74 research outputs found

    Causes de l'abandonament de l'esport competitiu en noies adolescents de Sant Carles de la Ràpita

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    Curs 2012-2013El present estudi s’emmarca en una investigació duta a terme amb noies d’entre 15 i 30 anys de Sant Carles de la Ràpita sobre els hàbits de la pràctica esportiva. L’objectiu ha estat estudiar els diferents motius que afavoreixen l’abandonament esportiu en noies adolescents, així com detectar si el síndrome burnout és una causa d’abandonament rellevant en les joves esportistes. Per a això s’han analitzat 36 noies de diferents modalitats esportives a través d’un qüestionari de Garcés de los Fayos (1999), que hem adaptat a les necessitats de l’estudi. Els resultats obtinguts demostren que els principals motius d’abandonament esportiu són els estudis i la falta de temps, tot i que curiosament s’han trobat casos en els quals la motivació per part de l’entrenador/a, el recolzament de la família i les lesions n’han estat les causes. Pel que fa al burnout, s’ha detectat un cas aïllat, però s’ha de destacar que el 50% en pateixen alguns símptomes.This study is part of a research conducted with girls between 15 and 30 years old from Sant Carles de la Ràpita about the sporting habits. The aim was to study the various reasons that favour teenage girls the abandonment of sports and detect if the burnout syndrome is the reason of a significant abandonment in young athletes. Therefore, we have analysed 36 sportswomen of different disciplines using a questionnaire of Garcés de los Fayos (1999) that I have adapted to the needs of the study. The results show that the main reasons for abandoning sports are academic studies and the lack of time, although interestingly we found cases in which the motivation of the coach, the support of the family and injuries have been the cause. Regarding burnout, we detected an isolated case, but it should be noted that 50% suffer some symptoms

    Psychometric properties of the Reynolds Child Depression Scale in community and clinical samples

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    The factor structure of the Reynolds Child Depression Scale (RCDS; Reynolds, 1989), analyzed by confirmatory factor analysis and the scale’s psychometric characteristics in a sample of 315 participants (140 boys and 175 girls) and a clinical sample of 62 participants (37 boys and 25 girls) between 10 and 12 years old, are presented. Two models are tested with confirmatory factor analysis: a one-factor model and a five-factor model. Both models show a good fit, but the one-factor model was chosen because it is the most parsimonious. The reliability coefficient ranged from .87 (at test) to .89 (at retest) in the community sample, and was .90 in the clinical sample (at test). Test-retest reliability was .66 in the community sample. Concurrent validity with other self-reports that measure depressive symptomatology was high, both in the community sample (.76) and the clinical sample (.71). There were no significant sex differences but there were differences due to age (school grade).Se analiza la estructura factorial de la Reynolds Children Depression Scale (RCDS; Reynolds, 1989) mediante análisis factorial confirmatorio y se presentan sus características psicométricas en una muestra comunitaria de 315 participantes (140 chicos y 175 chicas) y en una muestra clínica de 62 participantes (37 chicos y 25 chicas) con edades comprendidas entre los 10 y los 12 años. En el análisis factorial confirmatorio se prueban dos modelos, uno unifactorial y otro de cinco factores. El modelo unifactorial se ajusta mejor y es más parsimonioso. La fiabilidad de la RCDS es elevada para ambas muestras: consistencia interna entre 0,87 (test) y 0,89 (retest) en muestra comunitaria, y de 0,90 en la muestra clínica (test); la correlación test-retest era de 0,66 en la muestra comunitaria. La validez concurrente con otros instrumentos que miden sintomatología depresiva era elevada, tanto en muestra comunitaria (0,76) como en muestra clínica (0,71). No se aprecian diferencias según sexo, pero sí según el curso escolar

    Las prácticas de lectura en estudiantes universitarios

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    This is a preliminary exploratory study of reading among university students. It aims to analyze their actual reading practices, not the reading skill itself. We describe the study-related reading practices of a sample of 243 psychology students and 156 teacher trainees from the University of Barcelona, applying un indirect measurement test of their exposure to written material and establishing a correlation between exposure and academic level. We also describe types of material support that students use during study-related reading. The analysis of our own students' study-related reading is not only a theoretically and methodologically complex task, but an academically committed one as well, since it involves an examination of our own teaching system.El presente es un primer estudio exploratorio que tiene como objetivo la descripción de las lecturas de los estudiantes universitarios a partir de su exposición al material impreso de manera diferencial. No se trata de estudiar la capacidad de lectura concebida como habilidad, sino de describir las prácticas o el ejercicio de tal habilidad. Se describen las lecturas de estudio (y no las lecturas de otro tipo) de una muestra circunscrita de 243 estudiantes de Psicologia y de 156 estudiantes de Magisterio de la Universidad de Barcelona. Para ello aplicamos un test de medida indirecta de la exposición al material escrito y establecimos la correlación con el nivel académico de los alumnos. Por otra parte, realizamos una breve descripción del tipo de soporte material que usan los estudiantes durante su lectura universitaria. El estudio de las prácticas de lectura en un grupo definido de lectores, cuando son nuestros propios estudiantes, es una tarea no sólo teórica y metodológicamente compleja, sino también comprometida profesionalmente, en tanto implica interrogarse sobre el propio sistema de enseñanza

    An Agronomic Approach to Pine Nut Production by Grafting Stone Pine on Two Rootstocks

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    Stone pine (Pinus pinea) grows in natural stands within the Mediterranean basin and its nut is highly appreciated for its nutritional profile. Nevertheless, a decline in this species due to biotic and abiotic damages is currently being clearly observed. This situation has led to its development as a nut crop, to try to save its production and obtain regular harvests over the years. Under this agronomic scenario, the aim of this work was to compare the behavior of the stone pine grafted onto two rootstocks, P. pinea (PP) and P. halepensis (PH), by evaluating cone productivity, tree growth response, mast seeding patterns and pine nut composition. The field test was composed of 14 PH and 14 PP, randomly distributed into groups of 4–5 trees/rootstock. Data were from seven productive growing seasons. The results show higher growth and ripe cone production on PP rather than PH, although the productivity (cones/m2 canopy) was similar. Any effect of rootstock was observed on the mast seeding pattern and weight of cones, while the pine nut composition showed differences in the fatty acids content. The global quality of production was similar in PH and PP.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Psychometric Properties of the Reynolds Child Depression Scale in Community and Clinical Samples

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    The factor structure of the Reynolds Child Depression Scale (RCDS; Reynolds, 1989), analyzed by confirmatory factor analysis and the scale's psychometric characteristics in a sample of 315 participants (140 boys and 175 girls) and a clinical sample of 62 participants (37 boys and 25 girls) between 10 and 12 years old, are presented. Two models are tested with confirmatory factor analysis: a one-factor model and a five-factor model. Both models show a good fit, but the one-factor model was chosen because it is the most parsimonious. The reliability coefficient ranged from .87 (at test) to .89 (at retest) in the community sample, and was .90 in the clinical sample (at test). Test-retest reliability was .66 in the community sample. Concurrent validity with other self-reports that measure depressive symptomatology was high, both in the community sample (.76) and the clinical sample (.71). There were no significant sex differences but there were differences due to age (school grade)

    Proposal of indexes to evaluate Family Quality of Life, Partnership, and Family Support Needs

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    In recent years, research on the families of persons with Intellectual Disability (ID) has focused on the factors that contribute to the improvement of their Family Quality of Life (FQoL), such as the support they get and their partnership with professionals. However, due to the complexity of the variables related to FQoL and support needs and adequacy, measuring these constructs is difficult and multidimensional. To do this, the aim of this study is to generate new indexes through a series of instruments and assess their feasibility to improve the evaluation process and not reduce the situation to single measurements. We applied 3 instruments adapted to the Spanish population - Service Inventory, Beach Center Family-Professional Partnership Scale, and Beach Center FQOL - to a sample of 202 families of children with ID and we studied the indexes. The results show that the new indexes were designed to make FQoL measurements more easily manageable and interpretable. In fact, we found a statistical significant correlation between partial indexes (p < .001) in relation to the total score and very high sensibility of the indexes in relation to the degree of disability (p < .001). They also facilitate conducting complex analyses without having to discard any relevant measurement dimension

    Problemes orals en un grup de nens amb leucèmia limfoblàstica aguda

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    La leucèmia limfoblàstica aguda (LLA) és principalment una malaltia infantil, les manifestacions bucals de la qual són molt importants per la seva alta incidència i també perquè poden constituir la primera localització ostensible de la malaltia. S'ha dut a terme un estudi sobre un grup d'onze pacients del Servei d'Hematooncologia de l'Hospital Universitari Materno-Infantil Vall d'Hebron de Barcelona, afectats per LLA, realitzant un examen oral en el qual es presta atenció especial a les lesions relacionades amb la LLA o amb el tractament que rebien els pacients. L'edat deis pacients oscil·la entre els 2 i els 14 anys i l'estat de la malaltia va des de LLA recentment diagnosticades i en tractament de quimioteràpia d'inducció fins a pacients no hospitalitzats en els quals ja s'havia suprimit el tractament. Fer notar la inexistència de casos amb simptomatologia oral molt florida degut a les extenses cures que reben els pacients al Servei d'Hematooncologia i a l'excel·lent programa preventiu establert per a ells, que inclou la profilaxi antifúngica i de mucositis. Es destaquen d'entre els signes la pal·lidesa oral, úlceres i lesions hemàtiques tipus equimosi i petèquies

    Shelf‐life extension of multi‐vegetables smoothies by high‐pressure processing compared with thermal treatment. Part I: Microbial and enzyme inhibition, antioxidant status, and physical stability

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    Consumer demand for minimally processed food products based on fruits and vegetables is associated with their “fresh‐like” qualities and a desire for convenience. Smoothies could help meet these needs and contribute to increasing fruit and vegetable intake. The first part of this study assesses microbial and enzyme inactivation, antioxidant status, and physical stability of a vegetable smoothie (apple, carrot, zucchini, pumpkin, and leek) stabilized (for up to 28 days at 4°C) by high‐pressure processing (HPP) (350 MPa/5 min/10°C). Compared with mild heating (85°C/7 min), HPP ensured microbial quality (aerobic mesophilic and psychotropic bacteria, yeasts and molds), inhibited peroxidase, and slightly enhanced polyphenol oxidase and pectinmethylesterase enzymes. Consequently, the pressurized smoothies underwent earlier clarification and oxidation as reflected in their values of turbidity, browning index, viscosity, and antioxidant capacity. Therefore, the pressurizing conditions and/or raw material selection need to be improved to achieve better stabilization by HPP.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Ethical conflict in critical care nursing: correlation between exposure and types

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    Background: Ethical conflicts in nursing have generally been studied in terms of temporal frequency and the degree of conflict. This study presents a new perspective for examining ethical conflict in terms of the degree of exposure to conflict and its typology. Objectives: The aim was to examine the level of exposure to ethical conflict for professional nurses in critical care units and to analyze the relation between this level and the types of ethical conflict and moral states. Research design: This was a descriptive correlational study. Central and dispersion, normality tests, and analysis of variance were carried out. Participants and research context: A total of 203 nurses were from two third-level teaching hospitals in Spain. Both centers are part of the University of Barcelona Health Network. Participants filled out the Ethical Conflict in Nursing Questionnaire. Critical Care Version. Ethical considerations: This investigation received the approval of the ethical committees for clinical investigation of the two participating hospitals. Participants were informed of the authorship and aims of the study. Findings: The index of exposure to ethical conflict was x ¼ 182:35. The situations involving analgesic treatment and end-of-life care were shown to be frequent sources of conflict. The types of ethical conflict and moral states generally arranged themselves from lesser to greater levels of index of exposure to ethical conflict. Discussion: The moderate level of exposure to ethical conflict was consistent with other international studies. However, the situations related with family are infrequent, and this presents differences with previous research. The results suggest that there is a logical relationship between types of conflict and levels of exposure to ethical conflict. Conclusion: The types of ethical conflict and moral states were related with the levels of exposure to ethical conflict. The new perspective was shown to be useful for analyzing the phenomenon of ethical conflict in the nurse