9,526 research outputs found

    Do employees’ generational cohorts influence corporate venturing? A multilevel analysis

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    Organizations are facing an interesting phenomenon in the composition of theirworkforce: the concurrence of multiple age generations that demand suitablestrategies regarding work design, job satisfaction, and incentives. Ongoingentrepreneurship and strategic management debates require a betterunderstanding of the relationship between workplace generational cohorts’configurations and organizational performance. We propose a conceptual modelfor understanding how a diversified workforce influences some determinants(i.e., employees’ human capital and attitudes, organizational climate, andenvironmental conditions) of entrepreneurial organizations’ outcomes (i.e.,corporate venturing). Our framework offers insights into corporate venturingdeterminants for three generational cohorts: Baby Boomers, Generation X, andGeneration Y. Using a sample of 20,256 employees across 28 countries, ourfindings lend support to the positive effect of individual and organizationaldeterminants on corporate venturing, as well as how these effects are reinforcedper generational cohort. Specifically, our results show that younger generations(millennials) have more propensity to be involved in corporate venturingactivities. This study also contributes to thought-provoking implications forentrepreneurial organizational leaders who manage employees from differentgenerations

    Tourism and productivity: Case study of the hotel and catering industry in the Andalusian region

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    The object of this paper is to analyse the situation and evolution of the productivity of the tourism industry in the Andalusian region, and more specifically of the hotel and catering branch, relating it to the organisational structure of its businesses. First of all, the issue of the definition and limitation of the concept of productivity applied to the services sector is addressed, as traditionally this concept is focused on manufacturing, and the different ways of measuring and the analysis methods are reviewed. Then, using the accounting information provided by the Balances Centre of Andalusia (CBA), the general features of the organisational structure of the hotel and catering industry in de Andalusian region, stratifying the samples by the size of the companies and examining the medium size of the Andalusian hotel and catering businesses. Once the organisational structure of the sector is analysed, it is related to the state and evolution of its productivity, using a simple ratio between the brute added value and the personnel expenses, and completing this analysis with a relative efficiency index, the Baldwin efficiency index, with which the technical efficiency of each company is compared to the mass of most efficient companies. As a result of this research it is observed that the productivity indexes increase as web as the size of the companies and during the considered period, especially in the case of the medium sized and large companies. Nevertheless, these productivity increases are less relevant than the increase of employment, especially in case of smaller companies.

    Use of Indicators to Evaluate Sustainability of Animal Production Systems

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    SUMMARY – Few indicators for sustainability are used in studying animal production systems. Sustainability of these systems should be evaluated in a dynamic and multidisciplinary manner, and those indicators used should allow for detecting the systems' most relevant properties, as well as the tendency of those systems to change. Indicators proposed by FAO provide information regarding all attributes of sustainability, although in a manner which is overly focused on technical and economic indicators at the expense of social and environmental factors. In order to use these indicators to evaluate sustainability, it is necessary to: (i) integrate and reduce the number of indicators, balancing them for all sustainability attributes; (ii) generate indicators which show system sustainability in relation to the economic, environmental and social context; and (iii) design indicators which show system evolution and the influence of this process on that system’s sustainability.RESUME – "Utilisation d'indicateurs pour évaluer la durabilité des systèmes de production animale". Les indicateurs permettant de caractériser la durabilité des systèmes de production animale sont peu développés. L'évaluation de la durabilité de ces systèmes doit être dynamique et multidisciplinaire et les indicateurs utilisés doivent permettre de détecter les caractéristiques les plus importantes des systèmes et leur évolution. Les indicateurs proposés par la FAO servent à informer sur tous les attributs liés à la durabilité, mais d’une façon non équilibrée et trop centrée sur le système de production. Pour rendre possible l’utilisation des indicateurs FAO en tant qu'évaluateurs de la durabilité des systèmes, il conviendra de: (i) réduire le nombre d'indicateurs obtenus à partir des données de l’exploitation, en cherchant un équilibre entre le nombre d’indicateurs qui correspondent à chaque attribut de la durabilité ; (ii) générer des indicateurs représentatifs de la durabilité des systèmes liés à l'environnement, aussi bien physique, économique que social ; et (iii) créer des indicateurs qui renseignent sur l’évolution du système et de sa durabilité

    Introducing probabilistic celular automata. A versatile extension of Game of Live

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    The "Game of life" model was created in 1970 by the mathematician Jonh Horton Conway using cellular automata. Since then, di erent extensions of these cellular automata have been used in many applications, such as car traffic control or baggage traffic in an airport. These extensions introduce ideas not only from cellular automata models but also from neural networks theory. In this work, we introduce probabilistic cellular automata which include non-deterministic rules for transitions between successive generations of the automaton together with probabilistic decisions about life and death of the cells in next generation of the automaton. This way, more realistic situations can be modeled and the obtained results are also non-deterministic. As an example of use, an implementation of this probabilistic cellular automaton has been developed using it for simulating tissues evolution. The authors are specially interested in simulations of cancerous tissues.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Bases para la elaboración de un humanismo tecnológico en las obras de Ortega y Mumford

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    Partiendo de un análisis separado de las concepciones sobre el fenómeno tecnológico en las obras de Ortega Y Gasset y Munford, se establecen unas bases comunes extraídas del estudio comparado de los autores a partir de los cuales es posible esbozar las líneas generales de un Humanismo Tecnológico. Tras confrontar dichas bases comunes (las del filósofo y las del sociólogo e investigador de la ciencia) con el estado de las investigaciones del fenómeno técnico en el terreno de la filosofía y la sociología actuales, se establecen unas bases (tanto metodológicas como antropológicas, sociológicas, epistemológicas y ético-políticas) para conformar la ideología filosófica del Humanismo Tecnológico. Un Humanismo Tecnológico que supera las proyecciones subjetivas y etnocéntricas, que no las ideológicas, de anteriores humanismos debido a su basamento en las disciplinas científicas, a la vez que considera al ámbito tecnológico (más allá de cualquier filia o fobia) inherente al desarrollo evolutivo humano, entendiéndolo como un hecho y un proceso social y rechazando una pretendida e inexorable dirección tecnológica de la cultura. Este Humanismo Tecnológico, cuya base cientítica en proceso de construcción requiere abordar la tarea de elaborar una teoría unificada de la evolución natural y social, sería el movimiento de carácter científico-ideológico encaminado a proporcionar un proyecto de futuro donde el ser humano (entendido como animal histórico y social) trabaje por la consecución de una comunidad de conciencias vivas basada en el respeto a la dignidad de todos los seres vivos y los entornos en que se desenvuelven, la sostenibilidad del desarrollo común y la gestión racional del futuro._________________________________________________ Based on the annalysis and study of the ideas about the tachnological process in Ortega y Gasset and Mumford's works, similar basis can be established, taken them from the comparative study of both authors; and it is possible to outline the main ideas of a technological Humanism.After comparing those similar ideas (the ones of the philosopher and those of the sociologist and researcher of the science), with the situation of the researches about the technical phenomenum in the philosophical field and current sociology,some principles are established (methodological,anthropological, sociological, epistemological and ethical-political) in order to foam the philosophical idea of Technological Humanism. A Technological Humanism that overcomes the subjetive and ethnocentric projections of previus humanisms, because it is based on the scientific disciplines; and at the same time, it considers the technological field to be inherent to the human development, that is understood as a fact and as a social process; and it rejects an inexorable and pretentions technological direction of the culture. This Technological Humanism, that has its scientific base still in process and that requires to tackle the creation of an unified theory of the natural and social evolution, would be a scientific and ideological movement addressed to provide a modern project, in which the human being(understood and seen as a historical and social animal) works for the consecution of a community, made up of identities, which are based on the respect to all living beings' dignity and the places where they grow up, the sustainment of the common development and rational management of the future

    Reflexión de competencias

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    Treball Final del Màster Universitari en Psicologia del Treball, de les Organitzacions i en Recursos Humans (Pla de 2014) (Presencial). Codi: SBE013. Curs acadèmic 2014-2015El presente trabajo pretende abordar una visión personal, una reflexión acerca de la asunción y desarrollo de las distintas competencias que el máster en Psicología del Trabajo, en las Organizaciones y Recursos Humanos considera relevantes de cara al futuro profesional de un psicólogo del Trabajo o un profesional de Recursos Humanos. Este trabajo comienza con la presentación de las asignaturas que conforman el citado máster. Cada una de ellas y todas consideradas en su conjunto son las herramientas que permiten el desarrollo de las competencias sobre las que se reflexiona, una reflexión que conforma el grueso del trabajo y que se inicia en el siguiente apartado. En concreto, se trata de analizar el grado inicial que el estudiante tenía antes de su paso por el máster y el grado que considera que tiene actualmente, prestando especial atención a los ejercicios, actividades u otras herramientas que han promovido el desarrollo de las distintas competencias. El trabajo finaliza con una reflexión holística, especificando los aspectos positivos y los que pueden ser mejorables además de qué podemos extraer de las competencias desarrolladas. Por último, se analiza qué o cómo podría haberse contribuido más a su asunción y en qué medida éstas pueden ser de utilidad en nuestro futuro profesional.This work is intended to address a personal vision, a reflection on the assumption and development of individual skills that master in Psychology of work, Organizations and Human Resources considers relevant face to the career of a work psychologist or human resources professional. This work begins with the presentation of the subjects that make up the aforementioned master. Each one of them and all considered as a whole, are tools that allow the development of competencies about we reflect, a reflection which constitutes the bulk of the work that begins in the next section. In particular, it is analysed the initial grade that the student had before passing through the master and the grade he considers that it has at present, paying special attention to the exercises, activities or other tools that have promoted the development of these skills. The work ends with a holistic reflection, specifying the positive aspects and those that can be improved and what can we get from the developed competencies. Finally, it discusses about what or how the master could have contributed the most to its assumption and to what extent these can be useful in our professional future

    The cloud hovering over the virtual campus

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    The Virtual Campus has been around for about 20 years. It provides an online environment that mimics the processes and services of the physical campuses and classrooms. Its adoption is almost complete in countries where Internet access has become ubiquitous. For a time seemed like the innovation in education was happening in the Virtual Campus, but this is no more. Personal Learning Environments, Life Long Learning, MOOCS, Open Educational Resources, Mobile Apps, Gamification, Social Networks, free Cloud based services... al of the above and even more hint that not all the learning today is happening at school or in the Virtual Campus.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author’s final draft

    LA ATLÁNTIDA DE PLATÓN: aproximación a la historia del relato, desde el Renacimiento hasta nuestros días

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    En el presente artículo se realiza, desde el Renacimiento hasta nuestros días, un recorrido por las diversas hipótesis que se han vertido en torno al relato platónico sobre la Atlántida, formuladas por una serie de autores de muy diferente formación académica e intencionalidad ideológica. Y ese recorrido histórico nos muestra que el de la Atlántida puede considerarse un relato-problema que ha ido reformulándose a lo largo del tiempo para cumplir diversas funciones a lo largo de su dilatada historia, una de ellas sin duda la de servir de instrumento para cuestionar los paradigmas dominantes en las diversas etapas que comprende el período histórico referenciado, incluso alejándose para ello en muchas ocasiones de lo sostenido en el texto elaborado por el pensador ateniense. Termina el artículo consignando una serie de puntos acerca del papel que el relato platónico sobre la Atlántida podría jugar en la actualidadThis article presents a journey, from the Renaissance to the present day, through the different hypotheses made about the Platonic story of Atlantis and proposed by a number of authors from very different academic backgrounds and ideological intents. This historical overview shows that Atlantis can be considered a story/problem that has been reformulated over time to serve many roles throughout its long history. One of them, undoubtedly, to be instrumental when it comes to questioning the dominant paradigms at the various stages comprising the referenced historical period, even, in order to do so, moving away on many occasions from what the text written by the Athenian thinker contains. The article ends by stating a number of points about the role that the Platonic story of Atlantis could play toda

    El libro que nunca se escribió

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    Leído en la Sesión Pública de la Academia el 25 de Noviembre de 1992. en conmemoración del XXV Aniversario de la muerte de Joaquín Romero Murube

    Poly-Harmonic Distortion Model Extraction in Charge-Controlled One-Port Devices

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    A charge-controlled, one-port device is used to describe and discuss the extraction procedure of a Poly-Harmonic Distortion (PHD) model in detail. For this case, both voltage and current waveforms are shown to be enough to fully characterize the PHD model. It is also shown that all the information specifically required for this PHD model definition can be stored in the Fourier coefficients of the incremental conductance and capacitance. The results are validated by comparing them with those obtained using a commercial circuit simulation tool.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech