106 research outputs found

    Extending the L* Process Mining Model with Quality Management and Business Improvement Tools and Techniques

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    Selle lõputöö ülesandeks on leida, kas L* elutsükli mudelit on võimalik laiendada Six Sigma DMAIC mudeli, ISO 9001:2008 kvaliteedijuhtimissüsteemi ja äriparandusraamistikega nagu Baldrige Criteria for Performance ExcellenceTM äri ja mittetulundusühingutele ning European Foundation for Quality Management Excellence ModelTM. Protsessikaevandamisprojektiga, mille L*elutsükli mudel laiendati Six Sigma DMAIC metoodikaga, seotud töö viidi läbi Itaalia IT firmas, kasutades andmeid firma abilauast ning tarkvara kvaliteedikontrolli tegevustest. Firmas läbi viidud töö näitab, et DMAIC tsükkel saab pakkuda laiendatud raamistikku L* elutsükli mudelile selle kõikides staadiumites, kasutades tänapäevaseid protsessikaevandamistehnikaid ning -tarkvara.The purpose of this thesis is to determine whether is possible to expand the L*life-cycle model with Six Sigma’s DMAIC model, the ISO 9001:2008 Quality Management System, and business improvement frameworks like the Baldrige Criteria for Performance Excellence for Business and NonprofitTM, and the European Foundation for Quality Management Excellence ModelTM. The work related to the Process Mining project where the L* life-cycle model was expanded with Six Sigma’s DMAIC model has been conducted in an Italian IT Company with data from company’s Help Desk and Software Quality Assurance operations. The work conducted in the company pursues in proving that the DMAIC cycle can provide an expanded framework for the L* life-cycle model in all of its stages while employing state of the art Process Mining techniques and Process Mining software

    Simultaneous measurement of Ca2+ release and influx into smooth muscle cells in response to caffeine. A novel approach for calculating the fraction of current carried by calcium

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    Activation of ryanodine receptors on the sarcoplasmic reticulum of single smooth muscle cells from the stomach muscularis of Bufo marinus by caffeine is accompanied by a rise in cytoplasmic [Ca2+] ([Ca2+]i), and the opening of nonselective cationic plasma membrane channels. To understand how each of these pathways contributes to the rise in [Ca2+]i, one needs to separately monitor Ca2+ entry through them. Such information was obtained from simultaneous measurements of ionic currents and [Ca2+]i by the development of a novel and general method to assess the fraction of current induced by an agonist that is carried by Ca2+. Application of this method to the currents induced in these smooth muscle cells by caffeine revealed that approximately 20% of the current passing through the membrane channels activated following caffeine application is carried by Ca2+. Based on this information we found that while Ca2+ entry through these channels rises slowly, release of Ca2+ from stores, while starting at the same time, is much faster and briefer. Detailed quantitative analysis of the Ca2+ release from stores suggests that it most likely decays due to depletion of Ca2+ in those stores. When caffeine was applied twice to a cell with only a brief (30 s) interval in between, the amount of Ca2+ released from stores was markedly diminished following the second caffeine application whereas the current carried in part by Ca2+ entry across the plasma membrane was not significantly affected. These and other studies described in the preceding paper indicate that activation of the nonselective cation plasma membrane channels in response to caffeine was not caused as a consequence of emptying of internal Ca2+ stores. Rather, it is proposed that caffeine activates these membrane channels either by direct interaction or alternatively by a linkage between ryanodine receptors on the sarcoplasmic reticulum and the nonselective cation channels on the surface membrane

    Caffeine activates a Ca(2+)-permeable, nonselective cation channel in smooth muscle cells

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    The effects of caffeine on cytoplasmic [Ca2+] ([Ca2+]i) and plasma membrane currents were studied in single gastric smooth muscle cells dissociated from the toad, Bufo marinus. Experiments were carried out using Fura-2 for measuring [Ca2+]i and tight-seal voltage-clamp techniques for recording membrane currents. When the membrane potential was held at -80 mV, in 15% of the cells studied caffeine increased [Ca2+]i without having any effect on membrane currents. In these cells ryanodine completely abolished any caffeine induced increase in [Ca2+]i. In the other cells caffeine caused both an increase in [Ca2+]i and activation of an 80-pS nonselective cation channel. In this group of cells ryanodine only partially blocked the increase in [Ca2+]i induced by caffeine; moreover, the change in [Ca2+]i that did occur was tightly coupled to the time course and magnitude of the cation current through these channels. In the presence of ryanodine, blockade of the 80-pS channel by GdCl3 or decreasing the driving force for Ca2+ influx through the plasma membrane by holding the membrane potential at +60 mV almost completely blocked the increase in [Ca2+]i induced by caffeine. Thus, the channel activated by caffeine appears to be permeable to Ca2+. Caffeine activated the cation channel even when [Ca2+]i was clamped to below 10 nM when the patch pipette contained 10 mM BAPTA suggesting that caffeine directly activates the channel and that it is not being activated by the increase in Ca2+ that occurs when caffeine is applied to the cell. Corroborating this suggestion were additional results showing that when the membrane was depolarized to activate voltage-gated Ca2+ channels or when Ca2+ was released from carbachol-sensitive internal Ca2+ stores, the 80-pS channel was not activated. Moreover, caffeine was able to activate the channel in the presence of ryanodine at both positive and negative potentials, both conditions preventing release of Ca2+ from stores and the former preventing its influx. In summary, in gastric smooth muscle cells caffeine transiently releases Ca2+ from a ryanodine-sensitive internal store and also increases Ca2+ influx through the plasma membrane by activating an 80-pS cation channel by a mechanism which does not seem to involve an elevation of [Ca2+]i

    Dynamin- and Rab5-Dependent Endocytosis of a Ca<sup>2+</sup>-Activated K<sup>+</sup> Channel, KCa2.3

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    Regulation of the number of ion channels at the plasma membrane is a critical component of the physiological response. We recently demonstrated that the Ca2+-activated K+ channel, KCa2.3 is rapidly endocytosed and enters a Rab35- and EPI64C-dependent recycling compartment. Herein, we addressed the early endocytic steps of KCa2.3 using a combination of fluorescence and biotinylation techniques. We demonstrate that KCa2.3 is localized to caveolin-rich domains of the plasma membrane using fluorescence co-localization, transmission electron microscopy and co-immunoprecipitation (co-IP). Further, in cells lacking caveolin-1, we observed an accumulation of KCa2.3 at the plasma membrane as well as a decreased rate of endocytosis, as assessed by biotinylation. We also demonstrate that KCa2.3 and dynamin II are co-localized following endocytosis as well as demonstrating they are associated by co-IP. Further, expression of K44A dynamin II resulted in a 2-fold increase in plasma membrane KCa2.3 as well as a 3-fold inhibition of endocytosis. Finally, we evaluated the role of Rab5 in the endocytosis of KCa2.3. We demonstrate that expression of a dominant active Rab5 (Q79L) results in the accumulation of newly endocytosed KCa2.3 on to the membrane of the Rab5-induced vacuoles. We confirmed this co-localization by co-IP; demonstrating that KCa2.3 and Rab5 are associated. As expected, if Rab5 is required for the endocytosis of KCa2.3, expression of a dominant negative Rab5 (S34N) resulted in an approximate 2-fold accumulation of KCa2.3 at the plasma membrane. This was confirmed by siRNA-mediated knockdown of Rab5. Expression of the dominant negative Rab5 also resulted in a decreased rate of KCa2.3 endocytosis. These results demonstrate that KCa2.3 is localized to a caveolin-rich domain within the plasma membrane and is endocytosed in a dynamin- and Rab5-dependent manner prior to entering the Rab35/EPI64C recycling compartment and returning to the plasma membrane. © 2012 Gao et al

    Análisis comparativo de algoritmos de machine learning para detección de malware en aplicaciones Android

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    El malware en dispositivos móviles Android es muy frecuente hoy en día, ya que este sistema operativo posee un amplio mercado y es el más popular en este ámbito, cabe señalar que en enero de 2021 se obtuvo 71.93% de dispositivos que cuentan con Android, todas sus aplicaciones se basan en el kernel de Linux, el cual es código abierto permitiendo la creación de aplicaciones de fuentes poco confiables. A través de estos dispositivos los usuarios comparten su información personal, confiando en que estas aplicaciones faciliten algunas tareas como pagos, descarga de música, toma de fotos, etc., sin prever que puede ser vulnerable a los ataques de aplicaciones maliciosas que pueden robar esta información. A pesar de los notables esfuerzos de los proveedores de teléfonos Android y Google para implementar mecanismos de seguridad en el software como Bouncer o Google Play Protect, y también en el hardware como Sansung Knox, los autores de malware siempre han encontrado la forma de eludirlos. En este escenario, las técnicas de aprendizaje automático aplicadas en la detección de malware en conjunto con la elaboración de una base de datos con características dinámicas de estas aplicaciones, ha mostrado resultados sobresalientes, superando las limitaciones de métodos de detección tradicionales basadas en firmas, siendo de gran ayuda para la prevención de delitos informáticos. En esta investigación, se propone usar los modelos de aprendizaje automático Random Forest (RF), Decisión Tree (DT) y kNearest Neighbor(k-NN) para la detección de malware utilizando características descriptivas del comportamiento dinámico de un malware basado en el tráfico de flujo de red utilizando enfoque propuesto por NetFlowMeter con una cantidad de 15945 muestras entre malware y goodware. La evaluación de los modelos indica que, en cuanto a exactitud, RF tiene un 96%, DT 91.2% y k-NN 85.4% respectivamente. Lo que demuestra que las características de flujo de red generan una base de datos confiable y que el algoritmo Random Forest es el de mejor desempeño en la identificación de malware en aplicaciones android.TesisInfraestructura, Tecnología y Medio Ambient

    New or poorly known exotic invertebrates from Buenos Aires City

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    Las especies invasoras pueden causar diversos problemas a nivel socioeconómico y para la conservación de la biodiversidad. La detección temprana de las especies naturalizadas puede ser de vital importancia para el monitoreo y la planificación de estrategias de contención del proceso de invasión. La fauna de planarias terrestres (Tricladida, Geoplanoidea), babosas terrestres (Mollusca, Limacidae), diplópodos (Myriapoda, Diplopoda) y sínfilos (Myriapoda, Symphyla) de la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires se encuentra poco estudiada, y la adición de especies exóticas transportadas por las actividades humanas complejiza la situación de poco conocimiento. En este trabajo se dan a conocer nuevos registros de especies de estos grupos que se han naturalizado en el ámbito urbano de la ciudad y sus alrededores (Bipalium kewense, Austroplana sanguinea, Ambigolimax valentianus, Brachyiulus pusillus, Oxidus gracilis y Scutigerella immaculata). Se evaluó el potencial como invasor de cada especie en base a lo registrado en otros países. Hasta el día de la fecha no existen registros publicados de planarias terrestres, sínfilos, o diplópodos para esta área, por lo cual el presente trabajo constituye la primera contribución sobre estos grupos. Las especies mencionadas perjudican a las actividades agropecuarias y horticulturales de diversas formas. Una tarea a futuro deberá ser la cuantificación de los daños que causan para establecer su importancia y el costo/beneficio de su control o manejo.Exotic invertebrates in the city of Buenos Aires. First steps for the monitoring of potential biological invasions. Invasive species can cause several problems at the socio-economic level and for the biodiversity conservation. The early detection of naturalized species can be of vital importance for the planning of containment strategies of the invasion process. The flat worms (Tricladida, Geoplanoidea), land slugs (Mollusca, Limacidae), millipedes (Myriapoda, Diplopoda) and symphillids (Myriapoda, Symphyla) of the Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires it is little studied, and the addition of exotic species transported by human activities complicates the situation of little knowledge. In this work, we present new records of species of these groups that have become naturalized in the urban area of the city and its surroundings (Bipalium kewense, Austroplana sanguinea, Ambigolimax valentianus, Brachyiulus pusillus, Oxidus gracilis y Scutigerella immaculata). The invasive potential of each species was evaluated based on what was registered in other countries. Until the date there are no published records of terrestrial flat worms, symphillids, or millipedes for this area, for which the present work constitutes the first contribution on these groups. The aforementioned species damage agricultural and horticultural activities in different ways. A future task should be the quantification of the damage caused to establish its importance and the cost / benefit of its control or management.Fil: Agnolin, Federico. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Parque Centenario. Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales "Bernardino Rivadavia"; Argentina. Universidad Maimónides; Argentina. Fundación de Historia Natural Félix de Azara; ArgentinaFil: Agnolin, Agustin Mariano. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Secretaría de Cultura de la Nación. Dirección Nacional de Cultura y Museos. Instituto Nacional de Antropología y Pensamiento Latinoamericano; ArgentinaFil: Guerrero, Elián Leandro. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo. División de Plantas Vasculares; Argentin

    Production and Characterization of Biodiesel from Cotton Oil as an Alternative Energy in Substitution of Soybean Oil

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    Biodiesel production has currently used virgin raw materials that have a direct use for mainly food uses, as in the case of vegetable oils, mainly soybean, and may in some cases affect food safety. Raw materials such as cotton oils that are obtained from seeds, which are the residual products of productive chains, can help food security, energy and the exploration of new sources of energy of less environmental impact. The present work investigated the chemical and physical characteristics of biodiesel produced from cotton oil in comparison to soybean oil (BOA). The results show that the acidity and viscosity of the BOA are within the permissible values of ANP 03/2014, and the viscosity of the BOA product of the transesterification of soybean oil has values of 4.41 ± 0.20 mm2 s -1 . Finally, it can be concluded that cotton oil may be an alternative to replace soybean oil; however, the availability of raw material may play an important role

    First report of multiple anthelmintic resistance in goat farm in Cuba

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    This study determined the efficacies of four classes of anthelmintics (AH) in a goat flock where anthelmintic resistance (AR) to ivermectin was suspected. We selected and randomly distributed 105 animals with >500 eggs per gram of feces into seven groups of 15 animals: an untreated con- trol group and groups treated with ivermectin, eprinomectin, albendazole sulfoxide, albendazole, levamisole, and closantel. The goats were individually weighed and treated with the recommended dose. Fecal samples were collected 14 days post-treatment to determine the fecal egg counts and for a fecal egg count reduction test (FECRT). Coprocultures were also performed for identifying any resistant genera. A molecular assay (polymerase chain reaction, PCR) was used to confirm benzimidazole resistance. The FECRTs for the ivermectin, eprinomectin, albendazole sulfoxide, and albendazole treatments were <90 %, indicating multiple anthelmintic resistance, all in Haemonchus spp. Levamisole had a FECRT confidence interval <90 %, indicating a moderate level of AR. The PCR detected the ß-tubulin alleles responsible for benzimidazole resistance, confirming AR. This study is the first monospecific report of AR in goats in Cuba, with a total failure of macrocyclic lac- tones anthelmintic class.The project was funded by the Cuban Ministry of Agriculture (Pro- ject No. P131LH001-0072)

    Desarrollo Hibrido con Flutter

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    This article contains relevant and summarized information related to the "Hybrid Development with Flutter" the same based on an investigation which allows collecting from different bibliographic sources, the main aspects for the application and execution of a computer project based on Flutter, within the The document shows the analysis of several texts, in order to present the reader with a structured overview of the processes to be carried out for a correct development and implementation of hybrid applications, this research is based on the need to publicize this new Development Framework. which allows new programmers to design and code mobile applications that complement the great evolutionary environment of mobile applications todayEl presente articulo contiene informacion relevante y resumida relacionada con el “Desarrollo Hibrido con Flutter” el mismo basado en una investigación la cual permite recolectar de distintas fuentes bibliográficas, los principales aspectos para la aplicación y ejecución de un proyecto informático basado en Flutter, dentro del documento se muestra el análisis de varios textos, con la finalidad de presentar al lector un panorama estructurado sobre los procesos a realizar para un correcto desarrollo eh implementación de aplicaciones hibridas, esta investigación parte de la necesidad de dar a conocer este nuevo Framework de desarrollo el cual permita a nuevos programadores diseñar y codificar aplicativos móviles que permitan complementar el gran entorno evolutivo de las aplicaciones móviles en la actualidad