252 research outputs found

    Orientation discrimination and contrast detection thresholds in migraine for cardinal and oblique angles

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    purpose. To determine whether orientation discrimination deficits in migraine, which have been found to depend on the spatial frequency of the stimulus, are due to precortical dysfunction or to abnormal patterns of orientation tuning at cortical loci. Further, to assess whether any cortical involvement is restricted to the striate cortex or whether higher cortical areas are also involved. Orientation-specific abnormalities would provide evidence of cortical dysfunction. methods. Orientation-discrimination and contrast-detection thresholds were assessed at cardinal (0°) and oblique (45°) orientations using explicit lines defined by Gabor patches. To test for extrastriate dysfunction, participants made orientation judgments using virtual lines defined by two widely spaced circles. Migraine history, migraine triggers, and pattern sensitivity were also assessed. Twenty migraineurs (10 with visual aura, 10 without) and 20 control participants were tested. results. Orientation-discrimination thresholds were lower for discriminations made about the cardinal axis than for discriminations made about the oblique axis, a well-documented phenomenon known as the oblique effect. Relative to the control group, the migraine group exhibited orientation-specific sensitivity losses on explicit and virtual judgments. Orientation-discrimination thresholds about the oblique axis were significantly elevated in the migraine group. In contrast, the migraine and control groups’ detection thresholds did not differ. conclusions. These findings reflect abnormal function of striate and extrastriate cortex in migraine. In addition, the discrimination data are consistent with wider orientation-tuning curves for orientation-sensitive cells in migraine, whereas the detection data suggest peak sensitivity does not differ between the groups

    A organização dos imigrantes brasileiros na Flórida, EUA

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    With three to four million Brazilians residing abroad, Brazil is currently considered as a country of emigration. Florida is home to one of the largest communities of nationals abroad, with between 300,000 and 400,000 Brazilians. This article aims to analyze the organization of Brazilian immigrants in the United States during the time period between 1995 and 2016. For this purpose, questionnaires were carried out; bibliographic research; and semi-structured interviews conducted during field research in Florida in September 2016. It was concluded that, with regard to the institutional organization of Brazilians in Florida, the following are relevant: ethnic periodicals; churches; and secular associations of and/or for Brazilians. Moreover, it has been found that, in the absence of a consistent policy of the Brazilian State for its nationals abroad, immigrants themselves organize themselves in defense of their own rights.Com três a quatro milhões de brasileiros residindo no exterior, o Brasil é atualmente considerado como um país de emigração. A Flórida abriga uma das maiores comunidades de nacionais no estrangeiro, com algo entre 300 mil e 400 mil brasileiros. Este artigo tem como objetivo analisar a organização dos imigrantes brasileiros no referido estado norte-americano durante o periodo de tempo compreendido entre 1995 a 2016. Para tanto, foram realizados: questionários; pesquisa bibliográfica; e entrevistas semi-estruturadas, realizadas durante pesquisa de campo na Flórida, em setembro de 2016. Concluiu-se que, no que se refere à organização institucional de brasileiros na Flórida, são relevantes: os periódicos étnicos; as igrejas; e as associações seculares de e/ou para brasileiros. Além do mais, verificou-se que, na ausência de uma política consistente do Estado brasileiro para seus nacionais no estrangeiro, os próprios imigrantes se organizam na defesa de seus próprios direitos

    A história das políticas do Brasil para sua diáspora científica e tecnológica

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    Nas últimas décadas, um número crescente de países em desenvolvimento tem considerado seus nacionais altamente qualificados que vivem no exterior como um potencial ativo para o desenvolvimento nacional. O presente artigo tem como objetivo analisar a história das políticas do Estado brasileiro para sua diáspora científica e tecnológica. Essas são abordadas com base, principalmente, em: pesquisa documental; consulta a sites de órgãos públicos; e, pesquisa bibliográfica. Argumenta-se que o Brasil tradicionalmente tem interpretado a emigração qualificada sob a perspectiva de “fuga de cérebros” e, portanto, demorou a olhar para a diáspora científica e tecnológica como uma eventual fonte de recursos. Essa mudança de paradigma ocorreu apenas nos anos 2010. No entanto, as políticas para a diáspora científica e tecnológica não fizeram parte de uma estratégia estatal unitária e coordenada e quase todas foram descontinuadas após poucos anos de vigência

    A evolução das políticas de vinculação da diáspora da Turquia (2003-2014)

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    Resumo Este artigo explica o repentino interesse da Turquia em implementar políticas de vinculação da diáspora durante o período em que Erdoğan ocupou o cargo de primeiro-ministro do país (2003-2014). Argumenta-se que a evolução dessas políticas foi resultado de uma combinação de fatores domésticos, transnacionais e internacionais: internamente, a ascensão do AKP ao poder resultou em reformas econômicas e políticas e na promoção de uma nova identidade nacional baseada no neo-otomanismo e no nacionalismo sunita-muçulmano. Transnacionalmente, a crescente influência socioeconômica e política das comunidades turcas nos países de abrigo instou a Turquia a reconsiderar a eficácia de sua diáspora como fonte de influência no exterior, bem como um eleitorado em eleições nacionais. Acontecimentos internacionais também moldaram a nova agenda diaspórica do país, como o aumento do poder de barganha vis-à-vis a UE desde o início dos anos 2000 e o aumento da islamofobia no pós-11 de setembro


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    Ontology alignment is a common and successful way to reduce the semantic heterogeneity among ontologies, relying on the application of similarity functions to decide whether a pair of entities from two input ontologies corresponds to each other. There are several similarity functions proposed in the literature capturing distinct and complementary perspectives, but the challenge is on how to combine their use. This paper presents a methodology to automatically learn a classifier that combines distinct string-based similarity functions for the ontology alignment task, through machine learning. The proposed approach was evaluated experimentally on sixteen scenarios defined on top of the Ontology Alignment Evaluation Initiative (OAEI).Ontology alignment is a common and successful way to reduce the semantic heterogeneity among ontologies, relying on the application of similarity functions to decide whether a pair of entities from two input ontologies corresponds to each other. There are several similarity functions proposed in the literature capturing distinct and complementary perspectives, but the challenge is on how to combine their use. This paper presents a methodology to automatically learn a classifier that combines distinct string-based similarity functions for the ontology alignment task, through machine learning. The proposed approach was evaluated experimentally on sixteen scenarios defined on top of the Ontology Alignment Evaluation Initiative (OAEI).O alinhamento de ontologias é uma estratégia comum e que tem sido aplicada com sucesso para reduzir a heterogeneidade semântica entre ontologias de um mesmo domínio. Durante o processo de alinhamento são consideradas diferentes funções de similaridade a fim de selecionar corretamente os pares de entidades correspondentes entre as duas ontologias sendo alinhadas. Existem diversas funções de similaridade, mas o desafio atual está em como combiná-las para gerar alinhamentos de melhor qualidade. Este trabalho apresenta uma metodologia para gerar um modelo classificador, que combina diferentes funções de similaridade baseadas em string no alinhamento de ontologias, por meio de aprendizado de máquina. A abordagem proposta foi avaliada experimentalmente em dezesseis cenários definidos sobre a Iniciativa de Avaliação de Alinhamento de Ontologias (OAEI)

    Controle social e desenvolvimento na perspectiva da Gestão Social e do Bem Viver: estudos de casos na Argentina, Brasil, Chile e Equador.

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    O objetivo deste trabalho é analisar quatro realidades, em regiões da Argentina, Brasil, Chile e Equador, problematizando os processos de controle social e desenvolvimento, refletindo sobre as intervenções humanas que ocorreram - a partir dos interesses contraditórios e das relações de poder que os configuravam –e,utilizando os  paradigmas do Bem Viver e da Gestão Social como referências. Para isso, além das pesquisas bibliográfica e documental, que resultaram no exame dos marcos legais e tradições políticas/culturais pertinentes à participação popular, adotou-se a Hermenêutica Dialética como método de estudo de casos, definidos pelas pesquisas de campo. A análise aponta para a consistência de uma crise sistêmica – econômica, social e ambiental – enraizada no desenvolvimentismo, extrativismo, financismo, racismo e patriarcalismo, onde o capitalismo apresenta extraordinária capacidade de se perpetuar,desequilibrando a natureza e estimulando a distopia. Neste cenário, nos intervalos dos recentes Governos Progressistas, se nota a dificuldade desses setores em promover, se não o rompimento com as amarras estabelecidas internacionalmente, pelo menos um rearranjo institucional e econômico, consistente, que apontasse para a desconstrução das iniquidades. Em decorrência dessa situação, observou-se que outros paradigmas alternativos, presentes em diferenciadas regiões do mundo, acrescentam dimensões peculiares aos referenciados - Bem Viver e Gestão Social- ampliando-se a possibilidade de estruturação de instrumentais teóricos com a perspectiva de intervenções políticas e sociais emancipadoras

    Bovine grafting : an effective alternative after curettage of benign bone tumors

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    We retrospectively reviewed 28 patients (15 women and 13 men) with benign bone tumors or pseudotumors treated with curettage and filling with freeze-dried bovine bone graft Orthogen (Baumer S/A, São Paulo, Brazil). The aim of the study was to evaluate the rate of incorporation of Orthogen into the host bone, as well as to describe the outcomes of bone healing (quality, time, and complications). General characteristics, tumor volume, size, site, complications, percent filled, and healing quality at 6 and 12 months were assessed through radiographs. Mean patient age was 20.5 (range 4.7-75.1) years. The most common lesion type was simple bone cyst (12/28), and the most common sites were the tibia (7/28) and humerus (7/28). There were no postoperative pathologic fractures. Two cases (7.1%) of serous fluid leakage through the wound occurred. Mean cavity volume was 20.1 (range 2.7-101.4) cm3. At 6 and 12 months, 75% and 77.8% of cavities, respectively, showed complete bone healing. At 12 months, 81% of cavities filled >90% with graft showed complete bone healing vs. only 19% of those filled <90%. Filling with bovine bone graft resulted in few complications and excellent healing after curettage of benign bone tumors or pseudotumors. Complete healing occurred in most cases by 12 months. Cavities with a higher percentage of filling had a higher rate of complete radiographic incorporation

    Multiple Myeloma (Part 2) - Update on The Approach to Bone Disease

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    Abstract The increase in life expectancy of the world population has led to a concomitant increase in the prevalence of multiple myeloma (MM), a disease that usually affects the elderly population. Bone lesions are frequent in patients with this condition, demanding an early approach, from drug treatment, through radiotherapy to orthopedic surgery (prophylactic or therapeutic) with the objective of preventing or delaying the occurrence of fracture, or, when this event has already occurred, treat it through stabilization or replacement (lesions located in the appendicular skeleton) and/or promote stabilization and spinal cord decompression (lesions located in the axial skeleton), providing rapid pain relief, return to ambulation and resocialization, returning quality of life to patients. The aim of this review isto update the reader on the findings of pathophysiology, clinical, laboratory and imaging, differential diagnosis and therapeutic approach of multiple myeloma multiple myeloma bone disease (MMBD)

    Social wasps (Hymenoptera, Polistinae) from the Brazilian savanna

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    The present study was developed aiming to evaluate the richness and biogeography of social wasp species in the Brazilian savanna, Cerrado. In order to do so, we gathered data from specialized literature and field samplings performed at Sempre-Vivas National Park, northeastern Minas Gerais state. 18 genera and 137 species were recorded, with 4 endemic species of the Mischocytiarus genus. The results showed that Cerrado houses 40% of Brazilian Polistinae fauna and that Sempre-Vivas National Park is responsible for around 29% of this value, which makes it an important refuge for conservation of social wasps from Cerrado, as well as Mato Grosso state, due to its large number of restricted occurrence and endemic species. Nonetheless, there are Brazilian states and conservation units still lacking information for the taxon, making a bigger sampling effort in the Cerrado biome necessary, as it has been rapidly deteriorating due to human action

    Social Wasps (Vespidae: Polistinae) from the Brazilian Atlantic Forest

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    This study was developed aiming to compile data concerning the occurrence and distribution of social wasp species from the Brazilian Atlantic Forest, as well as recording exclusive and rare species. For this purpose, we compiled studies from the specialized literature and created a table containing the species occurrence in the different states which present the phytogeographic domain. A total of 170 species was recorded, corresponding to almost a half of the richness of social wasps in Brazil, including 50 endemic, with highlight to Rio de Janeiro state, which nevertheless is insufficiently sampled. This way, from this work, it is concluded that Brazilian Atlantic Forest must be seen as an important refuge for Polistinae