12 research outputs found


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    The main approaches and problems that arise when evaluating postmortem interval are defined, ways to avoid such problems are suggested. According to the results of scientific papers analysis on that topic, it was established that in the context of post-mortem changes studies such changes developed differently during a specific period of time passed from the time of death, they also appeared in a variety of forms as a result of environmental factors influence. The factors having a significant impact on postmortem changes were specified. A review of modern methods for determining post-mortem interval was conducted and methods for further improvement of the assessment of postmortem interval were proposed. The use of methods for assessing the PMI by means of the cadaveric phenomena does not always provide for investigating authorities necessary information due to the relatively large time interval in methods based on such changes. Researchers also note the presence of certain shortcomings in the use of existing methods. Current research using laser polarimetry methods have made it possible to establish post-mortem interval with relatively high accuracy. However, high prices and limited availability of equipment used in laser polarimetry methods preclude from using them in everyday practice of forensic medical examiners. When conducting studies on histological and biochemical changes in tissues of internal organs, certain morphological (decrease in optical density) and biochemical (changes in the levels of biochemical markers) changes in the early post-mortal period were identified, which will enable the development of specific tables where such changes would be linked to a specific post-mortem time period during certain short periods of time. Although changes in the conducted research were recognized only in the early post-mortem period and only in muscle tissue, further research on other tissues that are more resistant to post-mortem changes are likely to provide results that would be less affected by ambient temperature, exposure of a corpse to the sun rays, amount of clothing on a corpse, etc.) and also would be more accurate than most existing methods.Розглянуто основні підходи та виявлено проблеми, що виникають під час визначення давності настання смерті, запропоновано шляхи уникнення цих проблем. За результатами аналізу наукових праць за цією тематикою встановлено, що можна, досліджуючи післясмертні зміни у певний відомий проміжок часу, який минув з моменту настання смерті, з’ясувати, що ці зміни мали різну вираженість через вплив факторів навколишнього середовища, і визначити фактори, що істотно вплинули на післясмертні зміни. Проведено огляд сучасних методів визначення давності настання смерті та запропоновано способи подальшого вдосконалення визначення давності настання смерті

    Theory and Applications of X-ray Standing Waves in Real Crystals

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    Theoretical aspects of x-ray standing wave method for investigation of the real structure of crystals are considered in this review paper. Starting from the general approach of the secondary radiation yield from deformed crystals this theory is applied to different concreat cases. Various models of deformed crystals like: bicrystal model, multilayer model, crystals with extended deformation field are considered in detailes. Peculiarities of x-ray standing wave behavior in different scattering geometries (Bragg, Laue) are analysed in detailes. New possibilities to solve the phase problem with x-ray standing wave method are discussed in the review. General theoretical approaches are illustrated with a big number of experimental results.Comment: 101 pages, 43 figures, 3 table

    Final results of the tests on the resistive plate chambers for the ALICE muon arm

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    Abstract The trigger for the ALICE muon spectrometer will be issued by single-gap, low resistivity bakelite resistive plate chambers (RPCs). The trigger system consists of four 5.5 × 6.5 m 2 RPC planes arranged in two stations, for a total of 72 detectors. One hundred and sixteen detectors have been assembled and tested in Torino. The tests have been performed with the streamer mixture developed for heavy ion data-taking. The tests include: the detection of gas leaks and parasitic currents; the measurement of the efficiency with cosmic rays, with particular regard to the uniformity of the efficiency throughout the whole active surface, with a granularity of about 2 × 2 cm 2 ; the measurement of the dark current and of the mean and localised noise rate. All the RPCs produced have been characterised. Among them, the detectors to be finally installed in ALICE and some spare have been selected; 17% of all the produced detectors have been discarded. A short description of the test set-up is given. The results of the tests are presented, with particular regard to the performance of the selected detectors

    Physiological and hygienic justification of criterion in vocational aptitude of workers involved in hazardous activities

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    Korobchanskiy V. O., Grygorian E. V. Physiological and hygienic justification of criterion in vocational aptitude of workers involved in hazardous activities. Journal of Education, Health and Sport. 2017;7(3):540-550. eISSN 2391-8306. DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.495627 http://ojs.ukw.edu.pl/index.php/johs/article/view/4388 The journal has had 7 points in Ministry of Science and Higher Education parametric evaluation. Part B item 1223 (26.01.2017). 1223 Journal of Education, Health and Sport eISSN 2391-8306 7 © The Author (s) 2017; This article is published with open access at Licensee Open Journal Systems of Kazimierz Wielki University in Bydgoszcz, Poland Open Access. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial License which permits any noncommercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author(s) and source are credited. This is an open access article licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/) which permits unrestricted, non commercial use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the work is properly cited. This is an open access article licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/) which permits unrestricted, non commercial use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the work is properly cited. The authors declare that there is no conflict of interests regarding the publication of this paper. Received: 21.03.2017. Revised 22.03.2017. Accepted: 23.03.2017. УДК 613.6-057.2:612.821 PHYSIOLOGICAL AND HYGIENIC JUSTIFICATION OF CRITERION IN VOCATIONAL APTITUDE OF WORKERS INVOLVED IN HAZARDOUS ACTIVITIES V. O. Korobchanskiy, E. V. Grygorian Research Institute of Occupational Hygiene and Occupational Diseases of Kharkiv National Medical University (057) 705-07-72, [email protected] Abstract The principal aim of the paper is to make a physiological and hygienic assessment of the criterion “volume of operative memory” of the nervous system in vocational aptitude of workers involved in hazardous activities. Memory functions defined by generally accepted method «Numeric square» which entered Testing Program "ProfRisk". The principle of this method is based on determining the amount of useful information that can be kept under the conditions studied active information search in the lack of time. It was established that most people matched psychophysiological criteria (69%). At the same time, the indeterminate number of people was considered as conditionally suitable for work (30%) and non-suitable (1%). The findings are considered as an experiment of confirmed principles of medicine as well as a ground for practical application of the criteria for nosological diagnosis under conditions. Key words: volume of operative memory, highly dangerous occupations, job specification, occupationally significant functions

    Судово-медична оцінка післясмертних змін при визначенні давності настання смерті

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    This article presents an overview of scientific sources, which reveals advantages and disadvantages of modern methods for assessing postmortem changes to optimize the determination of postmortem interval (PMI) in the forensic experts’ practice and to identify promising areas for further research.The purpose of the work is to explore peculiarities of PMI determination methods which are based on the evaluation of postmortem changes, through analysis of modern scientific literature.Conclusion. The state of the corpses on the place of discovery of crime is different and a variety of factors can affect the postmortem changes before experts arrive. Therefore, it is difficult to compare laboratory trials and real cases due to climate differences, geographic location, peculiarities of methods used, as well as research settings. Presently, there is no single assessment method that could accurately calculate a PMI in the range from several hours to several months, so now it is necessary to develop and implement new methods for PMI determination.В статье приведен обзор научных источников, который раскрывает преимущества и недостатки современных методов оценки послесмертных изменений, для оптимизации определения давности наступления смерти (ДНС) в практике судебно-медицинских экспертов и выделение перспективных направлений дальнейших исследований.Цель работы — с помощью анализа современных научных источников исследовать особенности современных методов определения ДНС по оценке постмортальных изменений.Вывод. Состояние трупов на месте обнаружения бывает разным и различные факторы могут принимать участие в ходе процесса развития трупных явлений до прихода экспертов. Поэтому трудно сравнивать лабораторные эксперименты и реальные случаи из-за различий климата,географического положения, особенностей методов, используемых при постановке исследования. В настоящее время не существует единого метода оценки, который мог бы обеспечить точный расчет давности наступления смерти в диапазоне от нескольких часов до нескольких месяцев, поэтому сейчас необходимы разработка и внедрение новых методов определения давности наступления смерти.У роботі представлено аналіз наукових джерел, який розкриває переваги та недоліки сучасних методів оцінки післясмертних змін, для оптимізації визначення давності настання смерті (ДНС) у практиці судово‑медичних експертів та виокремлення перспективних напрямів подальших досліджень.Мета роботи — за допомогою аналізу сучасних наукових джерел дослідити особливості сучасних методів визначення ДНС, за оцінкою післясмертних змін.Висновок. Стан трупів на місці виявлення буває різним і численні чинники можуть брати участь у перебігу розвитку трупних явищ до приходу експертів. Отже, важко порівнювати лабораторні експерименти та реальні випадки через відмінності клімату, географічного положення, особливості методів, що використовуються, та постановки дослідження. На теперішній час не існує єдиного методу оцінки, який міг би забезпечити точний розрахунок ДНС у діапазоні від декількох годин до декількох місяців, тому наразі необхідні розробка та впровадження нових методів визначення ДНС

    Analysis of Color Properties of Raster Images of Histological Microspecimens: Own Research Experience

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    This study is aimed to develop a computer program to analyze the color properties of raster images of histological microspecimens used in pathological anatomy and forensic medicine. When developing a computer program, we used the system for building client applications – Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF). The system allows you to create applications with visually attractive user interaction capabilities. The programming language is C#, as well as basic graphics capabilities of the .NET Framework system are used. To speed up the display we applied double buffering. In the course of the research, the authors developed a modern computer program «Analysis of color properties of raster images». This program allows you to analyze the color of each individual pixel of a photograph in RGB and Lab color models, comparing the colors and brightness of individual pixels, selecting groups of points and determining statistical characteristics of them. Characteristic points are well distinguishable in the photographs, studied with the program «Analysis of color properties of raster images». This makes it possible to select and automate these properties, using computer recognition algorithms, completely removing human factor's influence on the analysis results. The computer program «Analysis of color properties of raster images» is of significant scientific and practical interest for specialists both in the field of morphology (pathologists, forensic experts, etc.), and in the field of other biomedical disciplines

    Ageing test of RPC for the Muon Trigger System for the ALICE experiment

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    The trigger detectors for the Muon Forward Spectrometer of the ALICE experiment will be single gap RPCs with low-resistivity bakelite electrodes. The detector will take data for different colliding systems resulting in a wide range of working conditions and requirements, especially concerning position resolution and lifetime. To this aim we have investigated the possibility to operate the RPCs both in streamer and in saturated avalanche mode with the same FE electronics. The study of the detector performance after long irradiation periods has been carried out at the Gamma Irradiation Facility at CERN with different gas mixtures: a quenched streamer gas mixture (51.5% Ar, 41.3% forane, 7.2% C/sub 2/H/sub 10/ and 1% SF/sub 6/) and a saturated avalanche mixture (88% forane, 10% C/sub 2/H/sub 10/ and 2% SF/sub 6/). We present the results of the ageing test of a final RPC in "ALICE-like" irradiation conditions using the streamer gas mixture and the results of the ageing test of a small prototype with the avalanche gas mixture

    R&D on RPC for the Muon Trigger System for the ALICE experiment in view of p-p data taking

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    présentation F. YermiaALICE (A Large Ion Collider Experiment) is the heavy-ion dedicated experiment at LHC. The Resistive Plate Chamber detector (RPC) with low-resistivity bakelite electrodes was selected for the trigger system of the muon spectrometer. Although the main goal of ALICE is the study of nucleus-nucleus collisions, reference data in p-p interactions will be collected as well. According to the specific aspects of p-p data taking for ALICE and in particular to the ageing requirements, a running mode, referred as highly-saturated avalanche using the same FEE as the one we use for streamer mode was investigated. A detailed study of signal properties was carried out with cosmics rays to get a more precise view of its intrinsic properties (among others the streamer fraction vs. HV). The possibility of detecting avalanche signals with our FEE designed for the streamer mode was successful. Furthermore, tests with muon beam at CERN were carried out with good results: good efficiency, time resolution and cluster size. An analysis of the exhaust gas showed a low HF content: this is an encouraging result in view of long term stability of the detector which is under tes

    Overview on production and first results of the tests on the RPCs for the ALICE dimuon trigger

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    The trigger for the ALICE muon spectrometer will be issued by single-gap, low-resistivity bakelite RPCs. The trigger detector will be made of four 6x6 m(2) RPC planes arranged in two stations, for a total of 72 chambers. Strip planes, stiffener planes and mechanical supports are realized and assembled in the INFN Technological Laboratory in Torino (Italy). All the produced volumes are tested before installation in ALICE: gas tightness and spacer gluing are checked at INFN-LNGS, while INFN-Torino Laboratory houses the cosmic rays test station. The tests are made with the ALICE streamer mixture (50.5% Ar, 41.3% C2H2F4, 7.2% i-C4H10, 1% SF6) and include measure of the electrodes resistivity, together with noise and efficiency mapping. These tests provide a complete characterization of the detectors (efficiency, cluster size, absorbed current, noise rates)