12 research outputs found

    Curriculum Effects On University Students’ English Language Achievement

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    The objective of this research is to identify, analyze and determine the curricular effects in the linguistic achievement to implement a curricular redesign and improve the English language teaching-learning to students and teachers of the Escuela Superior Politécnica of Chimborazo Language Center. The research used the communicative method, using several comprehensive techniques based on language skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing. It was considered the critical-proactive paradigm to look for solutions in an environment of description and understanding of the educational, social and cultural process. Surveys were applied to measure the learning achievement of the language, as an independent variable, applied to one hundred and fifty students and the curricular effect as a dependent variable directed to fifty five teachers of the Language Center, as well as, interviews to four directors of the Language Center. At the level of the students, it was concluded that the level of English is still basic, therefore, a new instrument is needed that proposes: methodology, techniques and updated contents to reach a competitive level. Most teachers indicate that the curriculum established by the Center must be updated in order to make better teaching possible

    The Effect of Extensive Reading on Vocabulary Knowledge of First Level University Students

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    The objective of the research was to analyze how extensive reading or reading for pleasure can improve the development of vocabulary in a sample of 48 first-level university students of the Universidad Tecnológica Indoamérica in the city of Ambato. It was an experimental, bibliographic, descriptive, field and correlational research. To determine the correlation between the two study variables, a deep and thorough investigative analysis of books, journals and research was carried out. An intervention plan was applied through the use of a handbook of 19 vocabulary activities and to measure the knowledge of the vocabulary in the students, an observation card was used in order to measure attitudes and behavior towards extensive reading. A questionnaire of twelve questions related to word knowledge and the word form with its meaning was used as well. The research contains the sociodemographic statistical analysis of the participants and an analysis of the results of the evaluation of reading knowledge and vocabulary to know the descriptive aspects. Furthermore, the descriptive analysis of the vocabulary knowledge assessment from a global point of view and the aspects of word knowledge was carried out; to finally perform the analysis of the presence and degree of correlation between extensive reading and vocabulary knowledge, using the Pearson coefficient. Thus, it allowed to determine that, the existence of the correlation between the two variables investigated. That is to say, the results indicated that the use of extensive reading influences the development of students' vocabulary by raising interest and improving vocabulary

    Estrategias metodológicas para el mejoramiento de la comprensión lectora de los casos clínicos en Inglés

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    Introducción: Por siempre el Inglés en las aulas de medicina se ha circunscrito a la enseñanza como EFL Inglés como lengua extranjera o ESL Inglés como segunda lengua pero se pone poco énfasis en la terminología de textos o casos clínicos en Ingles. Sin embargo, la necesidad de comprender textos de medicina en inglés en las aulas persiste debido a su importancia y uso en la vida profesional de la comunidad médica. Objetivo: Mejorar las destrezas lectoras de casos clínicos en el idioma Inglés con el uso de claves lingüísticas que ayuden con su mejor y rápida comprensión. Métodos: Se realizó una intervención educativa a dos grupos de estudiantes de quinto semestre de la carrera de medicina a través de pruebas que evidencien la comprensión lectora de casos clínicos en Inglés para su posterior análisis y con la aplicación de las estrategias de lectura y las ayudas lingüísticas se mejore la destreza de lectura de tratados médicos y se lea más rápido y mejor dando importancia a la comprensión. Al primer grupo se le tomó la prueba de comprensión lectora sin haber utilizado las estrategias de lectura y las ayudas lingüísticas y al segundo grupo se le tomo la prueba manejando y usando las estrategias y pistas lingüísticas del idioma Inglés. Se tabularon los datos y se presentó los resultados a los alumnos para su posterior discusión. Resultados: Se pudo constatar un aumento significativo de la comprensión general del tema en casos clínico gracias a la comprensión por parte de los alumnos de las ayudas lingüísticas presentes en el idioma Inglés y la utilización de estrategias de lectura. Conclusiones: La presente intervención permitió conocer la razón por la cual los alumnos en la carrera de medicina tienen dificultad con la comprensión de lecturas médicas y se mejoró sus estrategias de lectura dando a entender la importancia de utilizar pistas lingüísticas del idioma Inglés. &nbsp

    Recursos Didácticos Comunicativos Y Audiovisuales Para La Enseñanza-Aprendizaje Del Idioma Inglés A Través De Aulas Virtuales

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    The purpose of the current research was the implementation of didactic audiovisual and communicative resources through a virtual classroom for the teaching-learning of English language, aimed to the first level students Languages School at Universidad Nacional de Chimborazo due to the lack of didactic material helping in the development of activities and tasks into the classroom. This fact impedes teachers and students reaching a higher level in the English Language teaching-learning process, this situation made necessary the implementation of resources adaptive to the pedagogical context and planned through a content manager or virtual classroom. The current research is quasi experimental, bibliographic, documental and descriptive which was applied to a sample where it was necessary to consider an initial knowledge diagnose before applying the communicative and audiovisual resources, then it was necessary to carry out an evaluation at the end of it. It was also necessary to use a set of activities based on communicative and audiovisual resources framed within the micro curriculum guidelines with schedules and contents that were evaluated through questionnaires and a checklist. The instruments for collecting information allowed obtaining data in both pre-test and post-test. These qualifications were compared through a statistical test that allowed concluding that the use of the mentioned resources improved the English language teaching, at the same time it was possible to recommend its use within the curriculum for the First Level of the Languages Major

    Incidencia De La Destreza Listening A Través De Diálogos Y Closed Caption En El Aprendizaje Del Idioma Inglés

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    The objective of the present investigation was to make a diagnosis to the students of second year of baccalaureate parallel "H" of Pedro Vicente Maldonado High School in order to determine that the development of the skill of listening through activities like the dialogue and closed caption and the use of technologies of information and communication, contribute in the listening comprehension and therefore in the English language learning. The difficulty in the listening comprehension was detected because of the student’s low grades in the subject of the English. The research was scientific, quasiexperimental, and bibliographical, the information was collected through the technique of observation with a checklist that allowed the teacher to evaluate the student's performance. Both the activities and the parameters of the collation list were validated and verified by academic peers. The activities were organized in a timeline for their implementation; later the results were tabulated, analyzed, and interpreted, and subjected to the Chi square statistical test for the hypothesis test. Where it was shown that the application of activities with the help of the ICTs of the listening skill benefits the listening comprehension and thus the learning of the English language

    Entornos Virtuales 3D Con Juegos De Rol Y Diálogos Para Desarrollar La Comunicación Oral Del Idioma Inglés

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    The present research aims at the application of a conversational English course in 3D virtual environments, to develop oral communication of the language in the students of the sixth level "G" at the Faculty of Engineering of the National University of Chimborazo, from March to August of 2014, inasmuch as, little interest in and outside the classroom was detected, which inhibited the learning process. Therefore, the use of listening and speaking skills was proposed, using communicative techniques such as role play and discussion. The development of the research was based on a quasi-experimental and qualitative design, applied type, causal, in situ and bibliographic. The method used was the hypothetical - deductive one that allowed to verify that the oral communication of the English language was developed. It was essential to develop the activities contained in the conversational course, which allowed the collection of information through evaluations with an observation sheet and qualifications scale applied to an experimental group, represented by the sample in two scenarios: before and after applying communicative strategies; the same ones that were tabulated, analyzed, interpreted and compared, these determined that the techniques, role play and dialogue, allowed to develop the oral language skill of the students through the English course

    Manual Didáctico En Braille Para El Aprendizaje De Inglés Básico De Los Estudiantes No Videntes De La Asociación Aprodvich De La Ciudad De Riobamba

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    The objective of the present research is the elaboration and application of a didactic manual with communicative strategies to develop Basic English for students of the Provincial Association of the Visually Impaired of Chimborazo (APRODVICH). The didactic manual seeks to provide techniques and instruments that support the Teaching Learning process of a second language according to the specific needs of the group under study. It becomes a progressive and systematic teaching instrument consisting of six units that include vocabulary activities, basic structures and use of questions that were applied in the classroom with the accompaniment of the teacher. The research has a quasi-experimental, correlational, descriptive, explanatory, applicative, field and bibliographic design. The technique of direct observation was used with the application of checklists and questionnaires reviewed and endorsed by academic peers that allowed the evaluation of the knowledge acquired in students such as spelling, pronunciation and comprehension. The sample was evaluated in two instances—pre and post—and the results were tabulated, analyzed, interpreted and contrasted which determined the progress and significant development in pronunciation, use of the verb structure To-Be and whquestions of the English language in blind students

    Elaboration and Application of a manual with communicative strategies based on Basic English called “LGB Learning” benefits the speaking skill from blind students at APRODVICH association, in Riobamba city, during the term 2014-2015

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    The research entitled: “Elaboration and Application of a manual with communicative strategies based on Basic English Called “LGB Learning” benefits the speaking skill from the blind students at APRODVICH association, in Riobamba city, during the term 2014- 2015”, proposed with the aim of developing communicative strategies with blind students through vocabulary activities, basic structures and the use of wh-questions in order to improve the skills of listening and speaking in Basic English. The theoretical framework comes out from scientific foundations to further determine the theoretical framework based on the manual to develop the speaking skill of Basic English aimed to blind students, the teaching strategies in the educational and communicative process, the process of learning English, the basic language and object of learning through verbal development of blind students. The research arises from a quasi-experimental, correlational design, applicable type, descriptive-explanatory, bibliographic and field; the method used is the hypothetical - deductive based on the approach of hypotheses and deduction of facts and phenomena, the technique used was the observation which was applied to 8 blind students of the APRODVICH Association in order to display the progress in its development of basic English speech. The manual with communicative strategies “LGB Learning” allowed to guide the teaching-learning process of English, based on active techniques where they can apply the tactual pictures technique and express the reading and knowledge for a new learning; the results of the implementation of the manual identified the strengths and weaknesses of spoken English, and then proceed to the testing of hypotheses and therefore establish the conclusions and the recommendations. The achieved results are positive because they developed their vocabulary through listening and speaking activities, by constantly repeating words and creating dialogues among students, by structuring and pronouncing of sentences using verb “to be” and the basic structures, and also through the use of “wh-questions” by asking and answering questions to reach meaningful learning.El trabajo de investigación titulado: Elaboration and Application of a manual with communicative strategies based on Basic English Called LGB Learning benefits the speaking skill from the blind students at APRODVICH association, in Riobamba city, during the term 2014- 2015, planteado con el objetivo de desarrollar estrategias comunicativas con los estudiantes no videntes a través de actividades de vocabulario, estructuras básicas y el uso de cuestionarios con la finalidad de mejorar la destreza de escuchar y hablar del Inglés básico. El marco teórico parte de las fundamentaciones científicas para posteriormente determinar las fundamentaciones teóricas en base al manual del habla de inglés básico dirigido a los no videntes, las estrategias de enseñanza en el proceso educativo y comunicativo, el proceso de aprendizaje del inglés, el lenguaje medio y objeto de aprendizaje a través del desarrollo verbal de los no videntes. La investigación parte de un diseño cuasi experimental, correlacional, además es de tipo aplicado, descriptivo explicativo, de campo y bibliográfico; el método que se utilizó es el hipotético – deductivo en base al planteamiento de las hipótesis y la deducción de hechos y fenómenos, la técnica utilizada fue la observación que se aplicó a los 8 estudiantes no videntes de la Asociación APRODVICH con la finalidad de visualizar el avance en su desenvolvimiento del habla del inglés básico. El manual con estrategias comunicativas “LGB Learning” permitió encaminar el proceso enseñanza aprendizaje del inglés, en base a técnicas activas en donde puedan aplicar la técnica táctil y expresar la lectura y conocimientos para un nuevo aprendizaje; los resultados de la aplicación del manual permiten identificar sus fortalezas y debilidades en el hablado del inglés, para luego proceder a la comprobación de las hipótesis y finalizar con las conclusiones y recomendaciones. Los resultados alcanzados son positivos porque ejercitan su vocabulario a través de actividades de escuchar y hablar, pronunciación repetida de palabras, diálogos entre estudiantes, estructuración y pronunciación de oraciones utilizando los verbos to be, así también a través del uso de las “wh-questions” realizan y responde preguntas para llegar a los aprendizajes significativos.UNACH, Sede Ecuador

    Teaching english to visually impaired students in ecuador through l.G.B learning braille book.

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    The following study investigated how visually impaired students are taught English through L.G.B Learning braille book that englobes English as a foreign language content, techniques, and activities teachers use to teach English at Dr. Luis Benavides School. Three English teachers of visually impaired students were interview. Furthermore, an observation guide was used to follow up on the progress of several classes. Content analysis procedures were implemented to encode and reproduce the data acquisition in the interviews. Observation guides deliver the necessary information to understand the teachers' downsides when presenting the contents, techniques, and orally interacting in the second language with the visually impaired students while developing the activities presented in the braille book. Interview data analysis demonstrated topics of concern that include syllabus, social problems, lack of resources, and the constant use of the audio-lingual method as the only technique available for the teachers. Participants used the same materials in the different levels, adding the braille book developed by a previous study, which was difficult to introduce due to teachers' and students' lack of previous capacitation. Students were exposed to several tasks that the braille book presented, but the same antique methods were necessary for teachers to accomplish them. The study presents suggestions for in-service English learning program updates, especially for those who work with students with visual impairments, for the syllabus to be rebuilt, evaluated, and made more effective for students with special needs. Moreover, it includes comments on the teacher's materials and techniques used

    Analysis of the application of the Think Methodology according to the American Think Book

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    Introducción. A través de un análisis previo se determinó que los estudiantes del Segundo Año de Bachillerato General Unificado “B” en la Unidad Educativa “Combatientes de Tapi”, no están cognitivamente comprometidos en el desarrollo de su desempeño en inglés, debido al inadecuado desarrollo de la metodología “THINK”. Objetivo.  Este estudio analizó como la metodología THINK ayuda a reforzar las destrezas de pensamiento y lenguaje en los estudiantes. Metodología. Este análisis fue desarrollado en el Segundo Año de Bachillerato General Unificado “B” en la Unidad Educativa Combatientes de Tapi” durante la primera parte del año lectivo 2017-2018. La población fue de 35 estudiantes; veinticinco de ellos varones y diez mujeres. El tipo de estudio fue cualitativo de nivel exploratorio y el método cualitativo empleado fue de tipo etnográfico. Se utilizó una técnica de observación no participativa ya que el investigador protagoniza un rol pasivo; el instrumento de recolección de datos fue una guía de observación. Resultados. Se determinó que en el presente año educativo, la metodología THINK ayuda a los estudiantes a desarrollar la capacidad de pensar críticamente conjuntamente con mejoras de las destrezas del lenguaje y que debe ser aplicada conforme al orden establecido, prestando gran atención a fomentar las destrezas de pensamiento y promoviendo mejoras en las técnicas del desarrollo de las destrezas de lenguaje. Conclusiones. Se concluye que el profesor raramente se aplica la metodología con alto dominio y solamente se aplican algunas de las estrategias para desarrollar el pensamiento crítico y con un orden distinto al recomendado.Introduction. By means of a previous analysis, it was determined students of the Second Year “B” of Bachillerato General Unificado at “Combatientes de Tapi” High School, are not cognitively committed with the development of their performance in English due to the inadequate development of the “THINK” methodology. Objective. This study analyzed how THINK methodology helps to reinforce thinking and language skills in students. Methodology. This analysis was developed in Second Year “B” of Bachillerato General Unificado at “Combatientes de Tapi” High School, during the first term of the 2017-2018 school year. The population was 35 students; twenty-five of them men and ten women. The type of study was ethnographic and qualitative at an exploratory level. A non-participatory observation technique was used since the researcher plays a passive role; the data collection instrument was an observation guide. Results. It was determined that, in the current educational year,  THINK methodology helps students to develop the ability to think critically together with improvements in language skills and should be applied according to the established order, paying great attention to promoting thinking skills and promoting language skills. Conclusions. It is concluded that the teacher rarely applied the methodology with high proficiency and just some of the recommended strategies to develop critical thinking were used