354 research outputs found

    Extraction, Storage and Eruption of Multiple Isolated Magma Batches in the Paired Mamaku and Ohakuri Eruption, Taupo Volcanic Zone, New Zealand

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    The Taupo Volcanic Zone (TVZ) is well known for its extraordinary rate of rhyolitic magma generation and caldera-forming eruptions. Less is known about how large volumes of rhyolitic magma are extracted and stored prior to eruption, and the role tectonics might play in the process of melt extraction and control of caldera eruption(s). Here we present a new model for the extraction, storage and simultaneous eruption of the >245 km3 paired Mamaku and Ohakuri magmas sourced from calderas centred ∌30 km apart (the Rotorua and Ohakuri calderas, respectively) in the central TVZ. The Mamaku and Ohakuri ignimbrites share a similar bulk pumice composition and the same phenocryst assemblage; however, bulk-rock compositions suggest several poorly mixed magma types in each erupted volume, which are randomly distributed throughout the eruptive deposits. To refine models of the pre-eruptive geometry of the magmatic system and discuss a possible origin for triggering of each eruption, we present an expanded database of matrix glass and quartz-hosted melt inclusion compositions along with the existing bulk-rock and mineral compositions. Major and trace element compositions show that the region produced five different magma batches, extracted from the same source region, and a continuous intermediate mush zone beneath the Mamaku-Ohakuri region is suggested here. These magma batches were most probably juxtaposed but isolated from each other in the upper crust, and evolved separately until eruption. The observed geochemical differences between the batches are likely to be generated by different extraction conditions of the rhyolitic melt from a slightly heterogeneous mush. The lack of evidence for more mafic recharge prior to eruption (for example, there are no bright cathodoluminescence rims on quartz crystals) suggests that a magmatic input is unlikely to be an eruption trigger. However, tectonic activity could be an efficient way to trigger the eruption of isolated magma batches, with the evacuation of one magma batch causing a disturbance to the local stress field and activating regionally linked faults, which then lead to the eruption of additional magma batches and associated caldera subsidence. In addition, the extensional tectonic regime coupled with a high heat flux could be the controlling factor in the emplacement of some of the shallowest and most SiO2-rich magmas on Eart

    Climbing the crustal ladder: Magma storage-depth evolution during a volcanic flare-up

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    © The Author(s), 2018. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. The definitive version was published in Science Advances 4 (2018): eaap7567, doi:10.1126/sciadv.aap7567.Very large eruptions (>50 km3) and supereruptions (>450 km3) reveal Earth’s capacity to produce and store enormous quantities (>1000 km3) of crystal-poor, eruptible magma in the shallow crust. We explore the interplay between crustal evolution and volcanism during a volcanic flare-up in the Taupo Volcanic Zone (TVZ, New Zealand) using a combination of quartz-feldspar-melt equilibration pressures and time scales of quartz crystallization. Over the course of the flare-up, crystallization depths became progressively shallower, showing the gradual conditioning of the crust. Yet, quartz crystallization times were invariably very short (<100 years), demonstrating that very large reservoirs of eruptible magma were transient crustal features. We conclude that the dynamic nature of the TVZ crust favored magma eruption over storage. Episodic tapping of eruptible magmas likely prevented a supereruption. Instead, multiple very large bodies of eruptible magma were assembled and erupted in decadal time scales.This work was supported by the NSF (EAR-1151337) and by two Vanderbilt University Discovery Grants

    Timescales of Quartz Crystallization and the Longevity of the Bishop Giant Magma Body

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    Supereruptions violently transfer huge amounts (100 s–1000 s km3) of magma to the surface in a matter of days and testify to the existence of giant pools of magma at depth. The longevity of these giant magma bodies is of significant scientific and societal interest. Radiometric data on whole rocks, glasses, feldspar and zircon crystals have been used to suggest that the Bishop Tuff giant magma body, which erupted ∌760,000 years ago and created the Long Valley caldera (California), was long-lived (>100,000 years) and evolved rather slowly. In this work, we present four lines of evidence to constrain the timescales of crystallization of the Bishop magma body: (1) quartz residence times based on diffusional relaxation of Ti profiles, (2) quartz residence times based on the kinetics of faceting of melt inclusions, (3) quartz and feldspar crystallization times derived using quartz+feldspar crystal size distributions, and (4) timescales of cooling and crystallization based on thermodynamic and heat flow modeling. All of our estimates suggest quartz crystallization on timescales of <10,000 years, more typically within 500–3,000 years before eruption. We conclude that large-volume, crystal-poor magma bodies are ephemeral features that, once established, evolve on millennial timescales. We also suggest that zircon crystals, rather than recording the timescales of crystallization of a large pool of crystal-poor magma, record the extended periods of time necessary for maturation of the crust and establishment of these giant magma bodies

    Solubility of Rock in Steam Atmospheres of Planets

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    Extensive experimental studies show that all major rock-forming elements (e.g., Si, Mg, Fe, Ca, Al, Na, K) dissolve in steam to a greater or lesser extent. We use these results to compute chemical equilibrium abundances of rocky-element-bearing gases in steam atmospheres equilibrated with silicate magma oceans. Rocky elements partition into steam atmospheres as volatile hydroxide gases (e.g., Si(OH)4, Mg(OH)2, Fe(OH)2, Ni(OH)2, Al(OH)3, Ca(OH)2, NaOH, KOH) and via reaction with HF and HCl as volatile halide gases (e.g., NaCl, KCl, CaFOH, CaClOH, FAl(OH)2) in much larger amounts than expected from their vapor pressures over volatile-free solid or molten rock at high temperatures expected for steam atmospheres on the early Earth and hot rocky exoplanets. We quantitatively compute the extent of fractional vaporization by defining gas/magma distribution coefficients and show that Earth's subsolar Si/Mg ratio may be due to loss of a primordial steam atmosphere. We conclude that hot rocky exoplanets that are undergoing or have undergone escape of steam-bearing atmospheres may experience fractional vaporization and loss of Si, Mg, Fe, Ni, Al, Ca, Na, and K. This loss can modify their bulk composition, density, heat balance, and interior structure

    Recent visible light and metal free strategies in [2+2] and [4+2] photocycloadditions

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    When aiming to synthesize molecules with elevated molecular complexity starting from relatively simple starting materials, photochemical transformations represent an open avenue to circumvent analogous multistep procedures. Specifically, light-mediated cycloadditions remain as powerful tools to generate new bonds begotten from non-very intuitive disconnections, that alternative thermal protocols would not offer. In response to the current trend in both industrial and academic research pointing towards green and sustainable processes, several strategies that meet these requirements are currently available in the literature. This Minireview summarizes [2+2] and [4+2] photocycloadditions that do not require the use of metal photocatalysts by means of alternative strategies. It is segmented according to the cycloaddition type in order to give the reader a friendly approach and we primarily focus on the most recent developments in the field carried out using visible light, a general overview of the mechanism in each case is offered as wellFinancial support was provided by the European Research Council (ERC-CoG, Contract Number: 647550), the Spanish Government (RTI2018-095038-B-I00), the ‘Comunidad de Madrid’ and European Structural Funds (S2018/NMT-4367). R. I. R thanks Fundación Carolina for a graduate fellowshi

    Searches for Neutrinos from Gamma-Ray Bursts Using the IceCube Neutrino Observatory

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    Gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) are considered as promising sources of ultra-high-energy cosmic rays (UHECRs) due to their large power output. Observing a neutrino flux from GRBs would offer evidence that GRBs are hadronic accelerators of UHECRs. Previous IceCube analyses, which primarily focused on neutrinos arriving in temporal coincidence with the prompt gamma-rays, found no significant neutrino excess. The four analyses presented in this paper extend the region of interest to 14 days before and after the prompt phase, including generic extended time windows and targeted precursor searches. GRBs were selected between 2011 May and 2018 October to align with the data set of candidate muon-neutrino events observed by IceCube. No evidence of correlation between neutrino events and GRBs was found in these analyses. Limits are set to constrain the contribution of the cosmic GRB population to the diffuse astrophysical neutrino flux observed by IceCube. Prompt neutrino emission from GRBs is limited to â‰Č1% of the observed diffuse neutrino flux, and emission on timescales up to 104 s is constrained to 24% of the total diffuse flux.Peer Reviewe

    Detection of astrophysical tau neutrino candidates in IceCube

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    High-energy tau neutrinos are rarely produced in atmospheric cosmic-ray showers or at cosmic particle accelerators, but are expected to emerge during neutrino propagation over cosmic distances due to flavor mixing. When high energy tau neutrinos interact inside the IceCube detector, two spatially separated energy depositions may be resolved, the first from the charged current interaction and the second from the tau lepton decay. We report a novel analysis of 7.5 years of IceCube data that identifies two candidate tau neutrinos among the 60 “High-Energy Starting Events” (HESE) collected during that period. The HESE sample offers high purity, all-sky sensitivity, and distinct observational signatures for each neutrino flavor, enabling a new measurement of the flavor composition. The measured astrophysical neutrino flavor composition is consistent with expectations, and an astrophysical tau neutrino flux is indicated at 2.8σ\sigma significance

    A search for time-dependent astrophysical neutrino emission with IceCube data from 2012 to 2017

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    High-energy neutrinos are unique messengers of the high-energy universe, tracing the processes of cosmic-ray acceleration. This paper presents analyses focusing on time-dependent neutrino point-source searches. A scan of the whole sky, making no prior assumption about source candidates, is performed, looking for a space and time clustering of high-energy neutrinos in data collected by the IceCube Neutrino Observatory between 2012 and 2017. No statistically significant evidence for a time-dependent neutrino signal is found with this search during this period since all results are consistent with the background expectation. Within this study period, the blazar 3C 279, showed strong variability, inducing a very prominent gamma-ray flare observed in 2015 June. This event motivated a dedicated study of the blazar, which consists of searching for a time-dependent neutrino signal correlated with the gamma-ray emission. No evidence for a time-dependent signal is found. Hence, an upper limit on the neutrino fluence is derived, allowing us to constrain a hadronic emission model

    Measurement of Astrophysical Tau Neutrinos in IceCube's High-Energy Starting Events

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    We present the results of a search for astrophysical tau neutrinos in 7.5 years of IceCube's high-energy starting event data. At high energies, two energy depositions stemming from the tau neutrino charged-current interaction and subsequent tau lepton decay may be resolved. We report the first detection of two such events, with probabilities of ∌76%\sim 76\% and ∌98%\sim 98\% of being produced by astrophysical tau neutrinos. The resultant astrophysical neutrino flavor measurement is consistent with expectations, disfavoring a no-astrophysical tau neutrino flux scenario with 2.8σ\sigma significance.Comment: This article is supported by a long-form paper that discusses the high-energy starting event selection titled: "The IceCube high-energy starting event sample: Description and flux characterization with 7.5 years of data.
