19 research outputs found

    Música litúrgica a la Biblioteca de Catalunya I: Llibres de cant litúrgic manuscrits

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    La Biblioteca de Catalunya conserva un conjunt notable manuscrits litúrgics amb notació musical de diferents orígens i procedències. Per contribuir a la celebració del centenari de la Secció de Música, s'ofereix un catàleg dels llibres manuscrits en cant pla conservats a la Biblioteca, pensats tant per al seu ús a la missa com a l'ofici diví o en altre tipus de celebracions, des del segle XII fins al segle XIX. El catàleg es divideix en dues parts: una primera, el present treball, en què es descriuen els manuscrits solts ingressats per donatiu o per compra, i una segona, en un futur proper, en què es descriuran els manuscrits ingressats arran de la Guerra Civil.Va precedit per un estat de la qüestió sobre els projectes de catalogació de manuscrits litúrgics musicals i un breu resum sobre la col·lecció de la Biblioteca, i seguit per un índex onomàstic, toponímic i de tipologies.La Biblioteca de Catalunya holds a remarkable collection of liturgical music manuscripts, coming from diferent places and origins. In the centennial of its Music Department, a catalog of the manuscript music in Gregorian chant preserved in the Library has been dressed; it includes books compiled to be used in the mass and in the divin office, from the XIIth to the XIXth century. The catalog is divised in two parts: the present work, that describes manuscripts bequeathed, donated or bought by the Library, and a second one, that will describe the liturgical choir books entered in the Library during the Spanish Civil War. It is preceded by a state of the question in research and cataloging of medieval liturgical music and a brief explanation on the library collection, and followed by onomastical, toponymical and typology indexes

    Música litúrgica a la Biblioteca de Catalunya I: Llibres de cant litúrgic manuscrits

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    La Biblioteca de Catalunya conserva un conjunt notable manuscrits litúrgics amb notació musical de diferents orígens i procedències. Per contribuir a la celebració del centenari de la Secció de Música, s'ofereix un catàleg dels llibres manuscrits en cant pla conservats a la Biblioteca, pensats tant per al seu ús a la missa com a l'ofici diví o en altre tipus de celebracions, des del segle XII fins al segle XIX. El catàleg es divideix en dues parts: una primera, el present treball, en què es descriuen els manuscrits solts ingressats per donatiu o per compra, i una segona, en un futur proper, en què es descriuran els manuscrits ingressats arran de la Guerra Civil.Va precedit per un estat de la qüestió sobre els projectes de catalogació de manuscrits litúrgics musicals i un breu resum sobre la col·lecció de la Biblioteca, i seguit per un índex onomàstic, toponímic i de tipologies.La Biblioteca de Catalunya holds a remarkable collection of liturgical music manuscripts, coming from diferent places and origins. In the centennial of its Music Department, a catalog of the manuscript music in Gregorian chant preserved in the Library has been dressed; it includes books compiled to be used in the mass and in the divin office, from the XIIth to the XIXth century. The catalog is divised in two parts: the present work, that describes manuscripts bequeathed, donated or bought by the Library, and a second one, that will describe the liturgical choir books entered in the Library during the Spanish Civil War. It is preceded by a state of the question in research and cataloging of medieval liturgical music and a brief explanation on the library collection, and followed by onomastical, toponymical and typology indexes

    A Comparison of Neuroimaging Abnormalities in Multiple Sclerosis, Major Depression and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (Myalgic Encephalomyelitis): is There a Common Cause?

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    Effective connectivity of visual word recognition and homophone orthographic errors.

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    The study of orthographic errors in a transparent language like Spanish is an important topic in relation to writing acquisition. The development of neuroimaging techniques, particularly functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), has enabled the study of such relationships between brain areas. The main objective of the present study was to explore the patterns of effective connectivity by processing pseudohomophone orthographic errors among subjects with high and low spelling skills. Two groups of 12 Mexican subjects each, matched by age, were formed based on their results in a series of ad hoc spelling-related out-scanner tests: a high spelling skills (HSSs) group and a low spelling skills (LSSs) group. During the f MRI session, two experimental tasks were applied (spelling recognition task and visuoperceptual recognition task). Regions of Interest and their signal values were obtained for both tasks. Based on these values, structural equation models (SEMs) were obtained for each group of spelling competence (HSS and LSS) and task through maximum likelihood estimation, and the model with the best fit was chosen in each case. Likewise, dynamic causal models (DCMs) were estimated for all the conditions across tasks and groups. The HSS group's SEM results suggest that, in the spelling recognition task, the right middle temporal gyrus, and, to a lesser extent, the left parahippocampal gyrus receive most of the significant effects, whereas the DCM results in the visuoperceptual recognition task show less complex effects, but still congruent with the previous results, with an important role in several areas. In general, these results are consistent with the major findings in partial studies about linguistic activities but they are the first analyses of statistical effective brain connectivity in transparent languages

    Excavacions arqueològiques al monestir de Sant Pere de Rodes: primers resultats

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    Sobre els primers resultats de les excavacions arqueològiques al monestir de Sant Pere de Rode