1,997 research outputs found

    The Role of the School District in High-Performance Title One Schools in South Texas

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    A mixed research study was designed and conducted to identify effective characteristics of high-performing, high-poverty schools. Four South Texas Title 1 schools identified as High Performing Schools by the Texas Education Agency in 2016 were selected for the study. To be selected, these schools were also required to meet or exceed a set of criteria applied by the researchers. An effective school model, comprised of eleven characteristics and school processes, was developed based on a synthesis of effective school research and served as the theoretical framework for the study. The characteristics include Culture, Leadership, Instruction, Improvement, Home and Community Relations, Curriculum, Environment, Professional Development, Vision/Mission, Resources, and Staff. Data was collected from professional school staff, principals, and parents related to the essentiality of the eleven effective characteristics and processes used by the schools. Onsite data collection from each school included a staff survey, focus group session, principal interview, and a parent survey. Results supported the essentiality of the eleven school characteristics synthesized from previous effective schools’ studies. The results also yielded valuable school district strategies that supported the High-Performing Reward Title 1 schools. These strategies included the provision of active specialized support by district staff, district curriculum designed by district teachers during the summer, instructional resources selected through teacher input, flexibility in implementing district supports, professional development during summer and the school year to meet individual teacher needs, district-designed student assessment, an intra-district and inter-district competitive school environment focused on student achievement, and parent initiatives aligned to local needs

    Cooperativas de crédito mútuo no contexto do sistema financeiro

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    GUERRA Jr., Antonio. Cooperativas de crédito mútuo no contexto do sistema financeiro. 2013. 135f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Administração)-Universidade Municipal de são Caetano do Sul, São Caetano do Sul, 2013.As cooperativas de crédito desempenham um reconhecido papel na realização de investimentos produtivos, reorganização da produção e incentivo à poupança, de modo que as suas contribuições, no corolário das políticas de crescimento econômico e de redução de pobreza em diversos países, sejam acessíveis aos menos privilegiados economicamente. O acesso ao crédito e aos serviços financeiros consistiu a principal razão para o surgimento do movimento do cooperativismo de crédito, desde o século XIX, na Europa. As cooperativas de crédito estão presentes, entre soluções preconizadas pelas instituições de fomento nos países em desenvolvimento, sempre visando à redução de desigualdades e pobreza. Todavia, foram incluídas no contexto denominado “comércio invisível” relativamente aos serviços e às finanças. As cooperativas de crédito são moldadas também pelos fenômenos contemporâneos como a globalização, integração econômica, desregulação, avanços da tecnologia da informação. Assim, compreender a importância do cooperativismo de crédito na contemporaneidade, sob o ponto de vista do Sistema Financeiro Nacional, significa, essencialmente, desvelar as dinâmicas que essas cooperativas são capazes de instituir no mercado de crédito. Com este intuito pretendeu-se pesquisar, identificar e analisar a importância das cooperativas de crédito mútuo no contexto do Sistema Financeiro. Os resultados obtidos após este estudo foram a verificação da efetiva importância do funcionamento das cooperativas de crédito mútuo em todos os Estados brasileiros e sua contribuição junto ao sistema financeiro nacional, sobretudo com enfoque na Cooperativa de Crédito Mútuo, cuja administração está centrada na autogestão e no gerenciamento de operações de microfinanças

    Control Interno, su vínculo con la Eficiencia Operativa y la Rentabilidad

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    Advantages of Internal Control Systems (ICS) to accomplish Business Objectives (BO) effectively, including Operational Efficiency (OE) which is a key factor to maintain firms value and also keep them alive; gives relevance to ICS, motivating firms to analyze business processes focused to get BO and also to define and implement Policies and Procedures which include control activities to regulate business operations for accomplishing BO aligned to Operational Efficiency and also Profitability; COSO II Internal Control Framework being issued on 2013 which Securities Exchange Commission confirmed is the most used by Public Companies, could be a framework to consider on business processes.La utilidad citada a los Sistemas de Control Interno en el logro eficiente de los Objetivos de Negocio incluyendo Eficiencia Operativa que es un factor preponderante para que las organizaciones mantengan su valor y logren prevalecer en su ámbito de negocios, al lograr de manera contante sus metas de Rentabilidad primordialmente, da relevancia a los mismos al buscar que las organizaciones estudien los procesos de negocio que llevarán al cumplimiento de los objetivos de negocio, definan y apliquen Políticas y Procedimientos que de manera formal establecerán los esfuerzos de control que normarán las operaciones para buscar el logro de los objetivos de negocio vinculados a la Eficiencia Operativa y a la Rentabilidad, destacando el Modelo de Control Interno COSO II publicado en el 2013, el cual al ser el más utilizado por las empresas que cotizan en las Bolsas de Valores de Estados Unidos podría ser un icono de referencia

    Morphometry And Histology Of Gonads From 13 Children With Dysgenetic Male Pseudohermaphroditism

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    Background. - Dysgenetic male pseudohermaphroditism (DMP) is a sexual differentiation disorder characterized by bilateral dysgenetic testes, persistent müllerian structures, and cryptorchidism in individuals with a 46,XY karyotype. However, the histologic criteria for the diagnosis of DMP are poorly established. Objective. - To determine gonadal histology in children with DMP. Patients and Methods. - Between 1996 and 1998, 13 patients with DMP were evaluated on our service. The clinical diagnosis of DMP was based on a 46,XY karyotype, sex ambiguity, high levels of follicle-stimulating hormone and low levels Of antimüllerian hormone, a decreased testosterone response to human chorionic gonadotropin stimulation without accumulation of testosterone precursors, and the presence of müllerian structures. Molecular sequencing the HMGbox region of the SRY gene did not reveal any mutations. Biopsies were performed for 22 of 26 gonads (patient age at the time of biopsy, 16 months to 10 years). Conventional microscopy was used to evaluate mean tubular diameter, tubular fertility index, and number of Sertoli cells per tubular profile. Results. - All 26 gonads were located outside of the labioscrotal folds. Their histologic features varied from only a reduction in tubular size to features of a streak gonad. Five of the 22 gonads grossly resembled a streak gonad. The mean tubular diameter was severely reduced (>30% reduction relative to the normal tubular diameter for the patient's age) in 4 gonads, markedly reduced (10%-30%) in 11 gonads, slightly reduced (<10%) in one gonad, and normal in one gonad. The tubular fertililty index, expressed as the percentage of tubular profiles containing germ cells, was severely reduced (<30% of normal values) in 9 gonads, markedly reduced (50%-30%) in 2 gonads, and normal in 6 gonads. The number of Sertoli cells per tubular profile was elevated in 16 gonads and normal in one gonad. Thin tubules surrounded by fibrous tissue were occasionally observed. Conclusion. - The histologic findings confirmed the clinical diagnosis of DMP in every patient in the present series. However, gonadal histology was variable, and careful morphometric evaluation may be necessary to establish the diagnosis.1255652656Robboy, S.J., Miller, T., Donahoe, P.K., Dysgenesis of testicular and streak gonads in the syndrome of mixed gonadal dysgenesis: Perspective derived from clinicopathologic analysis of twenty-one cases (1982) Hum Pathol, 13, pp. 700-716Troche, V., Hernandez, E., Neoplasia arising in dysgenetic gonads (1986) Obstet Gynecol Surv, 41, pp. 74-79Krasna, I.H., Lee, M.L., Smilow, P., Sciorra, L., Eierman, L., Risk of malignancy in bilateral streak gonads: The role of the Y chromosome (1992) J Pediatr Surg, 27, pp. 1376-1380Rohatgi, M., Gupta, D.K., Menon, P.S., Verma, I.C., Mathur, M., Mixed gonadal dysgenesis and dysgenetic male pseudohermaphroditism - A critical analysis (1992) Indian J Pediatr, 59, pp. 487-500Rey, R.A., Belville, C., Nhou-Fékété, C., Evaluation of gonadal function in 107 intersex patients by means of serum antimüllerian hormone measurement (1999) J Clin Endocrinol Metab, 84, pp. 627-631Stuchi-Perez, E.G., Lukas-Croisier, C., Castro, M., Evaluation of the tubular and interstitial functions of the testis in 46,XY patients with ambiguous genitalia (2000) J Pediatr Endocrinol Metab, 13, pp. 605-612Chang, H.J., Clark, R.D., Bachman, H., The phenotype of 45,X/46,XY mosaicism: An analysis of 92 prenatally diagnosed cases (1990) Am J Hum Genet, 46, pp. 156-167Rajfer, J., Walsh, P.C., Mixed gonadal dysgenesis: Dysgenetic male pseudoher-maphroditism (1981) The Intersex Child: Pediatric and Adolescent Endocrinology, pp. 103-115. , Josso N, ed. Basel, Switzerland: S. KargerBorer, J.G., Nitti, V.W., Glassberg, K.I., Mixed gonadal dysgenesis and dysgenetic male pseudohermaphroditism (1995) J Urol, 153, pp. 1267-1273Donahoe, P.K., Crawford, J.D., Hendren, W.H., Mixed gonadal dysgenesis: Pathogenesis and management (1979) J Pediatr Surg, 14, pp. 287-300Pelletier, J., Bruening, W., Kashtan, C.E., Germline mutations in the Wilms' tumor supressor gene are associated with abnormal urogenital development in Denys-Drash syndrome (1991) Cell, 67, pp. 437-1147Carré-Éusebe, D., Imbeaud, S., Harbison, M., New, M.I., Josso, N., Picard, J.Y., Variants of the anti-Müllerian hormone gene in a compound heterozygote with the persistent Müllerian duct syndrome and his family (1992) Hum Genet, 90, pp. 389-394Nistal, M., Paniagua, R., Non-neoplastic diseases of the testis (1996) Urologic Surgical Pathology, pp. 458-565. , Bostiwick DG, Eble JN, eds. St Louis, Mo: MosbyLennox, B., Ahmad, K.M., Mack, W.S., A method for determining the relative total length of the tubules in the testis (1970) J Pathol, 102, pp. 229-238Jimenez, R., Sanchez, A., Burgos, M., Dias De La Guardia, R.C., Puzzling out the genetics of mammalian sex determination (1996) Trends Genet, 12, pp. 164-166Müller, J., Skakkebaek, N.F., Quantification of germ cells and seminiferous tubules by stereological examination of testicles from 50 boys who suffered from sudden death (1983) Int J Androl, 6, pp. 143-156Cortes, D., Müller, J., Skakkebaek, N.E., Proliferation of Sertoli cells during development of the human testis assessed by stereological methods (1987) Int J Androl, 10, pp. 589-596Nistal, M., Abaurrea, M.A., Paniagua, R., Morphological and histometric study on the human Sertoli cell from birth to the onset of puberty (1982) J Anat, 14, pp. 351-363Van Niekerk, W.A., Retief, A.E., The gonads of human true hermaphrodites (1981) Hum Genet, 58, pp. 117-122Guerra Jr., G., De Mello, M.P., Assumpção, J.G., True hermaphrodites in the southeastern region of Brazil: A different cytogenetic and gonadal profile (1998) J Pediatr Endocrinol Metab, 11, pp. 519-524Quigley, C.A., De Bellis, A., Marschke, K.B., El-Awady, M.K., Wilson, E.M., French, F.S., Androgen receptor defects: Historical, clinical and molecular perspectives (1995) Endocr Rev, 16, pp. 271-32

    Contact force sensing in ablation of ventricular arrhythmias using a 56-hole open-irrigation catheter: a propensity-matched analysis.

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    PURPOSE: The effect of adding contact force (CF) sensing to 56-hole tip irrigation in ventricular arrhythmia (VA) ablation has not been previously studied. We aimed to compare outcomes with and without CF sensing in VA ablation using a 56-hole radiofrequency (RF) catheter. METHODS: A total of 164 patients who underwent first-time VA ablation using Thermocool SmartTouch Surround Flow (TC-STSF) catheter (Biosense-Webster, Diamond Bar, CA, USA) were propensity-matched in a 1:1 fashion to 164 patients who had first-time ablation using Thermocool Surround Flow (TC-SF) catheter. Patients were matched for age, gender, cardiac aetiology, ejection fraction and approach. Acute success, complications and long-term follow-up were compared. RESULTS: There was no difference between procedures utilising either TC-SF or TC-STSF in acute success (TC-SF: 134/164 (82%), TC-STSF: 141/164 (86%), p = 0.3), complications (TC-SF: 11/164 (6.7%), TC-STSF: 11/164 (6.7%), p = 1.0) or VA-free survival (TC-SF: mean arrhythmia-free survival time = 5.9 years, 95% CI = 5.4-6.4, TC-STSF: mean = 3.2 years, 95% CI = 3-3.5, log-rank p = 0.74). Fluoroscopy time was longer in normal hearts with TC-SF (19 min, IQR: 14-30) than TC-STSF (14 min, IQR: 8-25; p = 0.04). CONCLUSION: Both TC-SF and TC-STSF catheters are safe and effective in treating VAs. The use of CF sensing catheters did not improve safety or acute and long-term outcomes, but reduced fluoroscopy time in normal heart VA

    Effects of acute caffeine ingestion on the physical performance of amateur American football athletes

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of acute caffeine ingestion (5 mg.kg-1) on jump, isometric strength and repeated sprint performance in amateur American football athletes. Twelve players (24.6 ± 3.66 years and 115.18 ± 24.35 kg of body weight) ingested a dose of caffeine (5 mg.kg−1) or placebo 60 min prior to a testing session consisting of: 1) countermovement jump (CMJ); 2) isometric mid-tight pull (IMTP); and 3) 3-line drills (200-yd shuttle runs with a 2-minute rest between sprints). Two testing sessions were performed using a double-blind, counterbalanced, crossover design during a pre-season training camp. Results indicated: Caffeine ingestion improved CMJ performance (p = 0.035), but no differences were observed on IMTP strength (p = 0.22) and line drill performance (total time: p = 0.65, and fatigue (%): p = 0.75) when compared to placebo condition. Conclusion: Acute caffeine ingestion improved jump performance, but not isometric strength and repeated sprint with change-of-direction performance in amateur American Football athletes

    Electrodynamics of Media

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    Contains reports on four research projects.Joint Services Electronics Programs (U. S. Army, U. S. Navy, and U. S. Air Force) under Contract DA 28-043-AMC-02536(E

    Charge and matter distributions and form factors of light, medium and heavy neutron-rich nuclei

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    Results of charge form factors calculations for several unstable neutron-rich isotopes of light, medium and heavy nuclei (He, Li, Ni, Kr, Sn) are presented and compared to those of stable isotopes in the same isotopic chain. For the lighter isotopes (He and Li) the proton and neutron densities are obtained within a microscopic large-scale shell-model, while for heavier ones Ni, Kr and Sn the densities are calculated in deformed self-consistent mean-field Skyrme HF+BCS method. We also compare proton densities to matter densities together with their rms radii and diffuseness parameter values. Whenever possible comparison of form factors, densities and rms radii with available experimental data is also performed. Calculations of form factors are carried out both in plane wave Born approximation (PWBA) and in distorted wave Born approximation (DWBA). These form factors are suggested as predictions for the future experiments on the electron-radioactive beam colliders where the effect of the neutron halo or skin on the proton distributions in exotic nuclei is planned to be studied and thereby the various theoretical models of exotic nuclei will be tested.Comment: 26 pages, 11 figures, 3 tables, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Morphophysiological Plasticity Of Plagiotropic Branches In Response To Change In The Coffee Plant Spacing Within Rows

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    Changes in spacing within rows may alter the morphology of the coffee plant by affecting the physiological constituents of its productivity. Even though some common plant responses to crop spacing variation are known, there is yet no scientific evidence that elucidates the effects of decreased spacing on the sourcesink relation in plagiotropic branches and, its association with both productivity and eco-physiological aspects of coffee leaves, mainly for new coffee cultivars in the Brazilian savannah. The aim of this work was to characterize the morphophysiological responses of Coffea arabica L. cultivars subjected to different spacing between plants within rows. Four Arabica coffee cultivars (Catuaí Vermelho IAC 144, Catuaí Amarelo IAC 62, Catuaí Amarelo IAC 32, and Tupi RN IAC 1669-13) were transplanted in January 2010. A row spacing of 0.40, 0.50, 0.60, 0.70, and 0.80 m was adopted between plants, maintaining a 3.80-m constant between rows. A randomized block design with four replicates was applied. During the experimental period, several morphophysiological characteristics of plagiotropic fruiting branches were evaluated in the months of April and December in 2013 and, in April 2014. The evaluation was conducted based on two canopy positions; canopy toward the rows, representing low exposure to light or toward the inter-row spacing, representing high light exposure. Leaf gas exchange, chlorophyll fluorescence, and photosynthetic pigments levels were minimally or not at all affected by changing either the coffee cultivars or plant spacing. During the first evaluation, the leaf-to-fruitratio linearly increased, regardless of the cultivar. Light-exposed branches showed higher content of carotenoids and chlorophyll a in leaves and lower leaf-to-fruit-ratio as compared to those within the plant canopy. A major reduction in the number of fruits per branch was observed which was closely related to a parallel decrease in the number of fruits per node but not in the number of fruiting nodes per branch. Although this response was largely cultivar-dependent, it also changed according to the branch position in the hedgerow. Our results suggest that all tested cultivars exhibit high morphophysiological plasticity and have the potential to grow under different plant spacing within rows.3763819383