20 research outputs found

    Emergent Natures: Interactive Botanical Attraction in Vienna

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    Humanity is facing a special point in history, the era of industrialisation is over soon and we are at the beginning of the Post-Anthropocene. Botanical gardens should be the place to present and forecast these changes. However, the design of botanical gardens remained undeveloped. The project is looking into the essence of botanical gardens and questions the operation mode in order to deliver a diverse understanding of nature. In the context of emerging environmental issues, how can botany take a leading role in developing a common understanding of the different kinds of natures we inhabit today?Architecture, Urbanism and Building Sciences | Landscape Architectur

    Acetylcholinesterase hemmende Wirkung von Pflanzen aus der Traditionellen Chinesischen Medizin zur Behandlung von neurodegenerativen Erkrankungen

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    Morbus Alzheimer ist eine der häufigsten neurodegenerativen Erkrankungen. Acetylcholinesterasehemmer werden zur Behandlung von Demenz eingesetzt. 34 Pflanzen der Traditionellen Chinesischen Medizin wurden mittels der kolorimetrischen Ellman-Methode auf ihr Acetylcholinesterasehemmung untersucht. Die Wasser-, n-Hexan-, Ethylacetat- und Methanolextrakte dieser Pflanzen wurden getestet. Die Wasserextrakte von Coptis chinensis FRANCH. (99,370,60%), Cinnamomum cassia PRESL. (99,140,58%) und Phellodendron chinense SCHNEID. (95,100,57%) zeigten eine starke Hemmung bei einer Konzentration von 400g/ml. Auch in den Ethylacetatexrakten von Epimedium grandiflorum L. (98,071,16%), Psoralea corylifolia L. (94,891,44%), Phellodendron chinense SCHNEID. (85,111,29%), Rehmannia glutinosa LIBOSCH. (82,760,13%) und Coptis chinensis FRANCH. (78,682,10%) wurden bei gleicher Konzentration starke Acetylcholinesterasehemmungen gefunden. Nur die Methanolextrakte von Coptis chinensis FRANCH. (99,440,17%), Phellodendron chinense SCHNEID. (98,720,09%) und der n-Hexanextrakt von Coptis chinensis FRANCH. (83,401,07%) wiesen eine relevante Hemmung bei gleicher Konzentration auf. Die anderen Pflanzenextrakte zeigten nur schwache bis keine Hemmung der Acetylcholinesterase. Die vielversprechendste Pflanze war Coptis chinensis FRANCH. Bei allen vier Extrakten wurde eine signifikante Acetylcholinesterasehemmung beobachtet.Alzheimers disease is a neurodegenerative disease. Acetylcholinesterase inhibitors are given to treat against dementia. A microplate assay based on Ellmans colorimetric method was used to screen for acetylcholinesterase inhibitory activity from 34 traditional Chinese plants. Water, n-hexane, ethylacetat and methanolic extracts of these plants were tested. The water extracts of Coptis chinensis FRANCH. (99,370,60%), Cinnamomum cassia PRESL. (99,140,58%) und Phellodendron chinense SCHNEID. (95,100,57%) showed a high inhibition at a concentration of 400g/ml. Also in the ethylacetat extracts of Epimedium grandiflorum L. (98,071,16%), Psoralea corylifolia L. (94,891,44%), Phellodendron chinense SCHNEID. (85,111,29%) Rehmannia glutinosa LIBOSCH. (82,760,13%) and Coptis chinensis FRANCH. (78,682,10%) was found strong inhibitory activity at the same concentration. Only the methanolic extracts of Coptis chinensis FRANCH. (99,440,17%), Phellodendron chinense SCHNEID. (98,720,09%) and the n-hexane extract of Coptis chinensis FRANCH. (83,401,07%) showed a relevant inhibition at the same concentration. The other extracts did not evince any essential inhibitory effects. In conclusion, the most promising plant was Coptis chinensis FRANCH. In all four extracts was observed s significant inhibition for acetylcholinesterase.Arbeit an der Bibliothek noch nicht eingelangt - Daten nicht geprüftAbweichender Titel laut Übersetzung des Verfassers/der VerfasserinKarl-Franzens-Universität Graz, Diplomarbeit, 2020(VLID)494072

    Interhospital transfer

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    Intertrial interval manipulations and passive avoidance retention in young Long-Evans hooded rats

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    Results of several studies indicate that young rats generally require more training than do adults to reach comparable criterion levels of passive avoidance behavior. In addition, younger rats generally show poorer retention performance than adults. In the present study, preweanling and weanling Long-Evans rats were given passive avoidance training at intertrial intervals (ITI) of 2 min, 1 hr, or 24 hr until a 600-s criterion was obtained. A 2-week retention test also was given to each subject. Results indicate that ITI had little effect on rate of acquisition or retention. Acquisition and retention performance did improve with age, as is typically reported with other strains of rats. The present results support previous acquisition and retention studies indicating that the ability to acquire and retain a passive avoidance task for weanling and preweanling rats increases with ag