54 research outputs found

    Corallium rubrum

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    Existen 31 especies descritas de la familia Corallidae (corales rojos y rosas) asignadas a dos géneros diferentes: Corallium y Paracorallium . Casi todas ellas son de aguas profundas y la mayoría se distribuyen por los océanos Índico y Pacífico. En el Atlántico oriental además de C. rubrum se conocen otras dos especies: C. niobe Bayer, 1964, descrita en el área caribeña pero que también está presente desde el Golfo de Vizcaya hasta las costas de Marruecos, y C. tricolor Jonson, 1899, sólo conocida en Madeira y CanariasPeer Reviewe

    Population status of the endangered limpet Patella ferruginea (Mollusca: Patellidae) in the Peñón de Vélez de la Gomera (south-west Mediterranean Sea)

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    The population of the endangered limpet Patella ferruginea in the Peñón de Vélez de la Gomera, a small Spanish peninsula located on the North African coast (south-west Mediterranean) was evaluated by surveys carried out in June and October 2012. Overall, 567 specimens were recorded along the entire coastline (about 1320 m) of this enclave (169 individuals measured >30 mm in maximum diameter of the shell, likely adults, and 398 specimens were <30 mm, likely immature individuals). In this site an average 0.13 adults/m was registered, and the maximum density observed was 0.90 adults/m in some zones. This points out the importance of this enclave among the present known populations existing in Spanish territories of this highly endangered limpet, but particularly highlights the role of the adjacent North African coastal protected areas in the conservation of this speciesOur work has been partly funded by the project ‘Action plan for Proposals viability of the endangered limpet, Patella ferruginea ’ (Project Zero—Endangered Species of the Fundacion General CSIC)Peer Reviewe

    Filling gaps: closing the life cycle of the endangered Mediterranean limpet Patella ferruginea Gmelin, 1791 (Gastropoda, Patellidae)

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    Several reproductive issues and the larval development of the ferruginous limpet, Patella ferruginea Gmelin, 1791, an endangered species endemic from the western Mediterranean Sea, were studied to fill gaps in the knowledge of its life cycle. Average diameter of mature oocytes was 141.83 μm and mean oocyte density in the ovary was 283,800 oocytes/gram. No significant correlations were found between both oocyte diameter or density and female shell length. Female fecundity (number of oocytes per gonad) was significantly correlated with shell length and varied between 189,200 oocytes in a 40.0 mm female and 5,019,200 oocytes in an 86.4 mm female. However, there was considerable variability, in particular for largest females. Spawning induction was not achieved using usual molluscan aquaculture methods. Thus, oocytes obtained after dissection of females were used for fertilizations trials. Alkalinization treatments of seawater were used to test improvement in oocyte maturation and later fertilization rates. Treatment at pH 9 during 2 h produced the highest increase in the percentage of mature oocytes and in the fertilization rate; but these results showed high variability and were mainly significant when the initial degree of maturation was low. Sperm concentration experiments determined that best in vitro fertilization were performed at 105 and 5×105 spermatozoids/ml. The sequence and timing of the complete larval development of Patella ferruginea in laboratory conditions is described and illustrated here for the first time. At 20 °C, larvae became competent for metamorphosis 3 days after fertilization, but some crawling pediveliger larvae with a still well developed velum were found even 7 days after fertilization. Recruits 1-2 mm in length were achieved in low numbers from two of the last assays and were first detected between 131-141 days after fertilization. The resulting juveniles were monitored during two years and sex determination of five survivors at the end of this period showed that two were mature males, two mature females and one indeterminate. Our results show that the main reproductive traits or larval development of P. ferruginea hardly differ from those of other non-endangered Mediterranean or NE Atlantic limpet species. Therefore, its decline cannot be mainly attributed to some constraints of these traits as was previously suggested, but to human impact. On the other hand, it is feasible to complete the life cycle of this species in laboratory conditions, from fertilized eggs to mature individuals. However, an important part of the process like spawning induction was not achieved as gonads needed to be dissected fatally from females, although sperm could be obtained from males through non-lethal biopsies. At present, large-scale aquaculture production for reintroduction, restocking or stock enhancement purposes is neither possible nor an advisable conservation tool yet. Further study is required and meanwhile, an appropriate design of a network of effectively protected marine areas that ensures connectivity among extant populations is necessary.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Regenerative endodontic procedure combined with apical surgery of a necrotic permanent incisor with extensive periapical lesion using plasma rich in growth factors (PRGF) : a case report with 6 years post-op evaluation using CBCT

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    The aim of this case report is to describe the step-by step and outcomes of a treatment approach which simultaneously combines a Regenerative Endodontic Procedure (REP) and apical surgery using PRGF as treatment of a post-traumatic necrotic permanent cen

    Atlas Digital Escolar: aprender Geografía con ArcGIS Online

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    La introducción de las Nuevas Tecnologías de la Información y, en particular, de los Tecnologías de Información Geográfica (TIG), en la vida cotidiana y en la misma percepción del contexto social en que se desenvuelven las personas, está planteando la necesidad de que esas tecnologías ocupen un espacio en los currículos formativos y a que se utilicen en los procesos de enseñanza-aprendizaje, especialmente en las asignaturas de Geografía de la Educación Secundaria Obligatoria y el Bachillerato. Con el presente trabajo presentamos un nuevo recurso didáctico como es el Atlas Digital Escolar basado en la plataforma ArcGIS Online

    La oficina de conservación y rehabilitación de la ciudad histórica de Santiago 1994-2001

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    The Prize U'N. HABITAT Dubai 2002 of Good Practices offered to Santiago of Compostela by the "Protection and rehabilitation of the historic city and integration with its natural environment " was collected by the Mayor Xosé Sánchez Bugallo and by Vice-Mayor responsible for the historic city Encarna Otero. and is an extra ordinary recognition to the cooperation and supportive work carried out during more than one decade by citizens, town planners, builders, political and others social agents with the objective to recover its Historic City. The indispensable implication coordinated in the project of the different competent administrations, the Spanish Stat e, the Xunta of Galicia and the City Hall . was possible thanks to the creation of a stable entity of cooperation, the Consortium of the City, prompted by the Real Patronage of Santiago de Compostela. N° 439 of Informes de la Construcción september/october1995 dedicated monographically to Santiago, closed with an article in which the young Office of Conservation and Rehabilitation of the Historic City. already created in 1994. was presented. Since then the effort carried out for the rehabilitation of the historic city between 1994 and 200 I deserved the international recognition with the Prize Europe Nostra 1996 . the Prize Gubbio 1996 of the Historic Association of Centers of Italy, the European Prize 01 Town planning 199 7/1998 of the European Commission, the Prize Tower Guinigi 2001 and the referred Prize Dubai 2002 of Good Practices. In the article that now is presented. elaborate jointly by the architects that from the beginings of the Office 01 Conservation and Rehabilitation developed the programs 01 rehabilitation under the technical direction 01Javier Ramos. a brief review is done of the different concepts. instruments 01 management al' reflections that have fed in practice daily the urban process of recovery the Patrimony of the Humanity inhabited that it represents Compostela.El Premio U.N. HABITAT Dubai 2002 de Buenas Prácticas otorgado por la Organización de Naciones Unidas a Santiago de Compostela por la "Protección y rehabilitación de la ciudad histórica e integración con su entorno natural " fue recogido por el Alcalde Xosé Sánchez Bugallo y por la Concejala responsable de la ciudad histórica Encarna Otero. y es un magnífico reconocimiento a la cooperación y al trabajo solidario realizado durante más de una década por ciudadanos, urbanistas . técnicos. constructores . políticos y demás agentes sociales con el objetivo de recuperar su Ciudad Histórica. La imprescindible implicación coordinada en el proyecto de las diferentes administraciones competentes. el Estado español. la Xunta de Galicia y el Ayuntamiento. fue posible gracias a la creación de un ente estable de cooperación. el Consorcio de la Ciudad. impulsado por el Real Patronato de Santiago de Compostela. El n° 439 de Informes de la Construcción de septiembre/octubre de 1995 dedicado monográficamente a Santiago. se cerraba con un artículo en el que se presentaba la joven Oficina Municipal de Conservación y Rehabilitación de la Ciudad Histórica creada en 1994. Desde entonces el esfuerzo realizado para la rehabilitación de la ciudad histórica entre 1994 y 2001 mereció el reconocimiento internacional con el Premio Europa Nostra 1996. el Premio Gubbio 1996 de la Asociación de Centros Históricos de Italia . el Premio Europeo de Urbanismo 1997//998 de la Comisión Europea. el Premio Torre Guinigi 2001 y el referido Premio Dubai 2002 de Buenas Prácticas. En el artículo que ahora se presenta. elaborado conjuntamente por los arquitectos que desde la Oficina de Conservación y Rehabilitación desarrollaron los programas de rehabilitación bajo la dirección técnica de Javier Ramos. se hace 111/ breve repaso de los diferentes conceptos . instrumentos de gestión o reflexiones que han alimentado en la práctica diaria el proceso de recuperación urbana del Patrimonio de la Humanidad habitado que representa Compostela

    Atlas digital escolar: internet, geografía y educación.

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    La creciente disponibilidad de recursos en Internet sobre Geografía y Ciencias Sociales se ha venido completando en los u´ltimos años con el lanzamiento de Sistemas de Información Geográfica en la red o SIGWeb. Hasta ahora se utilizaban numerosos recursos en Internet para la enseñanza y aprendizaje de la Geografía, globos virtuales o cartografía on-line. Sin embargo, se carecía de un recurso didáctico propio para la enseñanza de la geografía en educación secundaria (ESO y Bachillerato), elaborado desde un Sistema de Información Geográfica, disponible en la red, estructurado conforme los contenidos del currículo escolar y abierto a la reelaboración de cartografía digital. El Atlas Digital Escolar incorpora todas estas capacidades tecnológicas y didácticas, permitiendo además que los alumnos se inicien en los SIG y en la metodología de trabajo por proyectos, contribuyendo lo que se conoce como “Web-based GIS learning” y “GIScience”

    Call me by my name: unravelling the taxonomy of the gulper shark genus Centrophorus in the Mediterranean Sea through an integrated taxonomic approach

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    The current shift of fishery efforts towards the deep sea is raising concern about the vulnerability of deep-water sharks, which are often poorly studied and characterized by problematic taxonomy. For instance, in the Mediterranean Sea the taxonomy of genus Centrophorus has not been clearly unravelled yet. Since proper identification of the species is fundamental for their correct assessment and management, this study aims at clarifying the taxonomy of this genus in the Mediterranean Basin through an integrated taxonomic approach. We analysed a total of 281 gulper sharks (Centrophorus spp.) collected from various Mediterranean, Atlantic and Indian Ocean waters. Molecular data obtained from cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI), 16S ribosomal RNA (16S), NADH dehydrogenase subunit 2 (ND2) and a portion of a nuclear 28S ribosomal DNA gene region (28S) have highlighted the presence of a unique mitochondrial clade in the Mediterranean Sea. The morphometric results confirmed these findings, supporting the presence of a unique and distinct morphological group comprising all Mediterranean individuals. The data strongly indicate the occurrence of a single Centrophorus species in the Mediterranean, ascribable to C. cf. uyato, and suggest the need for a revision of the systematics of the genus in the area