291 research outputs found

    Gastrointestinal neuromuscular apparatus: An underestimated target of gut microbiota

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    Over the last few years, the importance of the resident intestinal microbiota in the pathogenesis of several gastro- intestinal diseases has been largely investigated. Growing evidence suggest that microbiota can influence gastro- intestinal motility. The current working hypothesis is that dysbiosis-driven mucosal alterations induce the production of several inflammatory/immune mediators which affect gut neuro-muscular functions. Besides these indirect mucosal-mediated effects, the present review highlights that recent evidence suggests that microbiota can directly affect enteric nerves and smooth muscle cells functions through its metabolic products or bacterial molecular components translocated from the intestinal lumen. Toll- like receptors, the bacterial recognition receptors, are expressed both on enteric nerves and smooth muscle and are emerging as potential mediators between microbiota and the enteric neuromuscular apparatus. Furthermore, the ongoing studies on probiotics support the hypothesis that the neuromuscular apparatus may represent a target of intervention, thus opening new physiopathological and therapeutic scenarios

    Metabolic Effects of an Oral Glucose Tolerance Test Compared to the Mixed Meal Tolerance Tests: A Narrative Review

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    The oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) is recommended for assessing abnormalities in glucose homeostasis. Recognised as the gold standard test for diagnosing diabetes, the OGTT provides useful information about glucose tolerance. However, it does not replicate the process of absorption and digestion of complex foods, such as that which occurs with a mixed meal tolerance test (MMTT), an alternative that is still not well explored in the diagnosis of metabolic alterations. The MMTT could be an asset in detecting glucose homeostasis disorders, including diabetes since it has more similarities to the common dietary pattern, allowing early detection of subtle changes in metabolic homeostasis in response to combined nutrients. This alternative has the advantage of being more tolerable and pleasant to patients since it induces a more gradual increase in blood glucose, thus reducing the risk of rebound hypoglycemia and other related complications. The present article reviewed the clinical data available regarding the possibility of screening or diagnosing altered glucose homeostasis, including type 2 diabetes mellitus, with the MMTT

    Linking dietary intake, circadian biomarkers, and clock genes on obesity: A study protocol

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    BackgroundThe prevalence of obesity continues to rise, and although this is a complex disease, the screening is made simply with the value of the Body Mass Index. This index only considers weight and height, being limited in portraying the multiple existing obesity phenotypes. The characterization of the chronotype and circadian system as an innovative phenotype of a patient's form of obesity is gaining increasing importance for the development of novel and pinpointed nutritional interventions. ObjectiveThe present study is a prospective observational controlled study conducted in Portugal, aiming to characterize the chronotype and determine its relation to the phenotype and dietary patterns of patients with obesity and healthy participants. MethodsAdults with obesity (study group) and healthy adults (control group), aged between 18 and 75, will be enrolled in this study. Data will be collected to characterize the chronotype, dietary intake, and sleep quality through validated questionnaires. Body composition will also be assessed, and blood samples will be collected to quantify circadian and metabolic biomarkers. DiscussionThis study is expected to contribute to a better understanding of the impact of obesity and dietary intake on circadian biomarkers and, therefore, increase scientific evidence to help future therapeutic interventions based on chronobiology, with a particular focus on nutritional interventions

    mHealth Applications to Monitor Lifestyle Behaviors and Circadian Rhythm in Clinical Settings: Current Perspective and Future Directions

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    Metabolic diseases are a global rising health burden, mainly due to the deleterious interaction of current lifestyles with the underlying biology of these diseases. Daily habits and behaviors, such as diet, sleep, and physical exercise impact the whole-body circadian system through the synchronization of the peripheral body clocks that contribute to metabolic homeostasis. The disruption of this system may promote the development of metabolic diseases, including obesity and diabetes, emphasizing the importance of assessing and monitoring variables that affect circadian rhythms. Advances in technology are generating innovative resources and tools for health care management and patient monitoring, particularly important for chronic conditions. The use of mobile health technologies, known as mHealth, is increasing and these approaches are contributing to aiding both patients and healthcare professionals in disease management and education. The mHealth solutions allow continuous monitoring of patients, sharing relevant information and data with physicians and other healthcare professionals and accessing education resources to support informed decisions. Thus, if properly used, these tools empower patients and help them to adopt healthier lifestyles. This article aims to give an overview of the influence of circadian rhythms disruption and lifestyle habits in the progression of metabolic diseases while also reviewing some of the mobile applications available to monitor lifestyle behaviors and individual chronobiology. Herein is also described the design and development of the NutriClock system, an mHealth solution developed by our team to monitor these variables

    Flux moduli stabilisation, Supergravity algebras and no-go theorems

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    We perform a complete classification of the flux-induced 12d algebras compatible with the set of N=1 type II orientifold models that are T-duality invariant, and allowed by the symmetries of the T^6/(Z_2 x Z_2) isotropic orbifold. The classification is performed in a type IIB frame, where only H_3 and Q fluxes are present. We then study no-go theorems, formulated in a type IIA frame, on the existence of Minkowski/de Sitter (Mkw/dS) vacua. By deriving a dictionary between the sources of potential energy for the three moduli (S, T and U) in types IIA and IIB, we are able to combine algebra results and no-go theorems. The outcome is a systematic procedure for identifying phenomenologically viable models where Mkw/dS vacua may exist. We present a complete table of the allowed algebras and the viability of their resulting scalar potential, and we point at the models which stand any chance of producing a fully stable vacuum.Comment: Version published in JHE

    Charting the landscape of N=4 flux compactifications

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    We analyse the vacuum structure of isotropic Z_2 x Z_2 flux compactifications, allowing for a single set of sources. Combining algebraic geometry with supergravity techniques, we are able to classify all vacua for both type IIA and IIB backgrounds with arbitrary gauge and geometric fluxes. Surprisingly, geometric IIA compactifications lead to a unique theory with four different vacua. In this case we also perform the general analysis allowing for sources compatible with minimal supersymmetry. Moreover, some relevant examples of type IIB non-geometric compactifications are studied. The computation of the full N=4 mass spectrum reveals the presence of a number of non-supersymmetric and nevertheless stable AdS_4 vacua. In addition we find a novel dS_4 solution based on a non-semisimple gauging.Comment: Minor corrections and references added. Version published in JHE

    Moduli Stabilization and Cosmology of Type IIB on SU(2)-Structure Orientifolds

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    We consider type IIB flux compactifications on six-dimensional SU(2)-structure manifolds with O5- and O7-planes. These six-dimensional spaces allow not only for F_3 and H_3 fluxes but also for F_1 and F_5 fluxes. We derive the four-dimensional N=1 scalar potential for such compactifications and present one explicit example of a fully stabilized AdS vacuum with large volume and small string coupling. We then discuss cosmological aspects of these compactifications and derive several no-go theorems that forbid dS vacua and slow-roll inflation under certain conditions. We also study concrete examples of cosets and twisted tori and find that our no-go theorems forbid dS vacua and slow-roll inflation in all but one of them. For the latter we find a dS critical point with \epsilon numerically zero. However, the point has two tachyons and eta-parameter \eta \approx -3.1.Comment: 35 pages + appendices, LaTeX2e; v2: numerical dS extremum added, typos corrected, references adde

    Exceptional Flux Compactifications

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    We consider type II (non-)geometric flux backgrounds in the absence of brane sources, and construct their explicit embedding into maximal gauged D=4 supergravity. This enables one to investigate the critical points, mass spectra and gauge groups of such backgrounds. We focus on a class of type IIA geometric vacua and find a novel, non-supersymmetric and stable AdS vacuum in maximal supergravity with a non-semisimple gauge group. Our construction relies on a non-trivial mapping between SL(2) x SO(6,6) fluxes, SU(8) mass spectra and gaugings of E7(7) subgroups.Comment: 51 pages, 2 figures and 4 tables. v3: change of SO(6,6) spinorial conventions, published versio

    OPN/CD44v6 overexpression in laryngeal dysplasia and correlation with clinical outcome

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    Laryngeal dysplasia is a common clinical concern. Despite major advancements, a significant number of patients with this condition progress to invasive squamous cell carcinoma. Osteopontin (OPN) is a secreted glycoprotein, whose expression is markedly elevated in several types of cancers. We explored OPN as a candidate biomarker for laryngeal dysplasia. To this aim, we examined OPN expression in 82 cases of dysplasia and in hyperplastic and normal tissue samples. OPN expression was elevated in all severe dysplasia samples, but not hyperplastic samples, with respect to matched normal mucosa. OPN expression levels correlated positively with degree of dysplasia (P=0.0094) and negatively with disease-free survival (P<0.0001). OPN expression was paralleled by cell surface reactivity for CD44v6, an OPN functional receptor. CD44v6 expression correlated negatively with disease-free survival, as well (P=0.0007). Taken as a whole, our finding identify OPN and CD44v6 as predictive markers of recurrence or aggressiveness in laryngeal intraepithelial neoplasia, and overall, point out an important signalling complex in the evolution of laryngeal dysplasia
