174 research outputs found

    História da África: uma disciplina em construção

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    AbstractThis article presents a checking of the process of application of law 10639/03, which establishes the obligatory inclusion of the subjects: African History and Culture, and African Brazil at the Brazilian school system. The relation between the application of the law in Basic Education and the establishment of a specific academic field -The History of Africa- in history classes in Rio of Janeiro was evaluated. A profile of this field is pointed over the base of the current study programs presented by the teachers.En este artículo se presenta una revisión del proceso de aplicación de la Ley 10639/03, que establece la inclusión obligatoria de los contenidos de Historia y Cultura de África y del Brasil africano en el sistema escolar brasileño. Se evaluó la relación entre la aplicación de la ley en la Educación Básica y el establecimiento de una disciplina académica específica —la Historia de África— en los cursos de grados en Historia en el Estado de Río de Janeiro. También presentan un perfil de la disciplina hoy en día sobre la base de los actuales Programas de estudios presentados por los profesores.ResumoNeste artigo apresentamos um balanço do processo de implantação da lei 10639/03, que estabelece a obrigatoriedade da inclusão de conteúdos de História e Cultura da África e do Brasil africano no sistema escolar brasileiro. Avaliamos a relação entre o cumprimento da lei na Educação Básica e a constituição de uma disciplina acadêmica específica de História da África nos cursos superiores de graduação em História no Estado do Rio de Janeiro. Apresentamos, ainda, um perfil da disciplina hoje com base nos programas de curso apresentados pelos professores

    The phenomenological approach to investigate the teacher’s perception about the estuarine environment of Babitonga Bay, Santa Catarina, Brazil: contribution of the environmental education program of “Projeto Toninhas/Univille”

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    [Resumo] O estuário da Baía da Babitonga, litoral norte de Santa Catarina, Brasil, como em outras áreas litorâneas, vem sendo constantemente ameaçada pelas atividades humanas. A Baía da Babitonga abriga espécies ameaçadas, como a toninha (Pontoporia blainvillei), única espécie de golfinho ameaçado de extinção no Brasil, e um extenso manguezal, responsável pela grande produtividade da região (BRASIL, IBAMA, 1998). A percepção da comunidade escolar sobre a questão ambiental da baía e da espécie vem sendo estimulada pelo programa de Educação Ambiental (EA) do Projeto Toninhas/UNIVILLE que objetiva também dar visibilidade à espécie. Essa investigação almeja buscar a essência, a significação, que esta biodiversidade ambiental exerce na comunidade escolar da região, com metodologias qualitativas, por meio de uma abordagem fenomenológica que busca refletir e expressar as percepções dessa comunidade litorânea[Abstract] The estuary of Babitonga Bay, north coast of Santa Catarina, Brazil, as in other coastal areas, has been constantly threatened by human activities. The Babitonga Bay is home to endangered species such as the toninha (Pontoporia blainvillei), only dolphin species threatened with extinction in Brazil, and an extensive mangrove, responsible for the high productivity of the region (BRASIL, IBAMA, 1998). The school community perception about the environmental issue of the bay and the species has been stimulated by the Environmental Education Program of “Projeto Toninhas/UNIVILLE” which aims also give visibility to the species. The research aims to seek the essence, significance, that this environmental biodiversity has in the school community of the region with qualitative methodologies, through a phenomenological approach that seeks to reflect and express the perceptions of the seaside community

    Prevalencia de asma de ejercicio en adolescentes sintomaticos respiratorios entre 14-15 anos pertenecientes al Liceo Abate Molina de Talca

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    74 p.Estudios realizados en distintos países desarrollados, revelan un aumento sostenido de la prevalencia de asma y atopia en las últimas cuatro décadas. El ejercicio físico puede producir crisis de asma en sujetos predispuestos (sintomáticos respiratorios), situación que se conoce como asma inducida por ejercicio (AIE), que se presenta con la misma sintomatología del asma y se da en mayor medida en niños y adolescentes. Objetivo. Conocer la prevalencia de asma de ejercicio en adolescentes sintomáticos respiratorios entre 14 y 15 años en el Liceo Abate Molina de la ciudad de Talca, durante el primer semestre del año 2009. Materiales y métodos. El estudio es de diseño no experimental, del tipo transeccional descriptivo. La muestra se determina a partir de 140 adolescentes entre 14 y 15 años, pertenecientes a 2º medio del Liceo Abate Molina de Talca, se seleccionaron aquellos con sintomatología respiratoria, evaluación espirométrica normal y que cumplan con los correspondientes criterios de inclusión y exclusión. Resultados. De un total de 140 adolescentes entre 14 y 15 años, 12 de ellos presentaron sintomatología respiratoria compatible con un posible AIE, correspondiendo a un 8,57 %. De los 12 sintomáticos respiratorios, 1 individuo resultó con el test de provocación bronquial positivo, dando una prevalencia de asma de ejercicio en adolescentes sintomáticos respiratorios de 8,33%. Los síntomas de estridor y disnea no se presentaron, la prevalencia de tos y sibilancias en sintomáticos respiratorios al realizar el test de rovocación bronquial fue de 8,3% para ambos síntomas. Conclusión. La prevalencia de asma de ejercicio en adolescentes sintomáticos respiratorios entre 14 y 15 años en el Liceo Abate Molina de la ciudad de Talca, entrega las primeras aproximaciones de prevalencia de esta condición clínica, proporcionando un valor base que puede emplearse en futuros trabajos de otras ciudades de Chile./ ABSTRACT: Studies realized in different developed countries, reveal an increase supported of the prevalence of asthma and atopia in the last four decades. The physical exercise can produce asthmatic attack in blased subjects (symptomatic respiratory), situation that is known as Induced Asthma for Exercise (IAE), which one presents with the same symptomatology of the asthma and is given in major measure in children and teenagers. Aim. To know the prevalence of asthma of exercise in symptomatic respiratory teenagers between 14 and 15 years of the Secondary School Abate Molina of the city of Talca, during the first semester of the year 2009. Materials and methods. The study is of non experimental design, of the type descriptive transeccional. The sample decides from 140 teenagers between 14 and 15 years, belonging to 2 º means of the Secondary School Abate Molina of the city of Talca, those selected with respiratory symptomatology, normal evaluation spirometry and that expire with the corresponding criteria of incorporation and exclusion. Results. Of a whole of 140 teenagers between 14 and 15 years, 12 of them presented respiratory symptomatology compatible with a possible AIE, corresponding to 8,57 %. Of the 12 respiratory symptomatic, 1 individual proved with the positive test of bronchial provocation, giving a prevalence of asthma of exercise in symptomatic respiratory teenagers of 8,33 %. The symptoms of estridor and difficulty in breathing they did not appear, the prevalence of cough and sibilancias in symptomatic respiratory on having realized the test of bronchial provocation it was 8,3 % for both symptoms. Conclusion. The prevalence of asthma of exercise in symptomatic respiratory teenagers between 14 and 15 years of the Secondary School Abate Molina, delivers the first approximations of prevalence of this clinical condition, providing a value base that can be used in future works of other cities of Chile

    Se o velho é o outro, quem sou eu? A construção da auto-imagem na velhice

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    Este estudo investigou como o idoso constrói sua auto-imagem a partir da representação social da velhice. Foram realizadas sete entrevistas semi-estruturadas, com idosos de 72 a 91 anos, de ambos os sexos, diferentes classes sociais e diferentes graus de escolaridade, residentes em Porto Alegre e Grande Porto Alegre. As entrevistas abordaram as seguintes áreas de interesse: auto-imagem na velhice, representações sociais da velhice e vivências pessoais. Os resultados indicaram que existem duas possibilidades para a construção desta auto-imagem e ambas estão permeadas pela representação social que o outro tem da velhice

    Interventions conducted with groups of caregivers of elderly with dementia: a systematic review

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    Introduction: Brazil presents a vertiginous population growth in relation to the group of people aged 60 years or older. In this scenario, a high prevalence of chronic degenerative diseases that require care, including dementia, is identified. Objective: Identify and analyze studies that present model, feature, and results of non‑pharmacological interventions in informal caregivers of elderly people with dementia syndrome. Method: Articles were selected according to the methodology proposed by the Cochrane Handbook for Systematic Reviews in a search at the PubMed, LILACS and SciELO databases using the following descriptors: caregivers, elderly, intervention, and dementia. Results: Of the 1069 studies found, 38 articles were selected after application of the inclusion and exclusion criteria, and only 12 of them were included in the final analysis. Randomized studies with control group accounted for 58% (n = 07) of the analyzed articles, whereas studies classified as quasi-experimental were 42% (n = 05). It was also identified that 41.6% (n = 05) of the interventions were classified as Psycho-educational, 33.4% (n = 04) as Behavioral Cognitive Therapy actions, 16.6% (n = 02) as Psychosocial, and 8.4% (n = 01) as Mindfulness therapy. Conclusion: After evaluation of the articles, it was possible to conclude that most of the studies obtained significant results and contributed to reduce some aspects such as depression, stress, and physical and emotional overload, in addition to acquiring skills and knowledge about dementia syndrome. Thus, this study evidences the importance of conducting new research in this scenario

    Papilomatosis múltiple de la mama. A propósito de un caso

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    We present the case of a patient who comes to the Breast Oncology Surgery Service for presenting a small palpable lump in the right breast associated with nipple discharge. Mammography, breast ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging workup revealed multiple nodular lesions in the right breast associated with ductal ectasia that compromised a large volume of breast. A single lesion suspicious for malignancy, was found in the left breast. The clinical and imaging diagnosis was multiple papillomatosis, findings that were confirmed by percutaneous biopsies of the most representative nodules in the right breast and the single lesion in the left breast. The importance of presenting this case lies in the fact that, multiple papillomatosis is an infrequent pathology, considered a high-risk lesion, with the possibility of being associated with a malignant neoplasm or becoming malignant over time, and there is no defined consensus for its management and follow-up.Se presenta el caso de una paciente que acude al Servicio de Cirugía Oncológica de Mamas, por presentar un pequeño tumor palpable en mama derecha asociado a telorrea. En los exámenes diagnósticos de mamografía, ecografía mamaria y resonancia magnética, se evidenciaron múltiples lesiones nodulares en mama derecha asociados a ectasia ductal que comprometían gran parte del tejido glandular. En la mama izquierda se encontró una lesión única, sospechosa de malignidad.  El diagnóstico clínico y por imágenes fue de papilomatosis múltiple, hallazgos que fueron confirmados mediante biopsias percutáneas de los nódulos más representativos en mama derecha y de la lesión única de mama izquierda. La importancia de presentar este caso es porque la papilomatosis múltiple es una patología infrecuente, considerada como lesión de alto riesgo, con posibilidad de estar asociada a neoplasia maligna o a malignizarse en el tiempo, no habiendo un consenso definido para su manejo y seguimiento

    Papel protector del ácido fólico en un biomodelo de intoxicación alcohólica prenatal en ratas Wistar

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    Introduction: ethanol is a teratogenic agent and its excessive consumption represents a major worldwide health problem. Objective: to demonstrate the protective role of folic acid on the Central Nervous System and craniofacial dimensions in a biomodel of prenatal alcohol intoxication in Wistar rats.Methods: an experimental study with offspring of three groups of pregnant rats: without alcohol intoxication; with 5 ml of 40 % ethanol during gestation and with 5 ml of 40 % ethanol plus 200 µg/day of folic acid. The presence of meningocele, encephalocele and microcephaly was evaluated in the offspring and the craniofacial dimensions were measured. The comparison of proportions for independent samples, the Kruskal-Wallis test and a statistically significant risk association was estimated for an Odds-Ratio confidence interval not containing the unit.Results: supplementation with folic acid in pregnant rats with alcohol intoxication prevented the onset of encephalocele of the offspring, reduce the microcephaly, diminution of the biparietal diameter and the distance between the eyeballs, however the damage of the Central Nervous System could not completely avoided, and not prevent the reduction of the anteroposterior diameter or the nasal-ear pore distance.Conclusion: the biomodel demonstrated the toxic effect of ethanol and the protection of folic acid on the Central Nervous System and some craniofacial dimensions of the offspring. A higher dose of folic acid, than the one used in the research, could be recommended to achieve a better protection of the offspring.Introducción: El etanol es un agente teratógeno cuyo consumo excesivo representa un importante problema de salud a nivel mundial.Objetivo: Demostrar el papel protector del ácido fólico sobre el Sistema Nervioso Central y las dimensiones craneofaciales, en un biomodelo de intoxicación alcohólica prenatal en ratas Wistar.Métodos: Estudio experimental con crías de tres grupos de ratas gestantes: sin intoxicación alcohólica; con 5 ml de etanol al 40 % durante la gestación y con 5 ml de etanol al 40 % más 200 µg/día de ácido fólico. Se evaluó en las crías la presencia de meningocele, encefalocele y microcefalia, y se midieron las dimensiones craneofaciales. Se utilizó la comparación de proporciones para muestras independientes, la prueba de Kruskal-Wallis y se estimó una asociación de riesgo estadísticamente significativa para un intervalo de confianza del Odds-Ratio que no contenga la unidad.Resultados: La suplementación con ácido fólico en ratas gestantes con intoxicación alcohólica, evitó en las crías la aparición de encefalocele, redujo la microcefalia, la disminución del diámetro biparietal y de la distancia entre los globos oculares, sin embrago, no logró evitar totalmente los daños en el Sistema Nervioso Central, ni impedir la disminución del diámetro anteroposterior ni de la distancia poro nasal-oreja.Conclusión: El biomodelo demostró el efecto tóxico del etanol y la protección del ácido fólico sobre el Sistema Nervioso Central y algunas dimensiones craneofaciales de las crías. Una dosis superior de ácido fólico a la utilizada en el experimento, pudiera ser recomendada para lograr una mayor protección de la descendencia

    Educação e diversidade: a caçada antigênero e o caso da Escola Eccoprime

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    The objective of this paper is to analyze the construction of an anti-gender offensive by the educational institution Eccoprime, which operated in counterpoint to the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Transsexual and Intersex (LGBTI+) Pride month. We adopted a qualitative approach and made use of a documental and bibliographical research, which is methodologically anchored in content analysis, subsidized by the analysis of virtual social networks. As considerations, we identified that the advances of educational public policies regarding respect for diversity have been strongly opposed by a moralist, neoconservative and religious fundamentalist offensive.El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar la construcción de una ofensiva antigénero por parte de la institución educativa Eccoprime, que operó en contraposición al mes del Orgullo Lesbianas, Gays, Bisexuales, Travestis, Transexuales e Intersexuales (LGBTI+). Adoptamos un enfoque cualitativo y recurrimos a una investigación documental y bibliográfica, anclada metodológicamente en el análisis de contenido, subvencionado por el análisis de las redes sociales virtuales. Como consideraciones, identificamos que los avances de las políticas públicas educativas en materia de respeto a la diversidad han tenido una fuerte oposición por parte de una ofensiva moralista, neoconservadora y fundamentalista religiosa.O objetivo deste trabalho é de analisar a construção de uma ofensiva antigênero pela instituição educacional Eccoprime, que se operou em contraponto ao mês do Orgulho Lésbico, Gay, Bissexual, Travesti, Transexual e Intersexual (LGBTI+). Adotamos a abordagem qualitativa e nos valemos de uma pesquisa documental e bibliográfica, que se ancora metodologicamente na análise de conteúdo, subsidiada pela análise de redes sociais virtuais. Constatamos que os avanços de políticas públicas educacionais, no que se refere ao respeito à diversidade, têm sido fortemente combatidos por uma ofensiva moralista, neoconservadora e fundamentalista religiosa

    Functional anatomy of the sternoglossus muscle of the tamandua tetradactyla (linnaeus, 1758)

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    The lesser anteater (Tamandua tetradactyla) (Linnaeus, 1758) presents a feed mechanism triggered thanks to the synergistic activity of the extrinsic muscles related to it, with the example sternoglossus muscle. This paper proposes characterizing this muscle, considering the origins and insertions, and discussing the results compared to similar species studied. Five anteaters donated by ICMBio were used. The samples were subjected to dissection procedures for access to the thoracic cavity and visualization of the muscle. The sternoglossus muscle of the lesser anteater originates on the side of the xiphoid process and continues with two bundles of muscles in the cranial direction that join near the base of the tongue, as part of its constitution. During the course of the muscle there is no connection to the hyoid bone and adjacent structures, connecting the cranium to the tongue, which justifies the nomenclature sternoglossus rather than sternohyoglossus. Thus, the combined muscle characteristics demonstrate a specific aspect within the analyzed species and highlight the main function performed by the muscles to move the tongue out of the oral cavity. Therefore, the absence of this muscle makes impossible the animal feed, since its directly related to the seizure of food through tongue