7 research outputs found


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    O melhoramento avícola apresenta constantes desenvolvimentos científicos e tecnológicos, integração de mercados e acirrada competição econômica. Em segmentos desta natureza, as informações tornam-se cada vez mais necessárias para auxiliar as estratégias de PD&I. Assim, este estudo utiliza informações tecnológicas (patentárias, científicas e de mercado) para o monitoramento da área biotecnológica aplicada ao melhoramento de frangos de corte, especificamente genes para composição de carcaça. De acordo com os resultados, a utilização de genômica para seleção de frangos de corte via genes de composição para carcaça é um tema ainda incipiente e recente, sendo a China e os Estados Unidos os países com maior contribuição. Universidades e institutos de P&D são as organizações que apresentam mais trabalhos na área e as empresas privadas tem programas de melhoramento não divulgados. As técnicas de biotecnologia têm sido incorporadas aos programas de melhoramento lentamente e possivelmente nos próximos anos seja utilizada em larga escala

    Putative Epigenetic Biomarkers of Stress in Red Blood Cells of Chickens Reared Across Different Biomes

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    Production animals are constantly subjected to early adverse environmental conditionsthat influence the adult phenotype and produce epigenetic effects. CpG dinucleotidemethylation in red blood cells (RBC) could be a useful epigenetic biomarker to identifyanimals subjected to chronic stress in the production environment. Here we compareda reduced fraction of the RBC methylome of chickens exposed to social isolation tonon-exposed. These experiments were performed in two different locations: Brazil andSweden. The aim was to identify stress-associated DNA methylation profiles in RBC across these populations, in spite of the variable conditions to which birds are exposedin each facility and their different lineages. Birds were increasingly exposed to a socialisolation treatment, combined with food and water deprivation, at random periods of theday from weeks 1–4 after hatching. We then collected the RBC DNA from individualsand compared a reduced fraction of their methylome between the experimental groupsusing two bioinformatic approaches to identify differentially methylated regions (DMRs):one using fixed-size windows and another that preselected differential peaks with MACS2. Three levels of significance were used (P ≤ 0.05, P ≤ 0.005, and P ≤ 0.0005) to identify DMRs between experimental groups, which were then used for differentanalyses. With both of the approaches more DMRs reached the defined significancethresholds in BR individuals compared to SW. However, more DMRs had higher foldchange values in SW compared to BR individuals. Interestingly, ChrZ was enrichedabove expectancy for the presence of DMRs. Additionally, when analyzing the locationsof these DMRs in relation to the transcription starting site (TSS), we found threepeaks with high DMR presence: 10 kb upstream, the TSS itself, and 20–40 kbdownstream. Interestingly, these peaks had DMRs with a high presence (>50%) ofspecific transcription factor binding sites. Three overlapping DMRs were found betweenthe BR and SW population using the most relaxed p-value (P ≤ 0.05). With the most stringent p-value (P ≤ 0.0005), we found 7 and 4 DMRs between treatmentsin the BR and SW populations, respectively. This study is the first approximation toidentify epigenetic biomarkers of long-term exposure to stress in different lineages ofproduction animals

    Identification of endogenous normalizing genes for expression studies in inguinal ring tissue for scrotal hernias in pigs.

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    The use of reference genes is required for relative quantification in gene expression analysis and since the stability of these genes could be variable depending on the experimental design, it has become indispensable to test the reliability of endogenous genes. Therefore, this study evaluated 10 reference candidate genes in two different experimental conditions in order to obtain stable genes to be used as reference in expression studies related to scrotal hernias in pigs. Two independent experiments were performed: one with 30 days-old MS115 pigs and the other with 60 days-old Landrace pigs. The inguinal ring/canal was collected, frozen and further submitted to real-time PCR analysis (qPCR). For the reference genes stability evaluation, four tools were used: GeNorm in the SLqPCR, BestKeeper, NormFinder and Comparative CT. A general ranking was generated using the BruteAggreg function of R environment. In this study, the RPL19 was one of the most reliable endogenous genes for both experiments. The breed/age effects influenced the expression stability of candidate reference genes evaluated in the inguinal ring of pigs. Therefore, this study reinforces the importance of evaluating the stability of several endogenous genes previous their use, since a consensual set of reference genes is not easily obtained. Here, two sets of genes are recommended: RPL19, RPL32 and H3F3A for 30-days MS115 and PPIA and RPL19 for the 60 days-old Landrace pigs. This is the first study using the inguinal ring tissue and the results can be useful as an indicative for other studies working with gene expression in this tissue

    Transcriptome analysis identifies genes involved with the development of umbilical hernias in pigs.

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    Umbilical hernia (UH) is one of the most frequent defects affecting pig production, however, it also affects humans and other mammals. UH is characterized as an abnormal protrusion of the abdominal contents to the umbilical region, causing pain, discomfort and reduced performance in pigs. Some genomic regions associated to UH have already been identified, however, no study involving RNA sequencing was performed when umbilical tissue is considered. Therefore, here, we have sequenced the umbilical ring transcriptome of five normal and five UH-affected pigs to uncover genes and pathways involved with UH development. A total of 13,216 transcripts were expressed in the umbilical ring tissue. From those, 230 genes were differentially expressed (DE) between normal and UH-affected pigs (FDR <0.05), being 145 downregulated and 85 upregulated in the affected compared to the normal pigs. A total of 68 significant biological processes were identified and the most relevant were extracellular matrix, immune system, anatomical development, cell adhesion, membrane components, receptor activation, calcium binding and immune synapse. The results pointed out ACAN, MMPs, COLs, EPYC, VIT, CCBE1 and LGALS3 as strong candidates to trigger umbilical hernias in pigs since they act in the extracellular matrix remodeling and in the production, integrity and resistance of the collagen. We have generated the first transcriptome of the pig umbilical ring tissue, which allowed the identification of genes that had not yet been related to umbilical hernias in pigs. Nevertheless, further studies are needed to identify the causal mutations, SNPs and CNVs in these genes to improve our understanding of the mechanisms of gene regulation

    Inguinal Ring RNA Sequencing Reveals Downregulation of Muscular Genes Related to Scrotal Hernia in Pigs

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    Scrotal hernias (SH) are common congenital defects in commercial pigs, characterized by the presence of abdominal contents in the scrotal sac, leading to considerable production and animal welfare losses. Since the etiology of SH remains obscure, we aimed to identify the biological and genetic mechanisms involved in its occurrence through the whole transcriptome analysis of SH affected and unaffected pigs&rsquo; inguinal rings. From the 22,452 genes annotated in the pig reference genome, 13,498 were expressed in the inguinal canal tissue. Of those, 703 genes were differentially expressed (DE, FDR &lt; 0.05) between the two groups analyzed being, respectively, 209 genes upregulated and 494 downregulated in the SH-affected group. Thirty-seven significantly overrepresented GO terms related to SH were enriched, and the most relevant biological processes were muscular system, cell differentiation, sarcome reorganization, and myofibril assembly. The calcium signaling, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, dilated cardiomyopathy, and cardiac muscle contraction were the major pathways possibly involved in the occurrence of the scrotal hernias. The expression profile of the DE genes was associated with the reduction of smooth muscle differentiation, followed by low calcium content in the cell, which could lead to a decreased apoptosis ratio and diminished muscle contraction of the inguinal canal region. We have demonstrated that genes involved with musculature are closely linked to the physiological imbalance predisposing to scrotal hernia. According to our study, the genes MYBPC1, BOK, SLC25A4, SLC8A3, DES, TPM2, MAP1CL3C, and FGF1 were considered strong candidates for future evaluation

    Multi-omics data elucidate parasite-host-microbiota interactions and resistance to Haemonchus contortus in sheep

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    Abstract Background The integration of molecular data from hosts, parasites, and microbiota can enhance our understanding of the complex biological interactions underlying the resistance of hosts to parasites. Haemonchus contortus, the predominant sheep gastrointestinal parasite species in the tropics, causes significant production and economic losses, which are further compounded by the diminishing efficiency of chemical control owing to anthelmintic resistance. Knowledge of how the host responds to infection and how the parasite, in combination with microbiota, modulates host immunity can guide selection decisions to breed animals with improved parasite resistance. This understanding will help refine management practices and advance the development of new therapeutics for long-term helminth control. Methods Eggs per gram (EPG) of feces were obtained from Morada Nova sheep subjected to two artificial infections with H. contortus and used as a proxy to select animals with high resistance or susceptibility for transcriptome sequencing (RNA-seq) of the abomasum and 50 K single-nucleotide genotyping. Additionally, RNA-seq data for H. contortus were generated, and amplicon sequence variants (ASV) were obtained using polymerase chain reaction amplification and sequencing of bacterial and archaeal 16S ribosomal RNA genes from sheep feces and rumen content. Results The heritability estimate for EPG was 0.12. GAST, GNLY, IL13, MGRN1, FGF14, and RORC genes and transcripts were differentially expressed between resistant and susceptible animals. A genome-wide association study identified regions on chromosomes 2 and 11 that harbor candidate genes for resistance, immune response, body weight, and adaptation. Trans-expression quantitative trait loci were found between significant variants and differentially expressed transcripts. Functional co-expression modules based on sheep genes and ASVs correlated with resistance to H. contortus, showing enrichment in pathways of response to bacteria, immune and inflammatory responses, and hub features of the Christensenellaceae, Bacteroides, and Methanobrevibacter genera; Prevotellaceae family; and Verrucomicrobiota phylum. In H. contortus, some mitochondrial, collagen-, and cuticle-related genes were expressed only in parasites isolated from susceptible sheep. Conclusions The present study identified chromosome regions, genes, transcripts, and pathways involved in the elaborate interactions between the sheep host, its gastrointestinal microbiota, and the H. contortus parasite. These findings will assist in the development of animal selection strategies for parasite resistance and interdisciplinary approaches to control H. contortus infection in sheep. Graphical Abstrac