80 research outputs found

    Mobile Learning Technologies for Education: Benefits and Pending Issues

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    Today’s world demands more efficient learning models that allow students to play a more active role in their education. Technology is having an impact on how instruction is delivered and how information is found and share. Until very recently, the educational models encouraged memorization as an essential learning skill. These days, technologies have changed the educational model and access to information. Knowledge is available online, mostly free, and easily accessible. Reading, sharing, listening and, doing are currently necessary skills for education. Mobile devices have become a complete set of applications, support, and help for educational organizations. By conducting an analysis of the behavior and use of mobile devices on current students, efficient educational applications can be developed. Although there are several initiatives for the use of mobile learning in education, there are also issues linked to this technology that must be addressed. In this work, we present the results of a literature review of mobile learning; the findings described are the result of the analysis of several articles obtained in three scientific repositories. This work also lists certain issues that, if properly addressed, can avoid possible complications to the implementation of this technology in education.This work was supported by the EduTech project (609785-EPP-1-2019-1-ES-EPPKA2-CBHEJP) co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union

    Consolidación de la oferta institucional y ruta de atención para población desmovilizada en la Secretaria Distrital de Integración Social.

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    Proponer una ruta de atención para población desmovilizada que posibilite la articulación intersectorial de acompañamiento e inclusión en los servicios sociales de la Secretaría Distrital de Integración Social a personas o familias identificadas en situación de vulnerabilidad, por medio de un enfoque territorial, diferencial y de derechos.El presente trabajo de grado, plantea como propuesta la creación de una ruta de atención para la población desmovilizada en la Secretaria Distrital de Integración Social como entidad alterna o complementaria a la Agencia Colombiana para la Reintegración, fortaleciendo la oferta institucional y aportando a la construcción de paz por medio de la aplicación de los instrumentos de la gerencia social como la formación de redes – alianzas y fundraising. Partiendo de ello se realiza una revisión documental a nivel Internacional, Nacional y Local de los procesos de desmovilización y reintegración , con el fin de reconocer la problemática y tomar referentes para la implementación de procesos incluyentes que aporten a la atención integral desde la esfera social, ocupacional y personal de la población desmovilizada

    A Hybrid Methodology to Improve Speaking Skills in English Language Learning Using Mobile Applications

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    The main objective of this research is a working example of how a hybrid methodology combining traditional methodologies and mobile devices can be used to contribute to the literature on mobile learning in teaching English as a second language. This work was carried out because, in many Latin American countries, students are taught English as a second language throughout their primary and secondary education. However, at the end of their studies, most students are unable to communicate with other people in English, let alone with native speakers. Moreover, it must be taken into account that nowadays English is the most widely used language in international communications, business transactions, finance and science. The professional who knows how to communicate in English has a positive differentiator in his or her professional profile and can easily access more relevant positions in any institution. For this purpose, a review of different methodologies for teaching oral expression in English has been carried out. Metrics have also been used to choose an effective mobile application to reinforce English speaking. These analyzed methodologies have been combined with the use of a mobile application to propose a hybrid methodology that contemplates an eight-week class guide. Due to the characteristics of mobile learning, this work can help to motivate students in their learning and in improving their communicative skills in the English language. High school teachers can use this methodology as an innovation in their educational programs.This work was financed by the Universidad de Las Américas through project code: TIC.LCC22.01

    Mobile Learning as the Key to Higher Education Innovation: A systematic mapping

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    The study of educational innovations has attracted increasing attention from academics and researchers around the world. Educational innovation proposes the implementation of new approaches or practices that are beneficial and make an impact on individuals or academic communities. The current educational model of many higher education institutions (HEIs) was not designed for this generation of “digital natives”. For this reason, HEIs face the challenge of building teaching strategies that generate meaningful educational experiences. This research seeks to address this issue through a systematic mapping that includes empirical research papers from 2015 to 2020 that study innovations in educational practices using mobile devices. A qualitative and quantitative approach was applied using a four-stage research methodology to evidence innovation in higher education. After employing the selected methodology and applying all the exclusion criteria, 27 papers related to the research topic were identified. Mapping was also performed between the corpus of papers and five dimensions on educational innovation (the purpose of learning, the context of learning, the role of the teacher, the role of the learner, and the evidence of the outcome). The findings reveal that the role of the teacher is the dimension that is least analyzed in innovation initiatives, whereas the most analyzed dimension is the purpose of learning. The goal of this work was to explore and identify educational innovations and unveil uncovered fields of research to generate opportunities for new lines of research in educational innovation

    Towards Sustainable Education with the Use of Mobile Augmented Reality in Early Childhood and Primary Education: A Systematic Mapping

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    Over the years, educational institutions have faced significant difficulties in the teaching process at all educational levels, due to lack of motivation, concentration, attention, and confidence, among other aspects. In this sense, information and communication technologies can be the answer to transform educational models. One of the most promising and accessible technologies in recent years is mobile augmented reality (MAR), which allows students to visualize content through a mobile device combining the real environment with a virtual environment, providing an interactive and digital vision of the physical world in real time. The appropriate use of digital technologies in early childhood and primary education can promote socialization, comprehension, learning, language development, attention, and other educational benefits. However, due to the novelty of this technology, there is limited research and a gap in the literature on the use of MAR at these educational levels. This research work, through systematic mapping, aims to give an overview of how AR and mobile devices have been used in the last decade, which academic areas have benefited from the use of this innovative academic approach, and the main benefits and problems of using this technology in early and primary education. The findings are encouraging and show that AR technology, together with mobile devices, can be used to support the teaching of science, mathematics, reading, language, geography, etc.This work was financed by the Universidad de Las Américas through project code: TIC.LCC.22.01

    A Review of Emerging Technologies and Their Acceptance in Higher Education

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    The pandemic caused by COVID-19 impacted the entire world, but technological progress led to the appearance of new and innovative emerging technologies (ETs). These technologies proved to have a wide potential for use as support in education, but being a new technology, certain complications arose when it came to their application in the educational model. Nowadays, there are many digital technologies, so it is necessary to identify those that can be used in today’s education. Digital technologies have been implemented in all types of sectors, one of them being education, and the use of these technologies translates into significant improvements in educational processes and learning outcomes. Despite this, there is currently little research on the use of ETs as a support in the academic process. This research uses systematic mapping (SM) of the last 5 years, together with the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) model to identify the use and acceptance of ETs in higher education. For the SM, a keyword search string was used in three scientific databases (Scopus, Web of Science, and IEEE Xplore). To apply the UTAUT, a survey was conducted with 120 students on the acceptance of ETs as support in higher education. The results obtained indicate that ETs provide some optimization of educational processes, with greater immersion and application of knowledge when using technologies such as augmented reality, virtual reality, and mobile learning. Likewise, ETs can motivate students, allowing them to reach new academic and professional achievements.This work was financed by the Universidad de Las Américas through project code: TIC.LCC.22.01

    Sustainable Teaching and Learning through a Mobile Application: A Case Study

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    Currently, mobile devices are widely used as a support in education for teaching and learning of multiple academic subjects. An example of this is educational mobile applications, which in recent years have been massively developed and have generated multiple downloads for use in the classroom. Despite their features and benefits, the use of mobile devices such as smartphones is not usually allowed in classrooms due to the distraction they can generate. This paper aims to evidence the use of mobile devices in education and why it should be used as a support in the educational model. To do this, it is proposed to compare two teaching-learning methodologies and identify whether the use of mobile applications can influence the specific education of an engineering subject. The methodologies were tested in the classroom, focusing on IP addressing and network numbering systems, with two groups of students: an experimental group and a control group. At the end of the experiment, their performance was evaluated using a questionnaire. The answers of this questionnaire were subjected to an analysis of variance (ANOVA) and hypotheses were proposed to identify whether the use of a mobile application used as a support in the educational model has benefits in learning. The results indicate that educational mobile applications can be helpful in the teaching-learning process and at present, education can benefit from the use of this innovative learning methodology.This work was supported by the EduTech project (609785-EPP-1-2019-1-ES-EPPKA2-CBHEJP) co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union

    Análisis de la deserción temprana en las seccionales de la Universidad de Antioquia – Colombia a partir de control estadístico de procesos

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    La deserción universitaria es una problemática que no solo afecta al estudiante que abandona sus estudios sino a las instituciones de educación superior, al sistema educativo y a la sociedad en general. De acuerdo a esto, se han llevado a cabo diversos estudios para analizar la deserción por Facultad en la Universidad de Antioquia - Colombia, sin embargo, se encuentra que respecto a la deserción temprana en las seccionales de la Universidad el análisis es incipiente, representando este, el objetivo fundamental del presente trabajo. Dicho fenómeno es estudiado desde el semestre 2002-2 hasta 2015-2, con la intención de observar el impacto de la Política Nivel Cero en la problemática, la cual fue implementada por la Universidad como mecanismo de cualificación de los aspirantes, uno de los factores, que, según la literatura, influye significativamente en el abandono del sistema educativo. Para seleccionar y analizar el indicador, se realizó previamente una contextualización de la problemática para identificar las posibles variables influyentes y así, a partir de distintas herramientas de control estadístico de procesos como diagrama de Causa y Efecto, diagrama de Pareto, Análisis de Modo y Efectos de Fallas (AMEF), histogramas y cartas de control de atributos, tener un panorama de la deserción temprana en las seccionales de la Universidad de Antioquia - Colombia. Los resultados obtenidos en las cartas de control permitieron concluir que los niveles en la tasa bruta de deserción temprana disminuyeron notablemente luego de implementada la Política Nivel Cero, por lo que es necesario que los esfuerzos por parte de las unidades administrativas y académicas continúen proponiendo estrategias eficientes que mejoren la calidad en el sistema educativo. Finalmente, de acuerdo a los resultados obtenidos, se sugiere implementar esta metodología de trabajo al análisis de distintos procesos sociales como lo es la deserción universitaria, de modo que facilite la toma de decisiones y conlleve al mejoramiento continuo de los distintos procesos analizados

    Usos y teorías : Estudios de la Maestría en Lingüística

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    Por cuarta vez, la Maestría en Lingüística pone en consideración de la comunidad académica, interesada en los estudios del lenguaje, una obra construida con los aportes de profesores estudiantes, conferencistas y egresados de este programa de postgrado. Así, las sucesivas publicaciones en las que, mediante convocatoria pública, hay participación de los distintos estamentos, los cuales conforman dicha maestría, se convierten en un espacio académico en donde se comparten, fortifican y adquieren conocimientos teóricos y prácticos, así como metodologías, para la investigación lingüística en diferentes entornos socioculturales. Esto a través del estudio de la lengua, tanto en su fase de sistema formal como en su uso contextual

    The impact of SARS-CoV-2 in dementia across Latin America : A call for an urgent regional plan and coordinated response

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    The SARS-CoV-2 global pandemic will disproportionately impact countries with weak economies and vulnerable populations including people with dementia. Latin American and Caribbean countries (LACs) are burdened with unstable economic development, fragile health systems, massive economic disparities, and a high prevalence of dementia. Here, we underscore the selective impact of SARS-CoV-2 on dementia among LACs, the specific strain on health systems devoted to dementia, and the subsequent effect of increasing inequalities among those with dementia in the region. Implementation of best practices for mitigation and containment faces particularly steep challenges in LACs. Based upon our consideration of these issues, we urgently call for a coordinated action plan, including the development of inexpensive mass testing and multilevel regional coordination for dementia care and related actions. Brain health diplomacy should lead to a shared and escalated response across the region, coordinating leadership, and triangulation between governments and international multilateral networks