185 research outputs found

    Autentykacja wyrobów alkoholowych za pomocą metod spektroskopowych.

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    Riverside space and local communities. Selected theoretical aspects

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    The presented article is dedicated to the analysis of selected theoretical aspects regarding the riverside space. The very concept of space is presented interdisciplinary as the subject of research in numerous fields of science. Most attention was paid to analyses riverside space in the context of human-river relations, and the mainstream consideration is the social role of the phenomenon, its social perception, and the resulting actions. The concept of space is connected here with the concept of local community, which supplements the issue, and their interdependence mainly results from the attributes and the process of creating that community. So in the article, a lot of space is devoted to theoretical considerations of these interrelationships and dependencies. Selected contemporary examples of revitalization and re-use of the riverside space and the social impact of these processes in urban areas are also presented

    Statistics of thermalization in Bjorken Flow

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    The apparent early thermalization of quark-gluon plasma produced at RHIC and LHC has motivated a number of studies of strongly coupled N=4{\mathcal N}=4 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory using the AdS/CFT correspondence. Here we present the results of numerical simulations of Bjorken flow aimed at establishing typical features of the dynamics. This is done by evolving a large number of far from equilibrium initial states well into the hydrodynamic regime. The results strongly suggest that early thermalization is generic in this theory, taking place at proper times around 0.60.6 in units of inverse local temperature. We also find that the scale which determines the rate of hydrodynamic cooling is linearly correlated with the entropy of initial states defined by the area of the apparent horizon in the dual geometry. Our results also suggest that entropy production during the hydrodynamic stage of evolution is not negligible despite the low value of η/s\eta/s.Comment: Various small improvements, including additional references. Version to appear in JHE

    Adaptive Landing Gear: optimum control strategy and potential for improvement *

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    Abstract An adaptive landing gear is a landing gear (LG) capable of active adaptation to particular landing conditions by means of controlled hydraulic force. The objective of the adaptive control is to mitigate the peak force transferred to the aircraft structure during touch-down, and thus to limit the structural fatigue factor. This paper investigates the ultimate limits for improvement due to various strategies of active control. Five strategies are proposed and investigated numerically using a validated model of a real, passive landing gear as a reference. Potential for improvement is estimated statistically in terms of the mean and median (significant) peak strut forces as well as in terms of the extended safe sinking velocity range. Three control strategies are verified experimentally using a laboratory test stand

    Adaptive Landing Gear: optimum control strategy and potential for improvement *

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    Abstract An adaptive landing gear is a landing gear (LG) capable of active adaptation to particular landing conditions by means of controlled hydraulic force. The objective of the adaptive control is to mitigate the peak force transferred to the aircraft structure during touch-down, and thus to limit the structural fatigue factor. This paper investigates the ultimate limits for improvement due to various strategies of active control. Five strategies are proposed and investigated numerically using a validated model of a real, passive landing gear as a reference. Potential for improvement is estimated statistically in terms of the mean and median (significant) peak strut forces as well as in terms of the extended safe sinking velocity range. Three control strategies are verified experimentally using a laboratory test stand

    Breast cancer knowledge among students of high schools from Lublin region

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    Introduction Breast cancer, with an estimated 1.67 million new cases diagnosed in 2012 (25% of all cancers), is the second most common neoplasm worldwide. It is also the most frequent proliferative process among women. Objective Evaluation of the level of students’ knowledge concerning risk factors and prophylaxis of breast cancer. Material and methods The study was conducted among randomly selected students of high schools from Lubelskie region between April and June 2017. Participation in the study was voluntary and anonymous. The study group consisted of 137 students. The study used the method of a diagnostic survey using a questionnaire constructed by the authors. The obtained results were statistically analyzed using the STATISTICA 13 program. The significance of intergroup differences was verified with Pearson chi-square test. Results The vast majority of students indicated the following main risk factors of breast cancer: family history, genetic predispositions, smoking and advanced age. In the respondents opinion, palpable tumor, changes in the size or shape of the breast and enlargement of axillar lymph nodes were the main symptoms of breast cancer. The Internet was indicated as the main source of breast cancer knowledge. Conclusions Interviewed students showed relatively low level of knowledge concerning problem of breast cancer risk factors. Young people use Internet as a main source of information about breast cancer and its prophylaxis. According to the results, it is necessary to mobilize health professionals, to promote rules for the prevention of breast cancer among young women. There is a need of new, wide, persuasive social campaigns from the area of breast cancer prevention

    The cerebral consequences of diabetes

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    Introduction The number of patients suffering from diabetes mellitus is growing globally. Diabetes is a disease requiring cooperation from the patient. Numerous cases of behavior not satisfying doctor are interpreted as lack of subordination and willingness to adapt to medical recommendations. Problems with adherence to treatment may be a result of decrease in cognitive functions, and associated cerebral diabetes complications as stroke, structural brain changes, depression and diabetic distress. Aim The purpose of this study is to present cerebral complications and their consequences depicted in professional literature. Results Diabetes has many severe cerebral complications. Patients may experience both ischaemic and haemorrhagic stroke and ensuing disability. Moreover, diabetes is described to be a serious factor contributing development of brain structural changes. There was decrease in of gray and white matter reported to be associated with decline in cognitive functions. Diabetes is also described as cause of depression and diabetic distress. These two affective problems are very serious reasons influencing everyday activity of patients. Glycaemic control in such individuals is significantly poorer than in people not suffering from these complications. Conclusions The cerebral complications of diabetes are frequent, especially in population of elderly people. They have substantial influence on cooperation with patient, treatment adherence and its outcomes. Every situation of doctor`s dissatisfaction with the results of diabetic education, compliance and self-care activities performed by the patient should lead to investigation if he have any diabetes cerebral complications

    Baza noclegowa jako element zagospodarowania turystycznego Ustronia - śląskiego uzdrowiska statutowego

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    "Przestrzeń geograficzna, składająca się z elementów naturalnych (środowisko przyrodnicze) oraz antropogenicznych (środowisko antropogeniczne), stanowi źródło walorów turystycznych, które odpowiednio przystosowane do obsługi ruchu turystycznego, mogą zmienić się w atrakcje, a następnie produkty turystyczne. Wszystkie działania zmierzające do przystosowania środowiska geograficznego dla potrzeb turystyki określone zostały jako zagospodarowanie turystyczne, które może być prowadzone w celach: przystosowania walorów turystycznych, zapewnienia możliwości dojazdu oraz zapewnienia niezbędnych warunków egzystencji turystów1. Zagospodarowanie turystyczne (infrastruktura turystyczna) stanowi zbiór wszystkich obiektów, urządzeń, instytucji, a więc całą bazę świadczącą usługi dla turystów2. Obejmuje ono zatem wszystkie te elementy, które zapewniają prawidłowe funkcjonowanie miejsca recepcji turystycznej, stanowiąc bardzo istotny element rozwoju turystyki w danym regionie"

    Determination of the material relative permittivity in the UHF band by using T and modified ring resonators

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    The complete methodology of designing T- and modified ring resonators in the UHF band are presented in the paper. On the basis of proposed algorithms, the dedicated software tool has been elaborated in order to determine material parameters of contemporary substrates. The program is implemented in the Mathcad environment and it includes the base of information on known materials used in electronic products. Also, test sample series for selected substrate materials (IS680, FR408, I-SPEED PCB ISOLA and A6-S LTCC FERRO) and operating frequencies from 1 GHz to 3 GHz are analyzed in details. The special test stand with a vector network analyzer has been applied in experiments. The obtained data of relative permittivity measurements and model calculations are described, discussed and concluded