1,621 research outputs found


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    Akute Gefäßerkrankungen in der Gastroenterologie

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    Zusammenfassung: Vaskulär-gastroenterologische Notfälle zählen zu den häufigen Krankheitsbildern auf internistischen und chirurgischen Notfallstationen. Die klinischen Konsequenzen reichen von trivialen bis zu lebensbedrohlichen Situationen. Nur eine frühzeitige Erkennung der Symptomenkomplexe und die Anwendung der adäquaten diagnostischen Mittel führen zur korrekten Diagnosestellung mit nachfolgend - möglicherweise lebensrettender - Therapie. Um die hohen Mortalitätsraten der akuten Mesenterialischämien (50%), aortoenterischen Fisteln (30-40%), Aneurysmen viszeraler Arterien (10-100%) sowie des Budd-Chiari-Syndroms weiter senken zu können, gewinnen neue Strategien mit endovaskulärem Therapieansatz zunehmend an Bedeutung und ersetzen teilweise über viele Jahrzehnte etablierte Diagnose- und Therapiealgorithmen. Diese Übersichtsarbeit soll einen Überblick über aktuelle Diagnostik- und Therapiekonzepte häufiger vaskulär-gastroenterologischer Notfälle verschaffe

    Comparative susceptibility of mosquito populations in North Queensland, Australia to oral infection with dengue virus.

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    Dengue is the most prevalent arthropod-borne virus, with at least 40% of the world's population at risk of infection each year. In Australia, dengue is not endemic, but viremic travelers trigger outbreaks involving hundreds of cases. We compared the susceptibility of Aedes aegypti mosquitoes from two geographically isolated populations to two strains of dengue virus serotype 2. We found, interestingly, that mosquitoes from a city with no history of dengue were more susceptible to virus than mosquitoes from an outbreak-prone region, particularly with respect to one dengue strain. These findings suggest recent evolution of population-based differences in vector competence or different historical origins. Future genomic comparisons of these populations could reveal the genetic basis of vector competence and the relative role of selection and stochastic processes in shaping their differences. Lastly, we show the novel finding of a correlation between midgut dengue titer and titer in tissues colonized after dissemination

    Spatio-Temporal Monitoring of Agricultural Land Use and Impacts on Soil Organic Carbon in Switzerland

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    Land use conversions between grass- and cropland strongly affect organic carbon stocks in agricultural soils. Thus, spatio-temporal knowledge of land use rotation practices is required for a sustainable agricultural management and to mitigate climate change through soil carbon sequestration. In this study, we present an agricultural monitoring system to obtain annual land use maps of grass- cropland distributions on the agricultural area in Switzerland. Furthermore, we aim to detect impacts on soil organic carbon stocks due to inter-annual land use dynamics within a 15-year period. We used the Landsat archive, terrain and climate variables to set up a Random Forest land use classifier across multiple years. We applied the model for each year from 2000 to 2015 and stacked the classification grids to obtain a map of spatially explicit land use sequences. Finally, we grouped the sequences in six classes of prevailing management practices and attributed soil organic carbon observations, which were recently collected across Switzerland. The classifier shows an overall accuracy of 86% and a Kappa of 0.72 using out-of-bag data for evaluation. The classifications were evaluated using model-free data, showing overall accuracies between 80%-100% and Kappa between 0.6-0.8. Approximately 50% of the agricultural area in Switzerland is subject to rotations between grass- and cropland. The mean soil organic carbon content of permanent grassland use amounts to 3.6%, while permanent cropland use shows a decreased content of 1.8%. Moreover, management practices with increasingly dominant grassland use show higher soil carbon contents (2.9%-3.1%) than the equivalent practices of dominant cropland (2%-2.1%)

    Ultrasound assessment of transversus abdominis muscle contraction ratio during abdominal hollowing: a useful tool to distinguish between patients with chronic low back pain and healthy controls?

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    Spine stabilisation exercises, in which patients are taught to preferentially activate the transversus abdominus (TrA) during "abdominal hollowing” (AH), are a popular treatment for chronic low back pain (cLBP). The present study investigated whether performance during AH differed between cLBP patients and controls to an extent that would render it useful diagnostic tool. 50patients with cLBP (46.3±12.5years) and 50healthy controls (43.6±12.7years) participated in this case-control study. They performed AH in hook-lying. Using M-mode ultrasound, thicknesses of TrA, and obliquus internus and externus were determined at rest and during 5s AH (5measures each body side). The TrA contraction-ratio (TrA-CR) (TrA contracted/rest) and the ability to sustain the contraction [standard deviation (SD) of TrA thickness during the stable phase of the hold] were investigated. There were no significant group differences for the absolute muscle thicknesses at rest or during AH, or for the SD of TrA thickness. There was a small but significant difference between the groups for TrA-CR: cLBP 1.35±0.14, controls 1.44±0.24 (p<0.05). However, Receiver Operator Characteristics (ROC) analysis revealed a poor and non-significant ability of TrA-CR to discriminate between cLBP patients and controls on an individual basis (ROC area under the curve, 0.60 [95% CI 0.495; 0.695], p=0.08). In the patient group, TrA-CR showed a low but significant correlation with Roland Morris score (Spearman Rho=0.328; p=0.02). In conclusion, the difference in group mean values for TrA-CR was small and of uncertain clinical relevance. Moreover, TrA-CR showed a poor ability to discriminate between control and cLBP subjects on an individual basis. We conclude that the TrA-CR during abdominal hollowing does not distinguish well between patients with chronic low back pain and healthy control

    Barrier and internal wave contributions to the quantum probability density and flux in light heavy-ion elastic scattering

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    We investigate the properties of the optical model wave function for light heavy-ion systems where absorption is incomplete, such as α+40\alpha + ^{40}Ca and α+16\alpha + ^{16}O around 30 MeV incident energy. Strong focusing effects are predicted to occur well inside the nucleus, where the probability density can reach values much higher than that of the incident wave. This focusing is shown to be correlated with the presence at back angles of a strong enhancement in the elastic cross section, the so-called ALAS (anomalous large angle scattering) phenomenon; this is substantiated by calculations of the quantum probability flux and of classical trajectories. To clarify this mechanism, we decompose the scattering wave function and the associated probability flux into their barrier and internal wave contributions within a fully quantal calculation. Finally, a calculation of the divergence of the quantum flux shows that when absorption is incomplete, the focal region gives a sizeable contribution to nonelastic processes.Comment: 16 pages, 15 figures. RevTeX file. To appear in Phys. Rev. C. The figures are only available via anonynous FTP on ftp://umhsp02.umh.ac.be/pub/ftp_pnt/figscat

    The Palomar Testbed Interferometer

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    The Palomar Testbed Interferometer (PTI) is a long-baseline infrared interferometer located at Palomar Observatory, California. It was built as a testbed for interferometric techniques applicable to the Keck Interferometer. First fringes were obtained in July 1995. PTI implements a dual-star architecture, tracking two stars simultaneously for phase referencing and narrow-angle astrometry. The three fixed 40-cm apertures can be combined pair-wise to provide baselines to 110 m. The interferometer actively tracks the white-light fringe using an array detector at 2.2 um and active delay lines with a range of +/- 38 m. Laser metrology of the delay lines allows for servo control, and laser metrology of the complete optical path enables narrow-angle astrometric measurements. The instrument is highly automated, using a multiprocessing computer system for instrument control and sequencing.Comment: ApJ in Press (Jan 99) Fig 1 available from http://huey.jpl.nasa.gov/~bode/ptiPicture.html, revised duging copy edi

    High level of conservation between genes coding for the GAMYB transcription factor in barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) and bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) collections

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    The transcription factor GAMYB is involved in gibberellin signalling in cereal aleurone cells and in plant developmental processes. Nucleotide diversity of HvGAMYB and TaGAMYB was investigated in 155 barley (Hordeum vulgare) and 42 wheat (Triticum aestivum) accessions, respectively. Polymorphisms defined 18 haplotypes in the barley collection and 1, 7 and 3 haplotypes for the A, B, and D genomes of wheat, respectively. We found that (1) Hv- and TaGAMYB genes have identical structures. (2) Both genes show a high level of nucleotide identity (>95%) in the coding sequences and the distribution of polymorphisms is similar in both collections. At the protein level the functional domain is identical in both species. (3) GAMYB genes map to a syntenic position on chromosome 3. GAMYB genes are different in both collections with respect to the Tajima D statistic and linkage disequilibrium (LD). A moderate level of LD was observed in the barley collection. In wheat, LD is absolute between polymorphic sites, mostly located in the first intron, while it decays within the gene. Differences in Tajima D values might be due to a lower selection pressure on HvGAMYB, compared to its wheat orthologue. Altogether our results provide evidence that there have been only few evolutionary changes in Hv- and TaGAMYB. This confirms the close relationship between these species and also highlights the functional importance of this transcription factor

    New criteria for the molecular identification of cereal grains associated with archaeological artefacts.

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    The domestication and transmission of cereals is one of the most fundamental components of early farming, but direct evidence of their use in early culinary practices and economies has remained frustratingly elusive. Using analysis of a well-preserved Early Bronze Age wooden container from Switzerland, we propose novel criteria for the identification of cereal residues. Using gas chromatography mass spectrometry (GC-MS), we identified compounds typically associated with plant products, including a series of phenolic lipids (alkylresorcinols) found only at appreciable concentration in wheat and rye bran. The value of these lipids as cereal grain biomarkers were independently corroborated by the presence of macrobotanical remains embedded in the deposit, and wheat and rye endosperm peptides extracted from residue. These findings demonstrate the utility of a lipid-based biomarker for wheat and rye bran and offer a methodological template for future investigations of wider range of archaeological contexts. Alkylresorcinols provide a new tool for residue analysis which can help explore the spread and exploitation of cereal grains, a fundamental component of the advent and spread of farming

    The ρ(1S,2S)\rho(1S,2S), ψ(1S,2S)\psi(1S,2S), Υ(1S,2S)\Upsilon(1S,2S) and ψt(1S,2S)\psi_t(1S,2S) mesons in a double pole QCD Sum Rule

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    We use the method of double pole QCD sum rule which is basically a fit with two exponentials of the correlation function, where we can extract the masses and decay constants of mesons as a function of the Borel mass. We apply this method to study the mesons: ρ(1S,2S)\rho(1S,2S), ψ(1S,2S)\psi(1S,2S), Υ(1S,2S)\Upsilon(1S,2S) and ψt(1S,2S)\psi_t(1S,2S). We also present predictions for the toponiuns masses ψt(1S,2S)\psi_t(1S,2S) of m(1S)=357 GeV and m(2S)=374 GeV.Comment: 14 pages, 11 figures in Braz J Phys (2016