical manifestations were persistent headache (60.9%), epilepsy (43.5%) and visual changes (13%). Patients were mainly treated with albendazole (76.1%), corticosteroids (67.4%), and anticonvulsionants (52.2%). 82.5% had a favorable clinical outcome. Most NCC cases were long-standing migrants. Few clinical differences were observed depending on the cysticerci location. The treatment was often not according to current recommendations, and no uniform criteria were followed when it came to the therapeutic regimen. NCC case management in Spain (including clinician awareness and laboratory capacity improvements) needs to be strengthened.We would thanks María Jesús Perteguer from the National Center of Microbiology for the information and update on NCC lab techniques currently performed in Spain. The corresponding author’s affiliation centre belongs to the ISCIII-Sub. Gral. Redes- Network Biomedical Research on Tropical Diseases (RICET in Spanish) grant RD16CIII/0003/0001, RD16/0027/0020, RD16CIII/0003/0001 and the European Regional Development Fund. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.S