918 research outputs found

    La immigració francesa a Catalunya: el cas del Baix Llobregat (segles XVI i XVII)

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    Heus aquí un treball d'abast comarcal sobre la presencia francesa al Baix Llobregat en epoca deis Austria (des de 1563 -obligatorietat manifesta d'enregistrar les actes d'esposalles pel Concili de Trento- fins a 1700 -any de la defunció de Carles II-). A partir de l' analisi i el buidatge deIs llibres de noces de les parroquies, s'han pogut quantificar i recollir estadísticament les dades de la immigració ultrapirinenca. Es presenten, mitjan~ant aquests resultats, el percentatge de marits francesos, respecte al total de casaments enregistrats; la tipologia deis matrimonis; la procedencia deis conjuges; i la seva activitat socio-laboral

    An Economic Approach to Article 82

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    This report argues in favour of an economics-based approach to Article 82, in a way similar to the reform of Article 81 and merger control. In particular, we support an effects-based rather than a form-based approach to competition policy. Such an approach focuses on the presence of anti-competitive effects that harm consumers, and is based on the examination of each specific case, based on sound economics and grounded on facts

    An Economic Approach to Article 82

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    This report argues in favour of an economics-based approach to Article 82, in a way similar to the reform of Article 81 and merger control. In particular, we support an effects-based rather than a form-based approach to competition policy. Such an approach focuses on the presence of anti-competitive effects that harm consumers, and is based on the examination of each specific case, based on sound economics and grounded on facts.competition policy; abuse of market power

    A proposal of an evaluation model under the principles of universal design

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    The aim of this work is to try to set out how the Universal Design (UD) paradigm can influence the process of product design and how the models of evaluation should work for products designed for all users. Firstly, we will give a short introduction of some of the basic models that try to explain the product design and development process emphasizing, especially, the role given to evaluation of the design stage. Secondly, what we would like to do is explain, on one hand, the paradigms of Human Centred Product Planning and Design and, on the other hand, UD/Inclusive Design (ID)/ Design for All (DfA) in order to clarify the bonds and relationships which are established between these in the field of Ergonomics and Human Factors. In this context, we explain how these philosophies have an effect and an influence in the process of design, especially in the interstages of evaluation. Finally, we present a model that proposes the integration of UD principles into the process of design applying it to the case of a wheelchair

    A Community Program of Integrated Care for Frail Older Adults : +AGIL Barcelona

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    Objectives: To assess the 3-month impact on physical function of a program for community-dwelling frail older adults, based on the integration of primary care, geriatric medicine, and community resources, implemented in \u201creal life\u201d. Design: Interventional cohort study. Setting: Primary care in Barcelona, Spain. Participants: Individuals aged 6580 years (n=134), presenting at least one sign of frailty (i.e., slow gait speed, weakness, memory complaints, involuntary weight loss, poor social support). Intervention: After frailty screening by the primary care team, candidates were referred to a geriatric team (geriatrician + physical therapist), who performed a comprehensive geriatric assessment and designed a tailored multidisciplinary intervention in the community, including a) multi-modal physical activity (PA) sessions, b) promotion of adherence to a Mediterranean diet c) health education and d) medication review. Measurements: Participants were assessed based on a comprehensive geriatric assessment including physical performance (Short Physical Performance Battery -SPPB- and gait speed), at baseline and at a three month follow-up. Results: A total of 112 (83.6%) participants (mean age=80.8 years, 67.9% women) were included in this research. Despite being independent in daily life, participants\u2019 physical performance was impaired (SPPB=7.5, SD=2.1, gait speed=0.71, SD=0.20 m/sec). After three months, 90.2% of participants completed 657.5 physical activity sessions. The mean improvements were +1.47 (SD 1.64) points (p<0.001) for SPPB, +0.08 (SD 0.13) m/sec (p<0.001) for gait speed, 125.5 (SD 12.10) sec (p<0.001) for chair stand test, and 53% (p<0.001) improved their balance. Results remained substantially unchanged after stratifying the analyses according to the severity of frailty. Conclusions: Our results suggested that a \u201creal-world\u201d multidisciplinary intervention, integrating primary care, geriatric care, and community services may improve physical function, a marker of frailty, within 3 months. Further studies are needed to address the long-term impact and scalability of this implementation program