37 research outputs found

    Energy Efficient Execution of POMDP Policies

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    Recent advances in planning techniques for partially observable Markov decision processes have focused on online search techniques and offline point-based value iteration. While these techniques allow practitioners to obtain policies for fairly large problems, they assume that a non-negligible amount of computation can be done between each decision point. In contrast, the recent proliferation of mobile and embedded devices has lead to a surge of applications that could benefit from state of the art planning techniques if they can operate under severe constraints on computational resources. To that effect, we describe two techniques to compile policies into controllers that can be executed by a mere table lookup at each decision point. The first approach compiles policies induced by a set of alpha vectors (such as those obtained by point-based techniques) into approximately equivalent controllers, while the second approach performs a simulation to compile arbitrary policies into approximately equivalent controllers. We also describe an approach to compress controllers by removing redundant and dominated nodes, often yielding smaller and yet better controllers. Further compression and higher value can sometimes be obtained by considering stochastic controllers. The compilation and compression techniques are demonstrated on benchmark problems as well as a mobile application to help persons with Alzheimer's to way-find. The battery consumption of several POMDP policies is compared against finite-state controllers learned using methods introduced in this paper. Experiments performed on the Nexus 4 phone show that finite-state controllers are the least battery consuming POMDP policies

    Branching Time Active Inference: empirical study and complexity class analysis

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    Active inference is a state-of-the-art framework for modelling the brain that explains a wide range of mechanisms such as habit formation, dopaminergic discharge and curiosity. However, recent implementations suffer from an exponential complexity class when computing the prior over all the possible policies up to the time horizon. Fountas et al (2020) used Monte Carlo tree search to address this problem, leading to very good results in two different tasks. Additionally, Champion et al (2021a) proposed a tree search approach based on (temporal) structure learning. This was enabled by the development of a variational message passing approach to active inference, which enables compositional construction of Bayesian networks for active inference. However, this message passing tree search approach, which we call branching-time active inference (BTAI), has never been tested empirically. In this paper, we present an experimental study of BTAI in the context of a maze solving agent. In this context, we show that both improved prior preferences and deeper search help mitigate the vulnerability to local minima. Then, we compare BTAI to standard active inference (AcI) on a graph navigation task. We show that for small graphs, both BTAI and AcI successfully solve the task. For larger graphs, AcI exhibits an exponential (space) complexity class, making the approach intractable. However, BTAI explores the space of policies more efficiently, successfully scaling to larger graphs. Then, BTAI was compared to the POMCP algorithm on the frozen lake environment. The experiments suggest that BTAI and the POMCP algorithm accumulate a similar amount of reward. Also, we describe when BTAI receives more rewards than the POMCP agent, and when the opposite is true. Finally, we compared BTAI to the approach of Fountas et al (2020) on the dSprites dataset, and we discussed the pros and cons of each approach.Comment: 39 pages, 11 figures, accepted for publication in Neural Network

    The 2014 International Planning Competition: Progress and Trends

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    We review the 2014 International Planning Competition (IPC-2014), the eighth in a series of competitions starting in 1998. IPC-2014 was held in three separate parts to assess state-of-the-art in three prominent areas of planning research: the deterministic (classical) part (IPCD), the learning part (IPCL), and the probabilistic part (IPPC). Each part evaluated planning systems in ways that pushed the edge of existing planner performance by introducing new challenges, novel tasks, or both. The competition surpassed again the number of competitors than its predecessor, highlighting the competition’s central role in shaping the landscape of ongoing developments in evaluating planning systems


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    The paper presents the results of bathymetric mapping of selected tidewater glaciers in the St. Jonsfjorden (Svalbard) between 2004 and 2007. We also used the bathymetric data collected by the Norwegian Hydrographic Service (NHS) as well as the shaded relief images based on them. The most clearly visible traces in submarine marginal zones of the glaciers come from the Little Ice Age (LIA), i.e. the cooling period which in the area of St. Jonsfjorden might have ended no later than about 1900. At the beginning of the 20th century, i.e. during a warm period, the glaciers of St. Jonsfjorden reached their maximums. The youngest traces in the seafloor of the fjord and the bays date from this period, similar to the case of the land marginal zones. In front of the cliff of the Dahl Glacier there is a clearly visible zone of submarine moraines. It finishes exactly along the line of the LIA maximum. The sea-floor relief of the fjord and bays shows traces which we interpret as having been formed during the Late Weichselian (13–10 ka B.P.). At that time, the Dahl Glacier advanced onto the northern part of Hermansenøya; its main stream passed to the north of the island. Simultaneously, the Konow-Osborne Glacier terminated 2 to 4 km from the fjord mouth, leaving about 15 km2 of the fjord ice-free.

    Realising Active Inference in Variational Message Passing: the Outcome-blind Certainty Seeker

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    Active inference is a state-of-the-art framework in neuroscience that offers a unified theoryof brain function. It is also proposed as a framework for planning in AI. Unfortunately, thecomplex mathematics required to create new models — can impede application of activeinference in neuroscience and AI research. This paper addresses this problem by providinga complete mathematical treatment of the active inference framework — in discrete timeand state spaces — and the derivation of the update equations for any new model. Weleverage the theoretical connection between active inference and variational message passingas describe by John Winn and Christopher M. Bishop in 2005. Since, variational messagepassing is a well-defined methodology for deriving Bayesian belief update equations, thispaper opens the door to advanced generative models for active inference. We show thatusing a fully factorized variational distribution simplifies the expected free energy — that furnishes priors over policies — so that agents seek unambiguous states. Finally, we considerfuture extensions that support deep tree searches for sequential policy optimisation — basedupon structure learning and belief propagation

    Multi-test Decision Tree and its Application to Microarray Data Classification

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    Objective: The desirable property of tools used to investigate biological data is easy to understand models and predictive decisions. Decision trees are particularly promising in this regard due to their comprehensible nature that resembles the hierarchical process of human decision making. However, existing algorithms for learning decision trees have tendency to underfit gene expression data. The main aim of this work is to improve the performance and stability of decision trees with only a small increase in their complexity. Methods: We propose a multi-test decision tree (MTDT); our main contribution is the application of several univariate tests in each non-terminal node of the decision tree. We also search for alternative, lower-ranked features in order to obtain more stable and reliable predictions. Results: Experimental validation was performed on several real-life gene expression datasets. Comparison results with eight classifiers show that MTDT has a statistically significantly higher accuracy than popular decision tree classifiers, and it was highly competitive with ensemble learning algorithms. The proposed solution managed to outperform its baseline algorithm on 1414 datasets by an average 66 percent. A study performed on one of the datasets showed that the discovered genes used in the MTDT classification model are supported by biological evidence in the literature. Conclusion: This paper introduces a new type of decision tree which is more suitable for solving biological problems. MTDTs are relatively easy to analyze and much more powerful in modeling high dimensional microarray data than their popular counterparts

    Branching Time Active Inference: The theory and its generality

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    Over the last 10 to 15 years, active inference has helped to explain various brain mechanisms from habit formation to dopaminergic discharge and even modelling curiosity. However, the current implementations suffer from an exponential (space and time) complexity class when computing the prior over all the possible policies up to the time-horizon. Fountas et al. (2020) used Monte Carlo tree search to address this problem, leading to impressive results in two different tasks. In this paper, we present an alternative framework that aims to unify tree search and active inference by casting planning as a structure learning problem. Two tree search algorithms are then presented. The first propagates the expected free energy forward in time (i.e., towards the leaves), while the second propagates it backward (i.e., towards the root). Then, we demonstrate that forward and backward propagations are related to active inference and sophisticated inference, respectively, thereby clarifying the differences between those two planning strategies

    Crowd score: a method for the evaluation of jokes using Large Language Model AI voters as judges

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    This paper presents the Crowd Score, a novel method to assess the funniness of jokes using large language models (LLMs) as AI judges. Our method relies on inducing different personalities into the LLM and aggregating the votes of the AI judges into a single score to rate jokes. We validate the votes using an auditing technique that checks if the explanation for a particular vote is reasonable using the LLM. We tested our methodology on 52 jokes in a crowd of four AI voters with different humour types: affiliative, self-enhancing, aggressive and self-defeating. Our results show that few-shot prompting leads to better results than zero-shot for the voting question. Personality induction showed that aggressive and self-defeating voters are significantly more inclined to find more jokes funny of a set of aggressive/self-defeating jokes than the affiliative and self-enhancing voters. The Crowd Score follows the same trend as human judges by assigning higher scores to jokes that are also considered funnier by human judges. We believe that our methodology could be applied to other creative domains such as story, poetry, slogans, etc. It could both help the adoption of a flexible and accurate standard approach to compare different work in the CC community under a common metric and by minimizing human participation in assessing creative artefacts, it could accelerate the prototyping of creative artefacts and reduce the cost of hiring human participants to rate creative artefacts

    Is GPT-4 good enough to evaluate jokes?

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    In this paper, we investigate the ability of large language models (LLMs), specifically GPT-4, to assess the funniness of jokes in comparison to human ratings. We use a dataset of jokes annotated with human ratings and explore different system descriptions in GPT-4 to imitate human judges with various types of humour. We propose a novel method to create a system description using many-shot prompting, providing numerous examples of jokes and their evaluation scores. Additionally, we examine the performance of different system descriptions when given varying amounts of instructions and examples on how to evaluate jokes. Our main contributions include a new method for creating a system description in LLMs to evaluate jokes and a comprehensive methodology to assess LLMs' ability to evaluate jokes using rankings rather than individual scores

    Pushing GPT’s creativity to Its limits: alternative uses and Torrance Tests

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    In this paper, we investigate the potential of Large Language Models (LLMs), specifically GPT-4, to improve their creative responses in well-known creativity tests, such as Guilford's Alternative Uses Test (AUT) and an adapted version of the Torrance Test of Creative Thinking (TTCT) visual completion tests. We exploit GPT-4's self-improving ability by using a sequence of forceful interactive prompts in a multi-step conversation, aiming to accelerate the convergence process towards more creative responses. Our contributions include an automated approach to enhance GPT's responses in the AUT and TTCT visual completion test and a series of prompts to generate and evaluate GPT's responses in these tests. Our results show that the creativity of GPT's responses can be improved through the use of forceful prompts. This paper opens up possibilities for future research on different sets of prompts to further improve the creativity convergence of LLM-generated responses and the application of similar interactive processes to tasks involving other cognitive skills